
God will provide for us, He will feed us, He will preserve us for His purposes, He will sustain us, He will defend and protect us and He will care for us in every conceivable way.

Sheep. ​​​​ Timid animals​​ that need direction and protection. ​​ The keeper of a flock of sheep is called a shepherd.​​ 

While in Arizona last week,​​ we were on our way to an animal rescue reserve when​​ we happened upon Jerome, an old copper mining town built into the sides of Cleopatra Hill overlooking the Verde Valley.​​ ​​ It is located in the Black Hills of Yavapai County and was founded in the late 19th​​ century. ​​ ​​ We​​ changed our plans and​​ enjoyed​​ the day walking around​​ this small town.​​ ​​ At one point we​​ entered a historic​​ tire​​ manufacturer​​ turned artist’s gallery. ​​ Inside, the old warehouse was sectioned off into separate​​ displays. ​​ One of the sections had​​ two​​ exhibits,​​ glass blowing on one wall,​​ clay figurines on the other. ​​ It was incredible to see examples of the creativity God has endowed to certain individuals! ​​ As we walked out of the stall, I couldn’t help but notice a sign posted that had big arrows pointing to each side that read,​​ the religious views on the that side​​ ​​ don’t reflect the views on this side​​ ’. ​​​​ Wow, you could immediately feel the tension that must be going on. ​​ We walked farther into the building and found the same clay figures​​ we had seen earlier​​ with handwritten scripture displayed throughout. ​​ I had the opportunity to speak to the owner and it was​​ sad to hear​​ of the tension​​ going on between different artists. ​​ In an adjoining section, beautiful clay forms had been sculpted depicting scenes from the Bible. ​​ Although spiritual warfare was present, Truth was shining and God was protecting his ambassadors with His care. ​​ It was fun to be able to encourage the owner to keep on keeping on. ​​ I was given permission to use the photos I took of​​ his wife’s​​ original artwork for my blog. I would have loved to purchase a large piece of art but settled on a small sheep as I thought of​​ God’s tender care for us as the Great Shepherd of our souls.​​ 

In Ezekiel chapter 34, God reprimands those who were to care for the nation of Israel. ​​ The Levite priests​​ had​​ become more interested in​​ their own welfare​​ and advancement​​ rather than taking the time and energy involved in truly shepherding God’s people. ​​ As God puts forth His judgment on those who ceased to acknowledge Him,​​ He also gives His​​ promise that He will​​ take care of His flock. ​​ 

Eze 34:11-16a.​​ 11[a]​​ For thus says the Lord GOD,​​ [b]"Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out.​​ 12​​ "As a shepherd cares for his herd in the day when he is among his scattered sheep, so I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day.​​ 13​​ "And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them to their own land; and I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the streams, and in all the inhabited​​ places of the land.​​ 14[a]​​ "I will feed them in a good pasture,​​ [b]​​ and their grazing ground will be on the mountain heights of Israel. There they will lie down in good grazing ground, and they will feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.​​ 15​​ "I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest," declares the Lord GOD.​​ 16a​​ "I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken, and strengthen the sick;

Eze 34:11a​​ For thus says the Lord GOD,

This is God’s answer to those who had been unfaithful to care for His people and His promise​​ to those who had been neglected.

Eze 34:11b​​ Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out.

“the construction is emphatical in the Hebrew and well expressed here;​​ I, the Owner, the Lover, the Maker, the great Shepherd, even I, who committed them to your care, never submitted them to your rapine and cruelty, am as angry with you for devouring them as I​​ am zealous for their welfare.”​​ Matthew Poole’s Commentary

God Himself will search for His children. ​​ He will pursue you, He will seek after you, He will care for you! ​​ 

Consider. ​​​​ The Lord​​ God will not let His children stay​​ lost! ​​ Just as a shepherd gathers and guides the sheep, God will be certain to account for each of​​ His children.

Eze 34:12​​ "As a shepherd cares for his herd in the day when he is among his scattered sheep, so I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day.

What does it mean to care for someone? ​​​​ WordWeb gives us the following ideas of this meaning: ​​ to have a fondness for, to be attached to, to cherish, hold dear, treasure. ​​ And these descriptions are only what man can perceive. ​​ Imagine how much more a holy and perfect God cares for those He loves!​​ ​​ We truly are never alone. ​​ We may feel lost but we are not lost to God if we’re His children. ​​ Even in situations where we seem to be the only ones promoting Truth, God has His hand on us, caring for us.

As a shepherd doth gently gather them together, counteth them, brings them to the fold, views what they have suffered, whether lame or torn, and binds up, and healeth; if any are wanting, he looks till he findeth them, and brings them back; so will I, saith the Lord. If the shepherd find the wolf or lion among them or near them, he will either kill or drive him away; so will God​​ …”​​ Matthew Poole’s Commentary

I love that we have a descriptive text of the extent that a shepherd would go to care for the flock in​​ 1Samuel 17:34-35. ​​ But David said to Saul, "Your servant was tending his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I went out after him and attacked him, and rescued it from his mouth; and when he rose up against me, I seized him by his beard and struck him and killed him.

As I was searching to find insight on the words ‘cloudy and gloomy day’​​ in Ezekiel 34:12, I was led to all spectrums of interpretation. ​​ The words themselves mean what they say. ​​ One commentary said it referred to ‘the day of their affliction and misery’. ​​ Another seemed to associate this phrase with ‘times of general distress and persecution’. ​​ Then I was led to scripture with the same overtone.

Zep 1:15 A day of wrath is that day, a day of trouble and distress, a​​ day​​ of destruction and desolation, a day of darkness and gloom, a​​ day of clouds and thick darkness,

Joe 2:2 A day of darkness and gloom, a​​ day of clouds and thick darkness. As the dawn​​ is spread over the mountains, so there​​ is a great and mighty people; there has never been anything like it, nor will there be again after it to the years of many generations.

The cloudy day; when the storm first began to arise from abroad or at home; here in persecutions,​​ there in warlike preparations.​​ Dark day; that the land was invaded till the desolation of Jerusalem, the times of maladministration of their own governors, and violent irruption of their enemies. ​​​​ Matthew Poole’s Commentary

We’ll concentrate on what is certain​​ –​​ we​​ are under the perfect protection of God. ​​ Now and in the future. ​​​​ When things seem at their worse, we need not despair or fear. ​​ We have a Shepherd who will not let us​​ be devoured by anything sinister. ​​ Even in the darkest, gloomiest of times, we have a light to guide us safely through the storm.

Eze 34:13​​ And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them to their own land; and I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the streams, and in all the inhabited places of the land.

Jer 23:3-4 "Then I Myself shall gather the remnant of My flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and shall bring them back to their pasture; and they will be fruitful and multiply. "I shall also raise up shepherds over them and they will tend them; and they will not be afraid any longer, nor be terrified, nor will any be missing," declares the LORD.

We may not be led back to the land of Canaan as the Israelite nation was,​​ but the promise to care for us remains true. ​​ God will provide for us, He will feed us, He will preserve us for His purposes, He will sustain us, He will defend and protect us and He will care for us in every conceivable way. ​​​​ Sheep are timid and defenseless. ​​ They are readily preyed upon. ​​ A person who is sheepish is usually vulnerable and follows along rather than stand strong. ​​ God knows​​ His children need to be cared for. ​​ And He has given His promise that He will Shepherd us. ​​ This is truly amazing if you stop to consider who we are and who He is. ​​ God continues to lay out His promises to the Israelite nation in Ezekiel 34:14.

Eze​​ 34:14a​​ I will feed them in a good pasture

feed <ra’ah> to tend a flock; pasture it; generally to rule; by extension, to associate with (as a friend) …

good <towb> as an adverb (well): beautiful, best, better, bountiful, cheerful, at ease; … graciously, joyful, kindly, loving​​ 

God will rule His own and graciously tend to them. ​​ And this is not just throwing food and water to us as you might tend an animal. ​​ If you are His child, you will be able to look back at the countless times God has guided you​​ through difficulty. ​​ Even foolish decisions we have been allowed to make, have been turned​​ into times of learning and growing in our understanding of Him and for His glory. ​​ My husband and I were revisiting the years leading up to our meeting and it is so clear that God was directing both of our paths towards each other as we followed Him. ​​ We​​ were both saved through divorces neither of us chose. ​​ We were baptized the same day, same place, same church albeit unknown to us. ​​ He was praying for a family to lead, I was praying for a leader, a husband and dad to my young children. ​​ I could go back even further into our history but for the sake of length I won’t.​​ Coincidence or​​ Providence: “the guardianship and control exercised by a deity”?​​ I believe​​ that none of the events, or timing, were accidental! ​​ I challenge you to take the time to recognize God’s shepherding in your life. ​​ 

There are no coincidences! ​​ A coincidence is defined as, “An event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental”​​ (WordWeb). ​​ However,​​ there is a God-ordained plan for our lives and it is full of circumstances purposefully arranged in order to bring glory to Himself.​​ ​​ God allows and even determines the times of​​ dark and cloudy days. ​​ 

Consider. ​​​​ When circumstances are difficult whether by your own doing or another’s, don’t you learn to appreciate even more the times of quiet and rest? ​​ Each relationship and​​ each condition God has put in your path,​​ has allowed you to learn​​ something.​​ That’s called being shepherded​​ by a tender, all-knowing, merciful and perfect Father in Heaven.

Ezekiel 34:14b-15​​ goes on to paint a picture in detail how God will care for His people:​​ and their grazing ground will be on the mountain heights of Israel.​​ There they will lie down in good grazing ground, and they will feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.​​ 15​​ "I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest," declares the Lord GOD.

Ps 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.

Consider. ​​​​ God provides all that we need to grow physically and spiritually. ​​ Are you eating in His good grazing grounds, are you resting in His rich pastures?

Isa 40:11 Like a shepherd He will tend His flock,​​ in His​​ arm He will gather the lambs, and carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes.

Jer 31:25 "For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes."

Joh 10:9 "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

Consider. ​​​​ Does God at any point in time forget His children who have wandered away? ​​ Or leave behind those who have been misled? ​​ What happens to those who are​​ broken-hearted or seemingly destroyed? ​​​​ Are the weak and afflicted cast aside never to be remembered by Him?

Eze 34:16a​​ I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken, and strengthen the sick;

Isa 40:11 Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His​​ arm He will gather the lambs, and carry [them] in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing [ewes.]

Mt 18:11-14 For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying? And if it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray. Thus it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish.

Sheep: ​​​​ A timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon; a docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision.​​ WordWeb

Sheep have little ability to defend themselves;​​ Even if sheep survive an attack, they may die from their injuries or simply from panic.​​ ​​ “The illustration [of the Good Shepherd] encompasses many ideas, including God’s care for his people. ​​ The tendency of humans to put themselves into danger’s way and their inability to guide and take care of themselves apart from the direct power and leading of God​​ …” ​​ Wikipedia (sheep/shepherd)

Most of us have heard or read Psalm 23. ​​ Matthew Henry’s Commentary​​ says, “It is full of comforts, and the expressions of delight in God’s great goodness and dependence upon Him”.

Ps 23. ​​ (A Psalm of David.)​​ 1​​ The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. ​​ ​​​​ 2​​ He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.​​ 3​​ He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake.​​ 4​​ Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.​​ 5​​ Thou dost prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; Thou hast anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.​​ 6​​ Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

God is our Shepherd. ​​ In Him we find peace and guidance. ​​ He will comfort us when we are fearful or in distress. ​​ We can calmly walk forward through all circumstances in His care. We can be brave when surrounded by evil. ​​ God is sovereign, He has conquered sin and gives to His sheep a hope that will never die. ​​ We are able to find complete satisfaction in His provision. ​​ He promises His​​ goodness and mercy shall follow each step we take.

Sheep. ​​ Timid,​​ defenseless​​ creatures. ​​ But, with​​ Christ​​ as their​​ Shepherd,​​ they​​ are​​ brave and completely protected from harm as they are led on a path of righteousness through His mercy and​​ in His​​ grace to an everlasting hope of His presence​​ forevermore. ​​​​ 


Marvelous Faith!

Consider. A young girl, in her teenage years, betrothed to a man she was to marry. Innocent, yet asked to endure a situation that very well could have cost her life.


Fall back to your teenage years for a moment. ​​ Many teens are still very insecure, concerned about what others think of them, somewhat irresponsible, perhaps even selfish being more​​ apt to think of themselves before they consider the feelings of another. ​​ I was not yet saved as a teen so compounded with the above, I was enticed by the world. ​​ Worldly thinking, worldly values, it was all about me or so I thought. ​​ I had a job so there​​ was some responsibility. ​​ I remember scooping ice cream at a well-known ice cream shop. ​​ I worked hard, but I was rewarded with a paycheck. ​​ The thought of sacrifice for another was pretty foreign.

Mt 1:18 ​​ Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows. When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph,​​ before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.

[She was found with child] ​​ Her situation was the most distressing and humiliating that can be conceived. ​​ Nothing but the fullest​​ consciousness of her own integrity, and the strongest confidence in God, could have supported her in such trying circumstances, where her reputation, her honor, and her life were at stake. ​​ What conversation passed between her and Joseph, on this discovery, we are not informed; but the issue proves that it was not satisfactory to him: nor could he resolve to consider her as his wife, till God had sent his angel to bear the most unequivocal testimony to the virgin's innocence. ​​ His whole conduct, on this occasion, was exceedingly benevolent and humane. He might at once have taken the advantage of the law, and had her stoned to death.​​ Adam Clarke’s Commentary

De 22:23-24 "If there is a girl who is a virgin engaged to a man, and another man finds her in the city and lies with her,​​ 24​​ then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and you shall stone them to death; the girl, because she did not cry out in the city, and the man, because he has violated his neighbor's wife. Thus you shall purge the evil from among you.

Consider. ​​ A young girl, in her teenage years, betrothed to a man she was to marry. ​​ Innocent, yet asked to endure a situation that very well could have cost her life.​​ The punishment for engaging in premarital relations was death by stoning.  ​​​​ Imagine how scared she may have been. ​​ Yet her willingness to trust God in the role He placed her in, surpasses the circumstances most of us will ever experience.​​ 

Trust is difficult. ​​ Especially when you feel alone, when others don’t understand. ​​ You rely upon those who know you to believe your ‘story’. ​​ Sometimes they do, other times you are alienated. ​​ But that’s okay! ​​ Because God understands. ​​ Remember His promise.

Mt 11:28-30 "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. "Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and​​ YOU SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. "For My yoke is easy, and My load is light."

Jer 29:11 'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.

1Co 1:9 God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

While we don’t venerate Mary to be anything more than the vessel God chose to carry His Son, we can be encouraged and even amazed at her willingness to follow God in what was a difficult and even dangerous position He chose for her.

Lu 1:30-35 And the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God.​​ 31​​ "And behold,​​ you will conceive in your womb, and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.​​ 32​​ "He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David;​​ 33​​ and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and His kingdom will have no end."​​ 34​​ And Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I am a virgin?"​​ 35​​ And the angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy offspring shall be called the Son of God.​​ 

Consider Mary’s response. ​​ ‘Lord, I am your servant’. ​​ I wasn’t there so I don’t know but I can imagine she didn’t fully understand how everything would actually come about. ​​ But, she was fully willing to comply with God’s plan. ​​ There is no account of even a struggle with choosing to follow God. ​​ Just immediate compliance with His plan for her life. ​​ And this was life-changing. ​​ Probably not the plan she had in her mind being betrothed to Joseph. ​​​​ And, consider how she was to explain to Joseph her condition. ​​ 

Lu 1:38 And Mary said, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her.

Such trust, I am unable to comprehend. ​​ But, I pray God​​ touches my heart to trust so completely in Him. Total confidence without fear. ​​ No apprehension for His plan for my life. ​​ A full expectation in the fulfillment of His promises.

Do we have opportunities to trust in God’s perfect plan? ​​ Absolutely! ​​ Everyday. ​​ We can be ready to obey God’s commands at all times. ​​ We can focus on His truths that He will accomplish His work in us for His purpose and glory. ​​ We can willingly and immediately submit to God’s will as we trust in His promises.

Ps 119:38 Establish Thy word to Thy servant, as that which produces reverence for Thee.

Ps 116:16 O LORD, surely I am Thy servant, I am Thy servant, the son of Thy handmaid, Thou hast loosed my bonds.

2Co 5:1-7 ​​ For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn​​ down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.​​ 2​​ For indeed in this [house] we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven;​​ 3​​ inasmuch as we, having put it on, shall not be found naked.​​ 4​​ For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened, because we do not want to be unclothed, but to be clothed, in order that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.​​ 5​​ Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave to us the Spirit as a pledge.​​ 6​​ Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord--​​ 7​​ for we walk by faith, not by sight--

Marvelous, humble faith! ​​​​ Readiness to give up ourselves for God’s plan. ​​ Firm belief in God’s divine care and providence. ​​ A submissive and obedient spirit. ​​ For these things I pray.

Sweet Delight

To look across the room at those you love as they laugh, and sometimes cry, together. To hear the sound of music lifted up in praise to the only One worthy. To witness the prayer offered by a child. Delight!

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Turkish delight​​ is​​ a jellied candy originally flavored with rose water. ​​ It is now found in several fruit flavors, with or without nuts and is typically coated in powdered sugar. ​​ Yum! ​​ It sounds like the beginnings of gummi bears​​ 

WordWeb​​ defines the word delight as​​ “A feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction.” ​​ “Give pleasure to or be pleasing to”.  ​​​​ Enjoy. ​​ Enthrall. Please.

To wake up with a smile on your face. ​​ To know that your day has been planned by God! To feel joy at the possibilities before you. ​​ To be overwhelmed by a consuming love for the One who created you. ​​ To take pleasure in His company. ​​ To desire to know His ways. ​​ To be thankful there is one more day to serve Him through those you love. ​​ To understand He works all things for His good. ​​ To share an embrace with a fellow believer. ​​ To have opportunity to worship as a church body. ​​ To look across the room at those you love as they laugh, and sometimes cry, together. ​​ To hear the sound of music lifted up in praise to the only One worthy. ​​ To witness the prayer offered by a child. Delight!

But where does everything stem from? ​​ God. Knowing God. Understanding God. ​​​​ True delight, extreme excitement comes from Him. ​​ A heart changed by God is overwhelmed with delight for His word.​​ His direction.

Ps 1:2 But his​​ delight​​ is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.

Ps 40:8 I​​ delight​​ to do Thy will, O my God; Thy Law is within my heart."

delight​​ <chephets> pleasure; desire; a valuable thing; acceptable; delight; purpose; willingly

To understand and act upon God’s will is desirable, it is valuable. ​​ It is delightful!

Ps 37:4​​ Delight​​ yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart.

delight​​ <anag> to be soft or pliable; have delight

To have a focus on finding your pleasure in God, having a bent towards His truths will result in a fulfilled heart.

Ps​​ 119:24 Thy​​ testimonies also are my​​ delight; [They are] my counselors.

Ps 119:92​​ If Thy law had not been my​​ delight, then I would​​ have perished in my affliction.

Ps​​ 119:143 Trouble​​ and anguish have come upon me; [Yet] Thy commandments are my​​ delight.

delight​​ <sha’shua’> enjoyment, delight, pleasure

From God comes​​ the ability to enjoy all things good. ​​ From His word comes pleasure. ​​ Unspeakable delight, even in the midst of hardship and concern​​ and uncertainty.

The challenge? ​​​​ Pray to have a heart that is filled with delight in the Lord! ​​ It is entirely possible. It is what He wants for His children. ​​ 

Smile from within. ​​ Because of God. ​​ Be delighted! ​​ It’s a beautiful word.​​ 



I had only made one dessert, a three tiered lemon cake, the favorite of most of those present. It was centered on the table outside like a star begging you to notice. Well, it did get the attention of —– our dog!

Ps 91:1-2 ​​ He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.​​ 2​​ I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I​​ trust.​​ Ps 91:3 For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper, And from the deadly pestilence.

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Summer. ​​ Barbeques. ​​ Family. ​​ The weather was beautiful. ​​ The family was gathered. ​​ The food was good. ​​ The kids were all running around in the backyard. ​​ The adults were relaxing, talking. ​​ Some were cleaning up in the kitchen, others were sitting around the table outside. ​​ Soon it would be time for dessert. ​​ I had only made one dessert, a three tiered lemon cake, the favorite of most of those present. ​​ It was centered on the table outside like a star begging you to notice. ​​ Well, it did get the attention of ----- our dog! ​​ As quick as you can say no, the lemon cake had a large bite taken out of the side. ​​ My oldest brother laughed as he shooed Pooh Bear away and told us what happened when we came out from the kitchen. ​​ We were able to cut a large margin off the cake where the insult had taken place and still enjoy my efforts. ​​ Just in the nick of time? ​​ Or not? ​​ Injuries were apparent but there was salvage.

‘Just in the nick of time’ is a saying most of us have heard. ​​ There’s actually an acronym that showed up for this phrase: JITNOT! ​​ It means ‘at the last possible moment’.

My three children and I had moved around about every six months for a period​​ of three years. ​​ We weren’t hiding or choosing to move, we were surviving through a really rough period of time. ​​ One of our last moves was into a low-income government housing project. ​​ Not the best place for a young single mom with three kids, two under​​ the age of five, but nevertheless a place that provided shelter. ​​ It was a bit scary and not what you might particularly choose, if you had a choice. ​​ Drug dealing was rampant and obvious, the sounds of fighting and yelling were commonplace and even my sweet five year old son got punched in the face by a​​ girl as I was watching him on the swing set placed in the center of the apartments. ​​ My paperwork was to be completed the following morning to sign a contract for the lease and I remember thinking there had​​ to be a better solution but was unable to come up with one. The only things I knew to do was pray, trust and be thankful for what God had provided. ​​ Then there was a phone call from a leader at the church the kids and I attended and a request to come by right away that evening. ​​ As I was offered a real home and asked not to sign the papers in the morning I remember tears of thankfulness. ​​ A couple in our church had purchased a tiny home specifically for our use! ​​ Asking only for rent we could pay within our meager income. ​​ This house was in a safe neighborhood. ​​ Next door to an older couple who quickly became dear friends. ​​ Just in the nick of time! ​​ Perfectly in God’s time. ​​ He delivered us out of a situation that had become increasingly difficult. ​​ JITNOT! ​​ Could God have rescued us sooner? ​​ Sure. ​​ But the increasing values of trust, patience, dependence on Him, thankfulness for what you have, recognizing the needs of others, learning that joy comes from within rather than outside circumstances, were His gift to myself and my children, learned through hardship – one that is forever embedded in our hearts.

Ps 91:3 says,​​ For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper, and from the deadly pestilence.

In the previous verse of this chapter, David had called God his refuge, his fortress, his trust. ​​ Why? ​​​​ Because he knew God would rescue him from harm.

For it is He who delivers you….


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The season we are entering is about Jesus’ birth, but His birth is significant because of His death and resurrection. That’s the complete Christmas story we need to share.


As we​​ enter this season of celebration, there is a heightened sense of getting ready for family and friends who will be visiting. ​​ Many of us will be​​ preparing traditional and favorite foods,​​ planning for gatherings​​ and maybe even freshening up a guest room for those who will be staying in​​ our homes. ​​ Lots of additional planning for guests means thinking ahead. ​​ All of this anticipation is part of what makes this time​​ of year exciting, something many​​ of us look forward to!

It is fun that in our culture, a time of Thanksgiving is what kicks off the holiday season. ​​ What a fantastic place to start! ​​​​ Giving thanks for what we have and what we’ve been given. ​​ Thanks for what God has done in sending His Son to earth in the form of a baby so that we might receive life everlasting! ​​ I love​​ this season of focus on the most incredible gift of all!​​ 

As I consider the time and energy that goes into planning and preparation, I can’t help but consider the importance of these same concepts in my spiritual life. ​​ Planning with anticipation to ‘hear’ God’s truths in His written word. ​​ Planning a schedule that puts Him first and foremost in all things in spite of the busyness. ​​ Planning to encourage those around me to ‘see’ what all the excitement is truly about. ​​ Planning to reach out with the story of Jesus’ birth and the gift that we celebrate in His death and resurrection. ​​ Preparation​​ for all this planning is essential! ​​ How do you make sure your heart is prepared to be sensitive to opportunities​​ to shine during this time? ​​​​ Although certain things do need to be accomplished physically, isn’t it so much more important that our hearts are prepared spiritually?

Planning: ​​ an act of formulating a program for a definite course of action; the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening. ​​ WordWeb

Planning and preparation are similarly defined in the English dictionary. ​​ They are closely related. ​​ What does God’s word say about the importance of preparing for something?

In​​ the book of Exodus, specific plans were set forth for the tabernacle​​ (Ex 26:30). ​​​​ Solomon was given plans for the building of the temple​​ (1Chronicles 28:11-12). ​​​​ Sometimes, God causes​​ our plans to fail because they are not in agreement with His plan​​ (Ne 4:15; Isa 8:10; Isa 30:1).​​ 

Before time began, God planned the path for His only Son.

Ac 2:22-23 "Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know--this [Man], delivered up by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put [Him] to death.

Wow, this is a strong, heart-wrenching section of scripture for those who believe and trust in God. ​​ The season​​ we are entering​​ is about Jesus’ birth,​​ but His birth is significant because of His death and resurrection. ​​ That’s the complete Christmas story we need to share.

In Psalm 78, David gives a warning on​​ the importance​​ of following God’s plan and​​ the preparation of​​ a heart that is faithful.

Ps 78:1-8​​ Listen, O my people, to my instruction; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.​​ 2​​ I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,​​ 3​​ which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us.​​ 4​​ We will not conceal them from their children, but tell to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done. ​​​​ 5​​ For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should teach them to their children,​​ 6​​ that the generation to come might know, [even] the children [yet] to be born, [That] they may arise and tell [them] to their children,​​ 7​​ that they should put their confidence in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments,​​ 8​​ and not be like their fathers, a​​ stubborn and rebellious generation,​​ a​​ generation that did not prepare its heart, and whose spirit was not faithful to God.

Time, energy, planning and preparation. ​​ What do these concepts look like in your heart? ​​​​ Is your faithfulness to God in all things held​​ high​​ above all else?​​ Even when you’re busy planning​​ and preparing?​​ 

I love decorating my home, the home God has given us, in preparation for this season. ​​ It’s actually necessary, because it’s the one time of year absolutely everything comes down off the shelves and gets cleaned and polished! ​​ Even the window sills! ​​ We usually put up more than one tree and have a wonderful collection of nativity scenes that we carefully unwrap and display.  ​​​​ The snowmen come out from their packaging and find temporary homes​​ amongst the holly. We​​ have​​ several​​ Santa’s from all over the​​ world,​​ 

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some antique from my husband’s Grandmamma. I pray none of this is offensive to anyone. ​​ But, for me, a figurine of Santa kneeling before the Christ child is a warming picture that all will bow before Him when He returns. ​​ The focused celebration is the gift of Jesus, the truth of His death, resurrection and the anticipation of His eventual return! ​​ This is certainly what we should be excited about. ​​ Amidst the gingerbread men and the ornaments, the worship and honor is to God alone.

One of the best things about this time of year are the open doors​​ for encouragement to those around us to set their eyes upon Jesus. ​​ To be mindful and focused on God takes time​​ in preparation of my own heart. It takes energy and a willingness to put all other things aside, all the items on my to-do list, to do what is truly necessary –​​ to keep​​ my heart set on Jesus. ​​ If I don’t plan to spend time in the word, learning and being reminded of who God is and what He desires of me, it simply won’t happen. ​​ If I don’t ask God to prepare my heart to see His will, I won’t! ​​ 

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I pray our hearts are shining brighter than the lights on the Christmas trees​​ as we anticipate the most glorious gift of all.​​ ​​ Thank you Lord, for the incredible blessing of Jesus!


1Ti 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, [be] honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

Nothing is Impossible!

It takes little imagination to think of what his unspoken thoughts might have been. ‘Give the job to someone else’, ‘Look, I’d like to help but this is not my comfort zone’, or ‘Really, are you sure I’m the one you want, there are others that would be a better choice’.

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It’s too hard, you’ve got the wrong person for the job!

God tells Jeremiah that he has been appointed to Himself for the purpose of speaking truth to the people. ​​ Jeremiah does hear God and has been given some really encouraging words. ​​ Specifically, that God has known him all along and that He has a plan for his life. ​​ This is all cool, but then he gets more details. ​​ How does Jeremiah respond?

Jer 1:6 Then I said, "Alas, Lord GOD! Behold, I do not know how to speak, because I am a youth."

Interesting, when I looked at the word ‘Alas’ in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary, I found that it was a word used to express pain. ​​ Similar to something we might say like “Oh no”. ​​ Even with the encouragement that God had shared with Jeremiah,​​ Jeremiah was reluctant to jump in with both feet! ​​ Have you been there? ​​​​ You know that something is good, it is right, it is what God would have you do, but…! ​​ Perhaps, the unfolding plan was not what you had expected or it seems very possible that what you should do may cause either yourself or others to be uncomfortable. ​​ Or perhaps, you’d rather stay on the quiet, unnoticed side of things and let someone else be the outspoken one. ​​ In Jeremiah’s case, he claimed his youth as an excuse to bowing out of God’s plan.

Let’s look at the words Jeremiah used to address God.

Lord <Adonay> as in​​ my​​ Lord.

God <Y@hovih> self-existent or eternal

This again speaks of the personal relationship Jeremiah had with God as he calls Him​​ my​​ God. ​​ The acknowledgement of God’s eternal existence agrees with the information Jeremiah had received that God knew him even before he was born. ​​ So Jeremiah answers God saying,​​ “Behold, I do not know how to speak, because I am a youth”. ​​ It’s like he’s saying, ‘c’mon God, you know me, you understand me, I’m still young and I can’t say things well, I don’t have what it takes’. ​​ 

It takes little imagination to think of what his unspoken thoughts might have been. ​​ ‘Give the job to someone else’, ‘Look, I’d like to help but this is not my comfort​​ zone’, or ‘Really, are you sure I’m the one you want, there are others that would be a better choice’. ​​ We see this same kind of reaction to God’s plan elsewhere in the Bible. ​​ I immediately think of Moses. He​​ voices insecurity in God’s plan as he questions Him with a list of ‘what ifs’.

Ex 4:1 Then Moses answered and said, "What if they will not believe me, or listen to what I say? For they may say, 'The LORD has not appeared to you.'"

After the ‘what ifs’, Moses tried another tactic.

Ex 4:10 Then Moses said to the LORD, "Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since Thou hast spoken to Thy servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue." ​​​​ Moses couldn’t proclaim youth as his excuse, instead, he reminded God that he wasn’t an eloquent speaker – like God needed a reminder!! ​​ Later on in the same book, Moses reminded God again that people wouldn’t listen to him…

Ex 6:12 But Moses spoke before the LORD, saying, "Behold, the sons of Israel have not listened to me; how then will Pharaoh listen to me, for I am unskilled in speech?"

How did God respond to Jeremiah’s concerns?

Jer 1:7 But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am a youth,' because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak.

Well first, He threw the youth problem out the door! ​​ As Jeremiah was hoping to shrink away from the​​ directions God was giving him, his protest of youth was negated. ​​ With God there are no limitations in performing the work He has set out for us! ​​ We may think we are too old, too young,​​ or too shy. ​​ Perhaps we let​​ lack of education or experience cause us to shrink away from stepping into a​​ direction God is leading. ​​ Maybe we feel past mistakes disqualify us from being used by Him. ​​ No matter what obstacles we may perceive, there are no barriers that will keep God from being able to use us according to His plan. ​​ The question is, “Are you willing”? ​​ Don’t cling to your excuses, concentrate on His truths:​​ 

Ex 15:2a​​ "The LORD is my strength and song,”

2Sa 22:33a​​ "God is my strong fortress;”

Ps 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

2Co 12:9a​​ And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."

Heb 11:33-34​​ who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, ​​​​ 34​​ quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.

Jg 16:3 Now Samson lay until midnight, and at midnight he arose and took hold of the doors of the city gate and the two posts and pulled them up along with the bars; then he put them on his shoulders and carried them up to the top of the mountain which is opposite Hebron.

2Sa 22:40 "For Thou hast girded me with strength for battle; Thou hast subdued under me those who rose up against me.

Isa 40:31 Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.

Isa 41:10 'Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

Da 11:32b​​ "but the people who know their God will display strength and take action.

Php 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Lu 18:27 But He said, "The things impossible with men are possible with God."

Lu 1:37 "For nothing will be impossible with God."

That’s quite a list of encouraging scriptures, and it’s only partial. ​​ There are so many more that we can cling to as we trust that God will give us everything needed for the task He puts in front of us!

I​​ love that the​​ NAS translation of Jeremiah 1:7 uses the​​ words ‘everywhere’ and ‘all’. ​​ It’s not like God will get us started and then leave us on our own to finish! ​​ He’s not saying, “I’ll show you once, then you’ll do fine”. ​​ He’s with us. ​​ From the beginning to the end. ​​ Everywhere He sends us we are accompanied by His Spirit to strengthen, to encourage, to pick up when we fall, to even put words in our mouth when we don’t have any!

“Because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak.”

We have no excuse. In God we are able. ​​ Are you timid?​​ God will cause you to be brave! ​​ Do we have insufficiencies? ​​ Sure! ​​ It would take me a very long time to​​ list my weaknesses.​​ ​​ Should this​​ stop us from going forth to follow​​ God’s will and​​ direction? ​​ Absolutely not.

Matthew Poole’s Commentary suggests this wording from the Hebrew: ​​ “Thou shalt go upon all errands and messages that I shall send thee”.

Ac 26:16 'But arise, and stand on your feet; for this purpose I have appeared to you, to appoint you a minister and a witness not only to the things which you have seen, but also to the things in which I will appear to you;

Jer 1:17-18 "Now, gird up your loins, and arise, and speak to them all which I command you. Do not be dismayed before them, lest I dismay you before them. "Now behold, I have made you today as a fortified city, and as a pillar of iron and as walls of bronze against the whole land, to the kings of Judah, to its princes, to its priests and to the people of the land.

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Get up my friend! ​​ Be brave in the Lord! ​​ He’s picked you as His child. ​​ Nothing is too difficult for God. ​​​​ He has called exactly whom He wants to do the job He requires! ​​ 

A Purposed Plan

Consider. Here’s a response to someone’s call for attention that we’ve all used at one time or another – “Not right now, I’m busy”. If Jeremiah had responded similarly to God’s voice, he would have missed the blessing and comfort of knowing the plan God had for him and the nation of Israel.

Are you a planner? ​​ I think everyone is in some way or another. ​​ Some people are​​ 

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low-keyed and just keep a plan in their head. That’s great if it works for you, but I’ve always​​ thought if my head wasn’t attached I’d lose it, so this approach is not the best for myself! ​​ Plans really are our expectation of what is to happen. ​​ On the extreme side, there is now a whole system of planners and calendars at one of the larger craft store chains. ​​ I haven’t looked too closely at what is available but it seems you can color code and use different stickers or symbols to designate your plan for the day/month/year. ​​ For me, this may be a bit much because I would have to plan to work on my planner. ​​ We have short term plans. ​​ My daughter is having Thanksgiving at her house for the first time with several of her husband’s family arriving early in the week. ​​ She has had her plan for the food and seating and overnight guests written down for several weeks. ​​ There are plans for all kinds of celebrations: ​​ birthdays, weddings, holidays – you name it, we’ve learned to celebrate it!! ​​ We have long term plans. ​​ Ideas for the direction of our own lives, desires for certain goals for those we love, hopes​​ for the paths of our children’s lives, even thoughts for the care of our parents as they age and for our own retirement years. ​​ Plans. ​​ Lots of plans. ​​ They keep us to the task at hand, they help to keep our focus on accomplishing certain steps for the future. ​​ Most of us even feel more secure when we have a plan or we know what the plan is.

The first definition given for the word ‘plans’ in​​ WordWeb​​ reads like this:

1. A series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished. ​​​​ 

In a previous blog and Bible study,​​ (“Identity Crisis”, see link below),​​ I mentioned how Jeremiah 29:11 was instrumental in the encouragement of my faith very early on. ​​ To know that God has a plan for good for His children is comforting. ​​ Going back to the beginning of the​​ book of Jeremiah, God uses the truth of His predestined knowledge of His plan for Jeremiah to encourage him for what is to come…

Jer 1:4-5 Now the word of the LORD came to me saying,​​ 5​​ "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I​​ consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."

There are several encouraging observations in these two verses.

… the word of the Lord came to me saying…

Jeremiah was receptive to God’s words. ​​ To His direction. ​​ I am not a Biblical scholar able to determine whether this was an actual appearing of the Spirit of the Lord. ​​ It seems it certainly could have been since there are accounts of God’s word going forth in the Old Testament through His appearance (Ezekiel and Daniel). ​​ Also, reading​​ further in this chapter, we are given more information about this encounter.​​ Jer 1:9 Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me, "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.​​ But let’s concentrate on the fact that Jeremiah’s heart heard God’s plan.​​ Doesn’t this give us a glimpse of Jeremiah’s relationship with God?

Oftentimes in our relationships, we are not always attentive, which means we don’t always hear. ​​ Our minds can be distracted by other things. ​​ We don’t always look at the greater picture but instead get side-railed by a number of smaller, less significant things. ​​ There are times I can be so focused at the specific task at hand that I don’t even hear my husband as he proposes a question or thought. ​​ I assume you can relate to this in some way. ​​ How much are you aware of another person speaking to you while your concentration is focused elsewhere? ​​ 

Jeremiah was attentive to God’s word and because of that, he heard Him. ​​ He didn’t just hear God, he listened to what God was saying. ​​ Is it possible to hear but not really comprehend?​​ ​​ I think so! ​​ I think the phrase we use is ‘tuning someone out’. ​​ It goes back to the problem of not giving our full attention to something. ​​ We are aware of those things in our lives that are truly important to us. ​​ Case in point: ​​ I can be fully engaged in preparing a meal for family but the minute I hear a grandchild say my name (they call me Mina), you can bet I stop what I’m doing and respond! ​​ So, do we hear God’s voice, His calling, and direction given to us by His Spirit? ​​ Or are we too engaged in other things to listen? ​​ 

Consider. ​​​​ Here’s a response to someone’s call for attention that we’ve all used at one time or another – “Not right now, I’m busy”. ​​ If Jeremiah had responded​​ similarly to God’s voice, he would have missed the blessing and comfort of knowing the plan God had for him and the nation of Israel.​​ 

Jer 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."

Oh wow, just ponder what this verse says! ​​ We now have amazing technology that allows parents to ‘see’ their unborn children in utero when they are just the size of a peanut. ​​ As they grow, the clarity of a defined face and limbs certainly is a wonderful picture that produces anticipation of meeting your new little baby. ​​ But, with all this technology, we can’t really know too much about these sweet babies.  ​​​​ What color will their hair be, how tall will they get, what will their temperament be like, what talents or abilities will they present. ​​ 

It’s clear Who made us, right? ​​ Jeremiah 1:5 says,​​ ‘Before I formed you…’ ​​ God is the creator of life. ​​ And our life is not happenstance. ​​ It is purposed. ​​ Before He formed us in our mother’s​​ womb, He​​ knew​​ us. ​​ God had a plan for us and knew all about us, every last tiny part of us, before we were even a thought in our parents’ minds. ​​ Purposed and planned – that’s what our lives are! ​​ 

Have you seen a child trying to get someone’s attention? ​​ We don’t need to get God’s attention, we’ve always had it, from before time began. ​​ Think about what it means to know someone. ​​ We can just be aware of someone but not really know them. ​​ We can know something about an individual but we can never know all things, the deepest part of the heart. ​​ We can know someone by acknowledging them but not have a relationship with them. ​​ We can have acquaintances but be clueless of situations that may be a part of their lives, we can know how someone acts but not understand the motivation, and we can be familiar with a face or voice but not know the person. ​​ God​​ knows​​ us. ​​​​ And… He has a plan.

“And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." ​​ Jeremiah heard from God that before he was born, God had chosen him, He appointed him for salvation. ​​ I don’t get how God’s mind works but I believe​​ what He says is true, and since He is God and He made us, He can do whatever He wants. ​​ This is perhaps a simplistic way to look at the subject​​ of ‘how are some saved and others not’, but I’m content leaning on faith instead of explanations. ​​ I’d rather concentrate on those things that we can understand.

Jeremiah was greatly encouraged by God’s words to him as he realized God knew him, meaning He​​ understood the deepest parts of him, and that God had an incredible plan for his life. ​​ God went on to reveal that He appointed Jeremiah as a prophet to the nations. ​​ God had a very specific plan for him. ​​ That plan was to proclaim God! ​​ 

The Bible reveals​​ to us account after account of the plans God has for His children.

Isa 49:1 Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; from the body of My mother He named Me.

Isa 49:5 And now says the LORD, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, To bring Jacob back to Him, in order that Israel might be gathered to Him (For I am honored in the sight of the LORD, And My God is My strength),

Ga 1:15-16a But when He who had set me apart, even from my mother's womb, and called me through His grace, was pleased​​ 16​​ to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles,

2Ti 2:19 Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, "The Lord knows those who are His," and, "Let everyone who​​ names the name of the Lord abstain from wickedness."

Eph 4:11-12 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of​​ the body of Christ;

God knows His children intimately before they are even born. ​​ God has a plan for His children. ​​ God has set apart His children for service to bring glory to Himself. ​​ I pray you are part of this magnificent plan and are excited to discover where God will use you for His purpose! ​​ This truth is certainly something we can​​ be thankful for as we reminisce​​ over our blessings with friends and family this week.​​

Oh Baby!

Oh babies. Whether physically holding your hand, or having your hand held tightly in our hearts, you were and are part of God’s perfect plan. Our love for you is not diminished, only increased as we anticipate and trust the unfolding of eternity.

Praising God for the blessings of grandchildren! A sweet little guy joined the ranks of our family on September 12th. Caden Josiah. I am incredibly thankful that he and his Mommy are doing well. There is a heightened sense of the amazing miracle of birth in our family since our daughter has experienced the loss of two pregnancies: twins at just over three months and a little boy, Isaac, at four and a half months. How fragile and precious is this season of life and death. So as our daughter and her husband continue working through the grief of losing three children, our son and his wife are welcoming their second child. It’s so easy to get caught up in what might have been, or what has been lost. Yet, in order to praise God in all things, His word is our best companion for teaching right and honoring responses to all circumstances of our lives.

We cannot fully know and understand God’s ways.
God set the earth in its place (Job 26:7); God fills the clouds with water and tells them when to rain (Job 26:8); God determines the phases of the moon (Job 26:9); God sets the oceans boundaries (Job 26:10); the clouds, the sky, the stars obey His commands (Job 26:11); God’s power can divide the sea, His understanding can pierce the prideful heart (Job 26:12); God set the sun, moon and stars in place (Job 26:13);

Job 26:14 “Behold, these are the fringes of His ways; and how faint a word we hear of Him! But His mighty thunder, who can understand?”

We can barely conceive of His power so who are we to question His plan?

“God is so great, so powerful, so just and wise, that we ought not to presume to question anything that He does, nor pry into his works with too much curiosity. We ought rather to be firmly persuaded that He governs all things with wisdom, justice, and goodness, and humbly submit to all his dispensations”. Ostervald

So where does this lead us in times of heartache as well as in times of rejoicing?

Trust. Not always so simple, often easier said than done. Trust is a choice we make.

Isa 12:2 “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.”

Trust is seldom a product of understanding. Instead, it relies on a right perspective of God and faith in His existence, His works and His words.
Trust: having confidence or faith in; believing, hoping, relying upon

Is God the object of your trust?
Ps 65:5 By awesome deeds Thou dost answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, Thou who art the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea;

Trusting God means we fear Him; not an ‘I’m afraid’ type of fear, but that of position. Holding God in the highest esteem, acknowledging His right to Lordship of everything, placing oneself under submission to His perfect plan for all His creation. Once recognized in our heart for Who He is, we have confidence and safety in His care.

Pr 14:26 In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, and his children will have refuge.
1Pe 5:7 casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.

The Bible tells us to trust in God as our continual refuge.

Isa 26:4 “Trust in the LORD forever, for in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.

We can trust in God for what He has done and what He will do.
2Co 1:10 who delivered us from so great a peril of death, and will deliver us, He on whom we have set our hope. And He will yet deliver us,

True faith that brings about peace requires our full commitment, our whole heart our entire being. And in order to have complete confidence, the object of our trust needs to be reliable, secure, and have a perfect track record. Consider this, if a person is dishonest about one thing, how does that affect others’ trust of them?

This begs the question, “Is there anyone or thing in this world perfect”? Who or what is able to demand this kind of trust that begs our total allegiance?

Mt 5:48 “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

All conceivable perfection belongs to God. In fact, because we are unable to fully appreciate who God is, all imaginable and unimaginable perfection must be attributed to Him also.

Job 37:16 “Do you know about the layers of the thick clouds, the wonders of one perfect in knowledge,
Ps 18:30 As for God, His way is blameless; the word of the LORD is tried; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.
Ps 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

“We must say of God likewise that he is immense, and everywhere present, because to be limited is an imperfection; and that he is eternal, that is, ever was, and shall be; for to cease to be, is a greater imperfection than sometime not to have been”. Tillotson, The Attributes of God

When we remain in sorrow for what might have been, we are supposing we knew the future. How often has the future followed your plan?
When we choose to live in the realms of grief, we suppose we have lost what was never really ours.

In all things we can trust God. He has written the past, present and future for His glory and our good. We can choose to trust in His perfect plan.

Ps 65:5 By awesome deeds Thou dost answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, Thou who art the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea;
Na 1:7 The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him.
Ps 9:10 And those who know Thy name will put their trust in Thee; For Thou, O LORD, hast not forsaken those who seek Thee.

So how do we respond to sorrow? It is real. It is felt. It is difficult. It can become overwhelming. Sadness due to loss, disappointment, regret and grief can be overcome by faith.  Faith  is a choice – to trust in something greater than ourselves.  Faith that turns despair into hope comes from trusting in The One who is greatest of all.

Specifically, in the case of children unborn, or born without breath in them, or here for only a very short time, is it possible to look at the blessing of what we do have and of what we have been given because of God’s grace?

To have carried a child for even a short time is to have been a part in that child’s existence, if not here, in heaven. To behold a small face if only for an instant is to see a baby created in the image of God. To have felt an unborn baby move within is to experience the miracle of God’s creation of one of His own. To have heard even just one cry of breath before taken to an eternal state with God is a precious memory never to be forgotten. We can praise God for His blessings while we depend on Him for comfort.

Right now we may only understand a small fraction of God’s ultimate and perfect plan, yet one day we will be in His presence and will clearly see Him and His purpose in complete array.
1Co 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known.

Oh babies. Whether physically holding your hand, or having your hand held tightly in our hearts, you were and are part of God’s perfect plan. Our love for you is not diminished, only increased as we anticipate and trust the unfolding of eternity.

Ps 145:3 Great is the LORD, and highly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.
Our oldest granddaughter, upon hearing that her Auntie’s baby went to heaven early to be with his sibling twins, was quiet and thoughtful for a moment. She then began smiling, started jumping up and down and clapped her hands excitedly. When I asked her what she was thinking, she replied, “Mina, I have three cousins in heaven!”.

Mr 10:15 “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it [at all.]”

I pray that I might have the ‘temper and spirit of a child’ who is teachable, humble, and untarnished by expectations of deservedness. Whatever I’ve been given is a gift, completely unmerited. Let me be forever mindful of being saved from what I truly deserve and thankful for blessings too numerous to count.  Keep me focused on Your promises for the future instead of my predictions of what should be.