Never Abandoned

God’s example to us is endless kindness, mercy with no bounds, and love which never fails and is not based upon our own merit. God’s mercy has nothing to do with us – we deserve nothing good – it is all about Him. He chooses to continue to show His kindness even as we disregard His great love for us.

Several months ago, I​​ began​​ posting​​ a study on Psalm 136. ​​ I teach this study at the assisted living center where my Mom resides. ​​ It is a joy to gather with these elderly individuals and talk about how God is working in their lives. ​​ Although the majority of the residents use walkers and wheelchairs, they are receptive to God’s word and share great insight. ​​ I am always blessed and reminded that God’s plan for each of us to bring Him glory continues on no matter our own weaknesses. ​​ Many of those who attend the study have memorized “God’s lovingkindness is everlasting”, and each time we read this Psalm they chime in together with this important truth.​​ ​​ I pray you are blessed as you study the word. ​​ If you imagine a group of 85 to almost 100 year olds smiling and reading aloud God’s truths, you’ll get a small taste of the atmosphere this study is shared in.  ​​​​  ​​​​ 

The common​​ thread in this Psalm​​ is​​ the repeated words of God’s​​ continued kindness. ​​ God’s lovingkindness​​ or mercy is everlasting, it will endure​​ forever. ​​ These words​​ define​​ the same truth. ​​ God has shown favor toward His children from the beginning of time and He will continue to do the same into eternity.

The one true God who is the author of all miracles, who in wisdom created the heaven and the earth,​​ and​​ sun, moon and stars,​​ has reached His hand down to mankind in love.

God’s mercy was displayed in His judgment on the sin of those who were against the nation of Israel. ​​ His lasting protection over His children, and His strength, has no bounds. ​​ 

 These are truths from God’s word. ​​ Have you embraced God’s mercy, protection and guidance in your personal life? ​​​​ He has your back! ​​ Do you live in the truth of His everlasting love? ​​ Do you trust in Him fully even when He leads you into an uncertain path as He did the Israelites through the Red Sea?

 Let’s continue on with our study beginning with​​ Psalm 136:16​​ which says,​​ “To Him who led His people through the wilderness, for His lovingkindness is everlasting”. ​​ ​​​​ Consider going on a journey. ​​ For some, the unknown is scary and uncomfortable. ​​ Others may look upon a journey as an adventure, not minding the uncertainty. ​​ In any case, having someone to accompany us gives us a sense of security. ​​ 

Have you noticed​​ that​​ two or more individuals seem braver and stronger than​​ any one person by themselves?​​ What one person is unable to do by themselves, becomes doable when two are together. ​​ For example, we​​ have five grandchildren​​ living​​ on earth. ​​ Three of them at this time are four years old.​​ ​​ One four year old by​​ them self​​ is​​ not too​​ concerning. ​​ Two four​​ year olds together somehow become braver than one alone.​​ ​​ We have seen​​ the boys attempt together feats they wouldn’t consider if they were by themselves. ​​ Next week, we will have all our grandchildren together – this means three four year olds. ​​ I​​ fear​​ an​​ unsuspecting​​ adult​​ may end up tied​​ and led to slaughter!! ​​ Bravery​​ seems to escalate in numbers. ​​ 

God led Israel through the wilderness. ​​ He didn’t say, ‘Hope it all goes well, good-luck’. ​​ He led them. ​​ This means God walked with them. ​​ He accompanied them and stayed with them​​ as a sign of His love. ​​ The desert land that the nation of Israel journeyed through was not friendly. ​​ This was not a stroll in the park with a defined path, purposed shade, bathrooms and water fountains! ​​ 

Wilderness​​ means​​ open​​ fields. ​​ Picture​​ a wild and uninhabited area. ​​ Deuteronomy 8:15​​ gives us a​​ description​​ of the area mentioned. ​​ It​​ speaks of​​ “fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water”. ​​​​ Consider​​ the time period of Israel wandering through the desert – forty years! ​​ Hundreds of thousands of people on​​ a journey through the wilderness with many dangers wrought around them, without comforts, because of their sin. ​​ Did they deserve this punishment? ​​ Yes. ​​ Was God merciful even in His discipline? ​​​​ Yes, He accompanied them, He exercised His lovingkindness toward them. ​​ God safely brought them through the wilderness.

God’s example to us is endless kindness, mercy with no bounds, and love which never fails and is not based upon our own merit. ​​ God’s mercy has nothing to do with us​​ – we deserve nothing good – it​​ is all about Him. ​​ He chooses​​ to continue to show His kindness even as we disregard His great love for us.

Psalm 77:20 You led Your people like a flock​​ by​​ the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Nehemiah​​ 9:19 You, in Your great compassion, did not forsake them in the wilderness; the pillar of cloud did not leave them by day, to guide them on their way, nor the pillar of fire by night, to light for them the way in which they were to go.

Isaiah​​ 49:10 "They will not hunger or thirst, nor will the scorching​​ heat or sun strike them down; for He who has compassion​​ on them will lead them and will guide them to springs of water.

God brought His children out of Egypt and He led them through the wilderness. ​​ Even while they were continually disobedient, God​​ faithfully exercised mercy toward them. ​​ He never stopped caring for them. ​​​​ We can easily give up on people but this is not God’s example to us.

Read this comment from​​ The Treasury of David, “It is a very sweet truth which is enunciated in this verse, and one which I think we need very much to realize. ​​ His own people, His peculiar people, His chosen, loved, and favoured ones, whom He cherished as the apple of His eye, who were graven on the palms of His hands, and loved with an everlasting love, even these He led through the wilderness; and all this because ‘His mercy endureth​​ forever.”

Do we recognize God’s faithfulness and mercy even during the wilderness times of our life? ​​ Do​​ we trust that He will guide us through every difficulty?

Consider how often the world takes revenge into its own hands. ​​ When we perceive something is not fair, we choose it is up to us to inflict punishment. ​​ When we feel someone has done us wrong, we like to make a point of our innocence and see them brought down. ​​ However, it is not up to us to bring about judgement. ​​ God is the only righteous judge. ​​ He is able to see things just as they are. ​​ Therefore, in His time, He will strike down each iniquity against Himself. ​​ This truth is a comfort to those who love Him and desire to live for Him​​ even in the midst of ridicule and adversity. ​​ Psalm 136:17 reminds us of God’s power against the strongest of men who oppose Him.

Ps 136:17 To Him who smote great kings, For His lovingkindness is everlasting,

Someone’s greatness is often perceived in​​ the​​ numbers​​ of people​​ who are loyal to them. ​​ Even the greatest of rulers – specifically here,​​ the​​ Pharaoh​​ of the exodus who pursued the Israelites – were​​ no match for God. ​​ Any strength on earth that seems formidable to men is nothing to God. ​​ Recall the story of David and Goliath. ​​ Goliath was a famous giant living in Gath who resisted the army of Israel. ​​ Smith’s Bible Dictionary tells us Goliath was about 10 ½ feet tall. David enters the picture, a short statured youth​​ holding a sling shot and stones. ​​ Of course Goliath sneers at the comical picture before him (I Samuel 17). ​​ What the giant does not see is God’s hand of mercy and kindness upon the Israelites. ​​ What the giant does not see is David’s heart desire to trust in God’s​​ protection. ​​ There is no fear when God is our leader.​​ He is fully able to carry out His intended plan.

Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

Ps 125:2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem,​​ so​​ the LORD surrounds His people​​ from​​ this time forth and forever.

Verse 18 in this Psalm is similar to verse 17:

Ps​​ 136:18 And slew mighty kings, for His lovingkindness is everlasting:

Even someone well-known and famous among​​ nations​​ has​​ fleeting power. ​​ None can stand against God. ​​ When all else is taken from us, what good is a famous name? ​​ Our name or fame is absolutely nothing without God being the center, the purpose and the cause. ​​ God’s protection and mercy has and will always prevail. ​​ Read what Job says:

Job 9:4 "Wise in heart and mighty in strength, who has defied Him without harm?

Moving on to​​ Psalm​​ 136​​ verses 19 and 20, we are​​ given​​ specific accounts of God’s punishment and​​ His​​ destruction of kings​​ who were​​ against Israel. ​​ 

Psalm​​ 136:19-20​​ Sihon, king of the Amorites, for His lovingkindness is everlasting,​​ and Og, king of Bashan, for His lovingkindness is everlasting,

First we have the example of Sihon​​ [see-khone’], king of the Amorites. ​​ The Israelites requested to pass through the land​​ peacefully​​ but Sihon refused to grant permission and instead attacked the Israelites. ​​ Israel fought​​ back and took possession of the land (Numbers 21:23-24). ​​ Next we read the account of the destruction of Og​​ [ogue], the king of Bashan, who was a giant. ​​​​ According to John Wesley’s Notes on the Old and New Testament, Og’s bed was “four yards and a half long and two yards broad”.

Deuteronomy 3:11 (For only Og king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold, his bedstead was an iron bedstead; it is in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. Its length was nine cubits and its width four cubits by ordinary cubit.)

 ​​​​ God reminded Moses to continue moving through the land and God would cause this king to fall just as He did Sihon. ​​ And so it happened. ​​ Israel was victorious over the king and land (Numbers 21:33-35). ​​​​ What is there to fear as a child of God? ​​ Nothing. ​​ Not the outward appearance of a formidable foe, nor the numerous armies of a great king can stand when God is the captain of the army. ​​ The nation of Israel recounted God’s victories for them in remembrance of His continued lovingkindness. ​​ 

In what ways are you able to remember God’s protection in your life? ​​ How has He shown His unending mercy toward you? ​​ What have you to fear?




Step Out In Faith



Psalm 136: 13-15

The​​ Red Sea​​ is a seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean. ​​ It lies between Africa and Asia. ​​ It is more than 1,300 miles long and its​​ widest point is 220.6 miles. ​​ The average depth of the Red sea is over 1,500​​ feet​​ with a deep trough running through the center.​​ This information is taken from Wikipedia which also states that approximately 25% of this body of water is considered shallow, being under 164 feet deep.

 Ps 136:13-15​​ To Him who divided the Red Sea asunder, For His lovingkindness is everlasting,​​ 14​​ And made Israel pass through the midst of it, For His lovingkindness is everlasting;​​ 15​​ But He overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

In these​​ verses we​​ continue to see the power and protection of God towards His children.

 Ex 14:21-22​​ Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided.​​ 22​​ The sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

Ps 78:13 He divided the sea and caused them to pass through, And He made the waters stand up like a heap.

 We see God’s power in directing the water. ​​ Can anyone you know cause a body of water to part, making a pathway to cross​​ over​​ and forming a wall of water on each side? ​​​​ Consider the scene. ​​​​ The children of Israel, finally being let go under Pharaoh’s rule​​ in Egypt, take off into the desert, basically running for their life. ​​ Pharaoh’s army begins the chase and the Israelites come to an impasse – the Red Sea. ​​ They were tired, they were scared and now it seemed there was no way to continue their exit. ​​ 

We see God’s​​ compassion​​ as He​​ performs a miracle causing the deep waters to part. ​​ God not only provided a way of escape but, after all the Israelites had crossed, God then caused the waters to flow once again engulfing the​​ entire​​ Egyptian Army. ​​ 

Read Spurgeon’s comments on this text, “Men deny miracles; but, granted that there is a God, they become easy of belief. ​​ Since it requires me to be an atheist that I may logically reject miracles, I prefer the far smaller difficulty of believing in the infinite power of God. ​​ He who causes the waters of the sea ordinarily to remain as one mass can with​​ equal readiness divide them”. (Treasury of David)

 God also gives His children the faith to walk through difficulties. ​​ Can you imagine stepping​​ onto a path surrounded by high walls of water? ​​ The​​ path set out for the Israelites was unknown. ​​ They were to walk down into the deep center of the great sea and then trek up again as they crossed​​ to the other side. ​​ While they​​ were​​ stepping forward in faith, God kept​​ a dark cloud between them and the Egyptian army.​​ 

In​​ Christ, we can do whatever He deems necessary for His glory. ​​ Our God is great. ​​ Our faith needs to be great. ​​​​ We can step forward without fear in the paths set out before us. ​​ What we might see as an obstacle, God will use​​ for His glory. ​​ 

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength,​​ a​​ very present help in trouble.

Isaiah​​ 41:10​​ ‘Do​​ not fear, for I am with you;​​ do​​ not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,​​ surely​​ I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

Psalm 78:53​​ He led them safely, so that they did not fear;​​ but​​ the sea engulfed their enemies. ​​​​ 

“…and thus the Lord makes his people willing to pass through afflictions, he being with them; and able to bear them, he putting underneath the everlasting arms, even when in the valley of the shadow of death. He carries them safely through them, so that they are not hurt by them; the waters do not overflow them, nor the flames kindle upon them; nor are any suffered to be lost: but all come safe to land.” --John Gill.

When we think of defeating an army,​​ our mind conjures up pictures of​​ a​​ great battle and loss of life on both sides. ​​ Battles in the world begin with no guarantee of victory to either party. ​​ Strategy and strength and number and weaponry help to overcome the enemy. ​​ 

Psalm 136:15 says God​​ overthrew​​ Pharaoh and his army, meaning He shook them off or tossed them up and down. ​​ Visualize a dog playing with a stuffed toy, shaking it from side to side as if it were nothing! ​​ God has no problem subduing His opposition.

 Ex 15:4-5 "Pharaoh's chariots and his army He has cast into the sea;​​ and​​ the choicest of his officers are drowned in the Red Sea. ​​ 5​​ "The deeps cover them;​​ they​​ went down into the depths like a stone.

 ​​ Ex 15:10 "You blew with Your wind, the sea covered them;​​ they​​ sank like lead in the mighty waters.

There is never a debate if God will win. ​​ Victory is easy for Him. ​​ In this specific reminder of His care, not one Israeli life was lost and the entire Egyptian army was eradicated. ​​ This is the God I trust. ​​ Is this the God you know? ​​ Have you placed your complete trust in the one true God of the Bible? ​​ ​​​​ Would you, by faith, follow Him through a path that was unknown and made no sense in your human understanding?

Again, each of these three verses ends with the words, “For His lovingkindness is everlasting”. ​​​​ God does shower His mercy upon those who love Him but He is also great in His​​ judgement​​ against those who reject Him. ​​​​ 

 In Psalm 136:13-15, God’s power is seen in His command over the Red Sea; God’s compassion is seen in giving the Israelites faith and courage to move towards something​​ inexplicable; and His judgement is seen as He renders​​ His sentence over the wicked. ​​ Although this account took place in mid-15th​​ century B.C., we see God’s amazing attributes all around us today, working in our lives and the lives of others.

God commands all nature; compassion from God towards sinners is constant; and He will judge sin in complete righteousness. ​​​​ God is all-powerful and His protection is over those who follow Him. ​​ He will give to us the faith we need to step forward on the path He leads. ​​ Praise His Name!




Immeasurable Power, Compassion and Protection

Ps 136:13-15 To Him who divided the Red Sea asunder, For His lovingkindness is everlasting, 14 And made Israel pass through the midst of it, For His lovingkindness is everlasting; 15 But He overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.


The​​ Red Sea​​ is a seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean. ​​ It lies between Africa and Asia. ​​ It is more than 1,300 miles long and its​​ widest point is 220.6 miles. ​​ The average depth of the Red sea is over 1,500​​ feet​​ with a deep trough running through the center.​​ This information is taken from Wikipedia which also states that approximately 25% of this body of water is considered shallow, being under 164 feet deep.

 Ps 136:13-15​​ To Him who divided the Red Sea asunder, For His lovingkindness is everlasting,​​ 14​​ And made Israel pass through the midst of it, For His lovingkindness is everlasting;​​ 15​​ But He overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.

In these​​ verses we​​ continue to see the power and protection of God towards His children.

 Ex 14:21-22​​ Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided.​​ 22​​ The sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

Ps 78:13 He divided the sea and caused them to pass through, And He made the waters stand up like a heap.

 We see God’s power in directing the water. ​​ Can anyone you know cause a body of water to part, making a pathway to cross​​ over​​ and forming a wall of water on each side? ​​​​ Consider the scene. ​​​​ The children of Israel, finally being let go under Pharaoh’s rule​​ in Egypt, take off into the desert, basically running for their life. ​​ Pharaoh’s army begins the chase and the Israelites come to an impasse – the Red Sea. ​​ They were tired, they were scared and now it seemed there was no way to continue their exit. ​​ 

We see God’s​​ compassion​​ as He​​ performs a miracle causing the deep waters to part. ​​ God not only provided a way of escape but, after all the Israelites had crossed, God then caused the waters to flow once again engulfing the​​ entire​​ Egyptian Army. ​​ 

Read Spurgeon’s comments on this text, “Men deny miracles; but, granted that there is a God, they become easy of belief. ​​ Since it requires me to be an atheist that I may logically reject miracles, I prefer the far smaller difficulty of believing in the infinite power of God. ​​ He who causes the waters of the sea ordinarily to remain as one mass can with​​ equal readiness divide them”. (Treasury of David)

 God also gives His children the faith to walk through difficulties. ​​ Can you imagine stepping​​ onto a path surrounded by high walls of water? ​​ The​​ path set out for the Israelites was unknown. ​​ They were to walk down into the deep center of the great sea and then trek up again as they crossed​​ to the other side. ​​ While they​​ were​​ stepping forward in faith, God kept​​ a dark cloud between them and the Egyptian army.​​ 

In​​ Christ, we can do whatever He deems necessary for His glory. ​​ Our God is great. ​​ Our faith needs to be great. ​​​​ We can step forward without fear in the paths set out before us. ​​ What we might see as an obstacle, God will use​​ for His glory. ​​ 

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength,​​ a​​ very present help in trouble.

Isaiah​​ 41:10​​ ‘Do​​ not fear, for I am with you;​​ do​​ not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,​​ surely​​ I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

Psalm 78:53​​ He led them safely, so that they did not fear;​​ but​​ the sea engulfed their enemies. ​​​​ 

“…and thus the Lord makes his people willing to pass through afflictions, he being with them; and able to bear them, he putting underneath the everlasting arms, even when in the valley of the shadow of death. He carries them safely through them, so that they are not hurt by them; the waters do not overflow them, nor the flames kindle upon them; nor are any suffered to be lost: but all come safe to land.” --John Gill.

When we think of defeating an army,​​ our mind conjures up pictures of​​ a​​ great battle and loss of life on both sides. ​​ Battles in the world begin with no guarantee of victory to either party. ​​ Strategy and strength and number and weaponry help to overcome the enemy. ​​ 

Psalm 136:15 says God​​ overthrew​​ Pharaoh and his army, meaning He shook them off or tossed them up and down. ​​ Visualize a dog playing with a stuffed toy, shaking it from side to side as if it were nothing! ​​ God has no problem subduing His opposition.

 Ex 15:4-5 "Pharaoh's chariots and his army He has cast into the sea;​​ and​​ the choicest of his officers are drowned in the Red Sea. ​​ 5​​ "The deeps cover them;​​ they​​ went down into the depths like a stone.

 ​​ Ex 15:10 "You blew with Your wind, the sea covered them;​​ they​​ sank like lead in the mighty waters.

There is never a debate if God will win. ​​ Victory is easy for Him. ​​ In this specific reminder of His care, not one Israeli life was lost and the entire Egyptian army was eradicated. ​​ This is the God I trust. ​​ Is this the God you know? ​​ Have you placed your complete trust in the one true God of the Bible? ​​ ​​​​ Would you, by faith, follow Him through a path that was unknown and made no sense in your human understanding?

Again, each of these three verses ends with the words, “For His lovingkindness is everlasting”. ​​​​ God does shower His mercy upon those who love Him but He is also great in His​​ judgement​​ against those who reject Him. ​​​​ 

 In Psalm 136:13-15, God’s power is seen in His command over the Red Sea; God’s compassion is seen in giving the Israelites faith and courage to move towards something​​ inexplicable; and His judgement is seen as He renders​​ His sentence over the wicked. ​​ Although this account took place in mid-15th​​ century B.C., we see God’s amazing attributes all around us today, working in our lives and the lives of others.

God commands all nature; compassion from God towards sinners is constant; and He will judge sin in complete righteousness. ​​​​ God is all-powerful and His protection is over those who follow Him. ​​ He will give to us the faith we need to step forward on the path He leads. ​​ Praise His Name!