Beautiful, Glorious, Savior

Today, in this calendar year of 2023, is recognized by most Christians as ‘Good Friday’. ​​ It marks the Friday before Easter Sunday when Jesus was crucified. ​​ We cannot fully understand the significance of His suffering and death unless we recognize our depravity and need for a Savior. ​​ We are sinful. ​​ In fact, the power of sin is so strong in our humanity that it condemns us to eternal damnation – forever without the presence and protection of our Holy God. ​​ The only way to avoid this separation from God is through a perfect sacrifice – the payment for sin. ​​ We must acknowledge the price paid for our transgressions against God – the suffering, betrayal, rejection, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


Jesus is perfect, God’s only Son, part of the Triune Godhead. ​​ He willingly was born to this earth in human form and lived as a man. ​​ He was perfectly holy, without sin, yet, He was tempted, felt pain, cried, and in every way understood our human condition. ​​ Because He is perfect, He never succumbed to the power of Satan’s lies. ​​ Instead, He always followed His Father’s will in obedience.


Jesus is our perfect sacrifice, our key to heaven, the proof of God’s love for us, our perfect example of obedience, the certain and only hope for our future. ​​ Without His death, we face condemnation for eternity in hell, a place of torment and unceasing pain, separated for all time from our holy God.


Contemplate what God has done for you through the sacrifice of His only Son. ​​ This gift is available to everyone who confesses Jesus as Lord and Savior. ​​ Jesus is​​ LORD​​ – the one whom we follow in obedience. ​​ Jesus is Savior – the only one whose bloodshed offers payment for sin and salvation from sins power to destroy.


Thank you, God for saving me. ​​ Amazing, Powerful, Transforming, Eternal, Protector, Glorious in Heaven, Beautiful, LORD. ​​ My heart is full of gratitude in the knowledge of what You have done for me, an undeserving sinner, saved by Your grace alone, through faith alone, in Your Son’s death and resurrection. ​​ There is no need for striving to get something; only the need to accept what has already been given.


His Marvelous Light!

He is the light that illuminates understanding in our soul. He is the light that gives hope now and for the future. He is the light which gives strength when we are weak, direction when we have lost our focus, and clarity instead of confusion.

1Peter 2:9 But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR [God's] OWN POSSESSION,​​ that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

The dispersed Christians were reminded of the benefits they had in Christ – they were a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for God’s own possession. ​​ These rights were no longer just for a particular group but for all Christians. ​​ And these advantages were theirs for a reason – to proclaim the excellencies of God so that others would be sanctified in Truth.

That you may proclaim​​ – there is an intentional purpose for those who follow Christ. ​​ To proclaim here means to publish or to celebrate. ​​ Both ensue action, the​​ KJV​​ uses the phrase ‘that ye should shew forth’. ​​ We have the privilege of being God’s messengers. ​​ Paul reminded the elders of the church in Ephesus of his own boldness in speaking of Christ and charged them with the reminder that they also needed to speak Truth; they were to care for those who were like-minded.

Acts 20:27-28 “For I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole purpose of God. "Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

Consider. ​​ When someone gives you a gift, you respond with thanks. ​​ Salvation offered to us is a gift. ​​ Do we tend to this gift with gratitude and display it for all to see? ​​ Do we share the value of this gift with others? ​​​​ Salvation has not been granted to us to be hoarded and put into the dark recesses of a cabinet. ​​ Rather, we are to exhibit the blessings of God by seeking to live a holy life, proclaiming Christ to others.

Albert Barnes’ NT Commentary​​ offers the following response to our salvation –

  • By proper ascriptions of praise to Him in public, family, and social worship;

  • By being always the avowed friends of God, ready ever to vindicate His government and ways;

  • By endeavouring to make known His excellences to all those who are ignorant of Him; and

  • By such a life as shall constantly proclaim His praise – as the sun, the moon, the stars, the hills, the streams, the flowers do, showing what God does. ​​ The consistent life of a devoted Christian is a constant setting forth of the praise of God, showing to all that the God who has made him such is worthy to be loved.

Isaiah 43:21 "The people whom I formed for Myself,​​ will declare My praise.

Our lives are about Him, not us. ​​ We are vessels meant for offering praise and glory to God for who He is and what He has done. ​​ The 1599 Geneva Bible Notes​​ says, “that by all means possible we [are] to set forth the great goodness of the most mighty God”.

Does your behavior speak of Jesus?​​ ​​ How? ​​​​ What behaviors do not honor Christ?

We are to proclaim the excellencies of God.​​ ​​ It is impossible to proclaim with any kind of enthusiasm that which we do not know or understand. ​​ For example, ask two​​ people to explain how to raise a puppy. ​​ One who has firsthand experience and one who has only heard others talk about it. ​​ Which testimony would be more compelling to listen to?  ​​​​ 

What are the excellencies of God? ​​ How would you explain who God is and why your faith is placed in Him? ​​ ​​ ​​​​ There are intrinsic virtues of God, His very essence, His attributes,​​ are​​ what makes Him God. ​​ We are to proclaim God’s wisdom, power, truth, goodness, and mercy. ​​ Foremost because He​​ has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.

Consider the darkness. ​​ This means shadiness or obscurity, either literally or figuratively. ​​ There is darkness in​​ trouble and in ignorance. ​​ When you are taking a photograph, shadows will keep you from getting a good picture. ​​ 

Do you let circumstances obscure your view or do you rely upon God’s light to show you the way?

Also consider the shadiness associated with honesty. ​​ Are we allowing the world’s message to cast a shadow on our understanding of God?

God has literally pulled us​​ away​​ from sin’s power and control​​ to​​ the blessings,​​ privileges, and power​​ of the gospel. ​​ This assurance was given to the nation of Israel while they were being held captive and it is our assurance also,​​ that by abiding in Christ, we are not held captive by sin. ​​ “…when the gospel comes to any place, to any soul, light comes. ​​ Let us earnestly pray that it may shine into our hearts, and make us wise unto salvation”,​​ Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on Isa 9:2.

Isaiah 9:2 The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.

Isaiah 42:16 "And I will lead the blind by a way they do not know, in paths they do not know I will guide them. I will make darkness into light before them and rugged places into plains. These are the things I will do, and I will not leave them undone."

2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

Read the account of Paul upon his conversion:

Acts 26:15-18 "And I said, 'Who art Thou, Lord?' And the Lord said, 'I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. 'But arise, and stand on your feet; for this purpose I have appeared to you, to appoint you a minister and a witness not only to the things which you have seen, but also to the things in which I will appear to you; delivering you from the [Jewish] people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes​​ so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.'

Also read​​ the words of Paul to the Colossian church:

Colossians 1:9-14 For this reason also, since the day we heard [of it], we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please [Him] in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.​​ For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Recognize, we are called out of darkness into His​​ marvelous light! ​​​​ This is more than just an ‘aha’ moment – it is the light of Truth, the gospel, and the wonderful blessings associated with God’s great love for us. ​​ He is the light that illuminates understanding in our soul. ​​ This is the light that gives hope now and for the future. ​​ He is the light which gives strength when we are weak, direction when we have lost our focus,​​ and​​ clarity instead of confusion. God’s light replaces hate with love, it is the source of compassion and patience.

When we consider what we have been saved from and what we are saved to, our response​​ must​​ be to shout God’s praise. ​​ Darkness and light are opposites. ​​ The darkness – idolatry, ungodliness, willful disobedience, and spiritual death – is appointed for those who reject Christ. ​​ God’s children, through faith and trust in Jesus, sit in the glorious light of His marvelous redemption.

​​ 1 Thessalonians 5:3-5 While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.​​ But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day.​​ We are not of night nor of darkness;

“As a family, let us remember how the Lord has favored us in his grace, and let each saved one among us remember whereunto he is called.​​ ​​ Chosen, royal priestly, peculiar, and beloved of heaven, - what manner of persons ought we to be? ​​ We ought to be far better than others, for the Lord has dealt so much better with us. ​​ May rich grace rest upon us, and cause us to show forth the praises of our God”,​​ Spurgeon Devotional Commentary.


How will you follow the apostle Peter’s charge to proclaim Christ?

What truths are you reminded of in 1 Peter 2:9 that cause you to praise God?

A Secure Future

He alone is our source of righteousness and holiness.

Because you are saved, you are to put away sin and put on righteousness as you grow in your understanding and knowledge of Christ. ​​ Unlike faith which had been placed in a​​ structure built of stone,​​ we are told that​​ Jesus is the foundation of a living faith. ​​ He is favored by God and those who trust in His name are part of His living church, set apart to offer worship to Him through their lives. ​​ (1 Peter 2:1-5)


Peter refers back to the words of the Prophet Isaiah which gives validation​​ that he is speaking truth. ​​ Today, we might say, ‘the Bible says’ to emphasize that certain information is not from us but from God.  ​​​​ “Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone,​​ a​​ costly cornerstone [for] the foundation, firmly placed. ​​ He who believes [in it] will not be disturbed”, Isaiah 28:16.

Before we go further into more specific study of this verse, there is an example for each of us to follow. ​​ In all cases of sharing what we believe, let us make certain it is based upon Biblical truth, not just what we think. ​​ We form many opinions and can have lively discussions, but our foundation needs to be solid. ​​ God, because of His great love, has given us His written word so that we might know Him and how He desires us to live for His glory. ​​ Although​​ application of scripture may look different depending on life circumstances, the foundation of truth remains the same. ​​ The Apostle Peter’s example of using the words of the Prophet Isaiah is an important reminder to each of us to examine the basis of what we believe.

Some areas of caution come to mind when I think of the necessity of being certain that what I believe is founded in the word of God.

  • Am I following a person rather than Truth? ​​ Do I take the time to look things up for myself to be sure that who or what I am listening to is founded in the pure unadulterated word of God?

  • Am I seeking to grow in my knowledge of God to attest to my own intellectual abilities or am I seeking to grow in my knowledge of God to​​ give glory and honor to Him?

  • Am I desiring more information for the sake of interest itself​​ or do I desire to apply what I learn​​ in order​​ to grow more in the likeness of God?​​ 

In each of the above questions, my heart motivation needs to be checked.

Behold I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner [stone],

Let us not miss​​ the word​​ Behold. ​​​​ It is like saying pay attention! ​​ This is important! ​​ Also, recognize the source – I, the Lord God. ​​ Psalm 118:22-23 The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner [stone]. ​​ This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in​​ our eyes”.​​ ​​ This is unlike the temples built by man. ​​ God has laid the foundation at a great cost – His only Son, Jesus.

This thinking is a 180​​ turn from what Peter’s audience had known. ​​ The temple was built as a place of worship painstakingly​​ handcrafted;​​ and​​ large​​ stones were placed at the foundation. ​​ The temple had become the center of Jewish faith. ​​ Now, they have been called to something greater, they have been called to set their eyes on Christ whom they had not seen, to trust in Him for​​ the salvation of their souls. ​​ Is this 180​​ turn not unlike your own conversion?  ​​​​ Just as the Apostle calls upon these Christians to be​​ strengthened in their faith – believing without seeing, we are called to the same. ​​ 1 Peter 1:6-9.  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 

The church was started in Zion – or Sion – in Jerusalem. ​​ It is where Jesus suffered; it is where the preaching of the Gospel began. ​​ Read this excerpt from​​

Psalm 87:2–3 says, “The Lord loves the gates of Zion / more than all the other dwellings of Jacob. ​​ / Glorious things are said of you, / city of God”. ​​ According to this verse, Zion is synonymous with city of God, and it is a place that God loves. ​​ Zion is Jerusalem. ​​ Mount Zion is the high hill on which David built a citadel. ​​ It is on the southeast side of the city. ​​ The word Zion occurs over 150 times in the Bible. ​​ It essentially means “fortification” and has the idea of being “raised up” as a “monument”. ​​ Zion​​ is described both as the city of David and the city of God. ​​ As the​​ Bible progresses, the word Zion expands in scope and takes on an additional, spiritual meaning.

The first mention of Zion in the Bible is 2 Samuel 5:7: “David captured the fortress of Zion—which is the City of David.” Zion was originally an ancient Jebusite fortress in the city of Jerusalem. ​​ After David’s conquest of the fortress, Jerusalem became a possession of Israel. ​​ The royal palace was built there, and Zion/Jerusalem became the seat of power in Israel’s kingdom.

When Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem, the meaning of Zion expanded further to include the temple area (Psalm​​ 2:648:211–12132:13).​​ This is the meaning found in the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:6,​​ “Come, let us go up to Zion, to the LORD our God”. ​​ In the Old Testament Zion is used as a name for the city of Jerusalem (Isaiah 40:9), the land of Judah (Jeremiah 31:12), and the nation of Israel as a whole (Zechariah 9:13).

The word Zion is also used in a theological or spiritual sense in Scripture. ​​ In the Old Testament Zion refers figuratively to Israel as the people of God (Isaiah 60:14). ​​ In the New Testament, Zion refers to God’s spiritual kingdom. ​​ We have not come to Mount Sinai, says the apostle, but “to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem” (Hebrews 12:22). ​​ Peter, quoting Isaiah 28:16, refers to Christ as the Cornerstone of Zion: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame” (1 Peter 2:6).

God has purposed His church, His spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5), to be built upon Jesus. ​​ He is the ‘choice stone’ or ‘chief corner stone’,​​ KJV. ​​ Jesus is favored, precious, and​​ honorable, God’s chosen cornerstone. ​​ Jesus is our foundation, in 1 Peter 2:4, the ‘living stone’. ​​ The use of this metaphor is emphasized. ​​ Why? ​​ Because a church built on any other name or premise​​ will not last. ​​ Jesus is the​​ solid foundation​​ of our faith. ​​ Precious in God’s sight, Jesus paid the penalty for our sin. ​​ He is the unifier of both Jews and Gentiles alike, all those who come to Him. ​​ This thinking was​​ vastly different​​ than what had become a corrupt system of trusting in traditions and lineage.​​ ​​ Matthew, in his gospel, quotes the warning in Isaiah 29:13 - ​​ 

​​ Matthew 15:7, “You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, ‘This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me. ​​ ‘But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.’”​​ 

Where might we see hypocrisy today? ​​ What about in your own life? ​​ Do​​ we speak one way and act another? ​​ Do we pay more attention to what we look like rather than our​​ heart? ​​ Are we more concerned about what others​​ think of us rather than who we truly are? ​​ We must be willing to ask God to search our hearts to see if​​ our faith​​ is​​ genuine. ​​​​ 

The church is to be built on Christ, the living stone, the corner stone. ​​ He alone is our hope. ​​ Again, refer back to the Jewish culture Peter was writing to. ​​ It had become commonplace to​​ have all worship and sacrifice centered at the temple. ​​ Through Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, the temple built of stone with all its tradition of sacrifice​​ became obsolete. ​​ The true temple is Christ alone by God’s choosing in which both Jews and Gentiles are united in one faith with Jesus as the foundation. ​​ No longer were individuals to rely upon the fulfillment of the Law or their heritage. ​​ There was to be no confidence placed in lineage or culture and tradition, all hope was in Jesus. ​​ You​​ can imagine why this would have been necessary for the Apostle to emphasize. ​​ We tend to gravitate towards what we have known or what we have been comfortable with.

The last verse of the preceding chapter in 1 Peter ended with​​ the​​ reminder that this group of Christians were a new people – the people of God – and they were to be united in their common goal of growing in respect to their salvation. ​​ This causes me to think of the phrase, ‘leveling the playing field’. ​​ There is none more deserving than another, there is none more important than another – all have been​​ redeemed​​ by Christ, all have need of His death and resurrection, all are​​ offered salvation​​ in Him. ​​ He alone is our source of righteousness and holiness. ​​ These truths bear the need for repetition because they are​​ important.

He who believes in Him shall not be disappointed.

Those who believe, who place their faith in Jesus, who entrust and commit their lives to Him will absolutely not be disappointed. ​​ The word disappointed, or​​ kataischuno, means to shame down, disgrace or put to the blush; confound, dishonour, be ashamed. ​​ Specifically, Peter is addressing the​​ Christians who were struggling with the pull and comfort of what they had known. ​​ They were reminded that their trust in Jesus had greater value. ​​ These words are also an encouragement to believers today. ​​ Have you ever questioned your faith​​ or wondered how​​ it is you can be so sure of something you have not seen? ​​ Have you thought it might​​ be easier sometimes to ‘fit in’ with the flow, to not think differently, to not be so sensitive to sin? ​​ Have you ever apologized to someone for your attitude or response because you knew it was​​ wrong​​ and you were convicted of sin, just to have that person look at you like you were a bit crazy? ​​ I would bet most of us can relate. ​​ However, we must turn to the Truth and what are we told.​​ ​​ Regardless of the world’s response,​​ we must act according to God’s commands. ​​ Our faith is built on the only thing that will last – Jesus – and we will not be disappointed! ​​ Jesus’ mission will not be thwarted. ​​ 

Romans 5:1- 5

Romans 10:11 For the Scripture says, "WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED."

He that believeth on him shall not be confounded (KJV), shall not be put to shame (ASV), will never be put to shame (NIV), will by no means be put to shame (NKJV).

This is an incredible promise! ​​ The words used are a double negative meaning​​ not at all, by no means, never,​​ and​​ in no case,​​ ​​​​ Going back to the last sentence in Isaiah 28:16, it says,​​ “He who believes [in it] will not be disturbed”.  ​​​​ Reading through Isaiah 28-29, this encouraging verse is in the middle of the judgment of Israel​​ wrought with impending destruction.  ​​​​ One commentary explains disturbed as “to be afraid as one who makes haste often is; to be agitated with fear or fright; and hence it has a signification nearly similar to that of shame. ​​ … The meaning here is, that a man who believes shall not be agitated, or thrown into commotion, by fear of want of success; shall​​ not be disappointed in his hopes; and of course, he shall never be ashamed that he became a Christian. ​​ They who do not believe in Christ shall be agitated, fall, and sink into eternal shame and contempt”,​​ Albert Barnes’ NT Commentary. ​​ ​​​​ 

Another commentary states that Believers should not “make haste to flee away for no enemy shall ever be able to annoy him”,​​ Adam Clarke’s Commentary.

Consider the difference between having a calm assurance and being unraveled. ​​ A steadfast faith is built on the security​​ of Christ as its foundation, even in danger. ​​ Read the following excerpt from​​ MacLaren’s Expositions for Isaiah 28:16, The Foundation of God.

“Remember​​ the picture of the context – a suddenly descending storm, a swiftly rising and turbid flood, the​​ lashing of the rain, the howling of the wind. ​​ The men in the clay-built hovels on the flat have to take to flight to some higher ground above the reach of the inundation, on some sheltered rock out of the flashing of the rain and the force of the tempest. ​​​​ He who is built upon the true foundation knows that his house is above the water-level, and he does not need to be in a hurry. ​​ He can remain quietly there till the flood subsides, knowing that it will not rise high enough to drown or even disturb him. ​​ When all the other buildings are gone, his stands. ​​ And he that thus dwells on high may look out over the wild flood, washing and weltering to the horizon, and feel that he is safe. ​​ So shall he not have to make haste, but may wait calm and quiet, knowing​​ that all is well”,​​ biblehubcom/commentaries/Isaiah/28-16.

Recognize the precious value of Jesus​​ ​​ 

because of Him you are​​ saved,​​ 

because of Him you are called a child of God,​​ 

because of Him you are secure.

Your purpose is to bring glory to God –​​ 

Your mission is to share His Truth.


Peace In My Soul

Ours is not only a hopeful faith, it is a certain faith wrought by God’s own power.

God’s children are protected​​ by the power of God. ​​ When we really take the time to consider what this means, an ensuing peace​​ surrounds our very soul no matter​​ the circumstances. ​​ We are kept, we are watched, and we are guarded​​ by God’s power!

1 Peter 1:5​​ ​​ who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. ​​ 

God’s​​ power is miraculous​​ in its ability, abundance, intent, strength, and wonder. ​​ There is nothing comparable to God’s power. ​​​​ In the previous post we addressed the truths that God’s word is​​ able, it is abundant, and it is intentional. ​​ Part 3 will address the strength of God’s power​​ and the wonder of God’s power,​​ and what it means to be protected by God’s power through faith for​​ salvation.​​ 

  • God’s power is miraculous in its strength -​​ it​​ simply​​ has no match in strength. ​​ God has the power to save and the power to forgive sins. ​​ He has power over nature and the power to uphold all things by His word. ​​ Hebrews chapter 11 gives us a list of details how God manifested His power through those who believed in Him.

Hebrews 11:33 who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed [acts of] righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.

Psalm 93:4 The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.​​ ​​ KJV

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Nahum 1:3 The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and the LORD will by no means leave [the guilty] unpunished. ​​ In whirlwind and storm is His way, and clouds are the dust beneath His feet.

  • Is anyone or anything able to disrupt God’s power?

  • God’s power is miraculous in its wonder -​​ it​​ is full of wonder. ​​​​ Consider His miraculous creation. ​​ Consider His marvelous works. ​​ 

Exodus 15:11 "Who is like Thee among the gods, O LORD? Who is like Thee, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders?

Psalm 77:14 Thou art the God who workest wonders; Thou hast made known Thy strength among the peoples.

Daniel 4:3 "How great are His signs, and how mighty are His wonders! ​​ His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation.

There is nothing more beautiful and amazing than God!

We are protected by the power of God​​ through faith. ​​​​ 

  • What does it mean to have faith?

Faith​​ is the persuasion, acceptance, and moral conviction of the truthfulness of God. ​​ It is reliance upon Christ alone for salvation. ​​ It is believing without a doubt the Gospel; it is absolute assurance in God’s promises, it produces unwavering confidence in God. ​​ 

 Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of [things] hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. ​​ Faith in a believer’s heart is bestowed through God’s grace,​​ (Ephesians 2:8-9). ​​​​ We are saved by grace through faith and we can have confidence that God will keep us in His care.

Albert Barnes’ NT Commentary​​ says God “does not keep us by the mere exertion of power, but He excites faith in our hearts, and makes that the means of keeping us. ​​ As long as we have faith in God, and in His promises, we are safe”. ​​ 

Ours is not only a hopeful faith, it is a certain faith wrought by God’s own power. ​​ 

  • For what are we protected? ​​​​ 

A salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. ​​​​ This is our final and ultimate rescue and deliverance. ​​ The​​ Teacher’s Commentary​​ states we will see complete victory over the fight in our flesh toward sin and we will witness complete deliverance from trials, persecution, and sorrow.

The word euphoria comes to mind. ​​ Great elation and joy in the fulfillment of God’s promise to His children in His eternal kingdom, not for our pleasure but for His praise.

John 10:28-29 and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand.​​ ​​ "My Father, who has given [them] to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch [them] out of the Father's hand.

This is incredible, this is our hope, and this is Truth. ​​ If you follow Christ, you are secured by His power through faith for salvation.

  • Are you holding fast to the confidence you have in Christ? ​​ 

  • During this time of uncertainty, how is your faith being manifested in your thoughts, actions, and words?

 “Who are, by the mighty power of God, through the means of their faith wrought in them by the Spirit of God, kept to the full obtaining and fruition of that salvation, which, having been purchased and revealed by Christ, is ready to be consummated in these last days of the world”,​​ Hall’s Explication of Hard Texts.

 God will protect those who are His; He will preserve and guard them for Christ’s return. ​​ Philippians 1:6​​ [For I am] confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

 Read this summary found in​​ Philip Doddridge’s N.T. Commentary,​​ “Who, though now surrounded with many apparent dangers, are not left defenseless, but are guarded as in a strong and impregnable garrison, by the almighty power of God, through the continued exercise of that faith which this almighty power wrought in your hearts; and he will still maintain it unto that blessed hour when you shall receive the complete and eternal salvation which is already prepared, and though now kept as under a veil, is to be revealed in its full radiance of glory, in the last time, the grand period, in which all the mysteries of divine Providence shall beautifully terminate.





Evangelism and Covid

Choosing to believe God does not exist and that you do not need Him does not change the reality of God’s existence and your dependence upon Him.



Last Saturday, we were blessed to be able to gather as a group of women for the first time in over a year. ​​ Masks on and appropriately distanced, we enjoyed a special time of worship, gleaning from God’s word, and sweet​​ fellowship! ​​ I think most of us in attendance would have been happy to sit and sing together for hours. ​​ It is truly a blessing to be encompassed around those who are like-minded and striving to serve Christ in all things. ​​ There is a genuine love among this group of ladies I call my sisters in Christ. ​​ Saturday was a beautiful picture of a church family ready to jump in with every unique strength to provide an opportunity for growth and encouragement. ​​ We even had a delightful individually packaged lunch.​​ ​​ I am certain I do not speak for myself when I say my heart is filled with gratitude to everyone involved in providing a ray of sunshine as we begin to recover from a turbulent storm. ​​ Most of all, my heart is filled with gratitude that God has placed me in a fellowship that desires to function according to God’s truths. ​​ Following is a copy of our study in the word together. ​​ I pray you are encouraged to grow in your understanding of God’s desire for His children to praise Him in all circumstances by sharing the message of His great love. ​​ 

We would all agree we are living through a unique time in history. ​​ Who would have thought one year ago that we would be donning face coverings and keeping a distance of six feet from individuals not in our family? ​​ We have adjusted to doing things differently, and have learned to appreciate our outside spaces more than ever. ​​ 

The Women’s Conference was among the first events to be cancelled in our church body last March. ​​ The focus was to be how we are equipped for every good work. ​​ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work”. ​​ God’s word, His Truth, prepares us with everything necessary to carry out the plans He has for us to bring glory to His name. ​​ What does this mean? ​​ Each of us has at our fingertips all that we need to do His will. ​​ You might see the word adequate translated as perfect or complete​​ in your Bible. ​​ Through God’s word, we are perfectly suited for every good work. ​​​​ 

One of the breakout sessions at the conference was to be how each of us is equipped to evangelize, which is a commission from God to all believers. ​​ In​​ John 15:16,​​ Jesus states,​​ “You did not choose Me, but​​ I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit​​ …” ​​ ​​​​ 

Matthew 22:37-39,​​ … ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind’. ​​ ‘This is the great and foremost commandment. ​​ ‘The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’”. ​​ 

Look at the words above – God chose us, we are to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind, and we are to love others as ourselves. ​​ The only way to love God with​​ our whole being is to obey His commands. ​​ And He clearly says that we should go and bear fruit. ​​ The best way to genuinely love those around us is to share the message of salvation. ​​ Although many things have been altered within the last year, Truth remains​​ constant. ​​ God’s word does not change, it is not interrupted by a pandemic, and God’s commands do not adjust to fit the world’s thinking. ​​ 

We will address the subject of evangelism and consider what it looks like even as we continue to move through the​​ lasting effects of Covid 19. ​​ Right now, you are either smiling behind your mask and excited to hear about sharing the Gospel, or you are squirming a little in your seat because sharing the Gospel is something other people do. ​​ 

But, consider how you were​​ saved. ​​ Did someone open their mouth and talk with you? ​​ Perhaps a person’s actions, kind words, and care of others attracted you. ​​ When you felt your worst, did another individual share the hope of Jesus?  ​​​​ Remember the excitement you felt when God chose​​ to open your heart to His Truths. ​​ Like many of you, I can picture exactly where I was, there is a defined moment, a snapshot in my mind of when God opened my eyes. ​​ I remember how in an instant the weight of the difficulties surrounding me were no longer​​ suffocating me. ​​ The circumstances did not change but my focus did. ​​ It truly is incredible, and it is undeniable when God transforms a soul.

When we ​​ think of going out to share the Gospel, we often picture meeting individuals we do not know. ​​ This type​​ of interaction involves a smile and a handshake. ​​ Well, for the past year, we have been wearing face coverings, no one can see our smile and our words are muffled with our mouths covered. ​​ We have had strong encouragement during the spikes of this virus to​​ stay at home as much as possible, which puts a damper on meeting people, and we have been asked to avoid physical contact which practically eliminates the use of a handshake.

However, few of us are completely isolated. ​​ Weather permitting, we can spend time outside. ​​ We shop for groceries and put fuel in the car. ​​ We use phones and social media. ​​ We have friends, family members, and neighbors. ​​ There are opportunities!

People are struggling as they deal with uncertainty in the world. ​​ Unexpected deaths, the loss of work, weddings either cancelled or guest lists ​​ cut to a minimum, and young moms balancing their children’s education at home along with other responsibilities, are circumstances that many can relate to. ​​ The answer to every concern and every struggle is Jesus. ​​ When you ​​ focus on your future in heaven, your perspective changes from being overly concerned with your own circumstances and the current problems in the world, to being consumed with the blessing of your salvation in Christ and your purpose in Him. ​​ 

Certainly, just being able to gather today as a unit of women who love God and desire to serve Him and each other, is a wonderful blessing. ​​ But there are a few goals for our time together. ​​ 

1st​​ – That you would be greatly encouraged, reminded of your value in Christ and God’s plan for you to be His ambassador. ​​ As you grow in your own understanding of the Gospel, your excitement to share the hope you have with those around you will increase.

2nd​​ – That whatever fear you may have of sharing the Gospel would be replaced with boldness so that you would be ready at any moment to share how God is working in your life, and to speak of the peace and certainty He offers.

  • Many of us share opinions freely yet we become timid when talking about the​​ Gospel. ​​ This is interesting because the Gospel is the only thing we can be 100% confident in. ​​ Opinions change; the Gospel does not. ​​ Opinions are often short-sighted; the Gospel provides a clear view of our future. ​​ Opinions can be wrong; the Gospel is 100% Truth.

3rd​​ – That you embrace your responsibility of stewardship in being called a child of God.

The first step in evangelism is the need for your own understanding and acceptance of the Gospel. ​​ You are unable to share what you do not possess.

Listen again to 2 Timothy 3:17, which says, “that the man of God may be adequate”. ​​ There is a condition – Paul, in writing to Timothy reminds him of his position as a minister of the Gospel – being a man of God. ​​ Only those who are righteous before God, who derive their purpose from Him, who are under His instruction, who are united to Him and approved of Him, are complete or adequate for every good work. ​​ We can read and learn about many things. ​​ Knowledge is literally at our fingertips. ​​ But, until information is acted upon, it remains speculation. ​​ Real understanding involves comprehension and evidence. ​​ Genuine salvation is more than knowledge or memorized scripture or a one-time prayer. ​​ It is a heart change orchestrated by God. ​​ It is imperative that​​ you personally understand what it means to be saved. ​​ Think carefully about the following questions – questions many of you have heard before – and take a moment to write your answers down.

Do you know for certain that when you die you will go to heaven?

If God were to ask you why He should let you into heaven, what would you say?


These questions are important because they help determine the basis of your trust.​​ 


Heaven is a free gift – it cannot be earned, and it is undeserved.

It cannot be earned because it is free; ​​ it is undeserved because we are unworthy. ​​ We are unworthy because​​ we are sinners. ​​​​ This is no surprise as it is not extremely difficult to recognize sin. ​​ During the last year, it appears that man’s ability to sin has become magnified in hostility. ​​ Rioting at one point was almost expected in many major cities as individual rights were demanded. ​​ Although we may not be looking to break windows and damage property, each day we all fight the desire to act selfishly. ​​ How often do you fail​​ to do the right thing, to act in a pleasing manner, to say words that encourage, to think thoughts that are uplifting?

Man is unable to save himself​​ from the grip of sin. ​​ The best individual we might think of is still imperfect. ​​ God alone is perfect. ​​ 

God loves us, but​​ He is also just. ​​ Because He is just, He must punish sin. ​​ Sin is anything that goes against God’s perfect will or neglects to do His perfect will. ​​ God is perfect and holy and our sin acts as a chasm that will separate us from God for eternity.

We need to stop here for just a moment. ​​ Eternal separation from God is huge and needs to be clearly explained. ​​ Choosing to believe God does not exist and that you do not need Him does not change the reality of God’s existence and your dependence upon Him.​​ ​​ I could choose to believe that Covid 19 does not exist but that would not change the reality of over 2 million deaths worldwide,​​ (collective numbers from CDC, WHO, updated 03/06/21). ​​​​ People may think they are okay without God, so it seems no big​​ deal to talk of separation from Him for eternity. ​​ But then, God’s power is not fully understood. ​​ He is at this very moment holding the world together, patiently calling His children to Himself. ​​ Those who do not recognize their need for God, and even those who reject Him, are the recipients of His general blessings. ​​ The air we breathe, the atoms that hold all things together, the sun which provides warmth, and everything good in our lives is from God. ​​ He will one day, release those who have denied Him​​ to the full fury of sin and evil. ​​ Separation from God is a horror unimaginable. ​​ Without forgiveness of our sin, we are destined to this horror.

God is the source of all blessings, all that is good. ​​ Consider the fruits of the Spirit listed for us in​​ Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. ​​ The opposites are hatred, sorrow, war, anxiety, cruelty, distrust, pride, and unrestraint. ​​ Add to this list, complete and unrelenting darkness in heart, mind, and soul. ​​ We are nothing without God and we can do nothing without God.

Man has an incredible dilemma! ​​ However,​​ man has an incredible God! ​​​​ God chose to send His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die for the sin of all mankind. ​​ Jesus is​​ the only solution​​ to our problem of sin. ​​ Through faith in Jesus, we are promised eternal life in the presence of God. ​​ Our penalty has been paid in full through Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection. ​​​​ The power of sin’s control no longer reigns in a​​ believer’s life. ​​ Instead, Christ reigns, and in Him we have the ability to push off sin and put on righteousness. ​​ Knowing the intellectual facts of who God is and what He has done for mankind does not save. ​​ Saving faith is not a box of Band-Aids that temporarily fixes things when we lose our way. ​​ Saving faith is not one of the puzzle pieces that assures our future in heaven – it is the single key that opens the door. ​​ It is not something we combine with our title or accomplishments. ​​ Often, God will strip away any identity or trust we have in this world so that we focus on Him alone. ​​ Think! ​​​​ How do you desire others to know you? ​​ Is it with a title earned on earth or the title given to you by God in heaven as His child?

Saving faith requires a heart of​​ humility, and recognition of need. ​​ Saving faith places complete trust, at all times and in all circumstances, in the work of Christ alone. ​​ 

This is the gospel.​​ ​​ This is what we need, and this is what others need to hear. ​​ Although it is God alone who saves, we are commissioned as His children to share the gift we have received in Him. ​​ We can have complete confidence in God - He is who He says He is; in Christ He has done what He said He would do, and He will fulfill every promise He has made. ​​ The result of being called by God to understand and accept His free gift of salvation is absolutely life changing – it is a miracle! ​​ When you genuinely understand God’s plan of salvation and its significance to your own eternal destination, you will be compelled to tell others. ​​ You will be excited to share your hope.

Psalm 96:2 Sing to the LORD, bless His name;​​ Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. ​​ Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.


Mark 16:15 …​​ Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.


Most of us get notices for different sweepstakes that offer a variety of prizes including money, mansions, and travel. ​​ Consider for a moment if you were to win one of these sweepstakes. ​​ Would you​​ tell others? ​​ I surmise your excitement would be difficult to contain. ​​ If given the opportunity, you would likely be more than willing to publicize your story to all who would listen. ​​ Why? ​​ Because it is exciting! ​​ It is unexpected! ​​ It is completely undeserved since you did nothing to earn it!


Think about what you have In Christ – purpose, peace, and the promise of an eternal home in heaven. ​​ It is impossible to comprehend the full extent of our blessings. ​​ Because of God’s mercy, we have been saved from wrath and showered with unmerited favor. ​​ Talk about exciting! ​​ Talk about undeserved! ​​ How much of your conversation is about the unfathomable riches of Christ? ​​ (Ephesians 3:8).


Some of you may hesitate to share the Gospel because you anticipate a​​ negative reaction from others. ​​​​ We readily speak of our families, work, the weather, and even politics, because everyone talks about these things. ​​ These things are acceptable points of conversation. ​​ But religion, or faith – now we are getting into a touchy area! ​​ People who are talkative and friendly will quickly shut down or may even become agitated when the subject of eternal destination is mentioned. ​​ Why? ​​ Because it is a concern that reaches deep into the mind and heart of man. ​​ It is often easier to​​ ignore a problem, pretending it does not exist, than to address it. ​​ Do you hold back from proclaiming Christ out of fear of the response you may receive, or because others may think you are strange? ​​ This​​ is a valid thought!


If you heard the​​ sermon a few weeks ago, you will remember that Paul was accused of being crazy – literally out of his mind – because he preached the message of Christ’s resurrection​​ (Acts 26:24). ​​ Paul’s answer to this accusation is recorded in​​ Acts 26:25; 29, “I am not out of my mind, most excellent Festus, but I utter words of sober truth. ​​ … I would to God that whether in a short or long time, not only you, but also all who hear me this day, might become such as I am”.


If you are saved you are strange! ​​ The world is not going to embrace you. ​​ You may be labeled crazy! ​​ The Bible says you are an alien, not belonging to this world! ​​ (Ps 69:8, Phil 3:20). ​​ Rewind over forty years ago. ​​ I was working back office in a medical practice. ​​ The office manager was a young woman a​​ few years older than me. ​​ She was nice. ​​ Always considerate, spoke positively, never took part in gossip, bad language, or complaining. ​​ I was a bit uncomfortable around her because her conversation always reverted to God, her involvement in church, and invitations to join her at some event in her fellowship. ​​ (At that time in my life, I distinctly remember thinking what the heck is a ‘fellowship’ – some group in the desert gathering to sing and talk about God? ​​ … and here we are!) ​​ She was one of those people you hear about who are weird enough to actually knock on doors and speak with strangers about Jesus! ​​ (And this I have also done!) ​​ Her whole life centered around God. ​​ In my mind, she was a ‘religious freak’. ​​ To my unsaved soul, she went way beyond​​ personal boundaries. ​​ Now I look back at this and think of her testimony. ​​ She was one of the first people that God used to begin peeling the blinders off my eyes. ​​ Aliens have often been illustrated as little green figures with large bulbous heads and teardrop shaped eyes. ​​ I think this is all wrong. ​​ I worked with an alien in that office. ​​ I suggest that aliens look a lot like you and me. ​​ So what do we do with this fear of others thinking we are strange? ​​ Choose to embrace who you are in Christ, set apart for His purpose. ​​ The KJV of​​ 1 Peter 2:9​​ calls us “a peculiar people”. ​​ You should be markedly different from those around you who do not know Jesus. ​​ If someone thinks you are strange or crazy because of your faith, receive it as a compliment! ​​ Pray as​​ Paul did, that they join you!

Perhaps we will encounter roadblocks, even hostility when we speak of Jesus. ​​ Perhaps relationships will feel strained, perhaps doors will close, but​​ where we see hindrances, God provides opportunities. ​​​​ How can we​​ not​​ share the only real hope available to a world that is fearful, turbulent, and sinking under the weight of sin? ​​ We can leave the details to God as He will supply a way for us to follow His charge to evangelize. ​​ 

The Gospel is the accurate account of who God is,​​ what He did, who man is and what he needs, who Christ is and what He offers. ​​ The Gospel does not need to be wrapped up in a pretty package to attract people to its value.  ​​​​ It stands on its own. ​​ Jesus was not wrapped in a pretty package in order to attract sinners, nor was His message.​​ 

If you are God’s child, saved by His grace through faith, you are fully equipped to share the Gospel.

Consider what it means to be equipped for something. ​​ Being equipped means you are provided with what is necessary, useful, or appropriate,​​ (WordWeb). ​​ All of God’s children are equipped for one purpose – to bring glory and honor to His name. ​​ Often, evangelism is thought of as the gift others have, or that special training is needed. ​​ I pray you are challenged to think otherwise. ​​ You might feel you are too shy, but ponder this question – How many words each day do you speak and how many of those words are about Christ? ​​ Evangelism is simply the enthusiastic speaking and advocacy of the gospel. ​​​​ Your words and actions are the vehicles God uses to extol His praise. ​​ 

Galatians 2:20​​ says, “I have been crucified with Christ;​​ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me;​​ and the [life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me”.

Living for Christ includes telling others of His blessings and forgiveness. ​​ We readily speak about those we love, and we promote the things which are most important to us. ​​ Nothing is​​ more important than the power of the gospel which is able to save a person from an eternity of evil, suffering, pain, and turmoil in hell. ​​ There are programs such as​​ Evangelism Explosion​​ which use an effective outline and in-class training for sharing the Gospel. ​​​​ These classes help build​​ your confidence, but the message is not that you must take a course to speak of Christ. ​​ You are absolutely qualified to share the truth of God’s word and you are expected to share it, because you are God’s child. ​​​​ You were created by God’s hand to glorify​​ Him, to share the good news of His grace and mercy in a fallen world.​​ 

Every believer is able to speak of the change God has wrought in their life through His Son. ​​ This is your testimony. ​​ How did God open your eyes and heart to know Him? ​​ How has your thinking and purpose changed? ​​ Your testimony is irrefutable and can be shared with complete confidence. ​​​​ It is your personal statement of firsthand evidence of God’s work in your life. ​​ It is unique to you and carries the value of a saved soul. ​​ You do not​​ need a certificate or a specialized degree from a college or university in order to speak of God’s amazing grace. ​​ Before the foundation of the world was formed, God chose you to be an heir of His promised kingdom,​​ (Ephesians 1:3-6; 1 Peter 1:3-5). ​​​​ He has gifted you with His Holy Spirit and empowered you with His Truth.


Are you willing to speak about God?​​ ​​ We are commanded to share the Gospel, so perhaps a more correct question would be​​ are you willing to obey? ​​​​ When we sincerely pray for God’s will to​​ be carried out in our lives, we can expect His answer. ​​ Since God’s purpose is for us to proclaim His glory, He will provide what is needed to fulfill His command. ​​ ​​​​ Take a deep breath, trust God’s direction, open your mouth, proclaim His goodness, and be​​ blessed in your obedience. ​​ Sharing the hope you have is the greatest offering of love you can give to another individual.


We should be ready at any moment to talk of our testimony, how God is working in our life, and the peace and certainty He offers in​​ an ever-changing world.​​ 

Listen to Paul’s exhortation to Timothy,​​ “…preach the word;​​ be ready in season [and] out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. ​​​​ …​​ ​​ do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry”, (2 Timothy​​ 4:1-2,5).

To “be ready in season and out of season” literally means when it is convenient and opportunities are present, and when opportunities are not present. ​​ This includes when it is inconvenient, unfavorable, unseasonable, and untimely. ​​ We can affirm​​ that during this pandemic it is inconvenient, the conditions are unfavorable, and the timing is not the best – at least in our thinking. ​​ However, where we might see limitations, God has no boundaries. ​​ ​​ ​​​​ We are to be ready, literally in an​​ instant, to stand for the Gospel, to respond to opportunities handed to us and to create opportunities with those around us.

  • John 20:21​​ – You are God’s ambassador, His representative.

  • 1 Peter 3:15​​ – You are to be a defender of the faith, making a plea for​​ the gospel.

  • Matthew 4:19, Luke 5:10​​ – You are a fisher of men, seeking to take others captive for the gospel.

  • 1 Corinthians 3:9​​ – You are a laborer for the gospel, a fellow worker for Truth.

Each of these descriptions requires effort, active involvement in​​ sharing what you have because of God’s great grace in your life. ​​ There are no exceptions, we are to be bold in our speech concerning Christ. ​​ 2 Corinthians 3:12​​ reads,​​ “Having therefore such a hope, we use great boldness in [our] speech”. ​​ The translation of boldness means we are to be out-spoken, honest, and straightforward, having confidence in the Truth.  ​​​​ Think of your blessings in Christ. ​​ The motivation in sharing hope with those around us is a grateful heart desiring to speak of God’s glory!

Psalm​​ 115:1​​ Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but​​ to Thy name give glory​​ because of Thy lovingkindness, because of Thy truth.


Our lives are not about us, but about Him. ​​ We are not here to focus on ourselves, Christ has called us to care for others. ​​ Covid is not​​ an excuse to hide in a corner and forget our purpose. ​​ If you are using it as an excuse now, once it is passed, you will replace it with another. ​​ In all circumstances we are to be actively sharing Christ.


1Peter 4:11​​ Whoever speaks, [let him speak,] as​​ it were, the utterances of God; whoever serves, [let him do so] as by the strength which God supplies;​​ so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. ​​ Amen.


A feeling of dread, hopelessness, and anxiety has settled in many minds during the time of this pandemic. ​​ The world offers no concrete solutions. ​​ There is a loss of confidence in leaders. ​​ We see unrestrained behavior in those who are discontent. ​​ But you have the solution – the only solution to calm unrest.

What is more important?

  • Your friendships on earth or your friend’s eternity in heaven?

  • Someone thinking you are ‘weird’ because you speak of Jesus, or someone wondering why you did not care enough about them to share about​​ Christ?

  • Keeping silent because you fear you will not say the right words or choosing to honor God with your best efforts of sharing His Gospel?

1Corinthians 1:9​​ God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our​​ Lord.

1John 3:21​​ Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us,​​ we have confidence before God;

You have been called by God to proclaim His excellencies – His unconditional love, mercy, wisdom, power, goodness, righteousness, and truth.

Isaiah 43:21​​ "The​​ people whom I formed for Myself,​​ will declare My praise.

Consider all the things that fill your mind, the people and circumstances you speak of freely. ​​ Your family, work, travel, interests, and the many things that comprise your daily life, are all subjects of conversation. ​​ In a study published by​​ Scientific American, it was estimated that the average words spoken in a day, is around 16,000,​​ (Gender Jabber, Nikhil Swaminathan, 2007). ​​ Out of all the words you speak in a day, how many are about God and what He has done?

Recall the changes in your own life that God has produced as He faithfully reveals Himself to you. ​​ The contrast of how you used to think and what used to guide your actions should be as different as night and day. ​​ In Women’s Bible Study a​​ few weeks ago I asked the ladies to share two words – one which described them before they were saved and one which describes the change they have seen. ​​ We were all encouraged as we heard contrasts like fear turned to peace, and having no direction changed to having a purpose.  ​​​​ This ​​ transformation of your soul is not of your own doing but a result of God’s love. ​​ Because of God‘s choice to seek you, your eyes have been opened to truths you were unable to see beforehand! ​​ (Colossians 1:13-14)

Say you were​​ born physically blind. ​​ Others could describe a bright afternoon to you, yet if you had never seen light, your ability to understand the true beauty of a sun-drenched sky would be impossible. ​​ Then, the most trustworthy and knowledgeable physician in the​​ world chose to perform a procedure on you which gave you sight. ​​ You would tell everyone about this great miracle! ​​ You would not hesitate to speak of the incredible gift you had been given. ​​ Your life would be changed forever, and you would live in gratitude to the physician who had given you the ability to see.

God is our great physician! ​​ (Mark 2:17). ​​ You were in total darkness – engulfed in the power of sin and destined to a life of misery. ​​ You have been delivered to light – the understanding of who God is and what He has done. ​​ Sin has no dominion over you. ​​ Your life is now filled with trust, faith, comfort, promise, blessing, purpose, and certain hope, because of God’s grace and mercy.  ​​​​ 

Ephesians 5:8​​ for you were formerly​​ darkness, but now you are​​ light in the Lord;​​ walk as children of light

Matthew 5:16​​ "Let your light shine​​ before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Philippians 2:14-15​​ Do all things without grumbling or disputing; that you may prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you​​ appear as lights in the world,

Each of these verses speaks of evangelism: ​​ Walk as light, let your light shine, and appear as lights in the world. ​​ 

If you now walk in the understanding of who God is, and your need for Him – you are His possession, He has called you to receive His mercy and favor – not because of who you are or what you have done but because of who He is and what He has done.  ​​​​ This understanding should invoke a heart of gratitude. ​​ True gratitude, having a right appreciation for something given, leads to action. ​​ 

Look back to your answers to the questions I asked when we began. ​​ Do you​​ have assurance of your eternal future in heaven? ​​​​ Is your soul trust in Christ alone?​​ ​​ If none of this has made sense to you and you are bored out of your mind, looking at how you might quietly be able to leave, perhaps your heart is not yielded to Jesus.​​ ​​ There is a remedy – admit your need, and humbly ask Him to accept you as His child. ​​ Jesus will take your burdens and give you peace. ​​ If sin is keeping you from Him, confess your sin, ask His forgiveness, and move on in His grace. ​​ There are no magic words to say, only a sincere desire to know and please God. ​​ If you do pray that God would enter your heart, please tell someone so we can rejoice with you and encourage you. ​​ 

If you are saved, your witness is a heart devoted to God, words that proclaim His​​ praise, and a life that testifies of His power. ​​​​ You have been entrusted with the message of the Gospel. ​​ Paul tells Timothy,​​ “Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. ​​ Guard, through​​ the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to [you]”, 2 Timothy 1:13-14. ​​​​ The Gospel is the most valuable thing you can possess, and its integrity needs to be guarded. ​​ It is not to be kept to oneself, but it is to be represented correctly. ​​ As a steward of the Gospel, you have a responsibility. ​​​​ Your words and actions are a powerful message. ​​ They can either draw others in to know more about God or push them away. ​​ 

Right now, at this time in our history, what is the testimony​​ of God’s power in your life? ​​ How are your reactions, to a stressful situation, speaking of God’s blessings? ​​​​ As businesses and schools begin to open up again and life begins to return​​ to a sense of normalcy, reports of individuals feeling apprehensive and anxious are surfacing. ​​ 

You have, in your possession, the news of the most valuable gift available to mankind. ​​ It is the only solution that offers true hope – a glorious future, strength to overcome adversities in the world, a calm assurance in the midst of difficulties, and peace that surpasses understanding.​​ 

You have been saved, not for your own benefit, but for the purpose of praising God, not for yourself, but to share the miracle of your salvation with others so that they too might sing of God’s glory. ​​ The gift of your salvation is not to be hoarded!


Matthew 28:19​​ says,​​ "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

You have the incredible​​ privilege​​ of sharing the Gospel. ​​ When you move forward in faith to speak of God, you become the recipient of joy and blessing, knowing you have followed your Lord and Savior in obedience.

In the book of Acts, the apostle Paul says,​​ “But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, in order that I may finish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus,​​ to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God”​​ (Acts 20:24).

 Often, I feel inadequate to perfectly explain the precious truths in God’s word. ​​ My understanding and delivery are lacking. ​​ The things I could have said, or should have said; what I did not explain well and what I forgot, can easily act as a personal discouragement, and tempt me to be silent. ​​ Perhaps you can relate. ​​ In spite of​​ ourselves, God will use us. ​​ It is His power, His truth and His work that transforms a heart.  ​​​​ God will take our meager efforts and use them for His glorious intention. ​​​​ 2 Corinthians 3:5, “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider​​ anything as [coming] from ourselves,​​ but our adequacy is from God”.

There is a section of scripture that comes to mind most every time I have the opportunity to speak of God’s gift to mankind. ​​ Beginning in Exodus Chapter 3, God called Moses to deliver the Israelites from their oppression under the hands of the Egyptians. ​​ Moses questions God’s choice of being able to use him​​ (Ex 3:11). ​​ God assures Moses He will be with him. ​​ Throughout Chapter 3 and 4, Moses continues to focus on his own weaknesses instead of God’s power. ​​ Finally, even after God continually displays His power through miracles, Moses almost begs God to release him of the task set before him. ​​ Moses reasons that he is not a good communicator, it is difficult for him to talk. ​​ God then reminds Moses that He is well aware of Moses’ deficiencies. ​​ Listen to​​ Exodus 4:11-12,​​ And the Lord said to him,​​ “Who has made man’s mouth? ​​ Or who makes [him] dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? ​​ Is it not I, the Lord? ​​ "Now then go, and I, even I, will be with​​ your mouth, and teach you what you are to say." ​​ 

One reason we choose to overlook the command of sharing the gospel is we focus on our inability to know all the answers. ​​ We will never have all the answers! ​​ But we do have everything we need.

God’s Word​​ – His undeniable truths, which is His complete testimony to mankind of His love, forgiveness, and faithfulness,

The Holy Spirit​​ – who gives us understanding of God’s word, and direction in what to say, and

Our Testimony​​ – the irrefutable and continued evidence of God’s work in our life.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ You might feel you do not have the gift of evangelism. ​​ However, God calls each of us to share His Gospel. ​​ He calls us to trust in His work and His strength as He uses us for His glory. ​​ We need to reach out to others, to build friendships with the hope of sharing Truth, and encourage those who are struggling, to set their eyes on Jesus. ​​ When we say we can’t, we are relying on ourselves. ​​ In Christ, we can.

Colossians 4:5-6​​ Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders,​​ making the most of the opportunity.​​ ​​ Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, [as it were,] with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person.

1Peter 3:15​​ But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts,​​ always​​ [being] ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;

 We can allow the fear of how men perceive us to dictate our actions. ​​ Rather, we need to have our words and actions guided by our reverence and fear of God. ​​ (Isaiah 8:13)​​ 

Jesus proclaims in​​ John 14:16,​​ "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me”. ​​ 

 Those you love and those you come in contact with, need to hear about Jesus. ​​ The world is so desperately lost in its sin and selfishness. ​​ I pray that the majority of our 16,000 words each day are about God’s excellencies. ​​ You are fully equipped in God’s grace to evangelize. ​​ Use your words to testify to His glory. ​​ Live your​​ life to bring Him honor. ​​ Let the excitement for what God has given you in Christ, fill your heart with gratitude which compels you to share the hope you have with others.

If you are confused, in Christ you will find clarity. ​​ If you are hurting, in Christ you will find hope. ​​ If you are uncertain, in Christ you will find ​​ confidence. ​​ In an ever-changing world, Christ remains constant.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ “The Gospel is a fact, therefore tell it simply; it is a joyful fact, therefore tell it cheerfully; it is an​​ entrusted fact, therefore tell it faithfully; it is a fact of infinite moment, therefore tell it earnestly; it is a fact about a Person, therefore preach Christ”,​​ Archibald Brown, Spurgeon’s successor.

His Protection

God will protect those who are His; He will preserve and guard them for Christ’s return. Philippians 1:6 reads, [For I am] confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

“May grace​​ (the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude)​​ and peace​​ (prosperity and quietness)​​ be yours in the fullest measure” 1 Peter 1:2b. ​​ 

Because –

  • We are protected by God’s power (v.5)

1Peter 1:5 who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Who is who? ​​ The​​ chosen, those called according to the foreknowledge of God, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, according to His mercy by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. ​​ If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord – meaning you live according to His word, and Savior – meaning you recognize your need of Christ’s death on the cross to pay for your sins, then you are not able to claim the security of God’s protection. ​​ A personal relationship with Jesus is available to all yet is exclusive to those who humbly accept His grace.​​ 

 What does it mean to be protected? ​​​​ We​​ are kept, we are watched, we are guarded – in every which way. ​​ We are watched​​ in advance​​ and we are guarded​​ from all directions. ​​​​ When looking to God for protection, we will not be overcome by anything that threatens us. ​​ Whatever our difficulties, afflictions or sorrows, we are absolutely secure in God. ​​ Picture the defense of a castle with turrets pointing in all directions. ​​ God’s protection is continuous, not only a defense when danger is seen but born from knowledge of all things that are to come. ​​ 

 Consider how well you are able to protect someone you love. ​​ Even with your best efforts, there is absolutely no guarantee you can keep harm from those in your care. ​​ I can recount several times that my children got hurt, either physically or by unkind words or actions of others. ​​ Bumps, bruises, stitches, broken bones, and broken hearts are part of living in the world. ​​ However, nothing is able to change our standing in Christ and the eternal salvation He has granted.

 God’s children are protected​​ by the power of God. ​​​​ His​​ power​​ is miraculous in its​​ ability,​​ abundance,​​ intent, strength and wonder.​​ 

  • God’s power​​ is able to accomplish​​ anything. ​​ If we understand and believe this, there​​ is never a reason to lose​​ hope. ​​ What might seem impossible to us is never beyond the ability of God.

Matthew​​ 19:26 And looking upon [them] Jesus said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Luke​​ 18:27 But He said, "The things impossible with men are possible with God."


  • God’s power​​ is always​​ more than enough. ​​​​ We might be able to muscle our way through some difficulty barely making it ‘by the skin of our teeth’. ​​ God’s power is ample, given in quantities that never run out and never fall short.

Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord, and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite.

Isaiah​​ 40:28 Do you not know?​​ ​​ Have you not heard?​​ ​​ The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. ​​ His understanding is inscrutable.


  • God’s​​ power​​ is intentional. ​​​​ God’s​​ power is characterized by purpose. ​​ Picture the common fairytale with a wand yielded by an imaginary character. ​​ The wand is​​ pointed and sometimes results are what​​ were​​ desired; sometimes the results are a bit of a surprise. ​​ This is haphazard power at best. ​​ God’s power is given with​​ knowledge;​​ it is deliberate and is performed with a specific intent, His perfect plan.

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [His] purpose.

2Tmothy​​ 1:8-9​​ Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, or of me His prisoner; but join with [me] in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God,​​ who has saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity,


  • God’s power​​ has no match in its strength. ​​​​ God has the power to save and the power to forgive sins. ​​ He has power over nature and the power to uphold all things by His word. ​​ Hebrews chapter 11 gives us a list of details how God manifested His power through those who believed in Him.

  Hebrews 11:33 who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed [acts of]​​  righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power​​  of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became​​  mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.

  Psalm 93:4 The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters,​​  yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.​​ KJV

Nahum​​ 1:3 The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and the LORD will by no means leave [the guilty] unpunished.​​ ​​ In whirlwind and storm is His way, and clouds are the dust beneath His feet.


  • God’s​​ power​​ is full of wonder. ​​​​ Consider His miraculous creation. ​​ Consider His marvellous works. ​​ 

Exodus​​ 15:11 "Who is like Thee among the gods, O LORD? Who is like Thee, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders?

Psalm​​ 77:14 Thou art the God who workest wonders; Thou hast made known Thy strength among the peoples.

Daniel 4:3 "How great are His signs, and how mighty are His wonders!​​ ​​ His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation.

 We are protected by the power of God​​ through faith. ​​​​ Faith​​ is the​​ persuasion, acceptance, and moral conviction of the truthfulness of God. ​​ It is reliance upon Christ alone for salvation, the Gospel, assurance, belief and confidence in God. ​​ 

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of [things] hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. ​​ Faith in a believer’s heart is bestowed through God’s grace,​​ (Ephesians 2:8-9). ​​​​ We are saved by grace through faith and we can have confidence that God will keep us in His care.

Albert Barnes’ NT Commentary​​ says God “does not keep us by the mere exertion of power, but He excites faith in our hearts, and makes that the means of keeping us. ​​ As long as we have faith in God, and in His promises, we are safe”. ​​ 

Ours is not only a hopeful faith, it is a certain faith wrought by God’s own power. ​​ 

For what are we protected? ​​ A salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. ​​​​ This​​ is our final and ultimate rescue and deliverance. ​​​​ The​​ Teacher’s Commentary​​ states we will see complete victory over the fight in our flesh toward sin and we will witness complete deliverance from trials, persecution and sorrow.


John 10:28-29​​ and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand.​​ ​​ "My Father, who has given [them] to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch [them] out of the Father's hand.

This​​ is incredible, this is our hope and​​ this is Truth. ​​​​ If you follow Christ, you are secured by His power through faith for salvation.


  • Are you holding fast to the confidence you have in Christ? ​​​​ 

  • During this time of uncertainty, how is your faith being manifested in your thoughts, actions and words?


 “Who are, by the mighty power of God, through the means of their faith wrought in them by the Spirit of God, kept to the full obtaining and fruition of that salvation, which, having been purchased and revealed by Christ, is ready to be consummated in these last days of the world”,​​ Hall’s Explication of Hard Texts.


 God will protect those who are His; He will preserve and guard them for Christ’s return. ​​ Philippians 1:6​​ reads,​​ [For I am] confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.


Read this summary found in​​ Philip Doddridge’s N.T. Commentary, “Who, though now surrounded with many apparent dangers, are not left defenseless, but are guarded as in a strong and impregnable garrison, by the almighty power of God, through the continued exercise of that faith which this almighty power wrought in your hearts; and he will still maintain it unto that blessed hour when you shall receive the complete and eternal salvation which is already prepared, and though now kept as under a veil, is to be revealed in its full radiance of glory, in the last time, the grand period, in which all the mysteries of divine Providence shall beautifully terminate.


Saved to the Uttermost

Our position as God’s children has been given to us as a gift, regardless of our lacking deservedness. So where we were once enslaved we are free, where we were in danger we are now safe, where we were dead in our trespasses we have been healed, where we were in decay from sin we have been kept and where we were broken we are now whole again.

Jesus is our guarantee (Hebrews 7:22) and He abides forever (Hebrews 7:24). ​​ Therefore, we read in​​ Hebrews 7:25, “Hence, also, He is able to save forever those​​ who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them”.

Notice the words forever and always in the above scripture! ​​ When needing encouragement, there is no better place to look than in the truth of God’s word. ​​ We often do not place enough weight on the finality of our salvation. ​​ It is difficult to imagine the completeness of our forgiveness when we continue to fall short. ​​ We naturally live on a conditional basis. ​​ If someone is kind to us then we are kind to them; if we​​ are given a smile then we are approved, if we are helped then we feel loved and if someone calls then we are remembered. ​​ We could go on and on with this list.

We cannot treat our relationship with Christ the same as any earthly relationship. ​​ Although our thinking falters, His is perfect. ​​ Our actions are lacking, God’s love is complete and unconditional. ​​ Why is this important to embrace? ​​ Because regardless of how we feel or what we have done, His love for us remains the same. ​​ Those He has chosen to be His children are His children, never disowned. ​​ Yes, we will always be undeserving if resting upon our own abilities, but in Christ we are 100% justified. ​​ God’s love is fully complete based on His perfect holiness. ​​ There is nothing we add, there is nothing needed. ​​ Hebrews 7:25 says, “He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him”. ​​ 

 To be saved means we​​ have been​​ delivered, we​​ are​​ protected, we​​ are​​ healed, we​​ are​​ preserved, and we​​ are​​ made whole. ​​ There is no question. ​​ Our position as God’s children has been given to us as a gift, regardless of our lacking deservedness. ​​ So where we were once enslaved we are free, where we were in danger we are now safe, where we were dead in our trespasses we have been healed, where we were in decay from sin we have been kept and where we were broken we are now whole again. ​​ This is marvelous! ​​ There truly are no words to express the magnitude of Christ’s gift to us.

We cannot miss the time extension of salvation. ​​ Forever. ​​ This literally means full-ended or entire – to the uttermost. ​​ We don’t lose God’s gift, it does not end when we fail or until the next time we falter. ​​ Salvation is given beyond the most extreme human understanding of time. ​​ Never to run out. ​​ Never to be used up. ​​ We are completely saved from the guilt, the power and the eternal consequences of sin.

 But, you say, there must be something expected to obtain this marvelous gift! ​​ There is no condition upon God’s employ of it but there is an action of our will, a response to His​​ call. ​​ Salvation is for “those who draw near to God through Him [Christ]”. ​​ Have we come near the throne of Jesus? ​​ Do we worship Him? ​​ Are we in agreement with our need of His salvation? Do we live for Him? ​​ The challenge is to take these questions a step​​ further.​​ How have I come near the throne of Jesus? ​​ How do I worship Him? How are these applications seen in my life? ​​​​ 

The answer to the first set of questions are either yes or no. ​​ Jesus did not die for our convenience, just to be sought when we are desperate. ​​ He committed His life for ours, continuously extending grace. “He is able to save, from the power, guilt, nature, and punishment of sin, to the uttermost, to all intents, degrees, and purposes; and always, and in and through all times, places and circumstances” (Adam Clarke’s Commentary).​​ 

 We are saved, we are safe, and we are blessed, because of Christ. ​​ At all times and in all circumstances, we can be encouraged and we are to be joy-filled. ​​ Romans 5:9-11 says, “Much more then, having now been​​ justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath [of God] through Him.​​ For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be​​ saved by His life.​​ And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.”

Be encouraged, my friend! ​​ If you have responded to Christ’s call, you are saved to the uttermost. ​​ There is incredible joy in this truth no matter what circumstances may surround you. ​​ The world may seem scary and man’s message is full of uncertainty and sinful vices, but in this scary world God’s truth gives peace and erases doubt. ​​ His power overcomes the control of a sinful nature. God’s hand is over all things. ​​ Nothing is surprising to Him and He is certainly big enough to handle all concerns, problems and actions of man. ​​ And through all things, He holds His children, He will not lose them nor forsake them. ​​ His love for you has no end and no limits.

Focus Heavenward with me to the praise of His name alone, Sharyn.

Romans 8:31-32 What then shall we say to these things? If God [is] for us, who [is] against us?​​ He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also​​ with Him freely give us all things?

Salvation Hope

Ps 119:166-168 I hope for Thy salvation, O LORD, and do Thy commandments.167 My soul keeps Thy testimonies, and I love them exceedingly. 168 I keep Thy precepts and Thy testimonies, for all my ways are before Thee.

Look back a few verses in Psalm 119.  David loves God’s word (v.163); this leads him to praise God (v.164); which produces peace through difficulties and no worries that he might stumble (v.165).  There is hope and strength in God to keep going in a way that glorifies Him!

What is hope?  It is the expectation that something will happen.  Hope in the world is based on chance, like wishing for something.  We can be optimistic and full of hope that something will turn out well but there are no guarantees.  Hope in the biblical sense is absolute when placed in the hands of God.  Hope is certain confidence in God!

How do we get hope?  By faith – believing that God is who He says He is and will do what He claims.  True faith is trusting in God’s plan alone for the future.  Years ago I had a sign in my kitchen that said, “I placed all my eggs in one basket and gave the basket to God”.  This is contrary to the world in which diversity is encouraged.  Diversity is the idea that if one area fails you haven’t lost everything, there is still a chance for success in other areas.

The world doesn’t know God!  God will not fail.  Our best investment for our future is to place all our hope in God’s plan.  This is the hope our Psalmist is speaking of in Psalm 119:166.

What does our Psalmist hope for?  Salvation.  God’s deliverance, His aid, His victory, His prosperity.  In other words, all things that are good and for my welfare come from God.  We can have hope for now – that God will continually guide and help us – and for the future of our salvation.

Re 22:14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city.

Ps 130:5-7  I wait for the LORD, my soul does wait, and in His word do I hope. 6 My soul [waits] for the Lord More than the watchmen for the morning; [Indeed, more than] the watchmen for the morning. 7 O Israel, hope in the LORD; for with the LORD there is lovingkindness, And with Him is abundant redemption.

What action is taken while hope is deferred?  Obedience. The Psalmist says he follows God’s commandments.

Matthew Poole’s Commentary says, “Thus performing the condition which thou hast required, I justly and confidently hope for thy mercy promised”.

Ps 4:5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD.

Ps 24:3-5 Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? And who may stand in His holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood, and has not sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive a blessing from the LORD and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

First, we must have faith.  Then we have certain hope of God’s salvation as we obey His commands.  The gift of God’s salvation produces a desire to please Him and follow His words.  As we consistently seek to do God’s will, we are assured of our relationship with Him – obedience is evidence of our certain salvation.

“This is the true posture in which all the servants of God should desire to be found — hoping in his mercy, and doing his commands. How easy were it to demonstrate the connection between the mental feeling here recognized, and the obedience with which it is here associated! It is the hope of salvation which is the great and pervading motive to holiness, and it is the consciousness of obedience to the will of God which strengthens our hope of interest in the divine mercy.” —John Morison, in The Treasury of David

Where is your hope?  Are you absolutely certain of your salvation in Christ?  Are you living in obedience to His commands?

Moving on to the next verse in our group, we are caused to look carefully at the description the Psalmist uses of himself in keeping God’s commands.

Ps 119:167 My soul keeps Thy testimonies, and I love them exceedingly.

My soul – that very part of us that makes us a being; our body, our heart, and our mind.

In other words, my spirit is in accordance with God’s plan.  My desire lines up with God’s commands.  If I obey in action but my thoughts and words are not supportive, I am a hypocrite.  If I think right without taking action, I have not witnessed for God.  If I use the words that sound pleasing to God but have no evidence in my life, my words are empty.

Picture the ingredients to make brownies on the kitchen counter.  All items needed to make something gooey and delicious are available in separate bowls ready to work together.  If I leave something out while mixing, the brownies will not be as yummy as they could be.  Each part needs to be included to make the whole recipe complete.  Also recognize that unless I make some effort to use the ingredients, they will remain on the counter and not be transformed.

When David says his soul keeps God’s testimonies, he is saying in effect that he is completely saturated in his desire to obey God.  There is nothing he is holding back, and nothing he has kept out.  He is immersed in God’s love.

Consider for a moment all the wonderful pleasures God has allowed in your life.  Family, friends, a place to live, activities, involvement, and on and on.  These blessings are for us to enjoy, however none of these things is more important than obeying God’s word. Is obedience to His commands first in your life?

Joh 15:9-11 “Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.10 “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments, and abide in His love.11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and [that] your joy may be made full.

We keep God’s testimonies because we love them!  In Psalm 119:167, David says he loves God’s testimonies exceedingly.  Our failures and imperfections are not the measure of our love for God.  It is our soul, our desire to follow after all His commands, and our sincere efforts to live a life pleasing to Him in obedience.

“Let not our consciousness of daily failures make us shrink from this strong expression of confidence. It is alleged as an evidence of grace, not as a claim of merit, and therefore the most humble believer need not hesitate to adopt it as the expression of Christian sincerity before God. David aspired to no higher character than that of a poor sinner: but he was conscious of spirituality of obedience, “exceeding love” to the divine word, and an habitual walk under the eye of his God — the evidences of a heart (often mentioned in the Old Testament)” perfect with him.” —Charles Bridges, in The Treasury of David

In Psalm 119:167 we read that David loves God’s testimonies exceedingly.  Think of the words intense, vehement and diligent.  These three words are included in the Hebrew adjective describing this word.  Consider something or someone that you love with such strength and energy that you know your love will persevere regardless of difficulties.  This is the love described for us that David has toward God’s testimonies.  His love for God is extreme and it shows in his life.  What consideration can we make for ourselves from this example?

Moving on the Psalm 119:168, we read:

Ps 119:168 I keep Thy precepts and Thy testimonies, for all my ways are before Thee.

We have looked closely at the word keep several times beforehand in our study of Psalm 119.  The definition of keep means to protect.  The picture given is a hedge with thorns preserving what is valuable.  We are to take utmost care to preserve God’s truth in its entirety.  Our understanding of God’s commands and our representation of God’s commands speak of our carefulness to uphold the Word.

As we have moved through this section of scripture, we have seen the Psalmists confidence in God’s Word, his obedience toward God’s Word and now his careful attention to follow God’s Word.  When you consider paying careful attention to something, it requires intent study, effort, and understanding.  This certainly would work to David’s benefit but more important is his love for God and desire to honor Him.

“For all my ways are before Thee”.  God sees all that we do and understands our motivation.  God is omniscient. Every area of our life is known by Him.  We need to pay attention that each decision we make, and every word we say or think, is in accordance with honoring God.

Picture a closet in your home.  The areas we see may look organized and picked up.  What about the corners, the areas way in the back recesses where things get stashed or are rarely used?  It is easier to address what is directly in front of us.  But those things that are hidden we can readily ignore.  God sees all.  Is it time for a thorough closet cleaning?

Pr 5:21 For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He watches all his paths.

Ps 139:3 Thou dost scrutinize my path and my lying down, and art intimately acquainted with all my ways.

Jer 23:24 “Can a man hide himself in hiding places, so I do not see him?” declares the LORD. “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” declares the LORD.

God sees our heart.  Do we live accordingly?  Does the certainty of our salvation cause us to rejoice in doing all that God commands?  Does our love for God lead us to obey His Word?  Does our understanding of God’s omniscience motivate us to carefully honor Him in all things?

Be encouraged!  God knows we are unable to live effectively for Him on our own.  As we call upon His strength and grace, we are able to honor Him with our lives.

2Th 2:16-17 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.

Grocery Carts and Special Gifts

I can’t explain all of this, but by His grace, I knew, I understood. I wasn’t alone. I never had been. We treasure the gifts that are most precious to us.

We remember the most significant times in our lives. ​​ Sometimes with such clarity that we are able to picture exactly where we were and who was present. ​​ Memories can​​ be so strong that even our senses and emotions of a particular event instantly flood back into our consciousness just as if we were there again. ​​ Perhaps you can recall several of these times in your life over the years.

A few memories come to my mind. ​​ The first time I took my three young children to the grocery store. By myself. It seems like a funny thing to have a strong memory of but I can see it in my mind like it was yesterday. ​​ I know where I parked the van, I remember the market I went to and the nervousness I felt wondering how I was going to get a newborn, a two year old and a six year old to the store and back with groceries. ​​ Another memory I have is of a particular Christmas morning. My family always had what we needed but not much extra. I was​​ only about six years old and I desperately wanted a specific baby doll and also a mini playhouse with little mouse characters one year. ​​ It would be very unusual to receive both gifts so I was set on being happy for whichever one ended up under the tree.​​ ​​ I remember being totally surprised – to the point of tears – upon receiving both of my desires. ​​ 

The gift I received when God unveiled my eyes to His truth is by far the most significant event in my life. ​​ I can remember it like it was yesterday. ​​ I know​​ the room I was in, I can feel the emotions. ​​ An overwhelming sense of relief and peace flooded my mind as I recall giving up my way for God’s direction. ​​ I remember the immediate release of burdens I had unnecessarily placed on my shoulders. ​​ Circumstances that were too heavy for me to carry were given to God. ​​ I can’t explain all of this, but by His grace, I knew, I understood. ​​ I wasn’t alone. ​​ I never had been. ​​ We treasure the gifts that are most precious to us. ​​ 

The gift of salvation is special because of its significance. ​​​​ There is simply no other gift that is able to change your life completely in the present or for eternity!​​ 

What marks its significance?

It is Spectacular in its effects on the heart.​​ 

De 30:6 "Moreover the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, to love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, in order that you may live.

Eze 11:19 "And I shall give them one heart, and shall put a new spirit within them. And I shall take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,

Do you know of anything else that has such an outstanding, dramatic and real response as a heart that has been miraculously changed from within? ​​ 

The spectacular effects on a saved soul is undeniable. ​​ No one is able to refute the change that took place in my heart when God opened my eyes to His truth.

It is Striking in its ability to direct attention to God.

2Co 7:10 For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation; but the sorrow of the world produces death.

2Ti 1:9​​ [God]​​ who has saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity,

Ac 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved."

Isa 45:22 "Turn to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is​​ no other.

God used circumstances to direct my full attention towards His truth. ​​ One moment I was focused on what I needed to do, then through His grace, I was directed towards what He had already done for me.

It is Sensational in its strength.

1Co 1:18 For the word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Ro 8:3 For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God [did:] sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh​​ and [as an offering] for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh,

Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

1Co 15:54 But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written,​​ "DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP​​ in victory.​​ 55​​ "O DEATH, WHERE​​ IS YOUR VICTORY? O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING?"

Ro 5:9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

Isa 12:2 "Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation."

Following rules and regulations set by man’s wisdom only changes the outside appearance. ​​ We learn to concentrate on what things look like. ​​ I thought I was okay because I looked good to myself and​​ others on the outside. ​​ God’s Truth cuts through to the soul, exposing the need we have for Him. ​​ I know of nothing or no one who is able to read my heart perfectly – except God.

It Shines from its source of Glory.

2Co 4:6 For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

Heb 1:3 And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high;

Ps 93:1 The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The LORD has clothed and girded Himself with strength; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved.

Ps 104:1 Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, Thou art very great; Thou art clothed with splendor and majesty,

God is light. ​​ In Him there is no darkness. ​​ He alone is worthy of praise and honor and glory. ​​ He has chosen to touch His children with the gift of salvation that none other can give. ​​ The Spectacular, Striking, Sensational, Shining gift of Salvation. ​​ Have you unwrapped His gift?




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