
These words are important because it seems the inclusion of surrendering is not only what we may possess in physical material, but that also which we may possess in our own ‘rights’ as individuals – our very selves.

C:\Users\Sharyn\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\surrender.jpgIn 1896, Judson W. Van DeVenter, a teacher, painter, artist and photographer,​​ penned the song “I Surrender All”. ​​ Read the words to the first stanza and refrain. ​​ All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live. ​​ I surrender all, I surrender all; All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all.

When we think of the word surrender, it can have a negative connotation. Giving up may be the words you associate with surrendering. ​​ Yet, for the sake of this study, we will consider surrendering and giving up to be different in their motivation. ​​ 

To​​ surrender​​ can mean to agree to forgo power or possession. ​​ It​​ describes​​ a relinquishment of control to another. ​​ A yielding to another.

Typically​​ giving up​​ is associated with defeat or a lack of hope. ​​ It marks the end of something.

Lu 14:33 So therefore, whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.​​ (RSV)

Lu 14:33 "So therefore, no one of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions. (NASB)

renounce, give up <apotassomai> literally, to say adieu (by departing or dismissing); to​​ renounce; bid farewell, forsake, take leave, send away. ​​ The word relinquish is given as a synonym for renounce in​​ WordWeb.

You can read in the definition that this verb is a choice. ​​ 

Lu 5:11 And when they had brought their boats to land,​​ they left everything​​ and followed Him.

They forsook all (KJV). ​​ They laid aside everything or yielded up​​ absolutely​​ all.

Lu 18:22-23 And when Jesus heard this, He said to him, "One thing you still lack;​​ sell all that you possess, and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." But when he had heard these things, he became very sad; for he was extremely rich.

All that you hold: ​​ your possessions, abilities, relationships, and conditions, in order to follow.

Php 3:7-8 But whatever things were gain to me, those things​​ I have counted as loss​​ for the sake of Christ. More than that,​​ I count all things to be loss​​ in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom​​ I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ,

Just previous to the above verses, we are given insight to how we easily place our value and confidence in ourselves and the things we are able to accomplish. ​​ Our verification rests on what we have done; our goodness on our performance in light of others. ​​ The conclusion is all things that we might do are useless in comparison to what Christ has done for us. ​​ There is an obvious repetition of phrases: ​​ “the loss of all things”. ​​ 

I have suffered the loss of all things] ​​ for whom I have thrown away all things-I have made a voluntary choice of Christ, his cross, his poverty, and his reproach; and for these I have freely sacrificed all I had from the world, and all I could expect from it.​​ Adam Clarke’s Commentary

Look again at Luke 14:33 above. ​​ “All that he has” or “possessions” comes from two Greek words.

<huparchonta> things extant or in hand, property or possessions; goods, that which one has, things which one possesses, substance

<heautou> himself, own selves

These words are important because it seems the inclusion of surrendering is not only what we may possess in physical material, but that also which we may possess in our own ‘rights’ as individuals –​​ our very selves. ​​ 

Consider​​ the difference between giving​​ up a material possession and​​ surrendering a thought, or right, or what you consider is fair. ​​ Which is more difficult?

Self​​ must be secondary when following Jesus. No room for ego. ​​ No room for self-concern. ​​ No room for self-interest. ​​ Even our identity becomes wrapped up in Christ. ​​ We have personal concerns and interests, but what takes center stage? ​​ What make our heart beat? ​​ Who do we live for?​​ ​​ Are we willing to give ourselves to His cause?

For the sake of encouraging even just one of you, I’ll take this to a personal insight of my own. I would have readily told you I absolutely have surrendered myself to following​​ Jesus. ​​ It is what I whole-heartedly desire. ​​ But, God has torn my heart up a bit and graciously as shown me that​​ I​​ struggle with this in a way that is probably considered acceptable, you might say it’s one of those ‘acceptable sins’. ​​ I get hurt by words. ​​ Then my personal insecurities flood my mind. ​​ I am too easily disheartened​​ by the knowledge that others think poorly of me because of something carelessly said​​ or misrepresented in relation to my person or motives. ​​ Most of us would say, “Well that’s okay”. ​​ But, is it? ​​​​ The​​ conviction God is putting on my heart says​​ NO! ​​​​ Why? ​​ Because my ‘tender hearted’ reactions cause my focus to sway from what I should be doing to what others are doing. ​​ This effectively lessens my serve. ​​ I am not completely giving up of myself to follow​​ when I am concerned about myself. ​​ I still care about​​ Me! ​​​​ Ughhhhhhh…

Are you able to relate? ​​ How is ‘self’ still imbedded in your life? ​​ Look hard, look deep, it may be subtle. ​​​​ 

We are asked to surrender all things that may stand in the way of our ability to do what God desires. ​​ Anything we hang onto that allows our affections to​​ be​​ swayed,​​ that​​ keeps us from being wholly committed to living for God. ​​ Am I​​ focused​​ towards God or away from God in my interests? ​​ Is my relationship in Him being built up or torn down​​ by my activities or thoughts? ​​ Am I being encouraged to persevere in His will or drawn towards myself?

Doddridge​​ puts it very straightforward:​​ So then do you consider whether you think it worth your while to adhere to me on these terms, for I assure you, I will admit you on no other; and whosoever he be of you that does not steadfastly resolve to give up all his possessions whenever he is called to it on my account, he cannot be owned by me as my disciple indeed.”

Robertson’s NT Word Pictures​​ states, “The spirit of self-sacrifice is the point”.

We may not be called actually to do so, but we must be quite ready to lose all for Jesus' sake, or else we are not his true followers.” ​​ Spurgeon Devotional Commentary

To forsake all, without following Christ, is the virtue of a philosopher. ​​ To follow Christ in profession, without forsaking all, is the state of the generality of Christians. ​​ But to follow Christ and forsake all, is the perfection of a Christian. ​​​​ Adam Clarke’s Commentary

Mt 19:27 Then Peter answered and said to Him, "Behold,​​ we have left everything​​ and followed You; what then will there be for us?"

Here is where I remind you​​ once again​​ I am not a Biblical Scholar in any stretch of the imagination. ​​ But, it seems Peter gets the first point right in leaving his fishing nets, boat and all worldly possessions behind but perhaps doesn’t really get the total picture of sacrificing self. ​​ He questions, what’s in it for him. ​​ Maybe he just didn’t completely understand. ​​ Perhaps he just needed to be reaffirmed of what he heard in the previous encounter between Jesus and the rich young man in​​ Mat​​ 19:20-21. ​​ Jesus had there stated that​​ if the young man were to give up all he had and follow Him, then he would have treasures in heaven. ​​ 

After all, what have any of us to lose for Jesus compared with what we gain by him? ​​​​ ‘What shall we have?’​​ is a question which we need not raise, for we ought rather to think of what we have already received at our Lord's hands. Himself is reward enough to the soul that hath him.” ​​ Spurgeon’s Commentary on Matthew

I am caused to look carefully at motivation. ​​​​ Do we look for rewards in following Jesus? ​​​​ Certainly, as His children, we have the promise of eternal life. ​​ Do we seek rewards here on earth? ​​​​ Is that the motor that drives us? ​​​​ I think as we strive to labor in doing good,​​ following​​ God in all things, knowing that He loves us and sent His Son to die for us should be enough reward in itself. ​​​​ Just the thought that He chose us to know and understand His great love is the greatest gift we ever will receive. ​​ The comparison of all other things we could have is not even close.

Consider. ​​​​ What have we really left behind to follow Jesus? ​​​​ Answer. ​​​​ All that was never really ours to begin with! ​​​​ 

1Ti 6:7 For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either.

Nothing. ​​ Naught. ​​ Nada. ​​ 

Pray that we willingly relinquish control of all things, every conceivable possession or thought, to God who owns all things and causes all things, including persons, to glorify Himself. ​​ Surrender.​​ ​​ Hope is increased when self is relinquished.

Side note: this was a hard study for me to write, to recognize and to share. ​​ I pray you are blessed and encouraged to be real, transparent and humble before your God.

Author: Sharyn Balogh

You know it's difficult to write about yourself. The most important fact I can disclose is that I'm saved by God's grace through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. My desire is to live a life honoring to God in response for the gift of salvation I've been given. This is so much easier said than done! I struggle daily with right choices, right words, right thoughts, and right actions. My best and only defense against sin is the power of God in me and for that I am inexpressibly thankful. I have three amazing grown-up children who have responded to God's call in their lives along with their spouses. One of the great joys of my life is knowing my children and their families strive to serve and follow God. My grandchildren are another wonderful joy in my life! My husband and I are blessed with four beautiful grandchildren to date with another expected very soon on September 12th. We also are thankful for the comforting knowledge that an additional three of our grandchildren, a set of twins at three months gestation and a little boy, Isaac, at four and a half months gestation, are in our Savior's presence. I have attended the same church since the day my eyes were opened to Truth over thirty years ago. How fortunate it is to have been led by God’s hand immediately to a church body that follows the Bible, no man-made doctrines, just the Word clear and strong. My husband is my best friend, my confidant, my encourager, and I still can't believe how blessed I am by his example of love and generosity towards everyone around him. He is God-fearing, compassionate, and kind and I have learned so much from him. I am a daughter to my almost 92 year-old mother, sister to three brothers, a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, aunt, great-aunt, neighbor and friend. That means, whomever is reading this, we probably have something in common! I love every unique role I have been placed in. I'm frequently stretched and sometimes feel like silly putty that wants to bounce right back into my comfort zone. My greatest ambition is to be a follower of Jesus; a light that shines for Him at all times, in all circumstances. So, there it is, a bit about me. I guess I was able to write about myself after all! However, my existence cannot be defined without Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior. His love has permeated my life to His glory and my eternal thankfulness.