Happy New Year

Do you trust in the abundant grace He has extended towards you through His Son?

The challenge – can you​​ look at the past year and praise God for His faithfulness? ​​ Amidst illness, death, unemployment, and uncertainty,​​ (and even a shortage of toilet paper!),​​ God remains faithful. ​​ When​​ we do not look with eyes that are focused on His sovereignty and perfect plan, we miss clarity.​​ 

If you have been to an optometrist, you may recall the process of looking through different lenses as the doctor asks you if 1 or 2, or 3 or 4,​​ is better. ​​ The ability to see clearly is valuable – both as we navigate the physical world we live in and as we grow in our spiritual understanding of God. ​​ Any eye doctor is able to correct our vision through prescriptive lenses. ​​ Only God is able to cause the eyes of our heart to focus on His truths. ​​​​ 

Jeremiah​​ penned​​ the book of Lamentations. ​​ It is an account of the sorrows of the Jewish nation, of​​ their​​ suffering and misery​​ because​​ they turned​​ from God. ​​ Jeremiah​​ also recounts the nations​​ repentance and submission,​​ their​​ prayer and hope of God’s future promises for deliverance. ​​ A​​ section in chapter 3 of this book​​ reads, “This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. ​​ The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. ​​ [They] are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness. ​​ ‘The Lord is my portion’, says my soul, ‘therefore I have hope in Him’. ​​​​ The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him”, Lamentations 3:22-25.

Thomas O. Chisholm​​ wrote​​ the​​ words​​ to the hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness”,​​ in 1923 as he contemplated God’s faithfulness over his lifetime. ​​ The lyrics were​​ then​​ set to music and​​ almost​​ 100 years later​​ the tune and words are​​ still​​ widely recognized.

Great is Thy faithfulness,​​ Great is Thy faithfulness,​​ 

Morning by morning new mercies I see,​​ 

All I have needed Thy hand hath provided,​​ 

Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me.

We have​​ absolute​​ hope! ​​ God is faithful. ​​ He shows mercy and compassion towards those He loves. ​​ Do you trust in the​​ abundant​​ grace He has extended towards you​​ through His Son? ​​ As you seek Him you will be blessed – even through difficulty. ​​ 

Has your trust in​​ God​​ grown this past year? ​​ Have you witnessed souls turn towards​​ His truths? ​​ Sometimes we must lose the blessings we have in order to recognize their value. ​​ Has your gratefulness increased? ​​ Perhaps those things we​​ once​​ expected are now treasured more fully. ​​ Difficulty has produced a new endurance​​ and a higher level of thankfulness in many households and relationships. ​​ In all this, praise God. ​​ He is faithful!


Focus Heavenward.