Look around you – how have things changed? One year ago, most of us could have never guessed how different our lives would become. Pandemics were the things you only heard about from history books or they happened in less privileged countries, those with minimal health care and hard living conditions. The month of March 2020 introduced us to new phrases. ‘Safer at home’, ‘Essential workers’, ‘Social distancing’, ‘Flattening the curve’, and ‘Herd immunity’, suddenly became topics of discussion.
Schools have closed, jobs have been lost, businesses have gone bankrupt. People have died. The ravages of Covid 19 have touched everyone. The difficulties during the world-wide spread of the Coronavirus are unprecedented. The health care system is overwhelmed, medical personnel are physically exhausted and emotionally drained. Authority has been challenged, and some individuals have turned to violence as their fear of losing control has grown. Look around you – it is not pretty.
Yet, babies have been born, weddings have taken place, students have graduated, and the internet has provided a way for workers and schools to carry on, albeit a bit differently than before this pandemic. The world has kept turning, the sun and moon have continued as scheduled.
How are you doing? Are you living in fear of what might happen or how you might be affected? Has the sorrow of death engulfed you in grief? Are the ‘what ifs’ causing you to live in anxiety? There is an answer. It is not a religion nor is it a building. His name is God. Faith placed in the things of this world has been uprooted, shaken like a fierce storm. Perhaps it is time to place your trust on solid ground. Your fears will be replaced with peace in God’s perfect plan.