Birth Day

Consider Christmas – the most significant birthday ever recorded. Christmas is the grand celebration of our Savior’s birth, Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:11 for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. ​​​​ 

What is​​ Christmas, why do we celebrate? ​​​​ Towards the middle of October,​​ decorations begin​​ to pop​​ up in the stores for Christmas. ​​ At​​ the end of this​​ same​​ month, tree lots appear on intersection corners. ​​ Christmas is​​ a day celebrated throughout our country in a majority of homes. ​​ It is as much a cultural tradition as it is a religious celebration. ​​ Ask​​ others what this time of year is about and you will receive a variety of answers. ​​ Santa Claus, snowmen and reindeer, food, family, and friends. ​​ Amidst the​​ presents​​ and parties, lights, trees, and​​ decorations, some people will focus on the birth of Jesus.

At this special time of year,​​ Christmas carols and holiday music abound everywhere. ​​​​ Interesting to note – and perhaps why I personally get really excited about this holiday is the acceptance of recognizing and talking about God and His Son, Jesus​​ Christ.​​ People seem more open to the Truth at this time of year.​​ The​​ opportunities to share​​ the Gospel abound as many of our cultural traditions point to the Christ child. ​​ Turn on​​ almost​​ any Christmas music station and carols of old will be playing. ​​ Listen carefully to the words and recognize that truth is shared as if they are hymns. ​​ Individuals everywhere sing of the glory of Jesus’​​ birth at Christmas time, even​​ if truth has not been accepted, some oblivious to the words they are expressing in a familiar tune. ​​​​ ​​ ​​ 

In the Christian household,​​ the center of​​ Christmas is the celebration of a birthday – the birth of Jesus Christ. ​​ Consider the planning of a milestone birthday for an individual. ​​ Perhaps it is the very first birthday of a child or the birthday that puts a child in the category of ‘two digits’, or becoming a teenager. ​​ Maybe it’s the fiftieth birthday commonly known as ‘over-the-hill’. ​​ And for some, we may even be around to celebrate our sixties, seventies, eighties and beyond. ​​​​ 

Most everyone has either had a significant birthday party or has been to one. ​​ A lot of effort goes into the planning and preparation. ​​ There is food to make, decorations to put up, presents to purchase and usually a cake to bake. ​​ Party hats, balloons and banners are often part of the celebration.

Consider Christmas – the most significant birthday ever recorded. ​​ Christmas is the​​ grand​​ celebration of​​ our​​ Savior’s birth, Christ the Lord.​​ What happened when Jesus Christ was born is the world was given a gift.​​  It is not that we brought something to Him, God gave His Son to us. ​​ We give gifts because we care about someone. ​​ God gave Jesus because He loves you. ​​ Have you accepted the gift He offers? ​​ It is free to receive yet was purchased with a great cost. ​​ Christ was born to die for the sin of all mankind. ​​ God’s love is so great that He gave us His Son as the only acceptable and perfect sacrifice​​ that would pay the price of man’s transgression. ​​ 

I pray your Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. ​​ Not only the birth but the gift of life we have in Him. ​​ He was born to die, He willingly suffered for man even while He was innocent, He alone was able to pay the price we owe for our sin. ​​ Jesus was crucified, died, was buried and arose from the grave in His victory over sin’s power. ​​ All because of God’s love for you. ​​ The greatest gift we can give to those we care about is the Truth of Christmas. ​​ 

Luke 2:10-11 And the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Good news​​ – the gospel: Jesus’ birth, death, resurrection; God’s​​   ​​ ​​​​ forgiveness, our​​ atonement​​ and the promise of a​​   ​​ ​​​​ glorious future in heaven

Great joy – exceeding gladness​​ 

All people –​​ offered to​​ everyone everywhere

A Savior​​ ​​ our Deliverer

Christ​​  – the anointed, the Messiah

The Lord​​ – supreme in authority, Master, God


This is Christmas. ​​ Celebrate the Truth!