Slow as Molasses

Patience, reacting slow with careful thought and consideration and with purpose. The opposite of letting something ‘get under your skin’ to become a source of irritation or bother.

What is patience? ​​ How does it respond? ​​ 

I​​ think of honey. ​​ That’s right,​​ honey. ​​ Honey takes an awful long time to pour into a spoon. ​​ It’s also sweet. ​​ Not in a hurry, but pleasing in its characteristics. ​​ Molasses, that’s another good picture of patience. ​​ There’s a saying, “slow as​​ molasses”. ​​ This means to be exceptionally slow or sluggish, not fast at all. ​​ Patience, reacting slow with careful thought and consideration and with purpose. ​​ The opposite of letting something ‘get under your skin’ to become a source of irritation or bother.

To have patience, according to​​ WordWeb, means you have​​ a good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence. ​​ The words​​ forbearance,​​ longanimity, and​​ solitaire​​ are listed as synonyms. ​​ Of course, impatience is the opposite of patience and is the lack thereof. ​​ Impatience is having irritation with anything that causes delay.

Wow. ​​ I sort of wished I hadn’t approached this subject because it speaks a bit close to my heart, and not in a pleasing way. ​​ But, I believe God has led me here so I will forge on into this soul-searching thought and pray that there is someone out there who can relate and might be caused to consider addressing this not-so-easy issue. ​​ At the very least, you can pray for me, please!

A good place to begin is to look at the synonyms used for patience to flesh out our understanding.

Forbearance: ​​ 1.​​ good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence; 2. a delay in enforcing rights, claims or privileges; refraining from acting. ​​ WordWeb

Longanimity: ​​ 1.​​ good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence. ​​ WordWeb

The next synonym listed is interesting, it’s the word​​ solitaire. ​​ Of course, I immediately think of the card game. ​​ The definition includes not only the card game but this is the name of an extinct flightless bird related to the dodo. ​​ Not sure what that has to do with patience other than sometimes it seems my show of patience is extinct then I might look like a dodo… ​​ The first definition for solitaire is listed as a gem, usually a diamond, in a setting by itself. ​​ Well, if we stretch this I suppose someone who has true patience would also be considered a gem!! ​​ Perhaps if someone were to live a solitary life, there would be no opportunity to express impatience with others…

There certainly seems to be a repetition of words as I looked up the meanings. ​​ You can hardly miss it, but just in case, it bears a closer look. ​​ A​​ good-natured​​ tolerance​​ of delay or incompetence.

Easy-going, cheerful, kind, agreeable. ​​​​ I like to think I can be all those things except when…

See the problem? ​​ There is no room for exception. ​​ Ugghhhhh. ​​ And, who am I to decide what is acceptable or to label someone incompetent. ​​ This is a difficult subject. ​​ When I first jotted down the idea for this study, I called it ‘patience with others’. ​​ I fully intended to seek encouragement on how I might be able to be longsuffering with other peoples’ issues. ​​ I have quickly realized the sole problem resides in my own understanding and grasp of patience in my personal thinking and attitude. ​​ This is one of those ‘God has hit me on the side of the head’ moments. ​​ And come to think of it, the idea of having to be patient with delay doesn’t tend to sit well with me –​​ I don’t like delay!

As we continue to dig into what God says in His word about being patient, my desire is that a challenge is set forth for each of us to grow in this much needed area. ​​ Someday, perhaps, by God’s grace, I will have a seasoned character of patience that is descriptive of my life.  ​​​​ 

1Co 13:4-5​​ Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,

I’ve often used this scripture as a barometer when I begin to feel frustrated with others. ​​ I’ve known I never quite get passed the first few words but I think I’ve also put a convenient time limit on the patience part. ​​ Like, “I have been patient”, or “I’ll be patient for a while longer…” ​​ I’ve also realized I can be quite impatient with myself!

Love is patient; longsuffering; forbearing; enduring. ​​ So if I am acting impatiently,​​ I am lacking love. ​​ We are not only to be patient with others but also with affliction rendered in our own lives. ​​ 

2Co 1:6 But if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; or if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is effective in the​​ patient enduring​​ of the same sufferings which we also suffer;

The explanation of the words patient enduring here carries the meaning of a​​ continuing cheerful or hopeful​​ endurance. So now we have a clear explanation of the attitude that accompanies patience. ​​ It’s not tapping the foot on the floor or tapping the fingers loudly on the table while you wait! ​​ Or, making grunting noises or sighing loudly, or rolling the eyes…

A good natured tolerance of delay or incompetence is cheerfully waiting upon someone or something. ​​ 

Another question comes to mind: ​​ But​​ what about when we are right? ​​​​ Sometimes it just seems so obvious to us doesn’t it? What does the Word say?

2Ti 2:24 And the Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged,

Enduring​​ of​​ ill. ​​ Patient. ​​ Unceasing. ​​ Patiently bearing​​ continual​​ wrongs or trouble. ​​​​ Including hostility or​​ enmity. ​​ Patient even with those who antagonize you, or ‘get under your skin’ or seem to take forever to ‘follow the program’.

Isn’t this fun? ​​ Or not…  ​​​​ I urge you to keep going, growth is good.


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