
“With a fatherly kindness God watches over and directs the concerns of the poorest, most obscure, and defenseless of his people, and directs them in such a manner as to promote their highest good”

Do you see the hand of God in your life? ​​​​ The word happenstance refers to an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental. ​​ It is closely related to the idea of something being a coincidence. ​​ I don’t believe anything is a coincidence since the Bible says God has purposed everything according to His will. ​​ He is in control of all things, knows all things and nothing is beyond God’s​​ scrutiny​​ and dominion. ​​ Read​​ Proverbs 21:1, “The king’s heart is [like] channels of water in the hand of the LORD;​​ He turns it wherever He wishes”. ​​​​ God’s providence​​ is quite the opposite of accidental. ​​ It is an event or circumstance that may look like coincidence but has been arranged all along by Him. ​​ It is God’s care exercised for His creation.

I am studying the book of Ruth at this moment. ​​​​ Ruth 2:3, turned my eyes toward thinking upon God’s divine direction in my life. ​​ As I look back I am truly amazed and thankful at the way each segment has been placed just so. ​​ Even the negative – or what I thought was negative – has been purposely used by God to​​ show me​​ Himself​​ and to grow me​​ in trust and understanding. ​​ My heart is full of praise and adoration for the One true God, our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Ruth 2:3​​ reads,​​ “So she departed and went and gleaned in the field after the reapers; and she happened to come to the portion of the field belonging to Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelech.

God’s​​ hand of care is written all over this! ​​ Consider how blessed we are to have this encouraging picture​​ of God working in the lives of those whom He has called. ​​ Even in dire circumstances which are unforeseen, God has an incredible plan. ​​ 

 Our text​​ says Ruth happened upon a field belonging to Boaz. ​​ This word ‘happened’ means something met with an accident or fortune, something befallen or by chance. ​​ Was this an accident or providence?​​ Family Bible Notes makes this comment, “With a fatherly kindness God watches over and directs the concerns of the poorest, most obscure, and defenseless of his people, and directs them in such a manner as to promote their highest good”.Matthew Poole’s Commentary says, “It was indeed a chance in reference to second causes, but ordered and designed by God’s providence”. God uses the circumstances in our lives to bring Himself glory. ​​ 

If you are God’s child, you will be able to see His hand directing your life in all areas. ​​ Look back at seemingly unimportant events or decisions and praise God for how He has turned them for your blessing. ​​​​ Be excited for His guidance and direction as He leads you on a path that will bring growth in your life and glory to Himself. ​​​​ 

Focus​​ Heavenward, Sharyn.