How Did Jesus Save Mankind?

God’s mercy means He acts according to His exceeding compassion on our souls.



Why​​ do we need Jesus? ​​ 

What did He do? ​​ 

How did He do it? ​​ 

What does it mean for us?

How would you answer the questions above? ​​ Do you agree that you need Jesus or are you unsure? ​​ Are you able to say what He did or how, or why it​​ was necessary? ​​ How does the understanding of these answers change your life?

Titus 3:3-7​​ For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. ​​ 4 But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, 5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness,​​ but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,​​ 7 so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

 In our first study we answered the question​​ ‘Why do we need Jesus’.​​ ​​ Last month, we discussed the answer to​​ ‘What did He do’.​​ ​​ This morning, we will attempt to address our third question,​​ How did He do it’.

Let’s do a quick recap. ​​ We need Jesus because we are sinful, imperfect, hating what is good, and disobedient to the Truth. ​​ We so​​ easily want our own way, seek our own gratification, think ourselves better than others, and look down on all those who oppose our way of thinking. ​​ This is very clearly stated in verse three of our studied scripture. ​​ 

When we consider what Jesus did, we need to think of the true meaning of God’s kindness. ​​ God’s very character is kind. ​​ He is perfect in providing exactly what we need regardless of whether we deserve His blessings. ​​ The reality is, we do not deserve His blessings and we never will. ​​ God sent His only Son to die for the sin of the world – even though man is undeserving of His perfect sacrifice. ​​ Without God’s kindness working in our heart to understand Him and recognize our need for a Savior, we would be​​ eternally lost, without hope. ​​​​ Jesus saved us by taking the penalty we owe for sin upon Himself. ​​ Even our death would not have been enough to redeem us because a perfect and holy sacrifice was the only acceptable payment. ​​ Jesus willingly followed the Father’s plan; in obedience to God’s will He was born to die, to suffer, to redeem man for His Father’s glory.

 As clever as we think man may be, only a perfect and holy God is able to set His plan for our redemption into place. ​​ Only a perfect and holy God​​ could supply the sacrifice we need. ​​ God has saved us, not according to our merits, but according to His righteousness,​​ according to His mercy.

Let’s look at what this means. ​​ It all depends on God, not us. ​​ God’s mercy means He acts according to​​ His exceeding compassion on our souls. ​​ 

Ephesians 2:3-9 Among them we too all​​ formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.​​ But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),​​ and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in​​ kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Our good works are not the cause of our salvation; our good works are not the basis for our salvation. ​​ Any number of things you might do, any man-made sacraments you might fulfill, any rule you might follow, cannot save you. ​​ Doing things does not provide security for your future. If this were so, there would be no need for a Savior. ​​ It is impossible to be saved based on our own justification.

The cause of our pardon is not our works and we can never be righteous in and of ourselves, rather it is the kindness and love of God. ​​ This acrostic helps to explain God’s grace –​​ God’s​​ Riches​​ At​​ Christ’s​​ Expense. ​​ This is all of God’s blessings bestowed on those who love Him,​​ given freely because Jesus paid the ultimate price.​​ Grace is God’s free unmerited goodness. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, all who trust in Him are blessed now and for eternity. ​​ When we say God is merciful, it means we do not receive what we truly deserve. What we truly deserve is God’s wrath, His judgment and condemnation for our sin. ​​ God’s mercy means that even though we are guilty, we no longer owe the penalty or cost of our sin. God does not hold our sin against us when we come before Him in faith, trusting in the work of His Son. ​​ Receiving​​ God’s mercy means we do not experience God’s wrath for our sin. ​​ Through His Son, He has granted us complete forgiveness.

Think of God’s compassion. ​​ It is very different than the compassion we might show towards others. ​​ Our care for others is often based on what we think they deserve, or what we think is important or necessary. ​​ Sometimes, our compassion and care for others is even based on if we agree with them or not. ​​ We often choose to show care ​​ based on our own supposition if someone is deserving. ​​ 

God freely bestows His mercy and goodness to​​ all​​ mankind. ​​ He desires to take away our misery​​ because He loves us unconditionally. ​​ ​​​​ He doesn’t look at us and say ‘sorry, you blew it’. ​​ Every chance is given to us to receive His mercy. ​​​​ Because Jesus suffered and died for our sin, if we place our complete trust in Him alone, we are saved from eternal wrath.

Psalm 109:26 Help me, O LORD my God; save me according to Your lovingkindness.

1Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

Psalm 86:5 For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon You.

by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,​​ whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,

God protects us and He delivers us.​​ Consider, the Almighty God is looking out for your benefit! ​​​​ Circumstances may not always be what we might choose. ​​ In fact, difficult things happen, and we are often challenged in our own understanding. ​​ Yet, God has all the answers, He is in control of all things, and nothing is allowed in your life that He is unaware of. ​​ He will use all things for your good and His glory. ​​ This is His promise to those who love Him.

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Through Jesus we are spiritually restored from a state of sin to a state of righteousness. ​​ Baptism is an outward sign of our rebirth. ​​ Our inward renovation is the work of God’s grace and His Holy Spirit. ​​ Think of the changes God has wrought in your heart. ​​ If you have been saved through faith alone, by grace alone, in Christ alone, then you can look back at your life and see that you are very different than who you were before. ​​ The Holy Spirit working in our lives produces a change – a renewed way of thinking. ​​ Our feelings, desires, hopes, and purpose become centered on serving and glorifying God out of a heart of gratitude for what He has done.

​​ John 3:5 Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

The baptism of water is an outward sign of the cleansing of our soul and baptism of the Holy Spirit through saving grace. ​​ To be baptized by water​​ alone without being born of the Spirit does not save. ​​ Because Jesus died and arose again, sins power and control has been demolished. ​​ Because of Jesus,​​ the Holy Spirit​​ enables us to act in obedience towards God’s commands. ​​ In His strength, we have the ability to die to sin and live in righteousness.

Read the rest of this section we are looking at –

The Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior.​​ 

Because of God’s work in our heart, He has allowed us to turn towards His grace. ​​ He then lavishly pours His blessings upon us. ​​ Think of the words abundance and copious, these describe more than an adequate supply.  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 

John 1:16 For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.

Ephesians 1:6-8 to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.​​ In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace​​ which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight

“That is, which Holy Spirit was in its gifts and graces plentifully poured forth upon us, and dwelleth in us, not essentially, but energetically, illuminating, guiding, strengthening, and confirming of us: and the end of God herein is, ​​ That being justified by his grace, that is, by faith in his Son, we should be made heirs of eternal life, according to the hope which the promises of God have given us thereof.​​ 

​​ Learn hence, 1. That all the grace which is so plentiful poured forth upon believers, is by the means and mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ.​​ 

​​ Learn, 2. That justification being a sinner's absolution from guilt and punishment by the satisfaction of Christ the Redeemer, is yet an act of special grace and free favour in God, that being justified by his grace.​​ 

​​ Learn, 3. That it is the blessed privilege of all justified persons, that they are now heirs to, and shall ere long be possessors of, eternal life; they shall ere long have in hand, what they now possess in hope: Being justified by grace, we are heirs according to the hope of eternal life”,​​ William Burkitt New Testament.

We need Jesus because we are sinners and need to be saved from the wrath of God’s righteous judgment. ​​ God is perfect and holy. ​​ Man is a sinner and cannot save himself. ​​ Jesus chose to lay down His life for ours in obedience to His Father’s will. ​​ He did this to fulfill God’s plan of redemption for mankind. ​​ Jesus humbled Himself, taking on the form of man, suffering a death He did not deserve. ​​ Because Jesus is God’s only Son, holy and perfect, He is the only acceptable substitute for our debt. ​​ Faith in​​ Jesus is​​ the only key to Heaven. ​​​​ Jesus made a way for us to be saved from eternal punishment to everlasting life with our Father in Heaven.

Are you able to praise God for saving you? ​​ If you were to die today, do you know for certain you would go to Heaven? ​​ What is your answer based on? ​​ 

Hope in Tragedy

And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I cannot imagine dropping my child off at school in the morning then returning to pick them up only to hear that they will never come home again. ​​ I can’t imagine wondering ‘did I hug them tight enough when I said good-bye’, ‘did they know they were shot and dying in that moment’, ‘were they alone’, ‘did they cry or scream’. ​​ As someone who is watching this current tragedy unfold, I do not pretend to even begin to understand the grief parents and families are feeling. ​​ What must be the depth of sorrow which has entered these lives? ​​ Words alone seem empty. ​​ Words will not change the events; they will not bring these children back to their families. ​​ 

As a collective member of society I am horrified at our selfishness which leads to the action of taking another’s life. ​​ I wonder why it is that God doesn’t just throw fireballs at earth and end this people who have desecrated lives He chose to give, to sacrifice His only Son for? ​​ So what do we do? ​​ What can we offer someone whose heart has been ripped to shreds? ​​ 

There is only one healing ointment that can touch a broken heart and begin to mend a crushed spirit. ​​ The source does not come from man but rather from the Creator of men – Jesus Christ. ​​ The search for comfort, peace, and Truth will only be found in Christ.

Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. ​​ And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This doesn’t mean you will understand completely, it doesn’t mean you will heal completely, it doesn’t even mean you will not feel pain. ​​ It does mean that above all Jesus loves you, He cares, and He sorrows for the sin that causes tragedy. ​​ 

I have heard the passionate pleas of some governing officials stating that words are not enough, action must be taken. ​​ You could go in many directions trying to corral lawlessness. ​​ But the center of our problem is sin, selfishness, greed, and pride. ​​ We cannot ‘fix’ these things with more laws or more security. ​​ God alone can, God alone has. ​​ His name is Jesus. ​​ These are the only words which are not empty; His is the only action which offers a real solution.

Because God loves us, in spite of our depravity, He gave His Son. ​​ My prayer is for those who know Jesus to lean on His grace, His mercy, His comfort, and His peace. ​​ The most important action we can take is to share the Truth of the Gospel boldly with all those who will hear. ​​ There is forgiveness in Christ alone. ​​ There is mercy in His compassion for the lost. ​​ And folks, as a nation we are so lost. ​​ It is evident we cannot do this ourselves. ​​ The best efforts have failed and have only resulted in blaming one another for failure, taking sides, and hurling accusations. ​​ It is not difficult to recognize the alarming repetition of crimes against humanity. ​​ But there is hope for change; there is hope for the future.

This hope is not corny, it’s not a crutch or weakness, and it’s not a religion. ​​ It is the only solution to man’s sinful behavior – it is God alone. ​​ Because of His Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone. ​​ Please pray for humility of heart that people recognize their need and willingly bow before their Savior. ​​ 

Then through tragedy, God will be glorified.

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. ​​ Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”


Happy New Year

Do you trust in the abundant grace He has extended towards you through His Son?

The challenge – can you​​ look at the past year and praise God for His faithfulness? ​​ Amidst illness, death, unemployment, and uncertainty,​​ (and even a shortage of toilet paper!),​​ God remains faithful. ​​ When​​ we do not look with eyes that are focused on His sovereignty and perfect plan, we miss clarity.​​ 

If you have been to an optometrist, you may recall the process of looking through different lenses as the doctor asks you if 1 or 2, or 3 or 4,​​ is better. ​​ The ability to see clearly is valuable – both as we navigate the physical world we live in and as we grow in our spiritual understanding of God. ​​ Any eye doctor is able to correct our vision through prescriptive lenses. ​​ Only God is able to cause the eyes of our heart to focus on His truths. ​​​​ 

Jeremiah​​ penned​​ the book of Lamentations. ​​ It is an account of the sorrows of the Jewish nation, of​​ their​​ suffering and misery​​ because​​ they turned​​ from God. ​​ Jeremiah​​ also recounts the nations​​ repentance and submission,​​ their​​ prayer and hope of God’s future promises for deliverance. ​​ A​​ section in chapter 3 of this book​​ reads, “This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. ​​ The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. ​​ [They] are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness. ​​ ‘The Lord is my portion’, says my soul, ‘therefore I have hope in Him’. ​​​​ The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him”, Lamentations 3:22-25.

Thomas O. Chisholm​​ wrote​​ the​​ words​​ to the hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness”,​​ in 1923 as he contemplated God’s faithfulness over his lifetime. ​​ The lyrics were​​ then​​ set to music and​​ almost​​ 100 years later​​ the tune and words are​​ still​​ widely recognized.

Great is Thy faithfulness,​​ Great is Thy faithfulness,​​ 

Morning by morning new mercies I see,​​ 

All I have needed Thy hand hath provided,​​ 

Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me.

We have​​ absolute​​ hope! ​​ God is faithful. ​​ He shows mercy and compassion towards those He loves. ​​ Do you trust in the​​ abundant​​ grace He has extended towards you​​ through His Son? ​​ As you seek Him you will be blessed – even through difficulty. ​​ 

Has your trust in​​ God​​ grown this past year? ​​ Have you witnessed souls turn towards​​ His truths? ​​ Sometimes we must lose the blessings we have in order to recognize their value. ​​ Has your gratefulness increased? ​​ Perhaps those things we​​ once​​ expected are now treasured more fully. ​​ Difficulty has produced a new endurance​​ and a higher level of thankfulness in many households and relationships. ​​ In all this, praise God. ​​ He is faithful!


Focus Heavenward.

Because of …

God’s compassion cannot be used up; He never tires of our need for Him. God’s compassion is always available to the individual who reaches out to Him, and often is showered upon us even without our awareness.

“May grace​​ (the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude)​​ and peace​​ (prosperity and quietness)​​ be yours in the fullest measure” 1 Peter 1:2b.

Because – ​​​​ 

1Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who​​ according to His great mercy​​ has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

This is the gospel. ​​ Jesus died for the sins of mankind and rose from the dead, thus giving those who believe the hope of eternal life.

The motivator in the above verse is God’s mercy, His compassion towards mankind. ​​ We define compassion as having a deep awareness of and sympathy for another’s suffering; understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it​​ (WordWeb).

  If we think about the concept of mercy or compassion in our human understanding, we sorely miss the implication of God’s mercy. ​​ Our compassion only extends as far as we are able to perceive someone’s circumstances. ​​ Our show of compassion is limited. ​​ How often have you tried to console someone while admitting you are not fully able to comprehend his or her pain? ​​ We get​​ tired of showing compassion to another when it seems they are always ‘needy’. ​​​​ Is your attitude always one of desiring to help,​​ or is it sometimes mixed with resentment because you have other pressing things to​​ be​​ done?

God’s mercy is perfect. ​​ He chose to fully embrace humankind because of His love. ​​ We deserve wrath yet He gives mercy. ​​ Mercy is something undeserved, God’s mercy is not based on our merits. ​​​​ God’s compassion is not limited; He knows and understands all things. ​​ God’s compassion cannot be used up; He never tires of our need for Him. ​​ God’s compassion is always available to the individual who reaches out to Him, and often is showered upon us even without our awareness.

Hebrews 4:15-16​​ says,​​ For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as [we are, yet] without sin.​​ ​​ Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.

God’s compassion is described as great. ​​ The KJV uses the word abundant. ​​ It is plenteous. ​​ At this moment in time, the world is experiencing shortages of many items due to the Covid 19 pandemic. ​​ There does not seem to be enough medical supplies and equipment to handle the number of those infected. ​​ Paper goods and disinfectants are being rationed. ​​ Even before this virus, many individuals understood what it meant to have need. ​​ In direct contrast is the abundant mercy of our God - always enough, always available.

God’s great mercy​​ is active. ​​ His love for us and​​ His compassion for us​​ was displayed in Jesus Christ. ​​ The mercy of God is so much more than a feeling, it is doing. ​​ It is more than coming alongside; it is providing the ultimate solution. ​​ It is more than simply being aware or having sympathy. ​​ God manifested His great mercy in the death and resurrection of His only Son.

 How can we possible understand this and not shout for joy and thankfulness! ​​ This​​ IS​​ amazing grace!

1 Peter 1:3​​ begins with​​ “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”. ​​ Blessed literally means adorable. ​​ Not as in what is seen, but adoration belonging to God because of who He is and what He has done. ​​ God deserves the praise of all mankind for his infinite mercy to the world. ​​ The commencement of 1 Peter​​ is full of gratitude and joy. ​​ We have a living hope because of God’s love; because Jesus conquered sin and death. ​​ Without the resurrection, our hope is dead. ​​ “Whatever enemies, snares, dangers,​​ temptations, beset us in our way to heaven, we shall be more than conquerors, if God be our keeper, and if He implants true faith in our hearts, which never faileth”​​ (Haweis).

Praise be to God for the greatness of our salvation and for the future awaiting us in His heavens. ​​ Even with the afflictions and troubles in the world, are you blessing God for His abundant mercy, which has caused you to have a glorious hope? ​​ What is your worship?

Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Mercy and Comfort

True comfort, in all circumstances, is found in Christ alone, through His word. As we draw near to Him and receive His mercies, we are comforted. God will offer His perfect comfort in all circumstances.

This morning, as I was finishing a study I have been working on, I was greeted with a calendar reminder that Women’s Bible study would be starting in 30 minutes. ​​ Oh how I wish … However, as we lean on God’s perfect plan for each of us, we do have an opportunity to be strengthened in our trust in Him and share our hope with those who are struggling with peace. ​​ Schedules have changed, in fact some days I have to think about what I should be doing, as my calendar is sparse with plans that are viable at this time. ​​ My heart is heavy with the difficulty and sorrow people are facing – those I know who have tested positive for Covid19, who have relatives and friends that are extremely ill and not allowed by their bedside, who have lost wages and are financially suffering – yet, ​​ my heart is filled with joy as I ponder God’s mercy in calling me His child. ​​ Be encouraged! ​​ God is building our testimonies for His glory.

When​​ circumstances were bleak, Paul burst out in praise to God for the blessings bestowed upon man.

2Corinthians 1:3-4​​ ​​ ​​ Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort;​​ who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which​​ we​​ ourselves are comforted by God.

 God is​​ the Father of mercies. ​​​​ What does this mean? ​​​​ God​​ chooses​​ to show leniency and compassion toward mankind even though we are guilty. ​​ God offers forgiveness toward sinners.

 Consider God’s mercy toward us. ​​ We do not deserve it and we cannot earn it, but He has chosen to notice us.​​ Titus 3:5-7​​ He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,​​ whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,​​ that being justified by His grace we might be made heirs according to [the] hope of eternal life.

God delights in mercy. ​​​​ All that is good is because of God. ​​​​ Mercy is part of God’s character. ​​ 

Micah 7:18​​ Who is a God like Thee, who pardons iniquity and passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of His possession?​​ ​​ He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in unchanging​​ love. ​​​​ Unchanging love​​ is translated from the same word for mercy.

The Father of mercies; a most amiable and comfortable relation; not the Father of mercy, or a merciful Father, barely, but the Father of mercies in the plural number to denote the greatness and multitude of his mercies, and that all mercy flows from him only and freely, as streams from an overflowing and never-failing fountain. ​​​​ William Burkitt New Testament​​ notes.

God​​ will show​​ mercy towards the afflicted. ​​​​ Isaiah​​ 49:13​​ Shout​​ for joy, O heavens!​​ ​​ And rejoice, O earth!​​ ​​ Break forth into joyful shouting, O mountains!​​ ​​ For the LORD has comforted His people, and will have compassion on His afflicted.

God’s mercy is plentiful, exceedingly great and always sufficient.​​ ​​ Psalm 86:5,​​ 15​​ For Thou, Lord, art good, and​​ ready to forgive,​​ and​​ abundant in lovingkindness​​ to all who call upon Thee. ​​​​ 15​​ But​​ Thou, O Lord, art a God merciful and gracious, Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.

God’s mercy is​​ abundant, plenteous. ​​ 1Peter 1:3​​ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to​​ His great mercy​​ has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

God’s mercy is everlasting. ​​​​ 1Chronicles 16:34​​ O give thanks to the LORD, for [He is] good;​​ for​​ His lovingkindness is everlasting.

 God’s mercy is certain, faithful. ​​​​ Isaiah 55:3​​ "Incline your ear and come to​​ Me. Listen, that you may live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, [According to] the faithful mercies shown to David.

 God’s mercy is tender, compassionate. ​​ Psalm 25:6​​ Remember, O LORD, Thy compassion and Thy lovingkindnesses, for they have been from of old.​​ 

 God’s mercy​​ is new every morning, it​​ never ends,​​ and​​ it never fails.​​ ​​ Lamentations 3:22-23​​ The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail.​​ ​​ [They] are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness.

 We can trust in God’s mercy. ​​​​ Psalm 52:8​​ But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.

 We can rejoice in God’s mercy. ​​​​ Psalm 31:7​​ I will rejoice and be glad in Thy lovingkindness, because Thou hast seen my affliction; Thou hast known the troubles of my soul,

The God of all comfort.

Comfort <parakaleo> to call near, to invite, invoke (by imploration, hortation or consolation): beseech, call for, (be of good) comfort, desire, (give) exhortation, intreat, pray. ​​​​ This is the same word used by Jesus of the Holy Spirit as the​​ Helper​​ in​​ John 14:16, "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever”.

True comfort, in all circumstances, is found in Christ alone,​​ through His word. ​​​​ As we draw near to Him and receive His mercies, we are comforted. ​​ God will offer His perfect comfort in all circumstances.​​ 

John 16:33​​ "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. ​​ In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."

2Thessalonians 2:16-17​​ ​​ Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace,​​ comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.

We find comfort through His promises and in His protection. ​​​​ The world, people and circumstances are unable to offer lasting comfort because​​ change is inevitable; our future is not secure. ​​ In Christ,​​ we are free from worry with a future that is certain, no matter what happens.

Psalm 146:3​​ Do not trust in princes,​​ in​​ mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.

Psalm 146:5​​ How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God;

James 5:11​​ Behold, we count those blessed who endured.​​ ​​ You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord's dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and [is] merciful.

And the God of all comfort,​​ the​​ source of all consolation.​​ ​​ Paul delighted, as all should do, to trace all his comforts to God; and Paul, as all Christians have, had sufficient reason to regard God as the source of true consolation.​​ ​​ There is no other real source of happiness but God; and he is able abundantly, and willing, to impart consolation to his people. ​​​​ Albert Barnes’ NT Commentary

  • Where is your confidence?

  • Who or what is your joy dependent upon?

  • Where is your gratitude centered? ​​​​ Are you grateful even in difficulty?

  • Where is your security?

  • Who is your source of consolation?

The Father of mercies, and God of all comfort-Mercies are the fountain of comfort; comfort is the outward expression of mercy.​​ ​​ God shows mercy in the affliction itself. ​​ He gives comfort both in and after the affliction. ​​ Therefore is he termed, the God of all comfort.​​ ​​ Blessed be this God! ​​​​ John Wesley’s Notes on the Old and New Testaments

God is the source of tender mercy and provides consolation to those who trust in Him. ​​ In the midst of trouble, peace is found in Christ as we look to His promises. ​​ Every difficult circumstance we experience gives us opportunity to​​ remember and lean upon God’s mercy and comfort and gives us testimony of God’s faithfulness so that we might share with others where true peace is found.

Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When we understand that God is the source of all mercies and​​ the author of​​ comfort, we will not keep silent. ​​ Like the apostle Paul, even in the midst of hardship, we will burst forth in praise for God’s grace on our lives! ​​ What looks​​ bleak​​ to the​​ world​​ will be seen in the light of God’s promise to the believer. ​​ Because of His mercy, we know Him. ​​ I can think of no other thing of greater importance than to share with others the hope found in Christ.

So that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

There are hearts that are fearful – peace​​ is​​ found in God.

There are hearts that are sorrowful – comfort is found in God.

There are hearts that are​​ troubled​​ – rest is found in God.


Answers may not be found for present difficulties, but trust in the One who has all understanding will provide a quietness of heart. ​​​​ We have an unshakeable foundation in God, blessed be His name. ​​​​ Praise God, take courage, be comforted,​​ and​​ be strengthened

Psalm 18:46​​ The LORD​​ lives,​​ and blessed be my rock; and​​ exalted be​​ the God of my salvation.

Psalm 72:19​​ And blessed be His glorious name forever;​​ and​​ may the whole earth be filled with His glory.​​ ​​ Amen, and Amen.

Do You Have an Inheritance?

Jesus came to save the lowly, the imperfect, sinners; all humankind are in need of a Savior. Without Christ, no one is ever good enough. No amount of good works will ever get a soul to heaven. We simply are unable to earn our own way.



Leading up to verses​​ 21-23 of Psalm 136, we read of​​ God’s power and protection of His chosen people, Israel. ​​ No king was able to thwart God’s plan. ​​ God’s judgement upon those who are against His​​ children is severe and complete.

The repeated phrase in Psalm 136 is “God’s lovingkindness is everlasting”. ​​​​ Let’s review what this means. ​​ His lovingkindness is his mercy and favor towards​​ His children. ​​ Consider Israel’s rebellion against God. ​​ Certainly, they suffered from the consequence of​​ their own sin. Their defiance of God brought difficult circumstances upon them, yet God did not throw up His hands and disown​​ or​​ even​​ neglect them. ​​ He allowed their discipline, yet carried them through, never abandoning them completely.

 What do these truths mean for you? ​​ If you are a child of God – meaning you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord, choosing obedience to Him,​​ and you recognize your need of Jesus as your Savior who died for your sins – then you have God’s protection. ​​ His mercy and favor is showered upon you. ​​ Even when you are unfaithful He will remain faithful in His love for you.

 God’s love and mercy is opposite to the love we often display. ​​ We only go so far, we become discouraged and give up on people, and we​​ tend to​​ display acts of love​​ only​​ when it is earned. ​​ Our love is​​ often​​ conditional,​​ and​​ dependent upon our feelings. ​​ God’s love is perfect, consistent and independent of our actions. ​​ How do you respond to these truths?​​ Is your heart full of thankfulness for God’s unconditional love? ​​ Are you reminded to show this same love towards others? ​​​​ In other words, when God is so willing to shower His love upon you even though you are undeserving, who are you to withhold love from another?

Not only is God’s love perfect, it is forever. ​​ There is no limit, no end,​​ and​​ no point in which He will completely withdraw His love from His children. ​​ Consider this, when you discipline young children​​ does this mean you no longer love them? ​​ Of course not! ​​ It is loving to teach them right from wrong and help them avoid negative consequences.​​ This is​​ only​​ a fraction of the picture of God’s love for​​ you. ​​​​ Perfect, abiding love is incomprehensible, yet because of God’s mercy, we have it.

Psalm 136:21​​ speaks of​​ God’s intended blessing, or inheritance,​​ for the nation of Israel, despite their disobedience. ​​ Psalm 136:21​​ says,​​ “And gave their land as a heritage, for His lovingkindness is everlasting”.​​ ​​ This verse follows the account of God’s power​​ in​​ slewing the mighty kings who tried to thwart His plan. ​​ God not only​​ annihilated​​ these kings but also blessed Israel with the spoils. ​​ Why? ​​ Because His lovingkindness is everlasting!

 Read what​​ Spurgeon​​ says in the​​ Treasury of David, “As Lord of the whole earth He transferred His estate from one tenant to another. ​​ The land did not become the property of the Israelites by their own sword and bow, but by a grant from the throne”.

 What inheritance do you have as God’s child? ​​​​ If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior and have placed​​ your complete trust in Jesus​​ death and resurrection for the full payment for your sin, then your name is written in God’s will. ​​ It cannot be changed.​​ It cannot be erased or questioned or modified.​​ ​​ What comes with your inheritance is God’s protection, strength and care for your life on earth. ​​ This doesn’t mean there will be no difficulties, in fact we should expect​​ difficult​​ circumstances because​​ people are​​ sinful, but it does mean that you can trust God in all things. ​​ There is no fear of man or things being out of the control of God. ​​ He’s got you​​ covered!

Psalm 136:22​​ goes on to say,​​ “Even a heritage to Israel His servant, for His lovingkindness is everlasting”. ​​​​ Each blessing God chooses to bestow upon His children, magnifies His grace to them. ​​ Having our heritage in Christ is repeated in this verse so we should pay particular attention to this truth.​​ Our heritage is guaranteed.

Israel as a nation is referred to as God's servant​​ in this verse. ​​ Do you serve Christ? ​​ Have you recognized His grace? Do you​​ willingly place​​ yourself at His feet? ​​ What does it mean to serve? ​​ We all serve someone or something. ​​ Often it is ourselves we place on the throne of service – our wants, our needs, our likes, our dislikes, whatever makes us happy and gives us the feeling of fulfillment. ​​ Be willing to ask yourself who you serve. ​​ What is your purpose in life?

 Christ did not come to earth to serve Himself. ​​ He came as an offering for sin for God’s children who are completely undeserving of His sacrifice. ​​ Christ​​ came to serve God​​ as the only way for us to be redeemed. ​​ There is no self in what Christ did. ​​ Philippians 2:5-8​​ reads,​​ “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, [and] being made in the likeness of men. ​​ And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross”.

God’s lovingkindness assures His children of their inheritance in the kingdom of heaven – even though we are totally undeserving! ​​ This is what​​ Psalm 136:23​​ says,​​ “Who remembered us in our low estate”. ​​​​ Wow! ​​ 

Remember who we are talking about. ​​ 

  • The Lord Jehovah, the self-Existent, Eternal name of God (v.1). ​​ 

  • The God of gods, Elohiym, the supreme God, mighty in all His ways (v.2).

  • The Lord of lords, Adoni, Sovereign over all, the One in control, Master and Owner (v.3).

This is who remembers us! ​​ In our human thinking, we can desire to be known by a certain group or person. ​​ To be part of the life of someone we admire is encouraging. ​​ There are all kinds of groups centered on belonging. ​​ ​​ We feel good when we are part of something bigger.

As God’s child, we are known by Him, we have been adopted into His family, and we belong in His eternal kingdom. ​​ Along with these truths, we are cared for by Him, strengthened by Him, made wise by Him, protected by Him, disciplined for our good by Him, encouraged by Him and unconditionally loved by Him. ​​ And His word says He remembers us – even in our low estate, even though we are undeserving and cannot begin to earn a place in His presence, God reaches down and secures for us a place with Him. ​​ Why?

 Because His​​ lovingkindness is everlasting, God’s​​ mercy to us will endure forever – even​​ though we are undeserving. ​​ Think of the account of Noah and punishment upon the whole earth. ​​ After a time, God caused the water of the great flood to subside. ​​ Genesis 8:1​​ says,​​ “But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the cattle that were with him in the ark; and God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the water subsided”.

We might think we are not good enough to have a place in God’s presence. ​​ We are absolutely correct in that thought. ​​ Yet, we must remember that God did not send His Son for perfect people (there are none). Jesus came to save the lowly, the imperfect, sinners; all humankind are in need of a Savior.​​ Without Christ, no one is ever good enough. ​​ No amount of good works will ever get a soul to heaven. ​​ We simply are unable to earn our own way. ​​​​ Identifying with a certain faith does not save you. ​​ Baptism will not save you. ​​ Going to church every Sunday will not save you. ​​ No amount of anything you do is able to save you. ​​ Complete dependence on the blood of Jesus shed for your sins is the only ticket to eternal life.


Psalm 113:7​​ says,​​ “He raises the poor from the dust, and lifts the needy from the ash heap”.​​ 1Samuel 2:8​​ uses similar words,​​ "He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with nobles, and inherit a seat of honor; for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and He set the world on them.

What does this mean practically for God’s children? ​​ How does this truth apply to your life? ​​ God is always here to help us just as He delivered Israel from captivity in Babylon. ​​ If God can deliver an entire nation, do you think He is able to help you?​​ ​​ How big is the God you trust? ​​ News alert – He does not need your intervention to accomplish His will.

I recently had a conversation with someone who is justifiably concerned with​​ the subject of what is being taught and allowed in our public school system. ​​ It is difficult to hear that your young child is being directed to explore ideas that are worldly and sinful and directly against the commands of God. ​​ So, what do we do about this real problem? ​​ Not everyone is able to put their children in Christian schools, and not everyone is able to choose homeschool as an option. ​​ Will God protect His children from the wiles of Satan? ​​ Absolutely! ​​ Are the lies of mankind greater than the power of God? ​​ No way! ​​ But we do have a responsibility to be diligent to present God’s Truth from His word wherever and whenever we are able, especially in our homes and with our families.​​ 

 ​​ God’s lovingkindness is everlasting. ​​ His plan will prevail, He will continue to bless His children and protect them even though they are undeserving.

Mercy, Favor and Goodness

We cannot miss this truth – God’s lovingkindness is everlasting. His kindness and forgiveness towards sinners through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ has paved the way for all to claim the promises of His care now and for eternity.


 Our repeated phrase in Psalm 136 is “For His lovingkindness is everlasting”. ​​ What is God’s lovingkindness? ​​​​ His mercy, His favor and His goodness is extended to His children. ​​ When​​ we think of mercy, it is compassion shown towards the guilty. ​​ It is​​ not​​ giving offenders the​​ sentence which​​ they truly deserve. ​​ In our case, we deserve death as the penalty for sin. ​​ Because of God’s mercy, Christ has taken upon Himself our penalty and we have received clemency – freedom from the sentence we owe. ​​ We have received God’s favor – His special grace and the privilege to be called His children. ​​ The benefits of His protection, His power, His forgiveness, His care, His love, and the list goes on, are poured upon His children in great quantity. ​​ Anything of lasting value, all things pleasing and useful towards God’s glory has been given to His children. ​​ Let us​​ keep this in mind as we pick up our study in Psalm 136 with verse 24.

 Psalm 136:24​​ says, “And has rescued us from our adversaries, for His lovingkindness is everlasting”.

Be still for a moment and hear the cavalry rescue tune playing in your mind. ​​ As a child of God, you are promised deliverance from your opponents. ​​ You may be thinking to​​ yourself that this​​ does not​​ make much sense because you have experienced trouble many times. ​​ There is perhaps not a single individual who has not been hurt or challenged, cheated or wrongly accused, or attacked. ​​ So how can we say that God delivers us from opposition?

Verse 24 says He has rescued or redeemed us. ​​ Specifically, in this scripture, the deliverance of the Israelites is being addressed. ​​ Israel was brought low into slavery and needed to be set free from their oppression. ​​ In the same way, people are under the hold of sin and need to be rescued by their Redeemer, Jesus Christ. ​​ 

 We may suffer the effects of a sinful world, yet we have indeed been redeemed from the power of sin’s hold as God’s children. ​​ No matter how bad circumstances may seem,​​ as God’s child, you have been rescued. ​​ What does this understanding mean for you? ​​ How does this truth affect the way you think or your attitude? ​​​​ With your sight and purpose focused on Him, you simply cannot fail and you have the power to​​ resist​​ sin’s grip. ​​ Is there any reason to be​​ downhearted​​ or feel depressed? ​​​​ Sometimes, God does allow us to feel the pain of a poor decision either stemming from our own thinking or someone else’s. ​​ Yet,​​ God has not​​ walked away from​​ us;​​ He is always by our side and will come to the rescue, as He did in the case of His chosen people.

Several years ago, we brought home a French bulldog puppy. ​​ Cute as can be but not so brilliant, this dog can make you laugh at her silly moves. ​​ However,​​ she is somewhat clumsy and built like a small tank, compact and heavy for her small size. ​​ As I was in the middle of giving a piano lesson in the front room one afternoon, my other students were at the kitchen table doing homework, waiting for their turn. ​​ The kitchen is in the back of the house and has large windows that look out into the yard. ​​ Suddenly, one of my students quickly came into the front room where I was teaching and asked if Lily – our French bulldog – knew how to swim. ​​ I looked at her with somewhat raised eyebrows. ​​ They knew not to interrupt a lesson. ​​ My student​​ went on to explain that Lily had fallen in the spa! ​​ I rushed out into the cold February weather and saw our puppy struggling to keep her head above water as she frantically splashed –​​ bulldogs​​ do not​​ float! ​​ I quickly reached down into the ice-cold water and scooped up a panicked, bewildered, and water-logged dog, saving her from drowning which most certainly would have been her outcome, had no one seen her. ​​ Thankfully, there had been several pairs of little​​ eyes watching her. ​​ She was wrapped in warm towels and suffered no lasting​​ effects, but she did shiver for quite some time as her body warmed up and calmed down. ​​ She also learned not to get close to the edge of the pool.

God may allow us be uncomfortable​​ in order to grow our dependence on Him. ​​ He may allow consequences for poor choices we make. ​​ We may be unfairly criticized or accused. ​​ Sin in the world hurts innocent and guilty people alike. ​​ But, a child of God possesses His perfect protection from the​​ final penalty of sin, eternal death. ​​ God has snatched His children from the adversary. ​​ He has reached down to rescue you. ​​ His eyes are watching you at all times and​​ He is always with you.

 God rescued the Israelites even while they were disobedient, undeserving of His care. ​​ Exodus 15:3​​ says, “In Thy lovingkindness Thou hast led the people whom Thou hast redeemed; In Thy strength Thou hast guided [them] to Thy holy habitation”. ​​ Titus 2:14​​ speaks of our redemption from sin, “who gave Himself for us, that He​​ might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds”.

 Consider the many times God has rescued you. ​​ Has He turned your direction or caused you to think different? ​​ Has God helped you to keep your words silent? ​​ Has He given you a sense of peace even through trials? ​​  Saying God has redeemed you from sin​​ means​​ you are free. ​​ Free from becoming entangled by its snares. ​​ Are you able to find joy in difficult situations? ​​​​ It is because God has​​ allowed you to think according to His truths. ​​ Your body, mind and soul are under God’s grace. ​​ Why? ​​ What is the repeated phrase in this Psalm? ​​​​ Because His lovingkindness is everlasting. ​​ God’s children have been snatched away from​​ sin;​​ they have been redeemed by Christ’s blood because God is merciful and enduring in His love.

Psalm 136:25 Who gives food to all flesh, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Consider where your food comes from. ​​ Contrary to what you might initially think, it​​ does not​​ come​​ from the dining room,​​ the grocery store or even the fields. ​​ God has chosen to provide mankind and every living thing with food according to His plan. ​​ 

Psalm 104:27​​ says, “They all wait for Thee, to give them their food in due season”. ​​ God’s goodness reaches towards all living creatures, all His creation. ​​ Can you say that there has ever been a time when God has not cared for you? ​​ Read​​ Matthew 6:30, "But if God so arrays the grass of the field, which is [alive] today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, [will He] not much more [do so for] you, O men of little faith? ​​ 

The only correct response we can have for God’s provision for all creation and His special care for His​​ children​​ is a heart of gratitude. ​​ His lovingkindness has no bounds. ​​ Think upon the air you breathe the ground on which you are standing – all things are from God because of His endless mercy.  ​​​​ 

Psalm 136 ends as it began,​​ “Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His lovingkindness is everlasting” (v.26).

“O raise your hearts to give​​ him thanks with the highest praises; whose power extends itself beyond this earth, even unto the highest heavens: for his kindness is so unwearied, that we may hope from thence to be ever receiving more and more his blessings”,​​ Patrick/Lowth/Whitby/Lowman​​ Commentary. ​​ 

Psalm 115:3 But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases.

Psalm​​ 123:1 To Thee I lift up my eyes, O Thou who art enthroned in the heavens!


Do you have a heart of gratitude –

      • Towards the LORD, the God of gods, the Lord of lords?

      • For​​ His creation, the sun, moon and stars?

      • For His protection and deliverance from opposition?

      • For His miracles and strength?

      • For His love towards you even while you are undeserving?

      • For your rescue from the grips of sin?​​ 

We cannot miss this truth –​​ God’s​​ lovingkindness is everlasting. ​​ His kindness and forgiveness towards sinners through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ has paved the way for all to claim the promises of His care now and for eternity. ​​ God’s favor upon His children continually pours blessing upon them. ​​ Everywhere we look, we can see His hand of mercy. ​​ Where we deserve wrath, He extends love. ​​ Moreover,​​ His love has no limit of time, it will last forever. ​​ Is this the God you have placed your​​ soul​​ trust in? ​​ 

The​​ Spurgeon Devotional Commentary​​ ends its comments on Psalm 136 with this statement, “The Lord reigneth in the highest above all, making heaven the throne of his glory. ​​ Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name”.

Never Abandoned

God’s example to us is endless kindness, mercy with no bounds, and love which never fails and is not based upon our own merit. God’s mercy has nothing to do with us – we deserve nothing good – it is all about Him. He chooses to continue to show His kindness even as we disregard His great love for us.

Several months ago, I​​ began​​ posting​​ a study on Psalm 136. ​​ I teach this study at the assisted living center where my Mom resides. ​​ It is a joy to gather with these elderly individuals and talk about how God is working in their lives. ​​ Although the majority of the residents use walkers and wheelchairs, they are receptive to God’s word and share great insight. ​​ I am always blessed and reminded that God’s plan for each of us to bring Him glory continues on no matter our own weaknesses. ​​ Many of those who attend the study have memorized “God’s lovingkindness is everlasting”, and each time we read this Psalm they chime in together with this important truth.​​ ​​ I pray you are blessed as you study the word. ​​ If you imagine a group of 85 to almost 100 year olds smiling and reading aloud God’s truths, you’ll get a small taste of the atmosphere this study is shared in.  ​​​​  ​​​​ 

The common​​ thread in this Psalm​​ is​​ the repeated words of God’s​​ continued kindness. ​​ God’s lovingkindness​​ or mercy is everlasting, it will endure​​ forever. ​​ These words​​ define​​ the same truth. ​​ God has shown favor toward His children from the beginning of time and He will continue to do the same into eternity.

The one true God who is the author of all miracles, who in wisdom created the heaven and the earth,​​ and​​ sun, moon and stars,​​ has reached His hand down to mankind in love.

God’s mercy was displayed in His judgment on the sin of those who were against the nation of Israel. ​​ His lasting protection over His children, and His strength, has no bounds. ​​ 

 These are truths from God’s word. ​​ Have you embraced God’s mercy, protection and guidance in your personal life? ​​​​ He has your back! ​​ Do you live in the truth of His everlasting love? ​​ Do you trust in Him fully even when He leads you into an uncertain path as He did the Israelites through the Red Sea?

 Let’s continue on with our study beginning with​​ Psalm 136:16​​ which says,​​ “To Him who led His people through the wilderness, for His lovingkindness is everlasting”. ​​ ​​​​ Consider going on a journey. ​​ For some, the unknown is scary and uncomfortable. ​​ Others may look upon a journey as an adventure, not minding the uncertainty. ​​ In any case, having someone to accompany us gives us a sense of security. ​​ 

Have you noticed​​ that​​ two or more individuals seem braver and stronger than​​ any one person by themselves?​​ What one person is unable to do by themselves, becomes doable when two are together. ​​ For example, we​​ have five grandchildren​​ living​​ on earth. ​​ Three of them at this time are four years old.​​ ​​ One four year old by​​ them self​​ is​​ not too​​ concerning. ​​ Two four​​ year olds together somehow become braver than one alone.​​ ​​ We have seen​​ the boys attempt together feats they wouldn’t consider if they were by themselves. ​​ Next week, we will have all our grandchildren together – this means three four year olds. ​​ I​​ fear​​ an​​ unsuspecting​​ adult​​ may end up tied​​ and led to slaughter!! ​​ Bravery​​ seems to escalate in numbers. ​​ 

God led Israel through the wilderness. ​​ He didn’t say, ‘Hope it all goes well, good-luck’. ​​ He led them. ​​ This means God walked with them. ​​ He accompanied them and stayed with them​​ as a sign of His love. ​​ The desert land that the nation of Israel journeyed through was not friendly. ​​ This was not a stroll in the park with a defined path, purposed shade, bathrooms and water fountains! ​​ 

Wilderness​​ means​​ open​​ fields. ​​ Picture​​ a wild and uninhabited area. ​​ Deuteronomy 8:15​​ gives us a​​ description​​ of the area mentioned. ​​ It​​ speaks of​​ “fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water”. ​​​​ Consider​​ the time period of Israel wandering through the desert – forty years! ​​ Hundreds of thousands of people on​​ a journey through the wilderness with many dangers wrought around them, without comforts, because of their sin. ​​ Did they deserve this punishment? ​​ Yes. ​​ Was God merciful even in His discipline? ​​​​ Yes, He accompanied them, He exercised His lovingkindness toward them. ​​ God safely brought them through the wilderness.

God’s example to us is endless kindness, mercy with no bounds, and love which never fails and is not based upon our own merit. ​​ God’s mercy has nothing to do with us​​ – we deserve nothing good – it​​ is all about Him. ​​ He chooses​​ to continue to show His kindness even as we disregard His great love for us.

Psalm 77:20 You led Your people like a flock​​ by​​ the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Nehemiah​​ 9:19 You, in Your great compassion, did not forsake them in the wilderness; the pillar of cloud did not leave them by day, to guide them on their way, nor the pillar of fire by night, to light for them the way in which they were to go.

Isaiah​​ 49:10 "They will not hunger or thirst, nor will the scorching​​ heat or sun strike them down; for He who has compassion​​ on them will lead them and will guide them to springs of water.

God brought His children out of Egypt and He led them through the wilderness. ​​ Even while they were continually disobedient, God​​ faithfully exercised mercy toward them. ​​ He never stopped caring for them. ​​​​ We can easily give up on people but this is not God’s example to us.

Read this comment from​​ The Treasury of David, “It is a very sweet truth which is enunciated in this verse, and one which I think we need very much to realize. ​​ His own people, His peculiar people, His chosen, loved, and favoured ones, whom He cherished as the apple of His eye, who were graven on the palms of His hands, and loved with an everlasting love, even these He led through the wilderness; and all this because ‘His mercy endureth​​ forever.”

Do we recognize God’s faithfulness and mercy even during the wilderness times of our life? ​​ Do​​ we trust that He will guide us through every difficulty?

Consider how often the world takes revenge into its own hands. ​​ When we perceive something is not fair, we choose it is up to us to inflict punishment. ​​ When we feel someone has done us wrong, we like to make a point of our innocence and see them brought down. ​​ However, it is not up to us to bring about judgement. ​​ God is the only righteous judge. ​​ He is able to see things just as they are. ​​ Therefore, in His time, He will strike down each iniquity against Himself. ​​ This truth is a comfort to those who love Him and desire to live for Him​​ even in the midst of ridicule and adversity. ​​ Psalm 136:17 reminds us of God’s power against the strongest of men who oppose Him.

Ps 136:17 To Him who smote great kings, For His lovingkindness is everlasting,

Someone’s greatness is often perceived in​​ the​​ numbers​​ of people​​ who are loyal to them. ​​ Even the greatest of rulers – specifically here,​​ the​​ Pharaoh​​ of the exodus who pursued the Israelites – were​​ no match for God. ​​ Any strength on earth that seems formidable to men is nothing to God. ​​ Recall the story of David and Goliath. ​​ Goliath was a famous giant living in Gath who resisted the army of Israel. ​​ Smith’s Bible Dictionary tells us Goliath was about 10 ½ feet tall. David enters the picture, a short statured youth​​ holding a sling shot and stones. ​​ Of course Goliath sneers at the comical picture before him (I Samuel 17). ​​ What the giant does not see is God’s hand of mercy and kindness upon the Israelites. ​​ What the giant does not see is David’s heart desire to trust in God’s​​ protection. ​​ There is no fear when God is our leader.​​ He is fully able to carry out His intended plan.

Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

Ps 125:2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem,​​ so​​ the LORD surrounds His people​​ from​​ this time forth and forever.

Verse 18 in this Psalm is similar to verse 17:

Ps​​ 136:18 And slew mighty kings, for His lovingkindness is everlasting:

Even someone well-known and famous among​​ nations​​ has​​ fleeting power. ​​ None can stand against God. ​​ When all else is taken from us, what good is a famous name? ​​ Our name or fame is absolutely nothing without God being the center, the purpose and the cause. ​​ God’s protection and mercy has and will always prevail. ​​ Read what Job says:

Job 9:4 "Wise in heart and mighty in strength, who has defied Him without harm?

Moving on to​​ Psalm​​ 136​​ verses 19 and 20, we are​​ given​​ specific accounts of God’s punishment and​​ His​​ destruction of kings​​ who were​​ against Israel. ​​ 

Psalm​​ 136:19-20​​ Sihon, king of the Amorites, for His lovingkindness is everlasting,​​ and Og, king of Bashan, for His lovingkindness is everlasting,

First we have the example of Sihon​​ [see-khone’], king of the Amorites. ​​ The Israelites requested to pass through the land​​ peacefully​​ but Sihon refused to grant permission and instead attacked the Israelites. ​​ Israel fought​​ back and took possession of the land (Numbers 21:23-24). ​​ Next we read the account of the destruction of Og​​ [ogue], the king of Bashan, who was a giant. ​​​​ According to John Wesley’s Notes on the Old and New Testament, Og’s bed was “four yards and a half long and two yards broad”.

Deuteronomy 3:11 (For only Og king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold, his bedstead was an iron bedstead; it is in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. Its length was nine cubits and its width four cubits by ordinary cubit.)

 ​​​​ God reminded Moses to continue moving through the land and God would cause this king to fall just as He did Sihon. ​​ And so it happened. ​​ Israel was victorious over the king and land (Numbers 21:33-35). ​​​​ What is there to fear as a child of God? ​​ Nothing. ​​ Not the outward appearance of a formidable foe, nor the numerous armies of a great king can stand when God is the captain of the army. ​​ The nation of Israel recounted God’s victories for them in remembrance of His continued lovingkindness. ​​ 

In what ways are you able to remember God’s protection in your life? ​​ How has He shown His unending mercy toward you? ​​ What have you to fear?




God’s Protection

We can claim God’s protection and mercy. He will uphold us, He will defend us, and He will keep us until that day He calls us home.


Psalm 136:10-12

In verses 1-9 of this Psalm, the concentration was on the positive blessings God has given us in His creation of our earth and His goodness to us. ​​ Now, as we continue this Psalm of praise, we explore how​​ God’s​​ judgement on sin, towards those who persecute His children,​​ is merciful and good.

Consider the things people seek for protection and shelter. ​​ Buildings, alarms,​​ finances,​​ weapons, armed guards​​ and even underground shelters. ​​ The mightiest of buildings fail–​​ consider​​ the attacks​​ on the World Trade Center​​ and Pentagon​​ in 2001. ​​ Alarms, weapons and shelters​​ all have limits to their protection and strength.​​ ​​ The security of money is at best temporary, dependent on the economy. ​​ Guards cannot be everywhere at all times.​​ What does the Bible say about seeking protection aside from God?

 Ps 127:1 Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it;​​ Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.

 Ps 121:3-7​​ He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.​​ ​​ Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.​​ The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade on your right hand.​​ The sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.​​ The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.

God’s protection has no limits. ​​ His​​ protection for His​​ children​​ reaches far beyond anything​​ we might seek elsewhere. ​​ To set the stage for our understanding, we​​ have to back up and look at some history. ​​​​ The Israelites were under bondage to the Egyptians under Pharaoh’s rule. ​​ Their persecution was heavy and their ability to worship and obey God’s law was under constant attack. ​​ God chose to show His power and might in sending plagues upon the Egyptians so that His people would be freed. ​​ Pharaoh refused to bow to the almighty God of Israel.

Ex 11:5-7​​ and all the first-born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of the Pharaoh who sits on his throne, even to the first-born of the slave girl​​ who is behind the millstones; all the first-born of the cattle as well.​​ 6​​ 'Moreover, there shall be a great cry in all the land of Egypt, such as there has not been [before] and such as shall never be again.​​ 7​​ 'But against any of the sons of Israel a dog shall not [even] bark, whether against man or beast, that you may understand how the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.'

Ex 12:12 'For I will go through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike down all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments--I am the LORD.

God​​ had​​ delivered the nation of Israel out of Egypt and the bondage of Pharaoh. ​​ His power and favor upon His chosen people​​ exemplifies His great mercy. ​​ The Israelites had been oppressed and held captive until that perfect time when God in His​​ lovingkindness reached out to their rescue.

Ps 136:10-12​​ To Him who smote the Egyptians in their first-born,​​ For His lovingkindness is everlasting,​​ 11​​ And brought Israel out from their midst,​​ For His lovingkindness is everlasting,​​ 12​​ With a strong hand and an outstretched arm,​​ For His lovingkindness is everlasting;

God chooses to love us – we do not deserve His favor yet His​​ mercy​​ is​​ all around us. ​​ Consider His creation. ​​ We have air to breathe, light to guide us, sunshine to keep us strong, color to enjoy, and on and on. ​​ God’s mercy is also constantly​​ displayed in His power​​ and protection of His children. Even in Israel’s repeated sin, God continued to care for them.​​ ​​ How have you seen His power in your life? ​​ In what ways has He protected you? ​​ How is His faithfulness displayed to you even in your weakness and disobedience?

If you are God’s child, claiming His salvation through His Son Jesus Christ alone, then you have been delivered from death just as the Israelites were delivered from Egypt. ​​​​ Without Christ, all of us are in bondage to sin and evil. ​​ Because of Christ, we have been freed from the control of Satan. ​​ These are strong thoughts but true. ​​ 

 Ro 3:23 for​​ all​​ have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

 Isa 53:5-6 But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being [fell] upon Him, and​​ by His scourging we are healed.​​ ​​ All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him.

Ro 6:22-23​​ But now having been freed from sin​​ and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life.​​ For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

 Isa 63:7​​ I shall make mention of the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, the praises of the LORD, According to all that the LORD has granted us, And the great goodness toward the house of Israel, Which He has granted them​​ according to His compassion, And according to the multitude of His lovingkindnesses.

Because of God’s great mercy, Israel was delivered from its enemy. ​​ Imagine the dire straits of the Jewish nation as they were held captive. ​​ Yet, God always had a plan for their care because of His kindness. ​​ Even in our most trying circumstances, we can choose to trust in God’s enduring love. ​​ 

 Psalm 136:12 speaks of God’s​​ “strong hand and an outstretched arm”. ​​​​ God’s power is limitless. ​​ Ex 15:6 "Thy right hand, O LORD, is majestic in power, Thy right hand, O LORD, shatters the enemy. ​​​​ 

 The truths of God’s power and protection should lead us to praise Him! ​​​​ God has reached out to each of us. ​​ Have you responded?

 Jude 1:24-25 says, “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy,​​ to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, [be] glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

2Th 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil [one.]

We can claim God’s protection and mercy. ​​ He will uphold us, He will defend us, and He will keep us until that day He calls us home. ​​ When we truly believe His word as absolute truth, we will respond in gratitude for His amazing love. ​​ 

 Picture His outstretched arm reaching towards His children in love. ​​ There is no problem beyond His reach or understanding. ​​ Praise Him​​ ​​ for His lovingkindness is everlasting!

Isa 41:10 'Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

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Lasting Kindness

The God who has shown infinite skill and wisdom in making the heavens, the atmosphere, and all the skies contain and even the air we breathe, is merciful towards us. Not just momentarily, but always, even while we are undeserving.

‘His lovingkindness is everlasting’​​ is repeated in each of the twenty-six verses in Psalm 136. We have an example to take notice of God’s mercy in all things and at all times. ​​ We have an encouragement and reminder that God’s compassions to His children are unceasing. ​​ When our hope and comfort is placed in God, we are secure. ​​ 

Ps 136:4 To Him who alone does great wonders, For His lovingkindness is everlasting;

Who alone deserves our praise? ​​ Why?

God is the only One worthy of praise. ​​ In this verse, the concentration is on what He has done. ​​ Think of His miracles. ​​ God is the source of amazing and wonderful supernatural events. ​​ A miracle​​ [veoseh niphlaoth]​​ is the inversion, or suspension, or destruction of the laws of nature.​​ Thou art the Worker of miracles. This thou hast done in numerous instances, and thereby showed thy infinite power and wisdom.”​​ Adam Clarke’s Commentary​​ 

Among everything we see, what comes to mind is the miracle of calling us His children. ​​ Who else is able to change a heart from complete depravity and selfishness to acknowledge a need for God and desire to live for Him?

Ps 72:18 Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, Who alone works wonders.

Consider. ​​ Anything and all that man is able to accomplish is only because of God. ​​ We exist because of God. ​​ We breathe because of God. ​​ We walk and talk because of God. ​​ And on and on. ​​ Without God’s help, we are nothing and we can do nothing. ​​ 

God has always existed and has created all things without the help of anyone or anything. ​​ 

God is to be praised because of His nature – He is good (Ps 136:1), because He is God (Ps 136:2), because He is Lord (Ps 136:3), and because of His works (Ps 136:4).

Ps 86:10 For Thou art great and doest wondrous deeds; Thou alone art God.

Ex 15:11 "Who is like Thee among the gods, O LORD? Who is like Thee, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders?

Job 5:8-9 "But as for me, I would seek God, and I would place my cause before God;​​ 9 Who does great and unsearchable things, Wonders without number.

Re 15:3 And they *sang the song of Moses the bond-servant of God and the song of the Lamb, saying, "Great and marvelous are Thy works, O Lord God, the Almighty; Righteous and true are Thy ways, Thou King of the nations.

Ps 72:17-19 May his name endure forever; May his name increase as long as the sun [shines]; and let [men] bless themselves by him; Let all nations call him blessed.​​ 18 Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, Who alone works wonders.​​ 19 And blessed be His glorious name forever; and may the​​ whole​​ earth be filled with His glory. Amen, and Amen.

“All the works of his unrivalled skill are wrought by him alone and unaided, and to him, therefore, must be​​ undivided honour …​​ The Lord causes us often to sit down in amazement as we see what his mercy has wrought out and prepared for us: "wonders of grace to God belong", yea, great wonders and unsearchable. Oh the depth! Glory be to his name world without end!”​​ Treasury of David

God is excellent, God is perfection, God is infinitely good and He chooses to shower His mercy upon His creation.​​ For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Ps 136:5 To Him who made the heavens with skill, For His lovingkindness is​​ everlasting;

In the previous verse, the great wonders or miracles of God were addressed. ​​ The scope of God’s creation is now enlarged to the celestial heavens. ​​ Take a moment to consider​​ a butterfly or a tiny little insect. ​​ It is a marvel​​ to study the color and texture and minute details and​​ workings of such small things. ​​ We see the hand of God all around us.​​ ​​ We also see God’s hand in the heavens above us.​​ The moon shines forth at night and determines the tides; the sun warms our day. ​​ 

It is true that man has made many marvelous structures and discoveries. ​​ Buildings have become increasingly complex in their design and size, and​​ new innovation and understanding of how our physical bodies work have led to several breakthroughs in fighting disease. ​​ The world we live in continues to move forward at increasing speed in the area of technology. ​​ Yet, with all this in mind, only God has created something from nothing. ​​ Only God has His imprint on the heavens and the earth we call home.

Ge 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Pr 3:19 The LORD by wisdom founded the earth;​​ by​​ understanding He established the heavens.

Jer 51:15 [It is] He who made the earth by His power, Who established​​ the​​ world by His wisdom,​​ and​​ by His understanding He stretched out the heavens.

The​​ word skill in Psalm 136:5 is translated for us as wisdom, intelligence and understanding. ​​ God purposed the heavens. ​​ Each planetary object has been placed in its exact place according to our Great Creator. ​​ God’s wisdom, intelligence and understanding far outweighs the most genius of humankind. ​​ 

In the contrivance of the celestial bodies--in their specific gravities, relations, connections, influences on each other, revolutions, etc.; and in the wonderful adaptation of the atmosphere for the purposes of refracting the light, forming rain, dew, snow, etc., are exhibited the most astonishing displays of the Divine wisdom.” ​​ The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

“We find that God has built the heavens in wisdom, to declare his glory, and to show forth his handiwork. There are no iron tracks, with bars and bolts, to hold the planets in their orbits. Freely in space they move, ever changing, but never changed; poised and balancing; swaying and swayed; disturbing and disturbed, onward they fly, fulfilling with unerring certainty their mighty cycles. The entire system forms one grand complicated piece of celestial machinery; circle within circle, wheel within wheel, cycle within cycle; revolutions go swift as to be completed in a few hours; movements so slow, that their mighty periods are only counted by millions of years.”​​ --From "The Orbs of Heaven", 1859.

For His lovingkindness is​​ everlasting.

Consider. ​​​​ The​​ God who has shown infinite skill and wisdom in making the heavens, the atmosphere,​​ and all​​ the skies contain and even the air we breathe, is merciful towards us. ​​ Not just momentarily, but always, even while we are undeserving. ​​​​  ​​​​ 

Then, I infer, that if the mercy which visits earth is from the same Jehovah who built that heaven and filled it with glory, there must be in his mercy something of the same "understanding" or "wisdom." It is wise, prudent mercy; not rashly given forth; and it is the mercy of him whose love has filled that heaven with bliss. The same architect, the same skill, the same love!​​ --Andrew A. Bonar.

Ps 136:6 To Him who spread out the earth above the waters, For His lovingkindness is everlasting;

How big is the earth? ​​​​ According​​ to NASA the radius at the equator is 3,963 miles. ​​ The circumference is just over 24,000 miles; the earth’s mass is 6.6 sextillion tons and its​​ volume is about 260 billion cubic miles. ​​ The total surface area is about 197 million square miles. ​​ Mount Everest is the highest place on Earth above sea level at 29,028 feet. ​​ 

How big is God? ​​​​ Psalm​​ 136:6 says He ‘spread out the earth above the waters’! ​​ We cannot fathom how big God is, His greatness is immeasurable. ​​ His creation surrounds us. We are unable to fully comprehend God’s glory. ​​ Consider the smallest grain of sand and then look upward to the star filled sky. ​​ 

Jer 10:12 [It is] He who made the earth by His power, Who established the world by His wisdom;​​ and​​ by His understanding He has stretched out the heavens.

Ps 104:2-3​​ Covering Thyself with light as with a cloak,​​ stretching​​ out heaven like a [tent] curtain.​​ 3​​ He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind;

God, in all His greatness and glory, chose to bless mankind. ​​ 

O thou Creator of all things, we magnify the mercy which shines in all thy handiworks.”​​ Spurgeon’s Devotional Commentary​​ 

Praise God! ​​ His mercy endures forever!

Hurricane Irma

Ps 57:1 Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge in Thee; and in the shadow of Thy wings I will take refuge, until destruction passes by.

Hurricane Irma. ​​ Facts: ​​ Category 5, 185 mph winds (some gusts clocked at over 200 mph), direct hit on Anguilla and Saint Martin/St. Maarten, two small islands in the Caribbean, on​​ September 6th, 2017. Incredible devastation occurred – buildings collapsed, roofs were torn off, trees were uprooted, the infrastructure of the islands demolished, airplanes were overturned as if they were toys, and marinas became graveyards for rows of sinking watercraft. Add to this scene massive flooding, unsafe drinking water and dangerous power lines laying in the streets, on housing and walkways. ​​ The pictures here are recent, almost one year later.



My husband and I have visited Saint Martin almost​​ every year since 2003. ​​ We were there two weeks before Irma hit last year and had the opportunity to visit again a few weeks ago. ​​ Although we’d been told the cleanup and rebuild has greatly improved, it is difficult to believe the amount of damage still​​ seen. ​​ It is everywhere you look. ​​ Overturned boats slowly being pulled down into the ocean, and entire boardwalks and piers, shops and restaurants are gone, completely, in the bays. ​​ It doesn’t seem that even one structure was left unscathed. ​​ Immediately, after landing at the modified airport, which was a white event tent, the casualties were evident. I thought we were informed about what we might see because I’ve kept in touch through the internet, but nothing could have prepared me for what truly was. ​​ As we drove from the airport across the island to our destination, I was speechless at the damage around each corner, my heart was silently crying.


We settled in and began talking with those who were on the island during this tragic event.​​ 

Many people were smiling! ​​ And they wanted to talk about Jesus: ​​ His care for them and His mercy on them.

Seriously, each day of our time spent here I have had opportunities to talk about God’s mercy and the necessity to trust in Him. ​​ Several times, when I questioned how someone was doing, I was met with thankfulness that life was spared. ​​ Faces literally lit up when speaking of God’s provision for basic needs. ​​ We heard many were without water in their homes for months and were rationed drinking water. ​​ Electricity was​​ unavailable to most homes. ​​ Roads were impassable and even if they weren’t, many cars were not drivable because trees or poles had landed on them. Stories from a worker in a grocery market of having only two bottles of water – for drinking and showering –​​ for the entire family with three teenage boys – were shared with thankfulness for what​​ was​​ provided. ​​ 

One woman remarked how ‘life lessons’ were learned from her oldest son who recently had complained of sharing a room with his two younger siblings. ​​ She​​ said after the hurricane, one of her family members lost everything and moved in with them – a small two bedroom home needing to accommodate nine​​ 


people for several months. ​​ Her oldest son is now very happy to be back sharing a room with only three! ​​ 

I repeatedly heard phrases like, “God works in mysterious ways”, “God can do what He wants because He owns everything”, and “We have to trust in His plan”, and “Praise God, we are okay, it’s just stuff”.


Thank you God for the resiliency of those who know You! ​​ Thank You for the amazing steadfastness of Your children. ​​ Thank you for reminding all of us what this life is truly about – the opportunity to praise You in all things and to share about Your hope in all circumstances to all people. ​​ Thank you God for​​ the beauty of the ocean and the waves and the breeze. ​​ And for Your power seen in a hurricane. ​​ 

God’s awesomeness is magnified in times of disaster as His children look to Him. ​​ 

It is so easy to expect that when you turn on a faucet, clean water pours out. ​​ I can say I hardly ever think about the blessing of a flushing toilet and working sewage system (except maybe when we’ve been camping!), or flipping a switch for light, or having the availability of unspoiled food or a roof over my head. ​​ Having panes​​ of glass in a window has become commonplace for most of us. ​​ These things are all blessings given by God’s grace. What we need is food and shelter, what most of us have is so much more!​​ 


Thank you Lord Jesus, for giving each of us what we need. ​​ Sometimes, it’s the most difficult tragedies that cause our trust to turn towards Your grace. ​​ Often, it is in the midst of personal loss that we recognize we already have everything that is important and lasting. ​​ In the midst of broken buildings and lives upturned, joy is evident in the certain hope of life eternal.

Ps 57:1 Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge in Thee; and in the shadow of Thy wings I will take refuge, until destruction passes by. ​​ God is our refuge and shelter.

Da 6:27 "He delivers and rescues and performs signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, Who has [also] delivered Daniel from the power of the lions."  ​​​​ The same God who delivered Daniel from the lion’s jaws will rescue His children.

Na 1:7 The LORD is good,​​ a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him. ​​ God is our fortress. ​​ God knows those who seek His protection.

Isa 12:2 "Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the LORD GOD is my strength and song,​​ and He has become my salvation." ​​ God is our deliverance, in Him there is no fear. ​​ God is our praise!

Ps 121:1-2 I Will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall my help come?​​ 2​​ My help [comes] from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. ​​ The One​​ Who created heaven and earth is our help.

Isa 41:10 'Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.' ​​ There is no reason to be dismayed. ​​ God will uphold His children.

Ps 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. ​​ God is our security, right now, this very moment, even in distress.​​ 

Strength and resolve in God’s children to trust Him even through incomprehensible tragedy. ​​ This is what I witnessed during my time in Saint Martin this year and I am so thankful. I pray we were able to leave bits of encouragement as we shared God’s truths. ​​ I personally received incredible blessings.









Psalm​​ 106:8 Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of His name. ​​ That He might make His power known.

Being Flexible

We neither want nor need fairness. We need mercy! For each day. Let’s praise God for what we have, focusing on His great lovingkindness towards us, recognizing even in disappointment, He is the One guiding our lives for His glory.

Remember the ‘Slinky’ toy? ​​ Invented by Robert James, they were originally metal and appeared on the scene in the 1940’s. ​​​​ Still popular today,​​ available in many colors and​​ in a plastic material, they are​​ incredibly​​ flexible. ​​ I remember watching my slinky go down the stairs. ​​ Fascinating! ​​ They stretch to several times their original size, and go forwards and backwards.​​ 

The introduction to my blog states my need to remember flexibility – holding my schedule loosely – because His plan may be (and usually is) different.

I am being pinned to that​​ statement right now as my heart is disappointed in the change of plans we had. ​​ We are blessed to have two of our grown children and their families living within three miles of us. ​​ This means we get to see the three grandkids who live here at least once a​​ week, often a few times a week. ​​ We also have a grown son and his family who live across the country on the east coast. ​​ Again, we have been incredibly blessed to be able to see them and our two east-coast grandchildren about every 3-4 months. ​​ Either we​​ fly there or they fly here. ​​ So here we are prepared for their visit, anticipating a time of family all being together, planning to pick them up at the airport and we get a phone call. ​​ A fever and a highly contagious virus has presented itself in their children! One day before they leave. ​​ Bummer. ​​ Disappointment. ​​ Heartache for the hugs that won’t happen. ​​ Sadness for cousins who were all looking forward to their visit. ​​ Really missing my sweet little ones and their Mommy and Daddy.

But, God knows. ​​ He’s​​ in control. ​​ He has allowed this sudden change of plans and it will be used for His purpose and glory. ​​ Trying to be thankful that this virus presented itself the day before rather than on a flight. ​​ Those are the truths, now how to snap out of a tearful heart and move through the day with a smile that is not just pasted on the outside but coming from a joyful heart within.

These things are hard. ​​ So Lord, please show me Your faithfulness in Your word as I trust in You. ​​ I know this isn’t a very big deal in​​ comparison with most other disappointments, in fact, right now even in our own personal lives, we are dealing with several more serious issues. ​​ But, we were so looking forward to squeezing our little grandbabies. ​​ On to the truths of scripture to find salve for an aching heart.

This same day, in the afternoon, I ran into a friend at the store. ​​ When I asked her how she was doing she shook her head and tears welled up in her eyes. ​​ So, we stepped aside and she shared with me that her daughter at 26 weeks pregnant, with her first child, just found out they needed to deliver the baby early because of some complications. ​​ She talked, we prayed, and spoke of the truths of God’s word – His plan, no matter how difficult or confusing it may seem, is perfect. ​​ We all need to hold on to the truth of that fact because our emotions and feelings can take us elsewhere. ​​ Such as, ‘It isn’t fair’, or ‘Why’.

Consider. ​​​​ Is it fair that Jesus died for all man’s sin when He Himself is perfect? ​​ Is it fair that He was silent as​​ He was mocked and scourged, even while He was innocent?

What is fair? ​​ To treat someone with fairness means there is no favor being shown, nothing more nothing less than deserved. ​​ Certainly, if God’s Son willingly chose to release His deity in order to redeem mankind, we can only be thankful and humbled that we are not ourselves held to fairness in our own condition. ​​ What do we deserve? ​​​​ Eternal separation from God. ​​ Nothing good or right or beautiful. ​​ No blessings, or enjoyment or pleasure. ​​ What do we​​ have? ​​​​ God’s children have an eternal promise of heaven; everything good, right and beautiful; abundant blessings, enjoyment and pleasure. ​​ Why? ​​​​ Because of His great love.

We can develop high expectations of what we should have or deserve when the reality is, if we were to think in terms of fairness, none of us have been given what we truly deserve. ​​ Even those​​ who have rejected God’s sacrifice have been given air to breathe and countless other blessings too numerous to list. ​​ I pray my response, even in​​ difficulties and disappointments, is always one of thankfulness for everything I do have. ​​ And a heart of gratitude for everything that has been withheld because of God’s mercy. ​​ Thank you Lord that I have not been treated with fairness.

We’ve all been in​​ situations where decisions we’ve made have proven to be wrong. ​​ Think of the times you’ve inadvertently run a red light or almost caused an accident while driving, yet you were protected. ​​ Fairness would mean you would have received a traffic violation at​​ the very least. ​​ Each of us can remember times when it seems we’ve been given a second and even third chance to improve. ​​ Fairness would mean getting what we deserve, no second chances. ​​ Mercy is what we’ve been given.

Ps 86:15 But Thou, O Lord, art a God​​ merciful and gracious, Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.

Eph 2:1-9 And you were dead in your trespasses and sins,​​ 2​​ in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.​​ 3​​ Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.​​ 4​​ But God, being​​ rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us,​​ 5​​ even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),​​ 6​​ and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly [places], in Christ Jesus,​​ 7​​ in order that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.​​ 8​​ For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, [it is] the gift of God;​​ 9​​ not as a​​ result of works, that no one should boast.

1Ch 16:34 O give thanks to the LORD, for [He is] good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Mercy that endures forever is what we have in Christ.

In​​ Psalm 136, the phrase ‘His mercy endures forever’ is stated in each of the 26 verses. ​​ It is a hymn of praise. ​​ Can you imagine it being sung in ancient times, perhaps in Solomon’s Temple, as the people remembered their deliverance from Egypt and journey through the wilderness? ​​ God’s mercy was understood and voices​​ of thankfulness were lifted to Him for His exceeding mercies. ​​ They deserved none of what they received and received not what they truly deserved.

We neither want nor need fairness. ​​ We need mercy! ​​ For each day. ​​ Let’s praise God for what we have, focusing on His great lovingkindness towards us, recognizing even in disappointment, He is the One guiding our lives for His glory. ​​ Circumstances may change around us unexpectedly but God and his mercy will never change. ​​ I pray I am able to lift a heart of gratitude towards my great God at all times.

What! give God thanks for everything,

Whatever may befall –

Whatever the dark clouds may bring?

Yes, give God thanks for all;

For safe He leads thee, hand in hand,

To thy blessed Fatherland.


What! thank Him for​​ the lonely way He to me hath given –

For the path which, day by day​​ 

Seems farther off from heaven?

Yes, thank Him, for He holds thy hand

And leads thee to thy Fatherland.


Close, close He shields thee from all harm;

And if the road be steep,

Thou know’st​​ His everlasting arm

In safety doth He keep,

Although thou canst not understand

The winding to thy Fatherland.


What blessing, thinkest thou, will He,

Who knows the good and ill,

Keep back, if it is good for thee,

While climbing up the hill?

Then trust Him,​​ and keep fast His hand,

He leads thee to thy Fatherland.

The Christian Treasury, 1865