Refiner’s Fire Pr 2:4

I’m fighting the frustration of learning computer language, I guess it’s good to be challenging my brain cells to grow!  Anyhow, the neat thing I realized is that I absolutely would not be doing this blog if I didn’t believe God wanted me here.  For Him, I will persevere into this world of technology.  I want to remain focused on the purpose of this blog and that is to encourage others to live for the God of my heart, to serve Him, understand Him, follow Him and recognize our desperate need for Him.  That means if one individual is motivated to look closer at our Lord and Savior then this blog is worthwhile and successful.  So, I’m not so much counting numbers as I am the opportunity to share my love for God.  He wants your devoted heart and He wants to supply you with an overflowing treasure chest of love.  All praise and glory and honor to Him, forever.

My better-half, and I say that truthfully, retired a few years ago.  He taught as a Professor of Physical Science at our local college.  His degrees are in physical geology and physical geography.  After thirty-seven years of teaching those subjects as well as math, physics, mining and astronomy, a series of medical issues made it clear it was time to open a different door.  In the years we’ve been married, I have developed some appreciation for rocks and have been on several gold panning trips!  “The Things You do for Love”!  Mining is really hard work.  Trust me.  Several times I have been known to say, “Keep your day job”.  It takes soooo much time, hiking down gullies with equipment, setting up a sluice, digging with shovels, moving boulders.  It certainly helps me to relate to the words in Proverbs 2:4 about seeking silver and the energy involved!  You can check out the study here.

God continues to cause our fig trees to produce huge numbers of fruit!  I’ve made fig jam, fig oat bars, salads with fresh figs, eaten several figs just off the trees, given dozens away and I still have bowls of figs!  Any ideas?  I would welcome them!  I pray you clearly see the wonders around you even in the midst of a corrupt world.  Take heart in knowing God will continue to refine His children for His glory.


Author: Sharyn Balogh

You know it's difficult to write about yourself. The most important fact I can disclose is that I'm saved by God's grace through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. My desire is to live a life honoring to God in response for the gift of salvation I've been given. This is so much easier said than done! I struggle daily with right choices, right words, right thoughts, and right actions. My best and only defense against sin is the power of God in me and for that I am inexpressibly thankful. I have three amazing grown-up children who have responded to God's call in their lives along with their spouses. One of the great joys of my life is knowing my children and their families strive to serve and follow God. My grandchildren are another wonderful joy in my life! My husband and I are blessed with four beautiful grandchildren to date with another expected very soon on September 12th. We also are thankful for the comforting knowledge that an additional three of our grandchildren, a set of twins at three months gestation and a little boy, Isaac, at four and a half months gestation, are in our Savior's presence. I have attended the same church since the day my eyes were opened to Truth over thirty years ago. How fortunate it is to have been led by God’s hand immediately to a church body that follows the Bible, no man-made doctrines, just the Word clear and strong. My husband is my best friend, my confidant, my encourager, and I still can't believe how blessed I am by his example of love and generosity towards everyone around him. He is God-fearing, compassionate, and kind and I have learned so much from him. I am a daughter to my almost 92 year-old mother, sister to three brothers, a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, aunt, great-aunt, neighbor and friend. That means, whomever is reading this, we probably have something in common! I love every unique role I have been placed in. I'm frequently stretched and sometimes feel like silly putty that wants to bounce right back into my comfort zone. My greatest ambition is to be a follower of Jesus; a light that shines for Him at all times, in all circumstances. So, there it is, a bit about me. I guess I was able to write about myself after all! However, my existence cannot be defined without Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior. His love has permeated my life to His glory and my eternal thankfulness.