Check Your Response

In light of the recent events in our nation, first the Covid 19 pandemic, and now the response to the unnecessary killing of a detained individual which has led to protesting and rioting in most major cities across America, we have a charge to careful, concise and controlled actions that are well-thought and purposed for God’s honor.

Here is a quote from the commentary of Thomas Scott regarding 1 Peter 1:13, “… laying aside all carnal prejudices and superfluous cares, with such occupations, desire, and pursuits, as might prevent their clearly understanding, cordially choosing, and cheerfully obeying, the word of truth; and using all means of removing impediments, of invigorating holy affections, and of animating themselves and each other, in diligently serving and patiently suffering for Christ”.

 Are you practicing holiness in your thoughts, responses and actions in the current situation?

Have You Not Heard?

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired.

It would be so easy to allow discouragement to take over right now. ​​ Most of us have been directly affected by Covid19 in some way. ​​ Weddings have been altered or postponed, graduations have been quiet,​​ trips have been cancelled,​​ babies are born without family visiting, and memorials of those we know and love who have passed on are held remotely. ​​ 

Many individuals have learned to set up conference calls from home so they can continue to work, many others have been sent home without any return date for work. ​​ Still, those who are continuing to be needed in order to run our society, go into work​​ in​​ trepidation, wondering if they will be exposed to this virus and become the next casualty, or bring it home to their families.​​ 

Children are home all day every day. ​​ Their team sports and activities have been cancelled; their uniforms are left unworn, high-fives left undone.​​ There is disappointment in considering the​​ things we may be missing.​​ ​​ The lack of social connection may be more difficult for some than others, yet there is no denying our lives have changed. ​​ We are used to celebrating and gathering. ​​ No one is immune to boredom, uncertainty, and depression.​​ ​​ Hearts are in danger of becoming heavy with anxiety and concern.

If you have been to a store to pick up necessities, people keep their distance as directed by authorities. ​​ Empty shelves and long lines have become expected. ​​ The fight is real to remain focused on all that is good. ​​ I was surprised at my own response when my phone alerted me with several text messages, one right after the other. ​​ Instead of checking it right away, I waited and wondered if it would be news of someone I know having become ill. ​​ I now have a much better understanding of the word​​ pandemic.​​ If you look up the definition, you will read it is a disease spread over a wide geographical area, which affects a large portion of the population. ​​ From my observation alone, it appears the word​​ panic​​ should be included in the definition. ​​ 

We may not have a cure for Covid19​​ at this time, but experts are diligently working to find one. ​​ It may seem that just about everything is completely out of control and this is​​ perhaps​​ a fair assessment. ​​ However, there is hope for​​ boredom, uncertainty and​​ depression. ​​ We are able to​​ find peace​​ in the midst of​​ crisis. ​​​​ 

What​​ is the cure for boredom and weariness, uncertainty and depression? ​​​​ Jesus Christ, the Creator of the universe,​​ the​​ Lord and Savior of the world,​​ holds the cure for mankind. ​​ There is no greater answer. ​​​​ However difficult this period of time might be, this is a reminder to those who know God that He is in complete control – even of those things that do not make sense to us or seem exceptionally difficult. ​​​​ 

Isaiah 40:28-31 Do you not know?​​ ​​ Have you not heard?​​ ​​ The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired.​​ ​​ His understanding is inscrutable. ​​​​ He gives strength to the weary, and to [him who] lacks might He increases power.​​ ​​ Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly,​​ yet​​ those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up [with] wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.

Worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment, business closures, and even lives lost are not without​​ God’s​​ knowledge and understanding. ​​ There​​ are opportunities​​ in all of this​​ to share​​ the hope you have with those who need encouragement.​​ ​​ If you have breath for today, you have reason to​​ praise God.​​ 

Look inside​​ your own heart​​ and ask​​ yourself, what or​​ whom​​ are​​ you​​ living for? ​​ What is​​ your purpose in life? ​​ What do​​ you​​ look forward to? ​​ The​​ answers to these questions, when​​ based on Truth,​​ are the same as they have always been. ​​​​ We live for​​ God, our purpose is to glorify His name and we look forward to an eternity in heaven with Him. ​​ Nothing that has true value has changed at all! ​​ There is hope for the future. ​​ I pray you are encouraged.


Focus Heavenward, Sharyn.


“Until Death Do We Meet”


Confusion or Confidence

Our confidence and security are found in Christ alone. Even in difficult or uncertain times, joy and peace can fill your heart when focused on God. The temptation of man is to try to figure things out for himself. It is difficult to live in an unsettled time, yet we have great assurance in God’s truths.

Trust in man results in​​ fatal consequences for the future. ​​​​ Trust in God results in blessings​​ now and for eternity. ​​​​ For a time,​​ it might seem​​ we do​​ okay on our own,​​ but​​ we​​ will​​ eventually​​ pay a price in the future and become confused in our direction. ​​​​ Following our own selfish desires rather than​​ bowing before​​ God’s direction through His word,​​ will eventually lead to our destruction. ​​ 

  • Do you trust​​ in man or God? ​​​​ 

  • Is your confidence in the Lord who created and knows all things,​​ or is it in your own abilities or man’s intelligence?

You could say that right now, during this pandemic of Covid19, trust​​ at its central core,​​ is being challenged. ​​ If your trust is in your finances, take a look at the stock market. ​​ If your trust is in your employment, notice how many businesses have closed. ​​ If your trust is in your health, it seems no one is exempt from the possibility of catching this virus.

Jeremiah 17:5-6 gives us the result of trusting in man. ​​ Verses 7-8 tell of the blessings of trusting in God.​​ 

Jeremiah 17:7 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD And whose trust is the LORD.

Our confidence and security are found in Christ alone. ​​ Even in difficult or uncertain times, joy and peace can fill your heart​​ when focused on God. ​​ The temptation​​ of man is​​ to try to figure things out for​​ himself. ​​ It is difficult to live in an unsettled time, yet we have great assurance in God’s truths.

  • Are you walking closer with Him or​​ walking away, seeking comfort in other areas?


“Trials will come, even as heat and drought try every tree, but faith sets the believer above circumstances, and makes him always flourish”. ​​ Spurgeon Devotional Commentary

Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD is good;​​ how​​ blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

Ps 84:12 O LORD of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in Thee!

Notice​​ the wording of​​ Jeremiah 17:7 – Blessed is the man who​​ trusts​​ in the Lord​​ and whose​​ trust​​ is the Lord. ​​​​ Not​​ only is our trust to be placed in Jehovah​​ God, our trust​​ is​​ Jehovah God. ​​ There is no room for anyone or anything else when it comes to our​​ loyalty. ​​ Our trust resides in God, the character of who He is, what He has done and what He has promised. ​​ This is called security. ​​ This is called​​ blessing, God’s favor upon His children.

  • How​​ is man blessed by placing His trust in God alone?

Jeremiah 17:8 "For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; But its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit.

This is a​​ clear​​ word picture. ​​ Consider the contrast between a tree that has water​​ coming​​ from deep within the ground, and one that has an irregular sprinkling of water from the surface. ​​ The one grows large roots that run​​ deep as they migrate toward their​​ source of nourishment. ​​ The other grows shallow roots that lie on the surface. ​​ What happens when there is no rain and the ground dries out from heat and wind? ​​ The roots become weak.  ​​ ​​​​ Have you pulled a dying tree or shrub from the ground only to find its roots were barley attached to the surface? ​​ It becomes obvious that it lacked the right nourishment to build a strong structure.

The tree is you. ​​ The waters are God. ​​ The source of your nourishment is God. ​​ When you are grounded in His truths, you will remain in them even as difficult circumstances come your way. ​​ Even better, you will continue to flourish, God will give you​​ opportunities to share His hope and peace with others. ​​ Your trust in Him will remain strong and grow as you rely on Him.​​ ​​ Your ministry may look different but it will continue.  ​​​​ 

Psalm 1:2-3 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. ​​ And he will be like a tree [firmly] planted by streams of water,​​ which​​ yields its fruit in its season,​​ and​​ its leaf does not wither;​​ and​​ in whatever he does, he prospers.

God blesses each of His children as they trust in Him alone. ​​ In His truths, you can remain strong, hopeful, and joyful for the future. ​​