Saved to the Uttermost

Our position as God’s children has been given to us as a gift, regardless of our lacking deservedness. So where we were once enslaved we are free, where we were in danger we are now safe, where we were dead in our trespasses we have been healed, where we were in decay from sin we have been kept and where we were broken we are now whole again.

Jesus is our guarantee (Hebrews 7:22) and He abides forever (Hebrews 7:24). ​​ Therefore, we read in​​ Hebrews 7:25, “Hence, also, He is able to save forever those​​ who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them”.

Notice the words forever and always in the above scripture! ​​ When needing encouragement, there is no better place to look than in the truth of God’s word. ​​ We often do not place enough weight on the finality of our salvation. ​​ It is difficult to imagine the completeness of our forgiveness when we continue to fall short. ​​ We naturally live on a conditional basis. ​​ If someone is kind to us then we are kind to them; if we​​ are given a smile then we are approved, if we are helped then we feel loved and if someone calls then we are remembered. ​​ We could go on and on with this list.

We cannot treat our relationship with Christ the same as any earthly relationship. ​​ Although our thinking falters, His is perfect. ​​ Our actions are lacking, God’s love is complete and unconditional. ​​ Why is this important to embrace? ​​ Because regardless of how we feel or what we have done, His love for us remains the same. ​​ Those He has chosen to be His children are His children, never disowned. ​​ Yes, we will always be undeserving if resting upon our own abilities, but in Christ we are 100% justified. ​​ God’s love is fully complete based on His perfect holiness. ​​ There is nothing we add, there is nothing needed. ​​ Hebrews 7:25 says, “He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him”. ​​ 

 To be saved means we​​ have been​​ delivered, we​​ are​​ protected, we​​ are​​ healed, we​​ are​​ preserved, and we​​ are​​ made whole. ​​ There is no question. ​​ Our position as God’s children has been given to us as a gift, regardless of our lacking deservedness. ​​ So where we were once enslaved we are free, where we were in danger we are now safe, where we were dead in our trespasses we have been healed, where we were in decay from sin we have been kept and where we were broken we are now whole again. ​​ This is marvelous! ​​ There truly are no words to express the magnitude of Christ’s gift to us.

We cannot miss the time extension of salvation. ​​ Forever. ​​ This literally means full-ended or entire – to the uttermost. ​​ We don’t lose God’s gift, it does not end when we fail or until the next time we falter. ​​ Salvation is given beyond the most extreme human understanding of time. ​​ Never to run out. ​​ Never to be used up. ​​ We are completely saved from the guilt, the power and the eternal consequences of sin.

 But, you say, there must be something expected to obtain this marvelous gift! ​​ There is no condition upon God’s employ of it but there is an action of our will, a response to His​​ call. ​​ Salvation is for “those who draw near to God through Him [Christ]”. ​​ Have we come near the throne of Jesus? ​​ Do we worship Him? ​​ Are we in agreement with our need of His salvation? Do we live for Him? ​​ The challenge is to take these questions a step​​ further.​​ How have I come near the throne of Jesus? ​​ How do I worship Him? How are these applications seen in my life? ​​​​ 

The answer to the first set of questions are either yes or no. ​​ Jesus did not die for our convenience, just to be sought when we are desperate. ​​ He committed His life for ours, continuously extending grace. “He is able to save, from the power, guilt, nature, and punishment of sin, to the uttermost, to all intents, degrees, and purposes; and always, and in and through all times, places and circumstances” (Adam Clarke’s Commentary).​​ 

 We are saved, we are safe, and we are blessed, because of Christ. ​​ At all times and in all circumstances, we can be encouraged and we are to be joy-filled. ​​ Romans 5:9-11 says, “Much more then, having now been​​ justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath [of God] through Him.​​ For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be​​ saved by His life.​​ And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.”

Be encouraged, my friend! ​​ If you have responded to Christ’s call, you are saved to the uttermost. ​​ There is incredible joy in this truth no matter what circumstances may surround you. ​​ The world may seem scary and man’s message is full of uncertainty and sinful vices, but in this scary world God’s truth gives peace and erases doubt. ​​ His power overcomes the control of a sinful nature. God’s hand is over all things. ​​ Nothing is surprising to Him and He is certainly big enough to handle all concerns, problems and actions of man. ​​ And through all things, He holds His children, He will not lose them nor forsake them. ​​ His love for you has no end and no limits.

Focus Heavenward with me to the praise of His name alone, Sharyn.

Romans 8:31-32 What then shall we say to these things? If God [is] for us, who [is] against us?​​ He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also​​ with Him freely give us all things?