Pencil ME in? Ps 119:132

Truth: because we are weak, we are unable to respond perfectly and accurately in regards to our feelings. So while emotions have a part in our lives, it is better to act upon knowledge – the facts we possess to be true and right and honest and holy.

A schedule. A list. A calendar. We run our days by events and timetables. Sometimes a list is handy to order things from greater importance to lesser importance. I’m a list gal, mostly because I can forget easily and realize later I missed an important date or neglected to make a necessary phone call. Schedules and lists help to keep us on task and also set time slots aside for appointments.

I used to look forward to picking out a new calendar each year which would serve as our family organizer in order to remember everyone’s activities and responsibilities. As technology has reached into all facets of our lives, my printed calendar is now replaced by the calendar on my phone.

Taking a look at someone’s scheduled days will give an idea of priorities in each 24-hour interval. Glancing at a full months’ plan shows a picture of your activities in a measured period of time.
Why am I bringing this up?  Looking at where your monetary resources are used gives an indication of priorities; viewing where your time is spent, with whom and what activities, provides a glimpse of what is valued.

Even the most important persons in our lives sometimes have to wait for an opening in our busy schedules. In times of emergency, we will quickly cross off all other engagements. But, typically, in order to get together with specific people we need to schedule them in a particular slot. We frequently ‘pencil’ in the time and hope it works.

Not so with God! At least on His part. He’s always free to meet with us, He’s even there when we might not necessarily have requested Him.  Take a closer look at Ps 119:132.