Hope Replaces Fear

We are to offer our praise to God alone who is deserving, our prayers to God alone who is able, our service to God alone who is the embodiment of love, and our gratitude to God alone who has saved us through His Son.




Look at the last phrase of​​ 1Peter 3:14,​​ ‘AND DO NOT FEAR THEIR INTIMIDATION, AND DO NOT BE TROUBLED’,​​ taken​​ from​​ Isaiah 8:12-13, "You are not to say, 'It is a conspiracy!' In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy,​​ and you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it. ​​​​ "It is the LORD of hosts whom you should regard as holy.​​ ​​ And He shall be your fear,​​ and He shall be your dread.

Let’s be reminded of the context in which this was written. ​​ The Apostle Peter was writing to encourage the dispersed Christians to keep moving​​ forward​​ in the truths which had been revealed to them even though they suffered because of their transformed lives.

This encouragement of moving forward in truth is easily applied to modern-day believers. ​​ Think of all the things that allow you to be distracted from what is truly important. ​​ Our natural desires cause us to want to fit in, to be liked, to be comfortable, and to have positive experiences. ​​ We avoid trouble, criticism, and the thought of being different.  ​​​​ Others around us may become easily bothered by the injustices they see in their communities, government, and the world. ​​ They may feel that a personal call to action is necessary to right these wrongs. ​​ And when you do not jump on their bandwagon, you may be ridiculed, or ostracized, for not caring about their passions. ​​ However, if we follow the example of Jesus, we will stand firm in truth, yet promote peace for the purpose of sharing the Gospel.

So how do we not succumb to​​ the​​ fear and intimidation​​ of others? ​​ 

In order to answer the question above, we need to understand​​ why​​ we are intimidated. ​​ I think we can easily be caught off-guard; we forget that we are to​​ expect​​ those who do not know Christ to think we are different and perhaps a bit weird. ​​ We sometimes allow ourselves to be surprised that others may not think the same​​ as us. ​​ We become intimidated when we think others speak wrongly of us, when we are misunderstood, or when others have the power to make our life miserable.

Our security must come from Jesus alone – we are His children, purchased by Him for His glory, justified through His sacrifice. ​​ Whenever our security comes from men, doors of doubt will open. ​​  ​​ ​​​​ 

We need to be reminded consistently of who we are in Christ and remember our mission in Him is to share His gospel to those who are unsaved, and to encourage those who are like-minded. ​​ We need to fight the temptation of wanting to be accepted by everyone. ​​ We should not be intimidated by those who disagree with God’s word. ​​ We should also not be intimated by those who do claim to be Christians yet disagree with us. ​​ The reality is that we are all different; we see circumstances differently, and we think differently. ​​ God is the one whom we serve and follow. ​​ God shall be our fear; God shall be our dread. ​​ 

Matthew 10:28 "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.​​ 

​​ Luke 12:4 "I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do. ​​ "But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!

Pray for a heart of humility​​ – remembering we are saved only because of God’s grace,​​ not because of anything​​ we have done or deserve;

Pray for true compassion for those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior​​ – their end is eternal suffering;

Pray for gentleness and boldness in sharing the truth of God’s love for all mankind and His coming judgement of all who refuse Him.

John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. ​​ Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Let’s read our text again. ​​ 1Peter 3:14 But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, [you are] blessed. ​​ AND DO NOT FEAR THEIR INTIMIDATION, AND DO NOT BE TROUBLED, ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 

Troubled​​ means to be stirred-up, or agitated. ​​ Most of us know others who are easily angered; perhaps even you struggle with this. ​​ These are the individuals we typically avoid because they are ready to explode at any moment. ​​ We tip-toe around them for fear that something will set them off!

Think! ​​​​ What often causes an individual to become agitated? ​​​​ Perhaps things don’t work the way they think they should, or people don’t respond the way they want them to. ​​ People can become anxious when they realize they are not in control, or they have made an error, or caused a problem – maybe the right words were not used to​​ convey​​ thoughts. ​​ Also, anxiety ensues when there doesn’t seem to be enough time to accomplish what is expected.  ​​​​ You can probably pinpoint several situations where you lose the ability to remain calm and peaceful in your soul. ​​ 1Peter 3:14 is clear, it says we are not to be troubled. ​​ Remember, this was specifically written to those Christians who were being persecuted because of their faith. ​​ Most of us will never experience a direct threat to our physical body as a result of our faith. ​​ It seems then, our concerns are but a mere trifle in comparison, and the test to remain at peace and trust God in all things should be easy. ​​ But we are weak, and our sin nature produces a challenge for us. ​​ God is gracious to give us the solution to our negative responses. ​​ 

“… the Gospel gives the believer a heart assured of God's favor, and therefore unruffled, amidst all adversities. ​​ Not only be not afraid, but be not even agitated”,​​ Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary.

“If we are true Christians, we have really no reason to be alarmed in view of anything that can happen to us. ​​ God is our protector, and he is abundantly able to vanquish all our foes; to uphold us in all our trials; to conduct us through the valley of death, and to bring us to heaven”,​​ Albert Barnes’ NT Commentary.

“A most certain counsel in afflictions, be they never so terrible, to be of a steady mind and to stand fast. ​​ But how shall we attain to it? ​​ If we sanctify God in our minds and hearts, that is to say, if we rest upon him as one that is almighty that loves mankind, that is good and true indeed”,​​ 1599 Geneva Bible Notes.

Consider​​ Isaiah 8:13​​ again,​​ “It is the LORD of hosts whom you should regard as holy. ​​ And He shall be your fear, and He shall be your dread”. ​​ If we are truly God’s children, then we know He is mightier than any foe, He is supreme above all forces from without and within, He is our perfect peace and protection, He is holy and righteous in all His ways, He is merciful and extends forgiveness to those who love Him. ​​ There is absolutely no fear in any difficulty​​ if we fear Him. ​​ God always knows better, always acts in pure holiness, He is stronger than any foe, sees every situation perfectly clear, understands each heart motivation, and holds all in His hands for His glory.

We are unable to always see things clearly, which means quite often we do not fully understand. ​​ We do not need to understand​​ everything in order to function with a heart set on eternity. ​​ We do need to trust​​ in God’s strength, His plan, and His faithfulness. ​​ In those areas where you feel anxious or stifled, take the 5th​​ – choose to be silent and not add your thoughts, instead pray that God will clear your thinking of what is not important and give you peace that He is in control of all things. ​​​​ 

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

Who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? ​​​​ –​​ No one!

If you do suffer for the sake of righteousness, consider it a blessing.

There is no reason to fear intimidation; nor are you to become agitated.

How can you apply the above truths?

Look at verses 15 and 16,​​ which offer a solution to how we are to respond to those who are against us.

1Peter 3:15-16 but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame.

Being fearful or angry requires energy! ​​ Concerns and bitterness can eat up our time and thoughts. ​​ Instead of being fearful or angry, spend your time and thoughts in ways which are pleasing to God.

  • Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts.

We are to always be ready to share the hope of the Gospel with an attitude of humility.​​  ​​ ​​​​ 

What does it look like to sanctify Christ in our hearts? ​​ How do we do this? ​​ What does it look like to be ready to share our hope? ​​ 

How do we respond to others in humility? ​​ 

How does showing reverence relate to gentleness?

Are you able to explain your hope?

 “Such a sanctifying of the Lord in our hearts will save us from fear. ​​ We dread danger, we dread sickness, we dread death, we dread the eternal world. We are alarmed when our affairs are tending to bankruptcy; we are alarmed when a friend is sick and ready to die; we are alarmed if our country is invaded by a foe, and the enemy already approaches our dwelling. ​​ The sentiment in the passage before us is, that if we sanctify the Lord God with proper affections, we shall be delivered from these alarms, and the mind will be calm”,​​ Albert Barnes’ NT Commentary.

 ​​ ​​​​ 

  • Keep a good conscience.

It is God who has saved us. ​​ We are to be certain we are above reproach, remembering we are witnesses of Jesus. ​​ The reality is we cannot take care of everyone else. ​​ we are only messengers, witnesses for Jesus. ​​ We are not the ones who effect change in someone. ​​ God is the One who changes hearts and lives. ​​ So we are to be focused on living for Him. ​​ We are to pray for others to be enlightened. ​​ We are to be an example of God’s grace, looking for opportunities to share the truth of the Gospel.

Think! ​​​​ There is no room or purpose for argument or insult when speaking of our hope. ​​ We can only be thankful that God has, in His great mercy and grace, saved us, and share the reasons for our hope, and evidence of our faith.

Does your life speak of Jesus? ​​ Are you a defender of the Truth?​​  ​​​​ We can lose our focus and spend our time and energy defending​​ ourselves, but this is not what we are to defend. ​​ We are to make a defense of our hope.

Psalm 119:46 I will also speak of Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed.

2Timothy 2:24-26 And the Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged,​​ with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth,​​ and they may come to their senses [and escape] from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.

Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. ​​​​ And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

“Ever remember that he has wisdom without error, power, without limits, truth without falsity, love without hatred, holiness without evil, and justice without rigour or severity on the one hand, or capricious tenderness on the other. ​​ In a word, that he neither can be, say, purpose, or do, any thing that is not​​ infinitely just, holy, wise, true, and gracious; that he hates nothing that he has made; and has so loved the world, the whole human race, as to give his only-begotten Son to die for them, that they might not perish, but have everlasting life. ​​ Thus sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and you will ever be ready to give a reason of the hope that is in you to every serious and candid inquirer after truth.”​​ Adam Clarke’s Commentary

We are to offer our praise to God alone who is deserving, our prayers to God alone who is able, our service to God alone who is the embodiment of love, and our gratitude to God alone who has saved us through His Son.

We have hope because of Him. ​​ Our thoughts, actions, and words should esteem God as holy. ​​ 

“No man ought to entertain opinions for which a good reason cannot be given; and every man ought to be willing to state the grounds of his hope on all proper occasions. ​​ A Christian should have such intelligent views of the truth of his religion, and such constant evidence in his own heart and life that he is a child of God, as to be able at any time to satisfy a candid inquirer that the Bible is a revelation from heaven, and that it is proper for him to cherish the hope of salvation”,​​ Albert Barnes NT Commentary.


Fully Accepted

You are fully and forever accepted in Christ. The KJV of Ephesians 1:6 reads, “To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved”. You are loved, and you belong, if Jesus is your Lord and Savior.

Belonging. ​​ Consider the number of groups available​​ for individuals. Groups are usually categorized by mutual interests, likes and even dislikes. ​​ The need to belong starts early in childhood - in the classroom, on the playground and even in the family when figuring out how you fit it with your siblings or parents. ​​ Vying for attention is part of wanting to belong.

We all have a need to feel a part of something. ​​ So what happens when you realize you just don’t really fit in? ​​ When you feel like perhaps you are tolerated but not really accepted? ​​ If you are honest, you have probably​​ wanted​​ to be part of a certain mixture of people, offered your abilities or interests and eventually realized you were not a desired member. This happens to most of us​​ at one time or another. Unless we live in a​​ world of oblivion, we get hurt and​​ we feel unwanted, like no one truly cares.​​ 

Perhaps you were once part of a group you enjoyed or felt you​​ had something to offer,​​ and now you recognize you have been left out of the loop, sort of received a notice of cancellation from your services. ​​ The opposite of belonging is rejection and it is hard to accept. ​​ Unfortunately, this happens frequently in the world, within relationships, the workforce, and even in​​ Christian fellowships. ​​ Why? Because we are human and sinful. ​​ As much as you may have experienced rejection, you have also probably caused others the pain of feeling left out also.

In Christ​​ you​​ are fully accepted, absolutely wanted, and expected to use​​ your abilities. ​​ You are​​ even given the responsibility​​ to serve with the strengths God has blessed​​ you​​ with. ​​ This is where​​ each of us​​ truly belongs!

It gets better! ​​ God chose you to be His child. ​​ You didn’t go knocking on His door, He called you! ​​ Read Ephesians 1:4, “… He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him …”​​ To be chosen means you were selected. ​​ Memories of standing in a horizontal line waiting to be picked as part of a team during recess,​​ and​​ the feeling of​​ relief when your name was called is a pressure most can recall. There is no waiting and wondering with Christ. ​​ He desires you to part of His family. ​​​​ 

You are fully and forever​​ accepted in Christ. ​​ The KJV of Ephesians 1:6 reads, “To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved”. ​​​​ You are loved,​​ and​​ you belong, if Jesus is your Lord and Savior. You will never be ousted from being a child of God. ​​ His Spirit in you is a constant reminder of​​ your value in Christ. ​​ Galatians 4:6 says, “And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!” ​​​​ Romans 8:16​​ tells us, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God”.

You belong. ​​ God has grabbed your attention – have you answered Him? ​​ You are part of God’s family and you fit in just as He intended. ​​ He has blessed you with abilities and interests to be used for His glory. ​​ Find your value in Christ, He died for you because God wants you to belong to​​ His family. ​​ I pray you are encouraged today.

Focus Heavenward, Sharyn.


The Delusion of a Deserved Soul

It’s so common to separate people into categories and then point out what’s wrong with thinking that is not in agreement with your own. Aren’t we all desiring of kindness, generosity, and acceptance from others?

After several minutes of watching the latest news on the devastation of hurricanes in Texas, the direct hit over several Caribbean Islands, and soon to make landfall in Florida, two responses of those affected kept repeating themselves.
One type of response was clearly thankfulness for survival, and the other a resentment to the change in upcoming plans. People upset because airports have cancelled flights due to dangerous conditions and damage. Tempers flaring because rooms are full at hotels. Then, you have the ones who are just thankful to be alive and already out there helping to make right a catastrophe.
The human mind. So capable of selfishness; so capable of generosity. It seems so many of us have forgotten what we truly deserve. Or at least, we don’t address it. What do we deserve? The quick answer is ‘nothing, we deserve nothing’. The right answer is death, we deserve physical and spiritual death.
It’s so common to separate people into categories and then point out what’s wrong with thinking that is not in agreement with your own. Aren’t we all desiring of kindness, generosity, and acceptance from others? The Bible says we are created in God’s own image. Who came along and decided in man’s eyes what that image should look like?
Selfish thinking puts me first. Above all others, on the throne in my soul. It sometimes even treads over others to build our precious kingdom of self filled with imaginative rights to protect. Selfishness is being concerned chiefly or exclusively with oneself. It’s looking to your own advantage while choosing to remain unconcerned about others. Is that how you want to be described? Are you delusional with the belief that all existence centers on you for your benefit? What do you believe you deserve?
Re 3:17 ‘Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked,
Le 19:18 ‘You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD.
I wonder what would happen if complaints about what we lost, or not getting what we think is due, was looked at with an eye of understanding, thankfulness and love.
People are suffering because of nature’s fury. How important are your plans that anger is permissible when flights are cancelled or cruises are shortened or hotels are full – all as a result of something we can’t control? If we have the mindset that these things are undeserved, but rather gifts, we may find ourselves more concerned about loving others and looking to their needs.