Freedom Forever

Memorial​​ Day​​ ​​ traditionally an American holiday honoring those who died in service to our country. ​​ It was first called Decoration Day because people placed flowers on the graves of those who gave their lives​​ as the ultimate sacrifice. ​​​​ This has given way to small American flags marking the grave of each fallen soldier.

Memorial Day is about freedom. ​​ Freedom comes with a cost. ​​​​ Sacrifice is involved,​​ a willingness to​​ put others before self, to give all for love of country.​​ ​​ We are blessed to live in the United States of America. ​​ We still have the freedom to worship God openly, to gather together, to own and read a Bible, to speak and write of our Savior. ​​ Today, we celebrate the freedom we have in this country.​​ ​​ Praise God for this​​ freedom because of those who were willing to die. ​​ 

However, there is an even greater freedom available​​ ​​ freedom​​ from the power and penalty of sin​​ ​​ the power of sin to control​​ us and the penalty of sin which separates us from God​​ now and forever. ​​​​ God sent His​​ only​​ Son Jesus to battle the enemy​​ and He did so victoriously yet at​​ the ultimate cost. ​​ Perfect yet choosing to suffer, ​​​​ Jesus conquered sin and death​​ to set us free. ​​ There is no greater​​ love.

Praise God for the freedom we have from the power of sin because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. ​​ Might we lose freedoms on earth? ​​ Perhaps, someday. ​​ However, if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, your​​ eternal​​ freedom is secure. ​​ 

Yesterday, we​​ paid tribute to​​ the fallen heroes who​​ gave​​ all so that we might live free​​ on earth. ​​ Today and every​​ day, let us give honor and glory to God for the sacrifice of His Son so that we might live forever with Him.

Colossians​​ 1:13-14​​ For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,​​ in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

This is​​ freedom.