Fort Jefferson or Jesus?

A fortress is not only a place of safety but a place of strength.

Ps 91:2 I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!"

My refuge - <machaceh>​​ a shelter​​ (literally or figuratively); hope, place of refuge, shelter,​​ trust.

A refuge is a safe place. ​​ Something or someone we turn to for assistance and security; a shelter from danger or hardship​​ (WordWeb). ​​ Think sanctuary or asylum. ​​ Places of protection and safety.

My fortress - <matsuwd> a net, or (abstractly) capture; also a fastness; castle,​​ defense, fortress,​​ stronghold, strong place.

A fortress is not only a place of safety but a place of strength. A stronghold keeps the enemy out. ​​ Fortresses were commonly built as defensive structures with weapons aimed and prepared to defend. ​​ Several years ago, I visited the ruins of Fort Jefferson. ​​ The picture below was taken while it was in active use.​​ 

Fort Jefferson is no longer in use as a military facility and is currently part of the Dry Tortugas National Park.

One of America’s​​ largest masonry-built buildings was designed in the mid-1800s to ward off pirates from the Gulf of Mexico shipping lanes. ​​ Located on Garden Key way out in the Florida Keys, past Key West, Fort Jefferson is made of more than 16 million bricks. ​​ It was a massive upgrade from the lighthouse that originally stood on this spot. ​​ The fort was in active use through the Civil War, mainly to house prisoners, but its thick walls weren’t as impressive by the late 1800s and it was abandoned as a fort. ​​ The structure was never fully finished, but the six-sided fort covers 11 of the 16 acres of land on the key and remains a tourist destination. ​​ Wikipedia.

Billions of dollars are spent in building structures for protection. ​​ Think military fortifications that are currently in use, secretive buildings that require the latest technology in identification for access. ​​ Is anything man-made immune from attack from an enemy?​​ ​​ Consider 9-11 and the Pentagon. ​​ No matter how much money is spent or what technology is used, human kind is not impervious to attack. ​​ 

But, where does the greatest source of infringement come from? ​​ From within. ​​ The same minds that work hard to think of ways to protect are the same minds that follow sin to the road of destruction and chaos. ​​ Intelligence​​ can be used for good;​​ it can also be used for evil. ​​ For attack. ​​ There are numerous weapons used for physical attack in war. ​​ Missiles, bombs, guns, grenades and, yes, even airplanes have been used as weapons. ​​ While many of us have been spared the experience of bodily harm from enemies, most of us can relate in one way or another to internal onslaught. ​​ Spiritual attack is often launched towards others from within. ​​ The use of spoken words, written words or stirring up hostility within a group are methods of attack commonly used by people. ​​ When this happens, where do you go? ​​​​ Who guards your heart, your thoughts, and your actions in response to attack? ​​ 

Think again about a physical place of refuge. ​​ For all our efforts to provide physical protection, it​​ eventually becomes outdated or wears out. ​​ No man made structure is completely impervious to attack. ​​ Buildings deteriorate, technology becomes old. ​​ What was once the best we have, now lays in ruins. ​​ Look at the pictures below of Fort Jefferson in July​​ of 2009.​​ 

2009 R&S Key West 168
2009 R&S Key West 177

We do have an answer! ​​ It is not all futility. ​​ This is not a story of ho-hum humdrum, nowhere to go, wearisome thoughts. ​​ Rather, it is reminder of the exciting benefit we can have in Christ as our strength and security. ​​ The onslaught towards Truth is weak when met by God, our perfect and permanent refuge and strength.

Click for more study on Psalm 91:2…

The Perfect Shelter Ps 91:1

There is One perfect shelter that will withstand all attack. And this is pretty cool – it’s free! At least free to us. The price was significant to God.

There are shelters of many kinds. A shelter provides protection from danger and weather. There are women’s and children’s shelters, homeless shelters, tornado shelters, animal shelters, credit shelters and wilderness survival shelters.

We use an umbrella as a shelter from the rain and the sun, and there are shelters at many public transportation stops that are used while waiting for a bus or train, etc., to arrive. I’m certain that a search of this word would produce many more names of different types of shelters. Wikipedia says “Having a place of shelter, of safety and of retreat, i.e. a home, is commonly considered a fundamental physiological human need…”

Peter Menzel, a well-known international photographer and journalist, has a series of photos on his website of different houses in different countries around the world. There is a photo of a mud-walled house in the West African City of Djenne, Mali; an earth house in Shingkhey, Bhutan; round homes in South Africa; as well as Victorian cottages in Massachusetts and adobe style homes in New Mexico.

If you are interested, you can purchase a bomb shelter. One website I was lead to, suggested that anyone who wasn’t paranoid about the world’s threats should be paying more attention. There is a bomb shelter company in Texas that can provide structures that protect from nuclear, chemical, biological, EMP, war and tornadoes. Kind of a one-size-fits-all bunker. (I did have to look up what EMP stood for: it’s the electromagnetic pulse that is emitted after a nuclear attack.)

So, what’s the point?!  Shelters are important in our lives, albeit to varying degrees. I won’t be purchasing a build-it-yourself fallout shelter anytime soon. Perhaps I’m not paranoid enough yet.  For most, a place they call home is their safety. Yet, consider:  if there was total or perfect protection in a home, there would be no need to pursue or even think of the idea of additional shelter in the event of a catastrophic event.

There is One perfect shelter that will withstand all attack. And this is pretty cool – it’s free! At least free to us. The price was significant to God. Have you received His permanent protection? Are you able to take refuge in His shadow?
Continue for a study on Ps 91:1.