
First they need you for everything, then they want you for everything, then suddenly it seems they don’t want you for anything (except maybe clean clothes and food).

Mom. ​​​​ Mommy. ​​ Momma. It’s an incredible blessing to be a Mom. ​​ Unlike some titles, once you’re a mom you’re always a mom. ​​ It’s not a position that stops, you don’t retire from being a​​ mother. ​​ No matter if you have babies in heaven or on earth,​​ being a Mom lasts forever in your heart. ​​ Some of you are brand new at mothering with the tiniest of little ones dependent on you for everything. ​​ Others have toddlers with sticky faces and hands that demand attention almost constantly. ​​ 

You go through cycles with your children as they grow. ​​ First they​​ need​​ you for everything, then they​​ want​​ you for everything, then suddenly it seems they don’t need or want you for anything (except maybe clean​​ clothes and food). For a while, the need for mom may get pushed away, life gets busy, independence is developed. ​​ But, you’re always there anyways, because you’re​​ Mom. ​​ Today is the day we celebrate moms! ​​ What does the Bible say about moms? ​​ Perhaps, the​​ most well-known mother is Mary.​​ 

Mary is the mother of Jesus. ​​ We can learn from what God’s word says about her. ​​ God gave Mary special honor and blessing​​ (Luke 1:28). ​​ Through the angel Gabriel, she was also given news that was difficult to understand​​ (Luke 1:31-34). ​​ Read her response below.

Lu 1:38 And Mary said, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her.

Mary called herself a​​ Bondslave of God​​ and​​ trusted in His plan. ​​ She chose to place​​ herself in servanthood to God. ​​ And she praised God even through what must have been a million questions running around in her head.

Lu 1:46-47 And Mary said: "My soul exalts the Lord,​​ 47​​ and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.

She was​​ full of praise​​ for God​​ and recognized Him as her Savior. ​​ She is an example not only of servanthood and trust but also one of​​ humility​​ (Luke 1:48). ​​ Throughout her journey of trust, she​​ glorifies God’s name. ​​ In​​ Luke 1:49-55, Mary​​ exalts God​​ as she visits with her cousin Elizabeth and is quick to speak of His goodness, specifically​​ His blessings, His holiness, and His mercy​​ towards those who fear Him, and​​ His power,​​ and​​ judgment. ​​ In verse 53, Mary speaks the truth that​​ satisfaction is found in God, He fills hearts with​​ His goodness. ​​ And He will fulfill His promises​​ made generations before.

As a mother, Mary was asked to do incredibly difficult things: Like carry​​ a child she conceived before marriage (though she had not known intimacy with man) which in that time was​​ punishable by death; make a long, arduous journey at the end of her pregnancy, flee from dangers with a newborn, and protect the child whom King Herod wanted murdered. ​​ 

We do see a sweet moment of tender mothering in​​ Luke 2:19: ​​ But Mary treasured up all​​ these things, pondering them in her heart.

Mary understood what it was like to realize your child had wandered off. ​​ It even seems she experienced a bit of panic when she questioned her Son and relayed that she and Joseph had been looking for him. ​​ (Luke 2:48). ​​ Mary also witnessed the execution of her Son. We can only imagine the pain that must have pierced her heart as Jesus was pierced with a sword.

While it is clear we are not to worship anyone or anything besides God in heaven​​ (2 Kings 17:16; Deuteronomy 4:19, Exodus 20:4; Leviticus 26:1),​​ we can strive to follow the characteristics of those God has chosen for Himself to do His will.​​ 

So what does it mean to be called​​ Mom?​​ Just looking at this one example, we learn we can​​ submit​​ to God in all things​​ and choose to​​ serve​​ Him with our lives.  ​​​​ We develop hearts of​​ humility​​ as we quickly​​ realize​​ we don’t know much! ​​ We can​​ trust​​ in God’s plan for ourselves and our children. ​​ We can​​ cherish​​ the blessings of parenting. ​​ We can have​​ confidence​​ that God is working in our children’s​​ lives, no matter how young or old. ​​ And we can​​ praise​​ God for giving us the wonderful opportunity of being a Mom.

I’d like to propose a different way to think about Mother’s Day. ​​ Certainly it is good to show your Mom you treasure her by a phone call or card or some small sentiment. ​​ But let’s give praise to God that He, in His goodness to us, has chosen us to be part of the process of giving life. ​​ God has entrusted parents with the stewardship of His children. ​​ Sometimes it can be really difficult, tears are often shed, and hearts can be broken. ​​ Parenting can result in the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in emotions. ​​ But the moments of a tender smile or hug, and the lessons we learn through raising children are priceless. ​​ 

Happy Mother’s Day! ​​ ​​​​ ​​ and thank you Lord for the special blessing you have bestowed on Moms! ​​ All praise and honor and glory to God.