Beautiful, Glorious, Savior

Today, in this calendar year of 2023, is recognized by most Christians as ‘Good Friday’. ​​ It marks the Friday before Easter Sunday when Jesus was crucified. ​​ We cannot fully understand the significance of His suffering and death unless we recognize our depravity and need for a Savior. ​​ We are sinful. ​​ In fact, the power of sin is so strong in our humanity that it condemns us to eternal damnation – forever without the presence and protection of our Holy God. ​​ The only way to avoid this separation from God is through a perfect sacrifice – the payment for sin. ​​ We must acknowledge the price paid for our transgressions against God – the suffering, betrayal, rejection, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


Jesus is perfect, God’s only Son, part of the Triune Godhead. ​​ He willingly was born to this earth in human form and lived as a man. ​​ He was perfectly holy, without sin, yet, He was tempted, felt pain, cried, and in every way understood our human condition. ​​ Because He is perfect, He never succumbed to the power of Satan’s lies. ​​ Instead, He always followed His Father’s will in obedience.


Jesus is our perfect sacrifice, our key to heaven, the proof of God’s love for us, our perfect example of obedience, the certain and only hope for our future. ​​ Without His death, we face condemnation for eternity in hell, a place of torment and unceasing pain, separated for all time from our holy God.


Contemplate what God has done for you through the sacrifice of His only Son. ​​ This gift is available to everyone who confesses Jesus as Lord and Savior. ​​ Jesus is​​ LORD​​ – the one whom we follow in obedience. ​​ Jesus is Savior – the only one whose bloodshed offers payment for sin and salvation from sins power to destroy.


Thank you, God for saving me. ​​ Amazing, Powerful, Transforming, Eternal, Protector, Glorious in Heaven, Beautiful, LORD. ​​ My heart is full of gratitude in the knowledge of what You have done for me, an undeserving sinner, saved by Your grace alone, through faith alone, in Your Son’s death and resurrection. ​​ There is no need for striving to get something; only the need to accept what has already been given.