Check Your Response

In light of the recent events in our nation, first the Covid 19 pandemic, and now the response to the unnecessary killing of a detained individual which has led to protesting and rioting in most major cities across America, we have a charge to careful, concise and controlled actions that are well-thought and purposed for God’s honor.

Here is a quote from the commentary of Thomas Scott regarding 1 Peter 1:13, “… laying aside all carnal prejudices and superfluous cares, with such occupations, desire, and pursuits, as might prevent their clearly understanding, cordially choosing, and cheerfully obeying, the word of truth; and using all means of removing impediments, of invigorating holy affections, and of animating themselves and each other, in diligently serving and patiently suffering for Christ”.

 Are you practicing holiness in your thoughts, responses and actions in the current situation?