
In our walk with God, there is no need to be alone. In fact, there is no need to misstep if we walk with Him all the way.

My Dad used to tell us about how he walked six miles to and from school, uphill both ways!! ​​ It’s not so common now to have a child walk to school because safety has become a real concern. ​​ Well, I didn’t walk six miles to school and certainly both ways were not uphill​​ , but my brothers and I always walked to school, to friends’ homes, and to a place we called ‘the little store’ which was a convenience store where you would buy penny candy. ​​ Sometimes we would meander around the neighborhood which had a radius of a few miles, sometimes we would hurry to our destination if we were running late or it was getting dark. ​​ You always had to be home by dark for dinner. ​​ Once, I was walking home from school after hanging out with my friends so it was a bit later than usual so I was kind of half walking, half running. ​​ I somehow missed my step and rolled my ankle really bad. ​​ It swelled up like a baseball within minutes and turned purple​​ pretty quickly. ​​ No one would really look for me until dinner time. ​​ So I was on my own. ​​ I hobbled home with crocodile tears in my eyes all the way! ​​ 

In our walk with God, there is no need to be alone. ​​ In​​ fact, there is no need to misstep if we walk with Him all the way.

Ps 119:133 Establish my footsteps in Thy word, and do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.

Consider. ​​​​ What does it mean to establish something?

establish: ​​ set up, lay the groundwork, make clear by example or explanation, institute, bring about, place

establish (KJV – order) <kuwn> to be erect; hence to set up, establish, fix, prepare, apply. ​​ confirm, direct, order, be stable

order​​ my steps (KJV)

direct​​ my steps (NKJV)

keep​​ steady my steps (RSV)

Ps 17:5 My steps have held fast to Thy paths. My feet have not slipped.

Have you ever been on a hiking trip or taken a long hike in the mountains? ​​ How important is it that your steps are carefully placed? ​​ What happens if not?

God governs our steps; God guides our steps; God keeps us from losing our step. ​​ In other words, we have a map, we have a guide and we have someone holding our hand helping us through the uncertain or difficult areas of our journey! ​​ 

So why do we falter? ​​​​ We let go, we move ahead without waiting because we’re impatient, we choose not to look at the map and we get lost.

“Ver. 133. Order my steps in thy word. This is one of the Lord's customary mercies to his chosen, -- "He keepeth the feet of his saints." By his grace he enables us to put our feet step by step in the very place which his word ordains. This prayer seeks a very choice favour, namely, that every distinct act, every step, might be arranged and governed by the will of God. This does not stop short of perfect holiness, neither will the believer's desires be satisfied with anything beneath that blessed consummation.” ​​ Treasury of David

Read what the next part of Psalm 119:133 says:

Establish my footsteps​​ in Thy word,

word <’imrah> commandment, speech, word

Pretty clear, right. ​​ God’s word. ​​ His truth. ​​ The bible. ​​ Think! ​​​​ What does it mean to be ‘in something’? ​​ We have common sayings such as, ‘we are in love’. ​​ We can be in church, in the store, in the back yard, etc. ​​ We are physically there! ​​ We are part of whatever we are in. ​​ Being in something speaks of our location, or our surroundings. ​​ I belong to a quilting group – I am​​ in​​ the quilting group. ​​ I am​​ in​​ a growth group. ​​ In the summer, we are in the water, meaning we are involved with it, surrounded by it.

Ps 64:10 The righteous man will be glad in the LORD, and will take refuge in Him; and all the upright in heart will glory.

“Steps taken before, or in the presence of God. Steps butted and bounded by a divine rule. These are steps indeed."​​ --John Bunyan, in "Solomon's Temple Spiritualized."


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