One Year Later

God continues to intervene in my plans on a daily basis, the opportunities to serve have increased, I have been stretched to the ‘breaking point’ several times, and I’ve messed up even more times. But in all things God has shown His grace and mercy. I am still walking on two legs, have breath in me, and an increasingly strong desire to remain focused on the One who provides all I have and who has made me in His image and called me His child.

It has been just over one year since I began this blog. ​​ As I reread my first entry,​​ (to see this click​​ here)​​ I am so very thankful that God lead me to share​​ His truths in a forum that is accessible to more than those I am blessed to be in personal contact with. ​​ I am still not computer savvy, yet God has allowed my patience to be tested on numerous occasions as I’ve learned new IT terms, programs and what it means to be floating around in ‘the’ cloud!


I love my Lord and Savior more with each passing day and can absolutely attest that my desire to know Him and study His word has greatly increased. ​​ The opportunity to write, to be encouraged, challenged, reminded and comforted by digging in to Scripture is a blessing to cherish. ​​ To be able to share what God shows me with others, is one of the greatest excitements in my life! ​​ 


I have heard from you stories of how God is working in your lives, and the encouragement from those stories is part of what drives me to continue to move forward in sharing my pursuit in knowing Jesus more.


So here we are, 92 posts and Bible studies published; being read in China, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Israel, Sweden, the Russian Federation and Netherlands, as well as the United States; over 46,000 visits and a truly humbled heart that perhaps one individual has been encouraged to seek God’s truths. ​​ I am a bit overwhelmed that God can use a person such as myself, the only title to claim being His child, for His glory. ​​ Gratitude fills my heart as I continue this lifelong pursuit of growing in my understanding and knowledge of my Lord and Savior.


God continues to intervene in my plans on a daily basis, the opportunities to serve have increased, I have been stretched to the ‘breaking point’ several times, and I’ve messed up even more times. ​​ But in all things God has shown His grace and mercy. ​​ I am still walking on two legs, have breath in me, and an increasingly strong desire to remain focused on the One who provides all I have and who has made me in His image and called me His child.


Thank you for hanging in there with me, even when technical issues were discouraging and things didn’t load correctly. ​​ Forgive me for spelling and grammar errors. ​​ Prayerfully, I will continue to Focus Heavenward and sing towards the heavens in my soul to Thee – The One True God! ​​ May He bless you with the riches of Eternal Life in His presence!


Please continue to pray for me! ​​ My prayer for you is contained in one of my favorite sections of Scripture, in the words of Paul, written to the Ephesian church:


Eph 1:17-19 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him​​ 18​​ [I pray that] the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,​​ 19​​ and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who​​ believe.​​