Sole (Soul) Power

Ps 119:133 Establish my footsteps in Thy word, and do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.

Now, let’s go back and really think about what it means to be in the word, or to have our footsteps established by the word. ​​ You’ve heard of a​​ litmus test.​​ It’s a test that clearly tells you whether something is acidic or alkaline. ​​ A litmus test relies on a single indicator. ​​ This thought is important because if we compare our thoughts and/or actions to anything other than God’s truth, we will be able to justify sin in this world. ​​ We have a single indicator of right and wrong in our lives. ​​ It’s called the Bible. ​​ God’s word.​​ Where is God’s word​​ in your life? ​​ Considering the above, how important is it?

As we move through this verse, we get an answer to the previous question. ​​​​ It’s the second part of the Psalmist’s two part​​ request​​ but it is certainly related to his first petition.

And do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.

iniquity <’aven> to exert oneself; trouble, wickedness; specifically an idol: ​​ affliction, evil, false, mischief, sorrow, unjust, unrighteous

dominion <shalat> to dominate, govern; by implication, to permit; rule, have dominion, give power

Ps 121:3 He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.

What happens when we take our eyes off God? ​​ What do you notice in your own life when you look away for even just a little while?

Consider. ​​​​ You have a particularly busy day or week. ​​ It just doesn’t seem possible to spend quality time in the word. Prayer and confessing sin and just being quiet before God are rushed through as you make the bed and throw laundry in the clothes washer. ​​ As you seemingly race from one event to the next, you look forward to slower days ahead when your routine can be reestablished, especially time with God. ​​ But for now, there is so much to be done. ​​ You’ve got this! ​​ You can do it! ​​ Then, you begin to notice that your patience level is dwindling with those around you. ​​ Hmmm, that’s unusual. ​​ The words you begin using have a sharp edge to them. ​​ Wow where did that come from? ​​ The lines at Walmart were unbearably slow. ​​ Seriously, you can’t get good help these days… ​​ People don’t know how to drive anymore, they must be daydreaming at the wheel… ​​ And on and on it goes until somehow you’re discouraged with the world and you have a ‘bad day’. ​​ This is exactly why it’s important to be established in truth. ​​ Listen to the way sin enters our life without our realization. ​​ “I know I’m impatient right now, but I’m really tired and still have a million things to do.” ​​ “Yes, I have an attitude​​ but you should have seen the incompetence of the people around me!” ​​ “Oh my goodness, can you believe how bad people drive these days!” ​​ Stop! ​​​​ Look inside. ​​​​ What really happened, what is the true problem?

Ro 7:23-24 but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind, and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?

Ps 19:13 Also keep back Thy servant from presumptuous [sins]; let them not rule over me; then I shall be blameless, and I shall be acquitted of great transgression.

Ro 6:12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey its lusts,

Truth:​​ We are weak. ​​ There is someone who would love to see us falter and it’s not God.

1Pe 5:8 Be of sober [spirit,] be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

1Th 5:4-6 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief​​ 5​​ for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness;​​ 6​​ so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober.

Ps 119:33-34 Teach me, O LORD, the way of Thy statutes, and I shall observe it to the end. 34 Give me understanding, that I may observe Thy law, and keep it with all my heart.

Ps 119:133 Establish my footsteps in Thy word, and do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.

Ps 40:2 He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay; and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.

God has shown mercy towards us in forgiving our sin; He offers grace to us in keeping us from the power of sin.

Ps 17:5 My steps have held fast to Thy paths. my feet have not slipped.

Ps 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

Ver. 133. -- Order my steps in thy word. It is written of Boleslaus, one of the kings of Poland, that he still carries about him the picture of his father, and when he was to do any great work or set upon any design extraordinary, he would look on the picture and pray that he might do nothing unworthy of such a father's name. Thus it is that the Scriptures are the picture of God's will, therein drawn out to the very life. Before a man enter upon or engage himself in any business whatsoever, let him look there, and read there what is to be done; what to be​​ undone; and what God commands, let that be done; what he forbids, let that be undone; let the balance of the sanctuary weigh all, the oracles of God decide all, the rule of God's word be the square of all, and his glory the ultimate of all intendments whatsoever.​​ --From Spencer's "Things New and Old."

God can gives us a firm, steady direction in His word. ​​ There’s an illustration I learned in Evangelism Explosion. ​​ It’s an outline of your heart with a throne in the center, permeating everything. ​​ Who’s on the throne in your heart? ​​ Do you push God off the throne or scoot it to the side?

David prays that God gives him direction and that God protects him. ​​ God is the​​ sole (soul) power​​ in his life!

“Verse 133: The frequent ejaculatory prayers for divine teaching and upholding, and that God would not permit any sin to acquire dominion over him, show how much the Psalmist understood and felt his entire dependence on God; not only for providential protection and the forgiveness of his sins, but also as to those things in which men in general ​​ depend on themselves, and assume the credit of any real or supposed difference subsisting between them and others; namely, The due exercise of their rational powers, and the right state of their hearts.—‘O God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works, do proceed,’ &c.—Liturgy.—It is evident that David deeply felt that iniquity, in one form or other, would enslave him, unless God himself ordered and upheld his goings according to the sacred word.” ​​​​ Thomas Scott

What path do you frequently walk upon? ​​​​ I pray your desire is to walk the path of Truth with God as your guide.


Author: Sharyn Balogh

You know it's difficult to write about yourself. The most important fact I can disclose is that I'm saved by God's grace through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. My desire is to live a life honoring to God in response for the gift of salvation I've been given. This is so much easier said than done! I struggle daily with right choices, right words, right thoughts, and right actions. My best and only defense against sin is the power of God in me and for that I am inexpressibly thankful. I have three amazing grown-up children who have responded to God's call in their lives along with their spouses. One of the great joys of my life is knowing my children and their families strive to serve and follow God. My grandchildren are another wonderful joy in my life! My husband and I are blessed with four beautiful grandchildren to date with another expected very soon on September 12th. We also are thankful for the comforting knowledge that an additional three of our grandchildren, a set of twins at three months gestation and a little boy, Isaac, at four and a half months gestation, are in our Savior's presence. I have attended the same church since the day my eyes were opened to Truth over thirty years ago. How fortunate it is to have been led by God’s hand immediately to a church body that follows the Bible, no man-made doctrines, just the Word clear and strong. My husband is my best friend, my confidant, my encourager, and I still can't believe how blessed I am by his example of love and generosity towards everyone around him. He is God-fearing, compassionate, and kind and I have learned so much from him. I am a daughter to my almost 92 year-old mother, sister to three brothers, a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, aunt, great-aunt, neighbor and friend. That means, whomever is reading this, we probably have something in common! I love every unique role I have been placed in. I'm frequently stretched and sometimes feel like silly putty that wants to bounce right back into my comfort zone. My greatest ambition is to be a follower of Jesus; a light that shines for Him at all times, in all circumstances. So, there it is, a bit about me. I guess I was able to write about myself after all! However, my existence cannot be defined without Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior. His love has permeated my life to His glory and my eternal thankfulness.