Focus on Christ

There is one thing certain and One we can find rest in. There is peace and assurance when we look to Jesus.

Focus on Christ

One friend lost her Dad and her grandmother within a few months. ​​ Another said his last good-byes to his wife before she died. ​​ These were not Covid related deaths, however the sting of loss has been made more​​ difficult in a year filled with uncertainty and unrest in general. ​​ Everyone has been touched by this pandemic in one way or another. ​​ We have all seen fear or disappointment in the eyes of people we know and love. ​​ Weddings have been cancelled or limited,​​ births were quietly announced and plans of all kinds were put on hold. ​​ Wildfires caused additional disruption, loss of property and life. ​​ Unemployment percentages are high, and violence has increased. ​​ Most readers will be able to add several items to this list of challenges. ​​ I have not even mentioned our recent presidential election. ​​ There are loved ones we have not been able to see, and many have celebrated their long-awaited graduation from school on-line. ​​ Birthdays, anniversaries, and retirements​​ have quickly passed – all without the acknowledgement we are accustomed to. ​​ Wearing a mask and meeting outside and virtual classrooms have become the norm. ​​ And 2020 keeps on giving! ​​ I received a text yesterday that one of my dear friends got bit by a dog while walking! ​​ What next?

The test is real! ​​ Will we remain steadfast and focused on Christ? ​​ There is one thing certain and One we can find rest in. ​​ There is peace and assurance when we look to Jesus. ​​ He was born in a stall, a most unassuming place.​​ ​​ Yet, His birth brings the hope of salvation to all mankind.​​ The truth of the Gospel – redemption of mankind from sin to eternal life – does not change.​​ ​​ Look through the lens of hope and you will see reason for joy. ​​ 

2​​ Corinthians 4:16-18, “Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed​​ day by day. ​​ For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the​​ things which are not seen are eternal.

  • Do not lose heart! ​​ Our strength does not come from outside but inside.​​ 

Ephesians 3:14-19, “For this reason, I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He​​ would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man; so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; [and] that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fulness of God”.


  • Our burdens are small in comparison to the work God produces through them.

Romans 8:18, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us”.


  • Keep your focus on things which have eternal value.

2 Corinthians 5:1-9, “For we know that if the earthly​​ tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. ​​ For indeed in this [house] we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven; inasmuch as we, having put it on, shall not​​ be found naked. ​​ For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened, because we do not want to be unclothed, but to be clothed, in order that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. ​​ Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who​​ gave to us the Spirit as a pledge. ​​ Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord – for we walk by faith, not by sight – we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent​​ from the body and to be at home with the Lord. ​​ Therefore also we have as our ambition whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him”.

We are not here for our own welfare, happiness, honor, or benefit; we are here to offer abundant praise to God for His​​ mercy. ​​ It is all for His glory. ​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Merry Christmas! ​​ Be joyful as you contemplate your future in Christ. ​​ Christmas is a time for celebration of the greatest gift given to all mankind. ​​ Difficulty, burdens, and pandemics do not change the​​ value and truth of the Gospel. ​​ This was the case thousands of years ago and it is the case now. ​​ There is no better gift you can give to those you love than sharing the reason for your hope.


Keep On keeping On…

Ecclesiastes 3:1, “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven”.

Are we there yet? ​​ Is it time yet? ​​ We have all heard this, thought this, or said these words. ​​ It is a mark of​​ impatience. We can easily become restless and even irritated when things do not happen according to our expectations.

The answer to the above questions is​​ ‘almost’​​ or ‘hang on just a bit longer’. ​​ ‘We will be there soon’. ​​ ‘Be patient’. ​​ Easier said than done! ​​ 

God is at work​​ even though we may not see the results. ​​ Everything is going exactly according to His plan. ​​ Read Solomon’s words in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “There is an appointed time for everything. ​​ And there is a time for every event under heaven”.

God has appointed seasons of events just as He has appointed changes in weather. ​​ He has purposed all things to happen at a specific time. ​​ Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are in God’s control. ​​ If you are a child of God, having accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior,​​ no worries,​​ He has you under His hand of care. ​​ All things pleasant and difficult will be used for your good and His glory. ​​ 

The opposite of impatience​​ is patience. ​​ This is not only tolerating delayed change but accepting it with​​ a cheerful heart attitude. ​​ A word we seldom use is longanimous. ​​ It means showing patience and self-control under adversity, being slow to retaliate or express resentment.

Psalm​​ 27:14​​ says, “Wait for the LORD; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD”. ​​​​ And​​ Romans​​ 8:25​​ says,​​ “But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it”.

Take a moment, look around you, listen to conversations. ​​ How are we doing during this pandemic? ​​ As a whole, not so good. ​​ But what about you personally, how are you responding to this lengthy​​ time of inconvenience, unknowns,​​ imposed​​ constraints? ​​​​ I pray you are persevering in hope and​​ patience​​ with your eyes fastened on God. ​​ How can you encourage those who are in despair? ​​ Share God’s promises, speak the​​ Truth.​​ 

We are right where we should be at this given moment.  ​​​​ Patience and compassion​​ are responses you can choose. ​​ Patience​​ because​​ God has the answers and​​ remains in control. ​​ Compassion for those who are struggling. ​​ Consider,​​ because of God’s grace you are able to have peace and joy​​ no matter the outcome. ​​ Those whose hearts are set on the world are​​ noticeably scared, upset,​​ and​​ have lost direction. ​​ Be thankful​​ for​​ the opportunities placed before you​​ to share the ultimate gift of love. ​​ Be a​​ light​​ in the darkness. ​​ 

Paul’s words​​ to the Philippians​​ ​​ reminds us how we are to act, “Do all things without grumbling or disputing; that you may prove yourselves to be​​ blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world,​​ holding fast the word of life”. (Php 2:​​ 14-16a)

The specific time we are living in has been appointed by God​​ for His purpose. ​​ Let us be strong, take courage,​​ and​​ have​​ patience, acting in a manner that honors God. ​​​​ I pray your heart is exceedingly joy filled as you look forward to your future.​​ ​​ I can think of no better season than the​​ one we are in right now as we prepare to celebrate​​ God’s love through the gift of His Son. ​​ There is hope.

Covid and Thanksgiving

This time in history is an incredible opportunity for Christians to stay the course, neither becoming discouraged nor disheartened.

Tomorrow,​​ November​​ 26th, 2020,​​ is Thanksgiving. ​​ It is​​ traditionally celebrated​​ on​​ the fourth Thursday in November,​​ and​​ commemorates​​ a feast first held in 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians.​​ Historical​​ accounts tell us the pilgrims had left England to seek a new home promising prosperity, land ownership and freedom to practice their faith. ​​ After a treacherous journey and many hardships,​​ there​​ was a celebration of the first corn​​ harvest​​ in their new land. ​​ In 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November​​ “to​​ ask God to commend to His tender care​​ to​​ all those who had become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers”, and to “heal the wounds of the nation”.​​ “In many American households, the Thanksgiving celebration has lost much of its original religious significance”.​​ Originally, it followed days of fasting during difficult times and “days of feasting and celebration to thank God in times of plenty”.​​ (Historical information and quotes​​ taken​​ from​​

What is your worship, what is your praise, for what are you grateful? ​​ Thanksgiving​​ is​​ more than tradition and gathering. ​​ It is​​ so much more than turkey and stuffing. ​​ It​​ is an act of worship to God​​ through praise,​​ prayer,​​ and petition, acknowledging who He is, what He has done and what He will do.​​ 

Even in this time of​​ world-wide pandemic and the confusion of​​ how best to​​ slow the spread​​ of Covid 19, we are to be thankful. ​​ And we have much to be thankful for. ​​ This​​ time in history​​ is an incredible​​ opportunity for​​ Christians to stay the course, neither becoming discouraged nor disheartened. ​​ 

We are to hold fast​​ – Hebrews​​ 3:6​​ but Christ [was faithful] as a Son over His house whose house we are, if we hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end.

We are to remain focused on our hope​​ – Titus​​ 2:13​​ looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ​​ Jesus.

We are to​​ persevere in the faith of the​​ Gospel​​ – Colossians1:23​​ if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister.

We are to​​ rejoice always, pray continuously,​​ and​​ give thanks in everything​​ – 1Thessalonians 5:16-18,​​ Rejoice always;​​ pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.​​ 

Philippians 4:6​​ says,​​ Be anxious for nothing, but​​ in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving​​ let your requests be made known to God.

Psalm 92:1-2​​ reads,​​ It is good to give thanks to the LORD,​​ and to sing praises to Thy name, O Most High.​​ To declare Thy lovingkindness in the morning, and Thy faithfulness by night.​​ ​​ God’s lovingkindness​​ is​​ His favor and mercy, His blessing poured out for those undeserving.​​ ​​ His​​ faithfulness​​ is​​ certain​​ and​​ secure.

Consider your example​​ as a follower of Christ. ​​ The church is not a building, it is a people called by God to witness His​​ Truth to the world. ​​ Are you hindering your​​ witness with complaints of wearing a mask, grumbling about being asked to limit​​ the size and place of your gathering,​​ or​​ complaining about the length of time this virus has​​ affected your ‘normal’​​ and ‘expected’​​ lifestyle? ​​ No one likes what is happening but​​ your response​​ to what God has allowed will either​​ create an open door to sharing Truth or a closed door of hypocrisy​​ as others see disobedience displayed in your life. ​​​​ Is your focus on keeping your ‘rights’ or on​​ giving up self in order to share Christ’s righteousness? ​​ 

These are difficult and personal questions. ​​ I find myself becoming tired of the rules and the​​ suggestions for safety. ​​ There are some things that simply do not make sense​​ in my limited understanding. ​​ Many of us have​​ not seen family for over eight months​​ and it is easy to give up. ​​ The desire to throw all caution​​ to the wind gets strong. ​​ I am guilty. ​​ But then, thankfully, I am brought back to reality and the reason for​​ my life. ​​ It is not about what I want,​​ what I understand or what I agree with,​​ it is about Christ and His​​ great sacrifice. ​​ 

Sin is becoming magnified as filters of right and wrong are withdrawn from society. ​​​​ Will you choose to be light? ​​​​ Without God we are doomed. ​​ Yet, God has not and will not give up on those he loves. ​​ His patience​​ is remarkable towards mankind. ​​ God, in His mercy and goodness, has extended life eternal to all who accept His Son, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. ​​​​ Be thankful. ​​​​ I pray that your heart overflows with gratitude as you share Truth with those you love. ​​ There is no greater gift to give than the​​ hope of the​​ Gospel. ​​ There is no greater recipient​​ or reason for​​ our thanksgiving than​​ GOD.

The gift of heaven is free to all who receive it. ​​ It is not something that is earned by hard work; it is not something that any of us deserve because we try to be good. ​​ Even in our best efforts we miss the mark, we make mistakes. ​​ We simply are unable to lead perfect lives.​​ Because of this, there is a chasm between man and God. ​​ God is 100% perfect and holy so He is unable to be in the presence of sinful man. ​​ Our sin must be punished​​ – the​​ consequence is eternal death. ​​ God, because He loves​​ you,​​ sent His perfect Son to pay​​ the penalty you owe for sin.​​ In Christ, your debt is​​ paid in full.​​ ​​ There is no one Christ’s death has not covered. ​​ Your lifestyle, your past sin, your ‘skeleton’s in the closet’, your messed-up life,​​ and anything else you can think of,​​ are not greater than God’s​​ power and the​​ gift of​​ His​​ love. ​​ Jesus Christ died on the cross for you; He rose from the dead securing a place in eternal heaven for you. ​​ By faith, accept what He offers – freedom from sin’s​​ control. ​​​​ Your heart will be changed​​ forever,​​ peace will​​ ensue​​ your soul,​​ and​​ your life will be an offering of thanksgiving everyday to the God who has saved you.

Perhaps​​ this Thanksgiving​​ we should follow the example given to us in 1863 and​​ ask God to commend to His tender care to all those who have​​ become widows, orphans,​​ mourners,​​ or sufferers, and to heal the wounds of the nation.

Focus Heavenward.

Coronavirus PANIC or Peace?

In all of this weird chaos, let us not forget the peace that affords those who have placed their trust in Jesus. There is no need for panic – God is in control.

Panic​​ is an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety,​​ a sudden mass fear​​ over anticipated events​​ (WordWeb).​​ ​​ It is a feeling of being scared and of terror.​​ 

The coronavirus, or​​ CoVid-19, has produced mass panic around the world. ​​ According to an article in​​ The Atlantic, dated March 11, 2020,​​ Italy had over 10,000 cases of the virus and there were simply too many cases to give each patient adequate care.

Listen to the news and you will hear of the quick spread and overwhelming numbers of​​ people​​ this virus​​ has infected. ​​ The word quarantine is not often part of our vocabulary. ​​ The closest I remember is when we got the mumps as a kid and a quarantine paper was posted on the front door of our house. ​​ This was expected and made complete sense since we were contagious. ​​ As the news channels continue to report the cancellation of iconic travel destinations around the world, we are left with wondering how we are to react.

Businesses, schools, churches, sports events, meetings and conferences, and​​ almost every place of large social interactions have been closed. ​​ Is this an​​ epidemic​​ that should cause a response? ​​ Absolutely. ​​ However, how​​ should​​ we respond? ​​ 

I had not personally felt​​ any real concern and certainly had not felt panic even when I heard​​ reports of lines forming outside stores​​ because​​ people​​ were​​ stocking up on toilet paper, sanitizer, and water. ​​ I was at a small chain grocery store last week and questioned the worker at the checkout line about the large sign that stated there was a limit of 2 cases of water per person. ​​ Both of us chuckled a bit at what seemed to be​​ an over-reaction. ​​ ​​​​ 

Yesterday afternoon, I drove to a large warehouse chain because my printer ran out of ink. ​​ I was hit with the reality of what panic looks like. ​​ I am typically slow to react and often under-react at situations. ​​ However, just being in the midst of a sense of​​ urgency​​ as people loaded their carts with canned goods, rice, pasta and every type of cleaner available, I felt my heart begin to beat a bit faster. ​​ Out of curiosity,​​ I pushed my cart up and down the​​ aisles. ​​ I saw something I had never seen before –​​ bare​​ shelves.​​ ​​ It was actually a mental challenge not to begin to feel a sense of panic. ​​ I​​ had to continually remind myself there was no reason to join the frenzy. ​​ I did purchase a few extra items I thought would be helpful to have just in case of – ‘I don’t know what’. ​​ 

Each of us absolutely needs to​​ follow the instruction of those in charge. ​​ We have authority in place for a reason. ​​ So if they say stay home I will. ​​ We can all act responsibly​​ to lessen the chance of someone getting ill.​​ Praise God we live in a time of social media where we are able to stay in touch and continue to encourage one another. ​​ I am thankful the church I attend will​​ stream​​ their Sunday service​​ online. ​​ We can all​​ be there​​ in spirit and still follow the guidelines of our government.

In all of this weird chaos, let us not forget the peace that affords those who have placed their trust in Jesus. ​​ There is no need for panic –​​ God​​ is in​​ control. ​​​​ He is not surprised by this outbreak. ​​ He has the power to work in the lives of those who practice medicine, to make the best decisions possible for everyone. ​​​​ Whatever befalls us, it is because in​​ God’s​​ perfect wisdom He allows it. ​​ We have an incredible opportunity to spread our reason for hope when others may be fearful. ​​ Please share with those around you that if they turn to Christ, their​​ panic will turn to peace.​​ 

John​​ 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you.​​ ​​ Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.