Great H O P E

I sincerely desire to be a witness for God of His truth and majesty and love and forgiveness. I make no claim to knowing everything, much less anything, but I do strongly believe that God can work in a willing heart that is yielded to Him and that that is all He needs.

I just read a sign that says “Great hope comes from faith in God”. So true, but exactly what is hope?

We say things like, “I hope it’s warm today”. Or, “I hope I get sleep tonight” and “I hope we’re having spaghetti for dinner”. You could probably fill in a number of other familiar phrases following this same pattern. I remember thinking that I hoped I had passed a test in school. Sometimes, while playing around with a new recipe, I hope it turns out good, or at least eatable! Have you ever hoped that the jeans you love will not be too snug after finding out they were washed and dried on a warm cycle?

Certainly, hope is optimistic. But used in the above examples, the intent has only a possibility of fulfilment. We can have hopeful feelings that some kind of goal would be met. We can be hopeful for the direction our older children are taking, or hopeful that escrow closes on time. We hope medical personnel will be able to decipher our ailments. On and on….

The word hope, when attached to God is different than just having a good feeling that something will turn out well. Hope placed in the Truth is certain, it is to be counted on. It has no question mark at its end. Hope is fulfilled in Jesus’ work on the cross.

I have not attained any degrees in language study. Definitely no formal education in Hebrew or Greek. I have used a Strong’s concordance almost daily for a number of years and a combination of different Bible translations and an English dictionary along with the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and multiple commentaries and Bible dictionaries. My main resource is the Bible with related scriptures interpreting one another and prayer, lots and lots of prayer. And direction, wisdom and advice from my beloved God-fearing husband who is always excited to read my next study. (Kudos to God – thank you for this incredible gift of my husband.) I sincerely desire to be a witness for God of His truth and majesty and love and forgiveness. I make no claim to knowing everything, much less anything, but I do strongly believe that God can work in a willing heart that is yielded to Him and that that is all He needs.

The first retreat I spoke at, I remember being ridiculously scared, nervous and needing to use the restroom several times – sorry for the descriptiveness. But, some of you understand. The scripture I was lead to was in Exodus, go figure! Not necessarily a book we spend the most time in. But somehow, (God’s direction), I landed in Exodus 4:10. It says: Then Moses said to the LORD, “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since Thou hast spoken to Thy servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” I remember reading this and thinking yep, that’s me. But then I continued to read… Ex 4:11 And the LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes [him] dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Ex 4:12 “Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.” Moses questioned God again and God was angered towards him. I was immediately embarrassed that I had put myself in a place where somehow I thought I had to figure out what to say about God. He’s already said it, I’m just following His lead and relaying the info!  And, He doesn’t need me for anything.  But, if I trust Him, He will use me for His purpose.  God will use whomever He chooses in whatever way He chooses. Who am I to question His direction?

So, I write and share my studies and thoughts as His servant. Please read my words as what God has placed on my heart through study and prayer and then sit down with our Lord and Savior and ask Him to reveal His truths to your heart and circumstance.

Click here for more, a study on Great Expectations.