Sweet Delight

To look across the room at those you love as they laugh, and sometimes cry, together. To hear the sound of music lifted up in praise to the only One worthy. To witness the prayer offered by a child. Delight!

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Turkish delight​​ is​​ a jellied candy originally flavored with rose water. ​​ It is now found in several fruit flavors, with or without nuts and is typically coated in powdered sugar. ​​ Yum! ​​ It sounds like the beginnings of gummi bears​​ 

WordWeb​​ defines the word delight as​​ “A feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction.” ​​ “Give pleasure to or be pleasing to”.  ​​​​ Enjoy. ​​ Enthrall. Please.

To wake up with a smile on your face. ​​ To know that your day has been planned by God! To feel joy at the possibilities before you. ​​ To be overwhelmed by a consuming love for the One who created you. ​​ To take pleasure in His company. ​​ To desire to know His ways. ​​ To be thankful there is one more day to serve Him through those you love. ​​ To understand He works all things for His good. ​​ To share an embrace with a fellow believer. ​​ To have opportunity to worship as a church body. ​​ To look across the room at those you love as they laugh, and sometimes cry, together. ​​ To hear the sound of music lifted up in praise to the only One worthy. ​​ To witness the prayer offered by a child. Delight!

But where does everything stem from? ​​ God. Knowing God. Understanding God. ​​​​ True delight, extreme excitement comes from Him. ​​ A heart changed by God is overwhelmed with delight for His word.​​ His direction.

Ps 1:2 But his​​ delight​​ is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.

Ps 40:8 I​​ delight​​ to do Thy will, O my God; Thy Law is within my heart."

delight​​ <chephets> pleasure; desire; a valuable thing; acceptable; delight; purpose; willingly

To understand and act upon God’s will is desirable, it is valuable. ​​ It is delightful!

Ps 37:4​​ Delight​​ yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart.

delight​​ <anag> to be soft or pliable; have delight

To have a focus on finding your pleasure in God, having a bent towards His truths will result in a fulfilled heart.

Ps​​ 119:24 Thy​​ testimonies also are my​​ delight; [They are] my counselors.

Ps 119:92​​ If Thy law had not been my​​ delight, then I would​​ have perished in my affliction.

Ps​​ 119:143 Trouble​​ and anguish have come upon me; [Yet] Thy commandments are my​​ delight.

delight​​ <sha’shua’> enjoyment, delight, pleasure

From God comes​​ the ability to enjoy all things good. ​​ From His word comes pleasure. ​​ Unspeakable delight, even in the midst of hardship and concern​​ and uncertainty.

The challenge? ​​​​ Pray to have a heart that is filled with delight in the Lord! ​​ It is entirely possible. It is what He wants for His children. ​​ 

Smile from within. ​​ Because of God. ​​ Be delighted! ​​ It’s a beautiful word.​​