
So, we take a deep breath, plan our day, and know for certain that what has to happen will, what doesn’t happen won’t matter.

Have you ever felt like you just can’t be everywhere at once?! ​​ Let’s see, I probably first felt that way when I was blessed with my third child. ​​ Two hands, three different requests, at the same time. ​​ Impossible! ​​ So, what do you do? ​​ This is probably when I began asking myself the question, “What really has to be done right now”. ​​ 

I thought of this, this morning. ​​ My husband and I were talking about what needed to happen today. ​​ We are planning for our neighborhood Christmas party this evening and are hopeful that the light of Jesus shines through as familiar and unfamiliar faces walk in our home. ​​ But, we do need to be prepared! ​​ That means putting the hot cider on, making (or buying) cookies, having a festive looking punch available (not red or purple please) and the house welcoming and unhurried so that guests can relax and conversations can develop into what we pray will be opportunities. ​​ So, we take a deep breath, plan our day, and know for certain that what has to happen will, what doesn’t happen won’t matter. ​​ I’d love to have about eight arms right now and be able to be in several places at once​​ – dropping off a ‘gifts of love’ at church, picking up batteries for lights, and at the grocery store. ​​ But, enough about me and my plans. ​​ What about God?

He is able to be everywhere at all times. ​​ Truly amazing! ​​ Part of His character is His omnipresence. ​​ Something I can’t understand but I accept as truth because it’s in His word. ​​ God is​​ omnipresent. ​​ Present everywhere at once. ​​ I did a search for this word in the Bible and came back with a ‘sorry, your search had no results’ answer. ​​ However, the reality of God being omnipresent is definitely in the Word.

Psalm 139 begins with the intimate knowledge God has of everyone. ​​ Then, in verse 7, we read a description of His attribute of being omnipresent.

Ps 139:1-10​​ (For the choir director. A Psalm of David.)​​ O LORD, Thou hast searched me and known [me.]​​ 2​​ Thou dost know when I sit down and when I rise up; Thou dost understand my thought from afar.​​ 3​​ Thou dost scrutinize my path and my lying down, and art intimately acquainted with all my ways.​​ 4​​ Even before​​ there is a word on my tongue, behold, O LORD, Thou dost know it all.​​ 5​​ Thou hast​​ enclosed me behind and before, and laid Thy hand upon me.​​ 6​​ [Such] knowledge​​ is too wonderful for me; it is [too] high, I cannot attain to it.​​ 7​​ Where can I go from Thy​​ Spirit? Or where can I flee from Thy presence?​​ 8​​ If I ascend to heaven, Thou art there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, Thou art there.​​ 9​​ If​​ I take the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,​​ 10​​ Even there Thy hand will lead me, And Thy right hand will lay hold of me.

Jer 23:24 "Can a man​​ hide himself in hiding places, so I do not see him?" declares the LORD. "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?" declares the LORD.

Isa 66:1​​ Thus says the LORD, "Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? And where is a place that I may rest?

Even though I cannot be in several places at one time, and attend to every need that is present, God can! ​​ He sees all things and is everywhere. ​​ Lord, keep me focused on what is important as I try to organize my day with my limitations. ​​ Give me total trust in Your faithfulness to allow me to complete what is truly necessary and important to fulfill Your glorious plan! ​​ Remind me of the comfort and truth that You are always present everywhere. ​​ Amen.​​ 


Rollercoasters and Socks

God doesn’t just play a game with us, moving us like pawns on a chessboard hoping everything will turn out as planned. He has specifically established His perfect plan for our lives.

Crazy​​ – madness or insanity,​​ possessed by inordinate excitement.

I had a crazy weekend​​ with​​ many unexpected turns,​​ rearranged​​ schedules and​​ blown​​ expectations​​ of what was planned. ​​ My​​ plans​​ changed and re-changed as​​ God​​ gave His direction, not in a complete picture of understanding, but in small glimpses of how we could help by being flexible.​​ 

A few​​ things come to mind looking back at the last​​ few​​ days. ​​ The saying “go with the flow”​​ and​​ scripture​​ in Proverbs 16.

Go With the Flow. ​​ This idiom has several interpretations of​​ meaning. ​​ One dictionary says it means to cope with adversity; to accept one’s lot. Another explains it as moving along with the prevailing forces, accepting the prevailing trend. ​​ This would be much like the familiar picture of a school of fish all swimming in one direction. ​​ As I looked at several other explanations of the saying,​​ ‘go with the flow’,​​ I realized that my use of these words didn’t really match​​ up with all the definitions given. ​​​​ Rather, my mind considers that going with the flow means to accept whatever direction God points. ​​ It’s more than just​​ coping with​​ adversity, it’s looking at changes with a mindset that God’s plans will prevail and​​ His plans​​ are always better than the schedule I set for myself. ​​ It is in​​ that sense, to accept and move forward in His lead,​​ that ‘go with the flow’​​ is a good description of this last​​ weekend. ​​​​ The adjective crazy does still apply however! Maybe insanity is a coping mechanism?!

The Bible always has the best​​ interpretation of how I should be thinking,​​ and it is always on point.  ​​​​ Proverbs​​ 16:9​​ says​​ “The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. ​​​​ This verse sounds like my life! ​​ The​​ meaning of​​ mind, or heart in the KJV, includes the feelings, will and intellect; basically everything about him. ​​​​ Man plans his way. ​​ I make plans, you probably make plans also. ​​ We certainly make choices, we consider what direction to take,​​ and we​​ write our schedules in a calendar​​ to keep track of them. ​​ This is all good – as long as we’re ready to release our goals to be rearranged,​​ flipped​​ upside down​​ or even thrown out by God’s better plans. ​​ When I looked up the Hebrew word​​ for​​ directs’, I found it​​ contains the words faithfulness, perfect, preparation, provide, stable and​​ establish. ​​ God doesn’t just play a game with us, moving us like pawns on a chessboard hoping everything will turn out as planned. ​​​​ He has specifically established His perfect plan​​ for our lives. ​​ He is in control of all things and​​ He is faithful! ​​ This seems to go along with the verse in Romans 8:28. ​​ 

Ro 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [His] purpose.

Yes, the events of this last weekend were not at all what we had planned! ​​​​ We were going to celebrate our son-in-law’s birthday – He was called to take a last minute flight to family that was ill. ​​ My oldest granddaughter and I had plans to work on a sewing project, we even purchased the fabric, then it became evident that just a time of snuggling and talk and encouragement was a much higher priority. ​​ Our oldest son and his wife received news of complications of health in a​​ family member. ​​ Again, our plans were redirected to help with their children so they could attend to​​ encouraging​​ others. ​​ Tired? ​​ Yes! ​​ Actually, kind of exhausted. ​​ But, God is faithful! ​​ We even had the energy to keep one of our grandsons overnight last evening so his Mommy could go to work. ​​ Blessings? Yes! ​​ From God – a calm, gentle spirit through all; thankfulness that He kept us available; encouragement by the responses in​​ our grown children​​ to immediately help others and the blessing to see their reliance upon​​ God; opportunities to discuss​​ with my oldest granddaughter​​ how topsy-turvy events can still be a​​ blessing;​​ sweet early morning hugs from a grandson​​ and many more blessings​​ I’m sure​​ we don’t​​ even​​ recognize.​​ One more blessing of thankfulness to point out – I’m really thankful for the energy God gave me when I was younger to raise my kids! ​​ Children take an enormous amount of time. ​​ I am reminded to always keep our young families in prayer for steadfastness​​ each day​​ in God’s strength.

I don’t necessarily enjoy roller coasters, but this crazy, eventful life God has given me is definitely​​ a reminder​​ that I need to stay grounded in him through all the unexpected turns and somersaults He faithfully allows in my plans. For His good. ​​ Because I love Him and am called by Him! ​​ 

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I pray your direction is clear, your plans remain flexible and your Savior blesses the socks off your feet​​ as you follow Him​​ in all things! ​​ 


Make Lemonade

There is a saying: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. How about adding to that? When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and dwell on God’s Truth – then you will be refreshed both inside and out!

You know how you suggest to others different Bible verses to help with whatever circumstances they are facing? ​​ Usually, those scriptures stick in our mind because they have been instrumental in our own lives.​​ 

One of my favorite sections of scripture​​ is familiar to most believers.​​ It begins in​​ Philippians Chapter 4 verse 6. ​​ “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.​​ ​​ 7​​ And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. ​​ To be anxious means to be​​ disquieted, to be worried or nervous or uneasy. ​​ We are commanded to not be troubled by anything at all!​​ Easier said than done, right? ​​ Instead of being worried we are to earnestly pray,​​ presenting our requests to God. ​​ The result promised, when this is done, is​​ peace​​ – the​​ opposite of a disquieted spirit – a quiet, restful, serenity of mind. ​​ These two verses go on to say that we cannot even begin to understand how peace can enter into our troubled hearts but, when we obey and act according to God’s word, it does and the result is a heart and mind that is protected in Christ Jesus.​​ 

The first time I truly studied this scripture​​ in a pen-to-the-paper practical mode, I was in California and my son and his wife lived across the country. My​​ young​​ daughter-in-law was found to have an extremely large tumor which would require​​ immediate and extensive surgery, followed by a long recovery and the question of whether pregnancy would​​ ever​​ be possible. ​​​​ It’s in those times especially that you feel the distance​​ of miles​​ that separate you from loved ones. ​​ I was unable to sleep and​​ was beginning to feel​​ a bit overwhelmed by​​ circumstances. ​​ It’s so cool how God uses His word to direct us to the place He wants us.​​ I was led to Philippians 4 and​​ when I carefully read verse eight,​​ God showed me clearly​​ there was a very practical exercise that would direct my thoughts to a place of rest. ​​ This was the first time I took out my notebook and​​ physically wrote​​ a list according to the categories​​ in​​ Phil 4:8: ​​​​ ​​ (I’ve done this several times since.)

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.”

After completing my list of all that was absolute truth, the facts; all that was honest and honorable; all that was just and pure and acceptable; and so forth, in connection with my son and his wife and the challenge they were facing, I had so much to ponder of​​ God’s grace in their lives that my heart was put at rest once again. ​​ 

There is a saying: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. ​​ How about adding to that? ​​ When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and dwell on God’s Truth – then you will be refreshed both inside and out!  ​​​​ Dwelling on Truth – an incredible, practical remedy for discouragement. ​​ Sometimes life can seem overwhelmingly complicated, confusing, unfair and downright depressing. ​​ 

Have you been in a place where you’ve almost had to physically will yourself to remain hopeful and joyful in the things that were true and honest and good so that the things that were unfair and dishonest and bad were unable to find a dwelling place in your heart? ​​​​ God understands and He offers His Divine direction.

Once again, in​​ Philippians 4:9, God promises his peace with us as we seek to follow Him.

Php 4:9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you.

When tears are at the surface, when the words don’t come, when you are tired and feel like giving up,​​ or you don’t know which way to turn, focus heavenward. ​​ God’s prescription for healing has already been written. ​​ 

Great H O P E

I sincerely desire to be a witness for God of His truth and majesty and love and forgiveness. I make no claim to knowing everything, much less anything, but I do strongly believe that God can work in a willing heart that is yielded to Him and that that is all He needs.

I just read a sign that says “Great hope comes from faith in God”. So true, but exactly what is hope?

We say things like, “I hope it’s warm today”. Or, “I hope I get sleep tonight” and “I hope we’re having spaghetti for dinner”. You could probably fill in a number of other familiar phrases following this same pattern. I remember thinking that I hoped I had passed a test in school. Sometimes, while playing around with a new recipe, I hope it turns out good, or at least eatable! Have you ever hoped that the jeans you love will not be too snug after finding out they were washed and dried on a warm cycle?

Certainly, hope is optimistic. But used in the above examples, the intent has only a possibility of fulfilment. We can have hopeful feelings that some kind of goal would be met. We can be hopeful for the direction our older children are taking, or hopeful that escrow closes on time. We hope medical personnel will be able to decipher our ailments. On and on….

The word hope, when attached to God is different than just having a good feeling that something will turn out well. Hope placed in the Truth is certain, it is to be counted on. It has no question mark at its end. Hope is fulfilled in Jesus’ work on the cross.

I have not attained any degrees in language study. Definitely no formal education in Hebrew or Greek. I have used a Strong’s concordance almost daily for a number of years and a combination of different Bible translations and an English dictionary along with the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and multiple commentaries and Bible dictionaries. My main resource is the Bible with related scriptures interpreting one another and prayer, lots and lots of prayer. And direction, wisdom and advice from my beloved God-fearing husband who is always excited to read my next study. (Kudos to God – thank you for this incredible gift of my husband.) I sincerely desire to be a witness for God of His truth and majesty and love and forgiveness. I make no claim to knowing everything, much less anything, but I do strongly believe that God can work in a willing heart that is yielded to Him and that that is all He needs.

The first retreat I spoke at, I remember being ridiculously scared, nervous and needing to use the restroom several times – sorry for the descriptiveness. But, some of you understand. The scripture I was lead to was in Exodus, go figure! Not necessarily a book we spend the most time in. But somehow, (God’s direction), I landed in Exodus 4:10. It says: Then Moses said to the LORD, “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since Thou hast spoken to Thy servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” I remember reading this and thinking yep, that’s me. But then I continued to read… Ex 4:11 And the LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes [him] dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Ex 4:12 “Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.” Moses questioned God again and God was angered towards him. I was immediately embarrassed that I had put myself in a place where somehow I thought I had to figure out what to say about God. He’s already said it, I’m just following His lead and relaying the info!  And, He doesn’t need me for anything.  But, if I trust Him, He will use me for His purpose.  God will use whomever He chooses in whatever way He chooses. Who am I to question His direction?

So, I write and share my studies and thoughts as His servant. Please read my words as what God has placed on my heart through study and prayer and then sit down with our Lord and Savior and ask Him to reveal His truths to your heart and circumstance.

Click here for more, a study on Great Expectations.

Esteem the Sword Ps 119:129

The word esteem bears the meaning of being honored. The ideas or persons you hold in high regard often bring feelings of delight or approval. So much so that there is a desire to emulate them.

King Edward the Sixth, on the day of his coronation, had presented before him three swords, signifying that he was monarch of three kingdoms. The king said, there was one sword wanting; being asked what that was, he answered, “The Holy Bible, which is the sword of the Spirit, and is to be preferred before these ensigns of royalty.” Thomas Watson, in “The Morning Exercises”

Ps 119:129 Thy testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul observes them.

wonderful <pele’> a miracle, marvelous thing, wonder (Strong’s Concordance)
wonderful: extraordinarily good or great; syn. tremendous (WordWeb)

The Psalmist gives us an emphatic statement about God’s testimony or witness – His word. Then he follows up with his active response to this truth. The things that really impact us cause a reaction or change.

We can say we esteem someone or something but words alone are empty without action. For example, we can say it’s important to serve without lifting a finger or without a willingness to sacrifice. You then need to ask yourself, do you truly believe this statement. We typically follow through with the things we value most. We make the time to do so. We set priorities that include those most admired things or people in our lives.

Thoughtfully consider the last 24 hours of your time. What does it reflect?

Click  here   for the continued study on Psalm 119:129.