In Excelsis Deo

Just think about the blessing and privilege it is to know God, to have access to Him, because of His Son. Jesus, who was born for us, died for us and lives again for us! This is spectacular! The celebration of Jesus commands our attention every day as we seek to live for Him.

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Gloria in Excelsis Deo. ​​ Glory to God in the Highest!

I’m just about done decorating our home for the best birthday party ever! ​​ I love the holiday season. ​​ Open doors to sharing what​​ is truly important abound. ​​ God has been so gracious this year to provide a way for all of our extended family to gather in one place from around the country. ​​ My 91 year old Mom, her four children with their spouses, 9 grandchildren with their spouses, and 10 great-grandchildren. ​​ 36 total! This will be a party to remember. ​​ All about Jesus. ​​ All because of Jesus. ​​ 

Just think about the blessing and privilege it is to know God, to have access to Him, because of His Son. ​​ Jesus, who was born for us, died for us and lives again for us! ​​ This is spectacular! ​​ The celebration of Jesus commands our attention every day as we seek to live for Him. ​​ 

While I’ve been decorating, of course the Christmas music​​ has been playing over Pandora​​ (I do remember when we used​​ to change the cassette tapes)! ​​ Often I just have to stop and think about the words as I sing along with familiar songs. ​​ In Excelsis Deo. ​​ Hard to say, right? ​​ But what does it mean? ​​ Glory to God in the highest. ​​ Words that are so full of meaning, so rich, so appropriate to worship our Heavenly Father.

glory <doxa> dignity, glory, honor, praise, worship

glory: 1. a state of high honor; 2. brilliant radiant beauty.​​ WordWeb

highest <hupsistos> highest, the Supreme, the heavens: most high

highest: 1. greater than normal in degree, intensity or amount; 2. being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation of upward extension; 3. standing above others in quality or position.​​ WordWeb

These words of praise and position of honor go to God alone. ​​ God, who is​​ Light​​ (Isa 60:19); God, who is​​ Love​​ (1 John 4:8); God, who is​​ Invisible​​ (Col 1:15); God, who is​​ Unsearchable​​ (Job11:7); God, who is​​ Incorruptible​​ (Ro 1:23); God, who is​​ Eternal​​ (Ps 90:2); God, who is​​ Immortal​​ (1 Ti 1:17); God, who​​ Knows All Things​​ (Ps​​ 139:1-6); God, who is​​ Everywhere At All Times​​ (Ps 139:7); God, who is​​ Unchanging​​ (Ja 1:17); God, who is​​ Perfect​​ (Mt 5:48); God, who is​​ Holy​​ (Ps 99:9); God, who is​​ Just​​ (De 32:4); God, who is the​​ True​​ God (John 17:3); God, who is​​ Gracious and Merciful​​ (Ex​​ 34:6); God, who is​​ Faithful (1 Cor 10:13); and God, who is​​ Patient​​ (Nu 14:18). ​​ 

This is the God to whom we sing Gloria, in Excelsis Deo.​​ 

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