Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

What does the world say? “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”.
This means don’t put all your resources on one hope, possibility or avenue of success or just one person. If that fails then you are left with nothing.

Yes, we have chickens!  Yes, we do collect the eggs each day in an egg basket!  It started with a thought.  It grew into a reality.  They’re actually pretty efficient.  We give them our fruit and veggie scraps and our garden clippings and supplement it with lay mash and hen scratch and they give us eggs!  Beautiful, tasty, organic, free range eggs.  Of all colors – green, blue, chocolate, tan, speckled, and white.  There is an additional benefit we hadn’t thought of when we started our hen house.  Doors in the neighborhood now open with anticipation as my husband walks around to deliver the extra!  God can and will use any means He wants as a door to building relationships – even chickens.  Isn’t that fun?!

What does the world say?  “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”.

This means don’t put all your resources on one hope, possibility or avenue of success or just one person.  If that fails then you are left with nothing.  answers.com

Think of the word resource.  The noun resource means an available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed.  A source of aid or support.  The verb resource means to provide with or obtain resources.  Types of resources may be assets, ingenuity, inventiveness, aid, assistance, backing, support, funding, help, inventory, livelihood, recourse, refuge, and sustenance. Information taken from WordWeb.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia says: “A resource is a source or supply from which benefit is produced.  Typically resources are materials, energy, services, staff, knowledge, or other assets that are transformed to produce benefit and in the process may be consumed or made unavailable. … From a human perspective a natural resource is anything obtained from the environment to satisfy human needs and wants.”  

When reading on about resources, limited availability and the potential for depletion, is a grave concern in the world. Renewable and non-renewable resources are addressed.  Land, labor and capital are considered resources.  A current goal of natural resources is sustainability. These would include water, air, fish and minerals.  Sometimes restrictions are mandated on the use of our resources in the hopes that they will last longer.  Large companies and even the government are dedicated to finding ways to limit use of depleting resources and to convert items that we have in abundance to fill our needs.

Think of your personal resources.  Where are your needs met?  Have you diversified your assets so that you feel secure or do you realize your greatest asset is in God?  Are you willing to give Him everything and trust that He will fulfill your needs or do you have alternatives in the world just in case?

What does God say?


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