It’s No Joke

I remember specifically when I first heard someone speak of man’s sin. I knew I blew it sometimes. But I rarely set out to be ‘bad’. Being controlled by sin was a concept I didn’t embrace.

The true​​ origins​​ of​​ April​​ Fools’​​ Day​​ are uncertain, but one theory is that it began in 1582, when France adopted the Gregorian calendar. Before then, New Year’s​​ Day​​ fell on March 25, not January 1. And those who continued to celebrate the old New Year (at the beginning of​​ April) were called “fools” by their early adopting peers. ​​

Tomorrow,​​ April​​ 1st, happens​​ to be Easter, the day Christians celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead.​​ In order to understand the significance of the resurrection, we need to​​ believe​​ that​​ God sent His son, Jesus​​ Christ,​​ to be born into the world.​​ We find an account of His genealogy in the book of Matthew.​​ ​​ 

Mt 1:16 and to Jacob was born Joseph the husband of Mary, by whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Jesus, God’s Son,​​ was the​​ perfect embodiment of righteousness.​​ ​​ Jesus​​ was born so He could die for our sins and thus save us from paying the penalty​​ of death that​​ we owe. ​​ 

2Co 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin [to be] sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

We all sin. ​​​​ Our thoughts, our actions, our words, the things we don’t do that we should and the things we do that we shouldn’t. ​​ We have effectively seared our consciousness to what sin is, and we​​ heartily​​ approve behavior that is against God. ​​ Here,​​ at this point, is where​​ you may decide to stop reading. ​​ I understand. ​​ But​​ please,​​ please,​​ hang in there with me. ​​ I remember specifically​​ when I first heard​​ someone speak​​ of man’s​​ sin.​​ ​​ I knew I blew it sometimes. ​​ But I rarely set out to be ‘bad’. ​​ Being controlled by sin​​ was a concept I didn’t embrace.​​ At least not on the level it was being addressed. ​​​​ 

1Jo 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

I had learned​​ Jesus was God’s Son and even that He died and suffered for sin. ​​ It’s good to believe in God. ​​ There’s a safety net in​​ agreeing with something that is good.​​ After all, America is largely still considered a Christian nation. ​​ ​​ I​​ personally​​ tried to do what was right and​​ I thought I​​ was actually pretty good in comparison to those around me. ​​ I had never killed anyone, I didn’t purposefully break the law or cheat or steal, I didn’t often use bad language, I was aware of morality and​​ respected others to an extent, being polite and acting in a way that would generally be considered upstanding.​​ I tried to follow through with my word, I worked hard,​​ and I was faithful to my marriage vows.​​ ​​ 

Then, sin’s full force hit me square across the face! ​​ It hurt, bad. ​​ It affected those I loved the most, my children. ​​ I was powerless to stop the consequences. ​​ This is when I first heard that people, in general,​​ suffered from being under sin’s control and​​ that​​ we​​ all​​ need​​ a Savior.​​ I heard someone say that men were wretched.​​ ​​ I immediately thought​​ it was pathetic that​​ those who were sitting around me agreed​​ with this statement. ​​ They​​ certainly​​ didn’t think very highly of themselves. ​​ How​​ sad it must be​​ to consider yourself to be so lowly. ​​ I was definitely not of the same mind! ​​ 

Boy, did God grab ahold of my heart. ​​ He took away the​​ things I had placed my​​ faith​​ in. ​​ The people I​​ trusted, the​​ possessions​​ that made me feel secure, even my own ability to​​ work hard and make things right again. God​​ did immediate spiritual surgery on me and transplanted​​ the​​ understanding I had​​ of who He was,​​ to​​ the Truth of who He said He was. ​​​​ Incredible! ​​ God showed me​​ that on my own, without the power of​​ Christ in my life,​​ I am nothing. ​​ I​​ am​​ wretched, prone to sin and even desiring sin, justifying it as ‘not that bad’. ​​​​ What I failed to understand previously is the extent of my sin.​​ Perhaps​​ the most important​​ benefit of​​ acknowledging sin for what it truly is, was the beginning of​​ being freed​​ from its grip. ​​ Sin is anything and everything that goes against what God says in His word. ​​ His commands. ​​ His testimony​​ to us. ​​ 

Consider. ​​​​ Be careful of getting​​ confused with what men say you are to do. ​​ You can find opinions for everything you have questions about. ​​ What is right and what is wrong. ​​ Problem is,​​ opinions​​ are just that –​​ opinions:​​ personal beliefs or judgments that are not based on proof or certainty. ​​ Right and wrong in the world is largely based on popular and changing concepts or strong persuasion. ​​ Several different organized religions have​​ their​​ list of​​ rules​​ to follow and tout they have the answers. ​​ Some traditions, set up by men,​​ have become​​ viewed​​ as necessary for acceptance into God’s​​ eternal kingdom, yet you won’t​​ find record of them in His word, the Bible. ​​​​ Man’s answers to ‘finding’ God or being ‘enlightened’ are based on man’s understanding,​​ which is flawed. ​​ And unfortunately, so often, personal gain is associated with following a certain organization​​ or group. ​​ Typically, someone benefits either through status, finances, or​​ increased​​ influence​​ upon others. ​​ Look carefully at who or what you choose to follow or not follow.

Isa 29:13 Then the Lord said, "Because this people draw near with their words And honor Me with their lip service,​​ but​​ they remove their hearts far from Me, And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned [by rote,]

Col 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

What God wants​​ is not a list of ‘what I have done’ or ‘what I haven’t done’. ​​ He wants my heart. ​​ My obedience. ​​ Doesn’t matter what I’ve done before, what I believed, how I’ve messed up or how I haven’t messed up at all.​​ God doesn’t care about my title, my education, my color, my language, where I live,​​ how I dress, or​​ what I have. ​​ Yet, it is so ‘normal’ for us to think this way. ​​​​ We might think we’re not good enough for God to even consider. ​​ That’s true, we aren’t! ​​​​ We may even think we don’t need God because we’re doing fine on our own. ​​ Eventually,​​ death will knock on the door.​​ Then what? ​​ Eternity is a long time to regret a decision.

Men are imperfect. ​​ Most everyone would agree with that.​​ Even the most educated, most inspiring, most righteous-looking person has flaws. ​​​​ God alone is perfect. ​​ He is the only One worthy of our devotion. ​​​​ It is His word that is true and right and profitable and shows us the way to live according to His standards.​​ Do you know of anyone else who claims to have given their only perfect Son to die and suffer for an undeserving mankind? ​​​​ When​​ was the last time​​ someone died a horrendous death for you knowing you​​ hated them and​​ would kick them to the curb​​ regardless of their sacrifice? ​​​​ The truth is,​​ Christ died for you. ​​​​ 

Isa 53:5 But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed​​ for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being [fell] upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed.

Whether​​ you choose to believe it or not, the​​ facts remain the same. ​​ Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, died for the sin of man​​ so​​ that we might be saved from the penalty of death. ​​​​ We’re talking spiritual death. ​​ Complete separation from anything good. ​​ Full wrath unleashed. ​​ HELL.

God’s standard is perfection. ​​ It has to be because His character​​ is perfect. He is unable to be in the presence of sin. In order to have a relationship with Him, we need to be perfect. ​​ Not close to the mark, not just in our intentions,​​ not in comparison to another, but in everything, an exact bull’s eye. ​​​​  ​​​​ Mt 5:48 "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Obviously, we fall short. ​​ Missing the mark is called sin. ​​​​ As stated earlier, sin’s consequence is death.​​ Spiritual separation from our Creator, God, for eternity. ​​ Alienation from God.

Eph 4:18 being darkened in their understanding,​​ excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart;

Consider. ​​​​ Anything in this world that is good is from God. ​​​​ The origin of all that is harmonious​​ or gives you true joy​​ is because of God’s blessing to this world. ​​ Spring is just beginning and the trees are starting to bloom, bulbs are poking up out of the earth, birds are dashing about looking for an area to build their nest. We could go on and on about all the newness of this season. ​​ Without God’s Son, the hope of new life would not be present. ​​ Death would reign forever, its effects would permeate all things,​​ and​​ there would be no hope, only despair.

Ps 104:24 O LORD, how many are Thy works! In wisdom Thou hast made them all; the earth is full of Thy possessions.

​​ Mt 19:17 And He said to him, "Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments."

​​ Ps 33:5 He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the lovingkindness of the​​ LORD.

Ps​​ 145:9 The LORD is good to all, and His​​ mercies are over all His works.

Even those who have not accepted the true story of God’s love, Jesus’ birth and life and death, and His resurrection from the dead, experience blessings. ​​ But, those blessings are temporary rather than eternal. ​​ Fun things happen, good things​​ are all around us, pleasant memories invade our photo albums,​​ and​​ smiles abound. ​​ But we all have a deficit. ​​ A hole in our​​ heart that only God can fill.

Sin is still present on this earth because man is imperfect with desires of selfishness. We are weak and unable to be victorious over sin by ourselves. ​​ But with the power of Christ in our lives, sin is conquered. ​​ Jesus’ death and resurrection gives us victory over sin. ​​ In fact,​​ a​​ believer is unable to live a life controlled by sin.​​ The struggle to obey is real, but those who are truly God’s children can triumph over sin’s grasp through His strength.

Ro 6:2b​​ How shall we who died to sin still live in it?​​ 

1Pe 2:24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.​​ 

When we trust in Jesus, believing that His death and resurrection conquered sin’s​​ power​​ and penalty, then we can live a​​ life victorious over sin. ​​ And we are given​​ the certain hope of​​ being in the​​ presence of God​​ forever. ​​ This is cause for celebration! ​​ Peace permeates​​ our lives even though struggles.​​ 

Ro 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace

1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

2Co 4:16-18​​ Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.​​ 17​​ For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,​​ 18​​ while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Christ’s death was necessary for the payment of man’s sin just as His resurrection was necessary to conquer the power of sin. ​​ 

Ac 2:24 "And God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.

Without the resurrection, there would be no reason to celebrate. The sorrow and suffering that Jesus endured for mankind has been turned to joy and hope for all who believe. ​​ Remembering His pain,​​ produces gratitude in the heart of a believer. ​​ This gratitude​​ inspires​​ us​​ to live a life pleasing to God. ​​ We all trust in something. ​​ Perhaps you trust in your wallet, in your best friend, in your occupation, in your physical strength, in your intelligence, in your residence,​​ or​​ even​​ in yourself, that with enough elbow grease you can conquer the world. ​​ Something or someone becomes the foundation of our security. ​​ But, there​​ truly​​ is only One who is certain, who is constant and reliable. ​​ Jesus Christ’s​​ resurrection is proof that He will fulfill all He has promised, in His perfect time. ​​ God said He would raise His Son from the dead and He did! ​​ There is only One who was and is able to conquer the power of sin in your life. ​​ It only takes​​ one small lapse​​ in judgment to have​​ cause enough to need a Savior. ​​ Consider where you​​ have​​ placed​​ your trust,​​ then consider​​ its eternal value. ​​​​ Only a relationship with God, who is eternal, has value beyond death. ​​ Everything else stays. ​​ You can’t bring a suitcase to heaven.

1Co 15:13-14​​ But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised;​​ 14​​ and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain.

Lu 24:45-46 Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and He said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and rise again from the dead the third day;

Jesus Christ’s resurrection is recognized on April 1st​​ this year which is commonly referred to as​​ April Fools​​ Day. ​​ But​​ the facts of Christ’s resurrection are certainly not a joke.​​ You​​ have been given a chance at new life if you accept God’s gift to you. ​​ Fools​​ will turn away from this gift. ​​ Don’t​​ let yourself be​​ fooled. ​​ Reach up to God and ask Him to show you His truths. ​​ You’ll be amazed at what He has done and what He will do in your heart! ​​​​ 

1Co 15:19 If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied.

Joh 17:3 "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.

Have a glorious Easter celebrating the reason we live – Jesus, Lord Over All, reigns forever!