
So, we take a deep breath, plan our day, and know for certain that what has to happen will, what doesn’t happen won’t matter.

Have you ever felt like you just can’t be everywhere at once?! ​​ Let’s see, I probably first felt that way when I was blessed with my third child. ​​ Two hands, three different requests, at the same time. ​​ Impossible! ​​ So, what do you do? ​​ This is probably when I began asking myself the question, “What really has to be done right now”. ​​ 

I thought of this, this morning. ​​ My husband and I were talking about what needed to happen today. ​​ We are planning for our neighborhood Christmas party this evening and are hopeful that the light of Jesus shines through as familiar and unfamiliar faces walk in our home. ​​ But, we do need to be prepared! ​​ That means putting the hot cider on, making (or buying) cookies, having a festive looking punch available (not red or purple please) and the house welcoming and unhurried so that guests can relax and conversations can develop into what we pray will be opportunities. ​​ So, we take a deep breath, plan our day, and know for certain that what has to happen will, what doesn’t happen won’t matter. ​​ I’d love to have about eight arms right now and be able to be in several places at once​​ – dropping off a ‘gifts of love’ at church, picking up batteries for lights, and at the grocery store. ​​ But, enough about me and my plans. ​​ What about God?

He is able to be everywhere at all times. ​​ Truly amazing! ​​ Part of His character is His omnipresence. ​​ Something I can’t understand but I accept as truth because it’s in His word. ​​ God is​​ omnipresent. ​​ Present everywhere at once. ​​ I did a search for this word in the Bible and came back with a ‘sorry, your search had no results’ answer. ​​ However, the reality of God being omnipresent is definitely in the Word.

Psalm 139 begins with the intimate knowledge God has of everyone. ​​ Then, in verse 7, we read a description of His attribute of being omnipresent.

Ps 139:1-10​​ (For the choir director. A Psalm of David.)​​ O LORD, Thou hast searched me and known [me.]​​ 2​​ Thou dost know when I sit down and when I rise up; Thou dost understand my thought from afar.​​ 3​​ Thou dost scrutinize my path and my lying down, and art intimately acquainted with all my ways.​​ 4​​ Even before​​ there is a word on my tongue, behold, O LORD, Thou dost know it all.​​ 5​​ Thou hast​​ enclosed me behind and before, and laid Thy hand upon me.​​ 6​​ [Such] knowledge​​ is too wonderful for me; it is [too] high, I cannot attain to it.​​ 7​​ Where can I go from Thy​​ Spirit? Or where can I flee from Thy presence?​​ 8​​ If I ascend to heaven, Thou art there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, Thou art there.​​ 9​​ If​​ I take the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,​​ 10​​ Even there Thy hand will lead me, And Thy right hand will lay hold of me.

Jer 23:24 "Can a man​​ hide himself in hiding places, so I do not see him?" declares the LORD. "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?" declares the LORD.

Isa 66:1​​ Thus says the LORD, "Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest?

Even though I cannot be in several places at one time, and attend to every need that is present, God can! ​​ He sees all things and is everywhere. ​​ Lord, keep me focused on what is important as I try to organize my day with my limitations. ​​ Give me total trust in Your faithfulness to allow me to complete what is truly necessary and important to fulfill Your glorious plan! ​​ Remind me of the comfort and truth that You are always present everywhere. ​​ Amen.​​ 


Author: Sharyn Balogh

You know it's difficult to write about yourself. The most important fact I can disclose is that I'm saved by God's grace through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. My desire is to live a life honoring to God in response for the gift of salvation I've been given. This is so much easier said than done! I struggle daily with right choices, right words, right thoughts, and right actions. My best and only defense against sin is the power of God in me and for that I am inexpressibly thankful. I have three amazing grown-up children who have responded to God's call in their lives along with their spouses. One of the great joys of my life is knowing my children and their families strive to serve and follow God. My grandchildren are another wonderful joy in my life! My husband and I are blessed with four beautiful grandchildren to date with another expected very soon on September 12th. We also are thankful for the comforting knowledge that an additional three of our grandchildren, a set of twins at three months gestation and a little boy, Isaac, at four and a half months gestation, are in our Savior's presence. I have attended the same church since the day my eyes were opened to Truth over thirty years ago. How fortunate it is to have been led by God’s hand immediately to a church body that follows the Bible, no man-made doctrines, just the Word clear and strong. My husband is my best friend, my confidant, my encourager, and I still can't believe how blessed I am by his example of love and generosity towards everyone around him. He is God-fearing, compassionate, and kind and I have learned so much from him. I am a daughter to my almost 92 year-old mother, sister to three brothers, a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, aunt, great-aunt, neighbor and friend. That means, whomever is reading this, we probably have something in common! I love every unique role I have been placed in. I'm frequently stretched and sometimes feel like silly putty that wants to bounce right back into my comfort zone. My greatest ambition is to be a follower of Jesus; a light that shines for Him at all times, in all circumstances. So, there it is, a bit about me. I guess I was able to write about myself after all! However, my existence cannot be defined without Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior. His love has permeated my life to His glory and my eternal thankfulness.