
taking a step back, taking time to truly think about the real problem or concern, and remembering that God is never surprised with circumstances, is always the key to reacting properly to anything. TRUST.

A Short Consideration of​​ TRUST.

There is a slang term you’ve probably heard: ​​ ‘Just chill out’. ​​ It means to calm down, no worries, it is okay, take a deep breath. ​​ As I was considering what happens when there is a lack of​​ TRUST​​ – all the ‘what ifs’ that dominate our thinking – the thought that we​​ (I)​​ just need to chill out for a bit came to mind. ​​ For me, taking a step back, taking time to truly think about the real problem or​​ concern, and remembering​​ that God is never surprised with circumstances, is always the key to reacting properly to​​ anything. ​​ TRUST.

Ps 65:5 By awesome deeds Thou dost answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, Thou who art the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea;

Ps 9:10 And those who know Thy name will put their trust in Thee; For Thou, O LORD, hast not forsaken those who seek Thee.

Pr 3:5 Trust in​​ the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

The truth is that trusting in the name of God induces​​ our focus to remain on the​​ certain hope for our eternal future in heaven. ​​ Confidence built on His promises turns fear into peace. ​​ So regarding areas of​​ TRUST, it seems​​ obvious that trusting​​ or having faith in God’s truths keeps​​ us​​ from fretting over things we​​ have no control over – which is pretty much everything! ​​ 

However, the obvious isn’t always what happens. ​​ Many of us​​ can and do​​ TRUST​​ God for​​ our​​ future. ​​ We​​ say we​​ trust​​ that He will guide and direct​​ us​​ to His ways,​​ and that He​​ will be glorified as​​ we​​ take steps to​​ follow Him. ​​​​ We​​ say we​​ TRUST​​ that He is not at all surprised by​​ our​​ failures and that He will use them to grow us and teach us.

​​ Turmoil​​ appears​​ to be increasing worldwide.​​ If you look around you, it seems that God’s​​ perfect values of love, patience, gentleness, self-control, long-suffering, and being at peace with all men have long since been discarded. Even so, we​​ know we​​ can continue to​​ TRUST​​ that His plan is going according to His ultimate purpose​​ and​​ it​​ will culminate in the​​ fruition of His eternal kingdom. ​​ All this is good,​​ and trusting in God for these things settles well in​​ our​​ mind and​​ soul.

Yay and okay, right?! ​​ Except,​​ although​​ I​​ know​​ ​​ I​​ personally​​ need to​​ TRUST​​ in all things, I repeatedly struggle with an internal fight to take control, to do something. ​​ When things don’t go as planned​​ I can fall into a need of wanting to place blame on something or someone​​ or even​​ place blame on myself because I ‘should’ve been able to do something to fix it’ or I wonder what I did wrong. ​​ I can wish things were different and then begin to resent that they aren’t. ​​ My demeanor and words​​ can even be​​ affected and​​ become cold and abrupt. ​​ Perhaps you’re thinking you should pray for me, and yes, that’s always​​ welcome. ​​ Or just maybe,​​ you can relate. ​​ There is something all​​ of​​ the above have in common. ​​ Somehow, the area of​​ TRUST​​ has broken down on my end.

Consider also the struggle we have with trusting God to work in others. ​​​​ We​​ pray. ​​ We​​ try to encourage. ​​ But​​ often,​​ we​​ pray for God to work specifically in the areas​​ we​​ see. ​​ We​​ pray that God will change a heart to become more​​ in tuned​​ to becoming a better financial steward. ​​ Or​​ we​​ pray that someone would be able to​​ recognize their greed in​​ repeatedly​​ asking others for things. ​​ We​​ pray​​ when we see​​ impatience in raising children and​​ the need to control rather than correct behaviors. ​​ We have concerns with those who​​ become​​ absorbed​​ in​​ their​​ own problems instead​​ of reaching out to help others.​​ ​​ You could add a plethora of additional concerns we pray​​ about​​ for others. ​​ What I have been made aware of is that I’m trusting in God to bring about​​ my​​ ​​ answers​​ to​​ these prayers.​​  ​​​​ And I usually want to see the answers quickly. ​​ This is trusting in my solutions rather than​​ completely trusting in God for His work.

My​​ solutions​​ are that financial irresponsibility would become financial responsibility, that greediness would be turned to generosity, that impatience would turn to patience, controlling behaviors would become correction done in love, and​​ that being self-absorbed would change to an awareness of serving others. ​​ These are my answers to prayer, the way I think people would be most helped. ​​​​ God sees the bigger picture, and although the qualities I’m praying for​​ are​​ good to desire in all of us, the method of how God gets us there is His alone to know. ​​ Consider.​​ ​​ The areas of our​​ lives​​ that​​ look like they​​ need rearranging are usually just a symptom of an internal heart issue. ​​ Others, including myself, see the outside. ​​ We see with limited knowledge, what appears to be. ​​ ​​ God sees the heart. ​​​​ The motivation. ​​ The true intent and the real struggle.

1Sa 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God [sees] not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

So often, we put forth what we want others to believe about us. ​​ Just think of someone you know who seems to have it all together. ​​ Outwardly it’s not so difficult to look​​ as people expect. ​​ But,​​ each of us has learned​​ to walk,​​ and in the process there have been scraped knees, bruises and knots on the head. ​​ Each time I am blessed with getting to know someone a bit better, I get a more​​ accurate​​ understanding of their struggles and weaknesses. ​​ The barrier seems to weaken and a real picture begins to unfold. ​​ Transparency is a beautiful gift to the receiver.  ​​​​ All the other stuff we see initially as a problem is really just a symptom of hurting or insecurity or neglect or a difficult past or​​ lack of​​ TRUST. ​​ 

So let’s break down​​ the​​ specific area of ‘taking control’​​ I mentioned​​ earlier. ​​ This is a symptom that is directly related to failure in trusting God completely. Perhaps you’ll be able to relate and we can be encouraged to grow in this area together. ​​ It’s easy to say I​​ TRUST​​ in God, and I do wholeheartedly. ​​ I​​ TRUST​​ in who He says He is, in what He says He has done, and in what He says He will do. ​​ But, it’s another thing, at least in my life, to put this​​ TRUST​​ into practice all the time. ​​ There is a disconnect between knowing and doing, like a short-circuit that causes a temporary detour in the connection between my soul and my brain. ​​ 

Taking control. ​​ Becoming impatient with a waiting process or disliking the direction of someone or something causes us to ‘take control’ for ourselves. ​​ There is a need many of us have to manage life – usually we contain this need to our own life but sometimes we feel the need to manage others’ lives as well – Oh vey! ​​ We certainly must make plans, and goals are necessary​​ and should be​​ accompanied with action. ​​ But, what do we do when our plans and goals are derailed? ​​ We can get nervous or anxious and decide to take command of a situation. ​​ Some people become dominating over others or​​ take advantage of authority to influence control. ​​ Control may present itself in always having to have a part in decisions or needing to have everything go your way. ​​​​ We also can​​ resort to​​ the common exercise of manipulation. ​​ 

What’s the truth? ​​​​ We are not in control! ​​ No amount of bullying or badgering or planning or structure or manipulation will result in​​ us having​​ complete control. ​​​​ So, what do​​ we​​ need to​​ tell​​ ourselves​​ when this is a struggle? – ‘Get over it!’, ‘Move on’,​​ ‘Take a chill pill’ – or better,​​ TRUST​​ MORE​​ and concentrate on what is truly important.​​ 

God is in complete control, you may call it His​​ divine control​​ of all men.

2Ki 19:28 'Because of your raging against Me, and because your arrogance has come up to My ears, therefore​​ I will put My hook in your nose, and My bridle in your lips, and I will turn you back by the way which you came.

Above​​ is a vivid picture of God’s control. ​​ In this particular case, it’s His control of those against Him but it is a clear description of how God causes man’s direction.​​ It was not uncommon at the time to put a​​ metal​​ ring into the nose of an animal and attach a cord to it in order to control its direction. ​​ Picture​​ a bull with a large ring in its nose. ​​ God is in control of everyone. ​​ This may either be a comfort or a discomfort to the reader. ​​ If you are against God, He will take care of you at His will; if you are following God, take comfort in knowing He is in control. ​​​​ It doesn’t matter who you are, what your title is, your influence, your possessions (which all belong to God), or your earthly importance.

Job 12:19 "He makes priests walk barefoot, and overthrows the secure ones.

Pr 21:1 The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes.

God is all-powerful! ​​ 

Isa 48:13 "Surely​​ My hand founded the earth, and​​ My right hand spread out the heavens; when I call to them, they stand together.

Na 1:3 The LORD is slow to anger and​​ great in power, and the LORD will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. In whirlwind and storm is His way, and​​ clouds are the dust beneath His feet.

De 32:39 'See now that I, I am He, and there is no god besides Me; It is​​ I who put to death and give life. I have wounded, and it is I who heal; and there is no one who can deliver from My hand.

Da 4:35 "And all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, But​​ He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand Or say to Him, 'What hast Thou done?'

Ec 3:11​​ He has made everything appropriate in its time.​​ He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.

TRUST​​ that God has an incredible plan. ​​ A plan we are unable to fully comprehend. ​​ A plan that is for good to those who have received His Son as Savior and Lord. ​​ It may look like​​ things are out of control. ​​ We may even wonder ‘why’​​ when we see difficult​​ circumstances. ​​ The truth is, God doesn’t need us to ‘take control’ of anything. ​​ He’s got everything and everyone covered. ​​ We are to​​ TRUST​​ in Him, in His ways, and in His promises. ​​ 

Isa 41:10 'Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

2Ch 16:9a For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.​​ 

Eph 1:19-20 and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might​​ 20 which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly [places],

Eph 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,

However God brings about His purposes here on earth for His glory, His children can​​ TRUST​​ in the certain hope​​ of​​ their future in heaven for eternity with Him.

Isa 26:4 "Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.

Let’s practice being okay with not being in control! ​​ C.H..IL….L….. ​​​​ and​​ TRUST!