Joy in Certainty

Psalm 118:89, “Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven”.
In great contrast to a changing and challenging world, we have the security of God’s unchanging word.  Because of God’s great love, He sent His Son to die for us.  In fulfilling God’s perfect plan, Jesus rose from the dead so that we might have eternal life in heaven.  This is our assurance.  I pray your Easter celebration stems from a heart of love for your Savior.
“Amidst all the revolutions on earth, the fading glories of natural objects, and the wasting strength of man, His truth remains unaffected.  Its beauty never fades; its power is never enfeebled.  The gospel system is as lovely now as it was when it was first revealed to man, and it has as much power to save as it had when first applied to a human heart”, Albert Barnes’ NT Commentary.