Fully Accepted

You are fully and forever accepted in Christ. The KJV of Ephesians 1:6 reads, “To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved”. You are loved, and you belong, if Jesus is your Lord and Savior.

Belonging. ​​ Consider the number of groups available​​ for individuals. Groups are usually categorized by mutual interests, likes and even dislikes. ​​ The need to belong starts early in childhood - in the classroom, on the playground and even in the family when figuring out how you fit it with your siblings or parents. ​​ Vying for attention is part of wanting to belong.

We all have a need to feel a part of something. ​​ So what happens when you realize you just don’t really fit in? ​​ When you feel like perhaps you are tolerated but not really accepted? ​​ If you are honest, you have probably​​ wanted​​ to be part of a certain mixture of people, offered your abilities or interests and eventually realized you were not a desired member. This happens to most of us​​ at one time or another. Unless we live in a​​ world of oblivion, we get hurt and​​ we feel unwanted, like no one truly cares.​​ 

Perhaps you were once part of a group you enjoyed or felt you​​ had something to offer,​​ and now you recognize you have been left out of the loop, sort of received a notice of cancellation from your services. ​​ The opposite of belonging is rejection and it is hard to accept. ​​ Unfortunately, this happens frequently in the world, within relationships, the workforce, and even in​​ Christian fellowships. ​​ Why? Because we are human and sinful. ​​ As much as you may have experienced rejection, you have also probably caused others the pain of feeling left out also.

In Christ​​ you​​ are fully accepted, absolutely wanted, and expected to use​​ your abilities. ​​ You are​​ even given the responsibility​​ to serve with the strengths God has blessed​​ you​​ with. ​​ This is where​​ each of us​​ truly belongs!

It gets better! ​​ God chose you to be His child. ​​ You didn’t go knocking on His door, He called you! ​​ Read Ephesians 1:4, “… He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him …”​​ To be chosen means you were selected. ​​ Memories of standing in a horizontal line waiting to be picked as part of a team during recess,​​ and​​ the feeling of​​ relief when your name was called is a pressure most can recall. There is no waiting and wondering with Christ. ​​ He desires you to part of His family. ​​​​ 

You are fully and forever​​ accepted in Christ. ​​ The KJV of Ephesians 1:6 reads, “To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved”. ​​​​ You are loved,​​ and​​ you belong, if Jesus is your Lord and Savior. You will never be ousted from being a child of God. ​​ His Spirit in you is a constant reminder of​​ your value in Christ. ​​ Galatians 4:6 says, “And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!” ​​​​ Romans 8:16​​ tells us, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God”.

You belong. ​​ God has grabbed your attention – have you answered Him? ​​ You are part of God’s family and you fit in just as He intended. ​​ He has blessed you with abilities and interests to be used for His glory. ​​ Find your value in Christ, He died for you because God wants you to belong to​​ His family. ​​ I pray you are encouraged today.

Focus Heavenward, Sharyn.