The Gift of Jesus

certain hope, the promise of eternal life, joy, peace, gratitude, and purpose

The day we traditionally celebrate​​ as​​ Christmas has passed. ​​ Yet, the gift keeps on giving. ​​ God gave His Son that we might be ransomed from a life of​​ futility​​ to a life of freedom. ​​ No matter how much time, effort, intelligence, or work, we​​ may​​ invest in​​ becoming a successful human being, we simply are unable to attain a level of​​ perfection. ​​ Perfection means we are without flaw or defect. ​​ Striving towards a goal of holiness is admirable yet without Christ, living a life pleasing to God is impossible. ​​ The things we might do, including our works and our efforts, the religion we might identify with, the words we say, all fall short without having accepted the gift of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. ​​ 

The good news is the gift of God’s Son is available to all who will receive it. ​​ Not just at Christmas, but whenever a heart reaches out to humbly accept the love God offers. ​​​​ We do not need to ‘clean up our act’ before bowing before Him, He will clean it up for us! ​​ We cannot check off boxes of completion and then turn our resume in for acceptance; we only need to recognize we are unworthy of the position of adoption then reach out and accept His redemption. ​​​​ There is​​ endless striving and​​ futility in trying to find true fulfillment in the world​​ through our own efforts. ​​ We will never quite get there, there will always be one more step, one more goal to accomplish.​​ 

But,​​ in Christ there is freedom as we abandon trust in our own efforts for what has already been​​ done. ​​ Suddenly, purpose becomes clear, peace abounds even in trials,​​ and​​ gratitude fills a heart with joy for​​ the precious gift of Jesus. ​​ Time, effort, intelligence, and work become offerings of praise as God transforms​​ our life as His adopted children. ​​  ​​​​  ​​​​ 

Galatians​​ 4:4-5​​ says,​​ “But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, in order that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons”. ​​​​ This is Christmas, this is the gift each of us has been offered. ​​ My friend, have you reached out to accept this gift? ​​ Will you let go of​​ self​​ in order to gain a life with Christ? ​​​​ This may seem scary, however it is unbelievably​​ amazing! ​​​​ Picture walking through a​​ boggy, unchartered​​ marshland with peril every step of the way compared to walking on a path already laid out for you with bridges built over swamps, detours clearly marked to avoid danger, and rest stops to gain strength to continue.  ​​​​ Which would you choose?

What is life with Christ –​​ certain​​ hope,​​ the​​ promise​​ of eternal life, joy, peace, gratitude,​​ and​​ purpose. ​​ There is no greater gift than Jesus, Emmanuel – God with us (Matthew 1:23). ​​ “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth”, John 1:14. ​​ 

What about your gifts, talents, interests, education, and​​ all the time and effort you have invested in the things you enjoy? ​​ Hang on because​​ God will use all He has blessed you with for His glory. ​​ You will find yourself empowered to accomplish things you never dreamt possible​​ when you seek to please God in your efforts. ​​ You will be astounded at the peace that fills your heart even through difficult circumstances.

John 6:47 says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life”. ​​ Entrust your life to Christ and accept His promise of eternal life. ​​​​ And have a true celebration of Christ’s birth​​ all year long.