Happy New Year

Do you trust in the abundant grace He has extended towards you through His Son?

The challenge – can you​​ look at the past year and praise God for His faithfulness? ​​ Amidst illness, death, unemployment, and uncertainty,​​ (and even a shortage of toilet paper!),​​ God remains faithful. ​​ When​​ we do not look with eyes that are focused on His sovereignty and perfect plan, we miss clarity.​​ 

If you have been to an optometrist, you may recall the process of looking through different lenses as the doctor asks you if 1 or 2, or 3 or 4,​​ is better. ​​ The ability to see clearly is valuable – both as we navigate the physical world we live in and as we grow in our spiritual understanding of God. ​​ Any eye doctor is able to correct our vision through prescriptive lenses. ​​ Only God is able to cause the eyes of our heart to focus on His truths. ​​​​ 

Jeremiah​​ penned​​ the book of Lamentations. ​​ It is an account of the sorrows of the Jewish nation, of​​ their​​ suffering and misery​​ because​​ they turned​​ from God. ​​ Jeremiah​​ also recounts the nations​​ repentance and submission,​​ their​​ prayer and hope of God’s future promises for deliverance. ​​ A​​ section in chapter 3 of this book​​ reads, “This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. ​​ The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. ​​ [They] are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness. ​​ ‘The Lord is my portion’, says my soul, ‘therefore I have hope in Him’. ​​​​ The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him”, Lamentations 3:22-25.

Thomas O. Chisholm​​ wrote​​ the​​ words​​ to the hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness”,​​ in 1923 as he contemplated God’s faithfulness over his lifetime. ​​ The lyrics were​​ then​​ set to music and​​ almost​​ 100 years later​​ the tune and words are​​ still​​ widely recognized.

Great is Thy faithfulness,​​ Great is Thy faithfulness,​​ 

Morning by morning new mercies I see,​​ 

All I have needed Thy hand hath provided,​​ 

Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me.

We have​​ absolute​​ hope! ​​ God is faithful. ​​ He shows mercy and compassion towards those He loves. ​​ Do you trust in the​​ abundant​​ grace He has extended towards you​​ through His Son? ​​ As you seek Him you will be blessed – even through difficulty. ​​ 

Has your trust in​​ God​​ grown this past year? ​​ Have you witnessed souls turn towards​​ His truths? ​​ Sometimes we must lose the blessings we have in order to recognize their value. ​​ Has your gratefulness increased? ​​ Perhaps those things we​​ once​​ expected are now treasured more fully. ​​ Difficulty has produced a new endurance​​ and a higher level of thankfulness in many households and relationships. ​​ In all this, praise God. ​​ He is faithful!


Focus Heavenward.

God’s Blessings in the New Year

God has always been faithful. He does not change. Faithfulness is part of His character. His children can expect His protection and power to shine forth in their lives, even through testing, whether it be in the daily tasks of life or in significant tragedy.

The faithfulness of God is part of His character. ​​ 1 Corinthians 1:9 reads,​​ “God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” ​​​​ 1 Thessalonians 5:24 also says,​​ “Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.”​​ ​​ God has a purpose for each of His children and He will fulfill His plan for you. ​​ This is an incredible promise for each of us to take into the New Year! ​​ 

In Isaiah chapter 43, God gives Israel His promise to protect them even while they were unfaithful to God. ​​ They are disciplined several times for their actions against God,​​ yet God’s love remains true. ​​ He reminds them in Isaiah 43:1 that they are still able to rely upon his protection,​​ “But now, thus says the Lord, your Creator, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel, ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!” ​​ 

We have not witnessed the parting of a sea, but every moment God’s hand and direction​​ is guiding​​ our lives – if we open our eyes to see. ​​ How often have you been pleasantly surprised as you have noticed God’s work in your life? ​​ All successes, no matter how small or large, are because of His work and His faithfulness. ​​ 

Picture this scene. ​​ A major shopping​​ warehouse parking lot. ​​ Crowded to an all-time high, seemingly ten cars for every one space available. ​​ You​​ drive​​ your car,​​ scoping out people loading their trunks, turn your​​ blinker on,​​ and patiently wait for someone to​​ back out. ​​ Just as you begin to turn into the spot you​​ have​​ waited for, a car comes from the opposite direction and whizzes ahead of you taking the space. ​​ What’s your reaction? ​​ Then, you​​ drive down the next row of parking​​ and come upon the back-up lights of a truck. ​​ Score! ​​ Your blinker is activated and you wait for​​ this vehicle to back out so you can finally park. ​​ Just as you are readying to pull into the now empty space, you see headlights​​ coming​​ through from the opposite side. ​​ It is getting a bit more difficult to maintain composure and think nice thoughts…prayer​​ is​​ necessary and constant

Okay. ​​ Drive​​ down​​ the next isle, eyes​​ peeled​​ for any sign of an opening parking space. ​​ You spot one ahead. ​​ Once again,​​ the​​ blinker​​ is switched​​ on as you wait for​​ a​​ car to back out so you can stop playing this game​​ which​​ is no longer fun. ​​ The car pulls out and,​​ no kidding,​​ someone comes from the opposite​​ direction​​ and quickly pulls into the exact place you were patiently waiting for. ​​ To add insult to injury, the car has​​ a very large sticker on it proclaiming Christ as Lord. ​​ You cringe, you feel the fight against the natural man inside of you. ​​ But, still able to maintain a low blood pressure internally all because of God’s work pummeling the flesh, you drive around one more time and low and behold the place behind the truck that had pulled through​​ in front of you​​ several​​ minutes ago is still available. ​​ Yes! ​​ You pull in the parking place and notice two carts​​ at the corner in front of​​ the driver’s side. ​​ No problem, there​​ is plenty of room in your small car to park and not have the carts be a problem. ​​​​ Whew, made it and no injuries have occurred. ​​ Even your thoughts have been taken captive by Truth. ​​ However you are already exhausted. ​​ Take a deep breath and let’s get this done. ​​​​ Ignition is turned off and you proceed to exit the car.

Then, the person who had been sitting in the truck which was now parked in front of you gets out of their vehicle, walks to the driver side of your car, pulls the carts half way down the space and you think, that’s nice they are going to remove the carts. ​​ But, instead of removing the carts, they loosen one from the other, leave the second six inches from your driver door blocking it and walk away! ​​ In each of these situations the test is real. ​​ I am weak but God remains faithful to my desire to respond correctly. ​​ What I want to do and how I want to feel is checked by His work in my life. ​​​​ I am so very aware of a battle.

It doesn’t end here. ​​ Now I​​ am​​ finally in line to return​​ a few items. ​​ This is a long line, out the door, in the​​ biting​​ cold, slow as molasses​​ kind of​​ line. ​​ It​​ is okay. ​​ I stand there​​ with my cart and items, wishing I had worn a jacket,​​ and the woman in front of me tells me I need each item tagged first which is a different line. ​​ Smile, she offers to stand with my cart as I go get my two items stickered. ​​ Thank you Lord for others’​​ show of kindness.​​ I return and the line has grown increasingly long in that short time. ​​ Then from out of nowhere someone appears in front of me who was not previously​​ in line. ​​ Oh well, this is that kind of day. ​​ A pleasant conversation between​​ us helps to pass some time and quell my frustration.​​ ​​ I​​ then​​ notice​​ an​​ individual walking​​ hurriedly​​ from the parking lot, and they gracefully slip right​​ in front of me​​ without saying a word. ​​ I figure at this rate I’ll never get to the​​ register. ​​​​ But, I am kept in check by something much bigger than myself – God’s work in my flesh. ​​​​ A voice in my head is repeating, ‘be careful of your words and actions’. ​​​​ 

So, at this point I am praising God for these small tests and His faithful love, really trying to concentrate on the things that truly matter. ​​​​ But we still are not done! ​​ The person I had been having a conversation with (and who cut in line from the left earlier)​​ now​​ notices the person who had cut in from the right. ​​ She tells this individual that they belong in the back of the line. ​​ She is ignored. ​​ The person then​​ loudly​​ asks those in front of her to verify that someone cut in the line and should go to the back. ​​ She looks at me and tries to include me in pointing out this wrongdoing. ​​ For a split moment there is tension building​​ among several people​​ as she asks specifically for my response. ​​ Oh boy, I am now thinking​​ that​​ staying home would have been a better plan for this morning. ​​ But, God is faithful in His work in His children’s lives. ​​ Seriously, I do not feel very saintly. ​​ My flesh at this point would feel good about swinging my purse around and knocking​​ some people​​ out.​​ ​​ But,​​ I have never been involved in a brawl and do not desire to make the newspaper headlines.​​ Instead I hear these words coming from my mouth​​ for those around me to hear​​ as I address the situation, “This is a good opportunity to show God’s grace”. ​​ I’m thinking I personally needed to be reminded of what was truly important. ​​ Thank you Lord for​​ your work in this​​ sinner’s​​ life, for your testing and opportunity to focus on what matters – You, Your faithfulness, Your gift, Your glory in a fallen world. ​​​​ Situation avoided, everyone becomes silent.

Isaiah 43:2​​ is God’s promise to His children,​​ “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. ​​ When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, or will the flame burn you”. ​​ God will protect His children, sin does not need to take hold. ​​ His faithfulness and His majesty are greater. ​​ His glory is our story. ​​ It is all about Him.

Isaiah 43:10-11​​ says,​​ “You are My witnesses,” declares the Lord. ​​ “And My servant whom I have chosen, in order that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. ​​ Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me.” ​​ “I, even I, am the Lord; and there is no savior besides Me”.

As the New Year approaches we are able to look forward to God’s care and faithfulness. ​​ His promises are real and there is hope in Him for the future. ​​ 

Isaiah 34:18​​ tells us, “Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. ​​ Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? ​​ I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert”.

God has always been faithful. ​​ He does not change. ​​ Faithfulness is part of His character. ​​ His children can expect His protection and power to shine forth in their lives, even through testing, whether it be in the daily tasks of life or in significant tragedy. ​​​​ God’s grace and mercy are new every morning. ​​ 

Lamentations​​ 3:22-23​​ reads, “The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail.​​ [They] are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness.

Because of God’s faithfulness in His children’s lives, there is great hope in the New Year to shine God’s glory!​​ ​​ Focus Heavenward with me, Sharyn.

Happy New Year!

God will change your thinking and enlighten your understanding if you are desiring. Why? Because He is merciful. He will give you discernment of the things which are good and acceptable and complete in His will.

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Happy New Year! ​​ Resolutions abound. ​​ If you haven’t made a New Year’s resolution or need ideas, just open your phone or any social media and you’ll find several suggestions. ​​ I’m not​​ big on making a statement of fact that I will do something different or accomplish a specific task simply because I know there is a good chance I will fail. ​​ It’s easy to begin strong and then get distracted or lose heart, then the excuses begin. ​​ So, I personally choose to avoid this popular activity of the New Year. ​​ However, as I was considering this, I realized perhaps I just need to make a resolution that is within a different realm of thinking. ​​ God-centered. ​​ God’s will and desire. ​​ Success will then be at my fingertips! ​​ Because of Him.

Resolved! ​​​​ To know and follow God more fully in the coming year! ​​ This resolution is a winner because it’s what God wants for me and is within His will to accomplish. ​​ 

Jer 9:23-24 Thus says the LORD, "Let not a wise​​ man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches;​​ 24​​ but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things, "declares the LORD.

To boast here means to shine, to celebrate, to praise! ​​ Shine​​ for God. ​​ Celebrate​​ God. ​​ Praise​​ God. ​​ For all to see! ​​​​ God has chosen to give you understanding and consideration of who He​​ is. ​​ He wants you to know Him!

Php 3:8-11 More than that,​​ I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ,​​ 9 ​​​​ and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from [the] Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which [comes] from God on the basis of faith,​​ 10​​ that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death;​​ 11​​ in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.

Consider. ​​ All things in your life should be unimportant when compared to the superiority of knowing Jesus. ​​ What​​ floats your boat? ​​ Is it sitting at His feet trying to understand Him, the miraculous gift and power of His resurrection, being able to share in whatever hardships He allows for the sake of knowing and understanding Him more? ​​​​ Wow! ​​​​ This is the example we’ve been given. ​​ This is what God wants for His children! ​​ Our hearts should be breaking out into a chorus of Halleluiah’s right about now to be considered worthy of His fellowship. ​​ 

Halleluiah ​​​​ indeed!

Ro 12:1-2 I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, [which is] your spiritual service of worship.​​ 2​​ And do not be conformed to this world, but​​ be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

God will change your thinking and enlighten your understanding if you are desiring. ​​ Why? ​​​​ Because He is merciful. ​​ He will give you discernment of the things which are good and acceptable and complete​​ in His will. ​​ Amazing!

Joh 17:3 "And this is eternal life,​​ that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.

know <ginosko> allow, be aware of, feel, have knowledge, perceived,​​ be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand.

Resolved! ​​​​ In my direction and purpose determined to know my Lord and Savior, the only true God.​​ 

Jer 29:13​​ 'And you will seek Me and find [Me,] when you search for Me with all your heart.

Only​​ by His grace and mercy. ​​ Because​​ it is what He wants for me! ​​ He will see to completion my resolution to seek Him.

Pr 8:17 "I love those who love me; and​​ those who diligently seek me will find me.

It is a​​ Happy New Year! ​​ Amen. ​​​​ Halleluiah. ​​ Praise God!