
Everything on this earth is in a state of decline or decomposition. Take a quick glance at your skin compared to several years ago and you will notice it is aging. Our lives on earth are a slight blip of time in the context of eternity.



We are continuing to look at the inheritance we have in Christ described for us in​​ 1 Peter 1:3-4, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to [obtain] an inheritance [which is] imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you”. ​​​​ Our inheritance in Christ is​​ imperishable, meaning it continues, it will not decay, it is incorruptible.​​ 

  • Can you think of any earthly thing that is imperishable?


Even rocks wear away and memories fade. ​​ All earthly inheritance here will be parted with; our inheritance in heaven is eternal. ​​ Think of the words abiding and enduring, lasting forever. ​​ Our inheritance in Christ cannot be taken away once we are His. ​​ The word ‘imperishable’ or ‘incorruptible’ from​​ Strong’s Greek Dictionary,​​ aphthartos,​​ is explained as undecaying in essence or continuance. ​​ 

James 1:12 Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which [the Lord] has promised to those who love Him.

1Peter 1:23 for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, [that is,] through the living and abiding word of God.

John 10:27-29 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;​​ and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand.​​ ​​ "My Father, who has given [them] to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch [them] out of the Father's hand.

Our inheritance is​​ undefiled, meaning it is unsoiled or pure. ​​ If we look around us, it is easy to see how sin affects the world. ​​ In contrast, our inheritance in heaven is unaffected by sin in the world; sin has no place in heaven. ​​ Nothing impure can enter heaven. ​​ Read what John writes about heaven in a vision from God.

Revelation 21:27 and nothing unclean and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.​​ 

Our inheritance is pure, unpolluted. ​​ On earth, it is possible to gain an inheritance dishonestly perhaps from changing records or wills or even taking someone to court. ​​ An inheritance in heaven cannot be stained by impure or dishonest motives. ​​ Those whom God calls are His, period. ​​ He will lose none of His own and He will not admit those who are not His own. ​​ No one will sneak into heaven or be able to fool themselves or God that they belong. ​​ 

Leviticus Chapter 18 is an account of God speaking to Moses, warning the Israelites to live according to God’s laws and not follow after the abominations of those before them who had defiled the land with their sin.​​ 

Sin is not the rule or control of a believer’s life. ​​ God’s grace is sufficient to overcome the power of sin. ​​ God knows our individual weaknesses and our personal struggles with sin. ​​ Out of love, He provides what is needed for us to defeat it. ​​ When Paul​​ felt weak and entreated God for help, he was reminded of God’s sufficiency,​​ “And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)​​  ​​​​ Here on earth we have God’s power to be victorious over sin. ​​ His heavens are befitting of His glory – pure and without the stain of sin.​​ ​​ God is holy, perfectly righteous.​​ ​​ Take a moment to imagine​​ the absence of sin​​ – no wrong thoughts, no bad motives, no hurt feelings, nothing unjust, no physical pain or sorrow, no regret, no disappointment, no hurtful language, no bad decisions. ​​ Do you live in a way which shows​​ thanks to​​ God for the incredible promise of Heaven?

 Our inheritance​​ will not​​ fade away.​​ ​​ It is perpetual, everlasting.

1Peter 1:24 For all flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. ​​ The grass withers, and the flower falls off. ​​ 

Isaiah 40:7-8 The grass withers, the flower fades, When the breath of the LORD blows upon it; Surely the people are grass.​​ The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.

  • Think about the contrast between trusting in people and things upon the earth, with trusting in an eternal God and heaven.


Everything on this earth is in a state of decline or decomposition. ​​ Take a quick glance at your skin compared to several years ago​​ and you will notice it is aging. ​​ Our lives on earth are a slight blip of time in the context of eternity. ​​ The only thing that will last is our relationship with God, our inheritance in His heavens.

Something that fades away becomes less and less with time, exposure, or use. ​​ Yet, Heaven cannot become less than it is. ​​ Its value will always remain perfect. ​​ Albert Barnes NT Commentary​​ says, “This denotes perpetuity in the sense that everything there will be kept in its original brightness and beauty”. ​​ Perhaps,​​ think ‘Garden of Eden’ untouched by sin. ​​ 

Our inheritance is​​ reserved in heaven.​​ ​​ This is our hope, the gospel (Col 1:5); a crown of righteousness (2 Ti 4:8); victory (Isa 54:17); a place with those who are sanctified by faith (Ac 26:18); in the presence of God forever (Rev 22:3-5).

  • What is the expectation when you have made a reservation or an appointment?


2Timothy 4:8 in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.

Consider this – you have a reservation – your name written in Christ’s blood – to claim your inheritance in heaven. ​​ It cannot be cancelled, even due to dire circumstances. ​​ No weather phenomena or world-wide pandemic will change the reservation God has made for you in heaven. ​​ It is stamped on your heart and in your soul, nothing will affect God’s claim on you. ​​ He is keeping His eye upon you. ​​ God holds fast to His own. ​​ God has appointed us as His children for His heaven. ​​ We do not possess heaven while on this earth, but it is secured for our future.

Within the last year​​ and a half,​​ security​​ in the world​​ ​​ seems to have been uprooted. ​​ We have been​​ in a health crisis and along with that we have​​ experienced​​ a financial crisis, government upheaval and authority​​ has been​​ dismantled. ​​ People​​ have lost jobs,​​ homes, health, identity, and​​ the​​ purpose they have sought in earthly things. ​​ Circumstances have begun to improve, however, crisis of some sort will return again. ​​ This is opposite of our hope in heaven, it is fixed and abiding still. ​​ God’s children and their inheritance are kept safe by His power​​ (1 Peter 1:5).​​ 

Our heavenly inheritance is, “In substance incorruptible; in purity undefiled; in beauty unfading”, (from Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary).

  • What is the object of your hope?

  • What is your destiny?


Matthew 25:34 "Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

 1Peter 5:4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.

Philip Doddridge​​ says this of 1 Peter 1:4, “And by whom we are brought to the cheerful and confident expectation of an inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading, which nothing can spoil, which nothing can pollute, and which is incapable of any internal decay, as well as external violence. ​​ This inheritance is reserved in the heavens for you and for all true believers”.

Ephesians 1:18 [I pray that] the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

Psalm 31:19 How great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast stored up for those who fear Thee, Which Thou hast wrought for those who take refuge in Thee, before the sons of men!

Paul and Timothy address their faithful brothers and sisters in Christ with this reminder of their hope,​​ “because of the hope laid up for you in heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel”, Colossians 1:5.

Let’s keep our focus Heavenward. ​​ “If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied”, 1 Corinthians 15:19.


Belonging to Heaven

Heaven belongs to God’s children. The inheritance of eternal life with God is sure; it is not fleeting, cannot be used up, and cannot even be given away. This is the one possession that we can claim now and forever, all because of God’s great love.

​​ “May grace​​ (the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude)​​ and peace​​ (prosperity and quietness)​​ be yours in the fullest measure” 1 Peter 1:2b. ​​ 

Because –

  • We have an inheritance imperishable and undefiled​​ that​​ will not fade away, in heaven.


1Peter​​ 1:4 to [obtain] an inheritance [which is] imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you,


When you consider receiving an inheritance, what do you think of? ​​ It is the property received by an heir. ​​ It can be money, land, jewelry, stocks, and other possessions that once belonged to another individual, most often a parent or family member. ​​ The story of the Prodigal son in Luke chapter 15 gives us a picture of inheritance. ​​ It is not the main point of the story yet it is a clear picture of the fleeting value of an earthly inheritance.

Heaven belongs to God’s children. ​​ The inheritance of eternal life with God is​​ sure;​​ it is not fleeting, cannot be used up, and cannot even be given away. ​​ This is the one possession that we can claim now and forever, all because of God’s great love. ​​ 1 Peter 1:3 tells us God caused us to be born again to a living hope. ​​ What is that hope? ​​​​ 1 Peter 1:4 says it is our inheritance in heaven. ​​​​ This inheritance is available to us through the resurrection of Jesus.

Romans 8:15-17​​ reads,​​ For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! ​​ Father!” ​​​​ The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with [Him] in order that we may also be glorified with [Him.]

Our inheritance in Christ is​​ imperishable, meaning it continues, it will not​​ decay, it is​​ incorruptible. ​​ All earthly​​ inheritance here will be parted with; our inheritance in heaven is eternal. ​​ Think of the words abiding and enduring, lasting forever. ​​ Our inheritance in Christ cannot be taken away once we are His.

Our inheritance is​​ undefiled, meaning it is unsoiled or pure. ​​ If we look around us, it is easy to see how sin affects the world. ​​ Our inheritance in heaven is unaffected by sin in the world. ​​ Nothing impure can enter heaven. ​​ 

 Our inheritance will not​​ fade away. ​​ 1Peter 1:24​​ says,​​ “For all flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. ​​ The grass withers, and the flower falls off”. ​​ Something that fades away becomes less and less with time, exposure or use. ​​ Heaven cannot become less than it is. ​​ Its value will always remain perfect. ​​ Albert Barnes NT Commentary​​ says, “This denotes perpetuity in the sense that everything there will be kept in its original brightness and beauty”. ​​ 

Consider this – you have a reservation – your name written in Christ’s blood – to claim your inheritance in heaven. ​​ It cannot be cancelled, it is stamped on your heart and in your soul, nothing will affect God’s claim for you. ​​ He is keeping His eye upon you. ​​ God holds fast to His own. ​​ We do not possess heaven while on this earth, but it is secured for God’s children.

At this point in history, security seems to have been uprooted. ​​ The world is in a health crisis and along with that comes a financial crisis. ​​ People are at risk of losing jobs, homes, and health. ​​ This is opposite of our hope in heaven, it is fixed and abiding still. ​​ God’s children and their inheritance​​ are​​ kept safely by His power (1 Peter 1:5).​​ 

 Our heavenly inheritance is, “In substance incorruptible; in purity undefiled; in beauty unfading”, (from Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary).

What is the object of your hope?

What is your destiny?​​ ​​ 

Matthew 25:34 "Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Philip Doddridge​​ says this of 1 Peter 1:4, “And by whom we are brought to the cheerful and confident expectation of an inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading, which nothing can spoil, which nothing can pollute, and which is incapable of any internal decay, as well as external violence. ​​ This inheritance is reserved in the heavens for​​ you​​ and for all true believers”.

Ephesians 1:18 [I pray that] the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

Psalm 31:19​​ How great is Thy goodness,​​ which​​ Thou hast stored up for those who fear Thee, Which Thou hast wrought for those who take refuge in Thee,​​ before​​ the sons of men!

One Year Later

God continues to intervene in my plans on a daily basis, the opportunities to serve have increased, I have been stretched to the ‘breaking point’ several times, and I’ve messed up even more times. But in all things God has shown His grace and mercy. I am still walking on two legs, have breath in me, and an increasingly strong desire to remain focused on the One who provides all I have and who has made me in His image and called me His child.

It has been just over one year since I began this blog. ​​ As I reread my first entry,​​ (to see this click​​ here)​​ I am so very thankful that God lead me to share​​ His truths in a forum that is accessible to more than those I am blessed to be in personal contact with. ​​ I am still not computer savvy, yet God has allowed my patience to be tested on numerous occasions as I’ve learned new IT terms, programs and what it means to be floating around in ‘the’ cloud!


I love my Lord and Savior more with each passing day and can absolutely attest that my desire to know Him and study His word has greatly increased. ​​ The opportunity to write, to be encouraged, challenged, reminded and comforted by digging in to Scripture is a blessing to cherish. ​​ To be able to share what God shows me with others, is one of the greatest excitements in my life! ​​ 


I have heard from you stories of how God is working in your lives, and the encouragement from those stories is part of what drives me to continue to move forward in sharing my pursuit in knowing Jesus more.


So here we are, 92 posts and Bible studies published; being read in China, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Israel, Sweden, the Russian Federation and Netherlands, as well as the United States; over 46,000 visits and a truly humbled heart that perhaps one individual has been encouraged to seek God’s truths. ​​ I am a bit overwhelmed that God can use a person such as myself, the only title to claim being His child, for His glory. ​​ Gratitude fills my heart as I continue this lifelong pursuit of growing in my understanding and knowledge of my Lord and Savior.


God continues to intervene in my plans on a daily basis, the opportunities to serve have increased, I have been stretched to the ‘breaking point’ several times, and I’ve messed up even more times. ​​ But in all things God has shown His grace and mercy. ​​ I am still walking on two legs, have breath in me, and an increasingly strong desire to remain focused on the One who provides all I have and who has made me in His image and called me His child.


Thank you for hanging in there with me, even when technical issues were discouraging and things didn’t load correctly. ​​ Forgive me for spelling and grammar errors. ​​ Prayerfully, I will continue to Focus Heavenward and sing towards the heavens in my soul to Thee – The One True God! ​​ May He bless you with the riches of Eternal Life in His presence!


Please continue to pray for me! ​​ My prayer for you is contained in one of my favorite sections of Scripture, in the words of Paul, written to the Ephesian church:


Eph 1:17-19 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him​​ 18​​ [I pray that] the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,​​ 19​​ and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who​​ believe.​​ 

Oh Baby!

Oh babies. Whether physically holding your hand, or having your hand held tightly in our hearts, you were and are part of God’s perfect plan. Our love for you is not diminished, only increased as we anticipate and trust the unfolding of eternity.

Praising God for the blessings of grandchildren! A sweet little guy joined the ranks of our family on September 12th. Caden Josiah. I am incredibly thankful that he and his Mommy are doing well. There is a heightened sense of the amazing miracle of birth in our family since our daughter has experienced the loss of two pregnancies: twins at just over three months and a little boy, Isaac, at four and a half months. How fragile and precious is this season of life and death. So as our daughter and her husband continue working through the grief of losing three children, our son and his wife are welcoming their second child. It’s so easy to get caught up in what might have been, or what has been lost. Yet, in order to praise God in all things, His word is our best companion for teaching right and honoring responses to all circumstances of our lives.

We cannot fully know and understand God’s ways.
God set the earth in its place (Job 26:7); God fills the clouds with water and tells them when to rain (Job 26:8); God determines the phases of the moon (Job 26:9); God sets the oceans boundaries (Job 26:10); the clouds, the sky, the stars obey His commands (Job 26:11); God’s power can divide the sea, His understanding can pierce the prideful heart (Job 26:12); God set the sun, moon and stars in place (Job 26:13);

Job 26:14 “Behold, these are the fringes of His ways; and how faint a word we hear of Him! But His mighty thunder, who can understand?”

We can barely conceive of His power so who are we to question His plan?

“God is so great, so powerful, so just and wise, that we ought not to presume to question anything that He does, nor pry into his works with too much curiosity. We ought rather to be firmly persuaded that He governs all things with wisdom, justice, and goodness, and humbly submit to all his dispensations”. Ostervald

So where does this lead us in times of heartache as well as in times of rejoicing?

Trust. Not always so simple, often easier said than done. Trust is a choice we make.

Isa 12:2 “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.”

Trust is seldom a product of understanding. Instead, it relies on a right perspective of God and faith in His existence, His works and His words.
Trust: having confidence or faith in; believing, hoping, relying upon

Is God the object of your trust?
Ps 65:5 By awesome deeds Thou dost answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, Thou who art the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea;

Trusting God means we fear Him; not an ‘I’m afraid’ type of fear, but that of position. Holding God in the highest esteem, acknowledging His right to Lordship of everything, placing oneself under submission to His perfect plan for all His creation. Once recognized in our heart for Who He is, we have confidence and safety in His care.

Pr 14:26 In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, and his children will have refuge.
1Pe 5:7 casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.

The Bible tells us to trust in God as our continual refuge.

Isa 26:4 “Trust in the LORD forever, for in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.

We can trust in God for what He has done and what He will do.
2Co 1:10 who delivered us from so great a peril of death, and will deliver us, He on whom we have set our hope. And He will yet deliver us,

True faith that brings about peace requires our full commitment, our whole heart our entire being. And in order to have complete confidence, the object of our trust needs to be reliable, secure, and have a perfect track record. Consider this, if a person is dishonest about one thing, how does that affect others’ trust of them?

This begs the question, “Is there anyone or thing in this world perfect”? Who or what is able to demand this kind of trust that begs our total allegiance?

Mt 5:48 “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

All conceivable perfection belongs to God. In fact, because we are unable to fully appreciate who God is, all imaginable and unimaginable perfection must be attributed to Him also.

Job 37:16 “Do you know about the layers of the thick clouds, the wonders of one perfect in knowledge,
Ps 18:30 As for God, His way is blameless; the word of the LORD is tried; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.
Ps 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

“We must say of God likewise that he is immense, and everywhere present, because to be limited is an imperfection; and that he is eternal, that is, ever was, and shall be; for to cease to be, is a greater imperfection than sometime not to have been”. Tillotson, The Attributes of God

When we remain in sorrow for what might have been, we are supposing we knew the future. How often has the future followed your plan?
When we choose to live in the realms of grief, we suppose we have lost what was never really ours.

In all things we can trust God. He has written the past, present and future for His glory and our good. We can choose to trust in His perfect plan.

Ps 65:5 By awesome deeds Thou dost answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, Thou who art the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea;
Na 1:7 The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him.
Ps 9:10 And those who know Thy name will put their trust in Thee; For Thou, O LORD, hast not forsaken those who seek Thee.

So how do we respond to sorrow? It is real. It is felt. It is difficult. It can become overwhelming. Sadness due to loss, disappointment, regret and grief can be overcome by faith.  Faith  is a choice – to trust in something greater than ourselves.  Faith that turns despair into hope comes from trusting in The One who is greatest of all.

Specifically, in the case of children unborn, or born without breath in them, or here for only a very short time, is it possible to look at the blessing of what we do have and of what we have been given because of God’s grace?

To have carried a child for even a short time is to have been a part in that child’s existence, if not here, in heaven. To behold a small face if only for an instant is to see a baby created in the image of God. To have felt an unborn baby move within is to experience the miracle of God’s creation of one of His own. To have heard even just one cry of breath before taken to an eternal state with God is a precious memory never to be forgotten. We can praise God for His blessings while we depend on Him for comfort.

Right now we may only understand a small fraction of God’s ultimate and perfect plan, yet one day we will be in His presence and will clearly see Him and His purpose in complete array.
1Co 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known.

Oh babies. Whether physically holding your hand, or having your hand held tightly in our hearts, you were and are part of God’s perfect plan. Our love for you is not diminished, only increased as we anticipate and trust the unfolding of eternity.

Ps 145:3 Great is the LORD, and highly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.
Our oldest granddaughter, upon hearing that her Auntie’s baby went to heaven early to be with his sibling twins, was quiet and thoughtful for a moment. She then began smiling, started jumping up and down and clapped her hands excitedly. When I asked her what she was thinking, she replied, “Mina, I have three cousins in heaven!”.

Mr 10:15 “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it [at all.]”

I pray that I might have the ‘temper and spirit of a child’ who is teachable, humble, and untarnished by expectations of deservedness. Whatever I’ve been given is a gift, completely unmerited. Let me be forever mindful of being saved from what I truly deserve and thankful for blessings too numerous to count.  Keep me focused on Your promises for the future instead of my predictions of what should be.