July 4th, 2020

Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, suffered and died so that we might be declared free from the control of sin. Celebrate your freedom.

The Fourth of July, or Independence Day in the United States, celebrates the declaration of America’s freedom​​ from the British​​ monarchy. ​​ This day is typified by fireworks, gatherings, parades, and several types of outdoor activities. ​​ 

This year, our celebration may look a bit different. ​​ Many areas will not have​​ fireworks​​ displays, and large gatherings have been discouraged as the fight to control Covid19 continues. ​​ However, we still have ample reason to celebrate. ​​ As I think of freedom, my first thought goes to the freedom we have in America to worship God. ​​ Each time we pick up our Bible to read, it is a gift. ​​ To be able to speak of God openly is a gift. ​​ To have books and resources available to encourage our understanding and knowledge of Jesus Christ, is a gift. ​​ These are all gifts, undeserved and freely given by the hand of God.

The most incredible freedom a Believer has is the freedom from sin’s control. ​​ A monarch usually inherits authority. ​​ In Christ, the monarchy of sin has been abolished. ​​ Although it is obvious our world is troubled by sin and selfishness,​​ there is no reason for despair. ​​ God reigns and His glory will​​ prevail. ​​ A heart that trusts in the power and truth of a sovereign God will be directed by His goodness and mercy, even in the midst of unrest.​​ ​​ At no point in time are things out of control. ​​ Covid19, police brutality, racial inequality, economic downturn, political slander,​​ and the current upheaval of many cities, are a desperate picture of our need for a Redeemer. ​​ 

Isaiah​​ 53:3-6​​ says,​​ “He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief;​​ and like one from whom men hide their face, He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.​​ Surely our griefs He Himself bore,​​ and our sorrows He carried;​​ yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken,​​ smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities;​​ the chastening for our well-being [fell] upon Him,​​ and by His scourging we are healed.​​ All of us like sheep have gone astray,​​ each of us has turned to his own way;​​ but the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all​​ to fall on Him.”

Jesus Christ, our Redeemer,​​ suffered and died so that we might be declared free from​​ the control of​​ sin. ​​ Celebrate your freedom. ​​ More importantly, share your freedom​​ in Christ​​ as you gather in smaller groups this year. ​​ Pray for those you know to break free from​​ the control of sin and selfishness. ​​ Trust in the perfect plan God has for His children. ​​​​ Enjoy​​ your blessings.

Ps 118:19-24​​  ​​​​ Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks to the LORD.​​ This is the gate of the LORD;​​ the righteous will enter through it. I shall give thanks to Thee, for Thou hast answered me;​​ and Thou hast become my salvation.​​ The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner [stone.] This is the LORD'S doing;​​ it is marvelous in our eyes.​​ This is the day which the LORD has made;​​ let us rejoice and be glad in it.

In Christ Alone My Hope is Found …

When we suffer for our own poor choices there is no glory only shame. When we are persecuted for standing in the truth of God’s word, the glory is God’s.

A saddened heart, tears of sorrow​​ – this is the response to​​ mayhem. ​​ Our eyes have been assaulted with scenes of willful violence and unrest against individuals and properties. ​​ Clearly,​​ we see the bent of our sinfulness displayed in the rioting and looting and total disregard for authority among crowds that gather for the purpose of causing trouble. ​​ 

Should we be surprised? ​​ Solomon tells us there is nothing new under the sun. ​​ Ecclesiastes​​ 1:9 That which has been is that which will be,​​ and that which has been done is that which will be done. So, there is nothing new under the sun. ​​​​ But it is​​ embarrassing. ​​ The unsolicited​​ degradation​​ of mankind’s sinful nature. ​​ Could God wipe us all out in a spoken word or from a slight movement of His hand? ​​ Yes.​​ ​​ Would He be justified in doing so? ​​ Absolutely.​​ ​​ However, He will​​ continue to protect​​ those who are His. ​​ Hope is not lost for those who trust in His omniscient power; He is preserving an eternal future bereft of sin. ​​ For this, we can be overwhelmingly thankful. ​​​​ We can still have peace.

So, what do we do? ​​ Seek Truth from His word. ​​ Engross yourself in His righteousness.

Daniel 9:4-5 And​​ I prayed​​ to the LORD my God​​ and confessed​​ and said, "Alas, O Lord,​​ the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments,​​ we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly, and rebelled, even turning aside from Thy commandments and ordinances.

We pray. ​​ We come before God with a heart that trusts in Him. ​​ We ask God to hear us and to fix us. ​​ We let our requests be made known to Him.

We ask forgiveness. ​​ We admit wrongdoing. ​​ We recognize and regret our hostility against God.

We praise God for His faithfulness. ​​​​ We praise God for His protection, His​​ promises,​​ and His mercy even in the midst of rebellion and undeservedness.

We​​ call​​ sin what it is​​ – wickedness and rebellion. ​​ It is not a right, nor a​​ freedom of speech. ​​ It is lawlessness.​​ 

Daniel 9:8-9 "Open shame belongs to us, O Lord, to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, because we have sinned against Thee. ​​ "To the Lord our God belong compassion and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against Him;

We admit our shame and our sin against God’s commands. ​​ No excuses, no blame on others, taking full responsibility for our own actions that dishonor His name. ​​ Our sin is the cause for confusion.

We trust in His compassion and forgiveness. ​​​​ God has a tender love for​​ His creation. ​​ He will continue to show mercy because of who He is, not because we deserve it, but because of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice.

Our sinful nature is not unknown to God. ​​ The Word says we should not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among us. ​​ But​​ we are to​​ make certain we are not the direct cause​​ of rebellion. ​​ When we suffer for our own poor choices​​ there is no glory only shame. ​​ When we are persecuted for standing​​ in the​​ truth​​ of God’s word, the glory is God’s.

1Peter​​ 4:12-16​​ Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation.​​ ​​ If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.​​ ​​ By no means let any of you suffer as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a​​ troublesome meddler;​​ but if [anyone suffers] as a Christian, let him not feel ashamed, but in that name let him glorify God.

We can continue to rejoice in the name of Christ. ​​ We must share the hope we have in Christ. ​​ He alone​​ is the only solution to a world that needs forgiveness.


Hate Sin

When what we love and consider beautiful and important is shattered and maligned, it causes a feeling of personal assault.



Looking back at​​ Psalm 119:160-162, we read David’s description of God’s word. ​​ 

  • God’s word is true in its entirety

  • God’s word will last forever

  • God’s word is to be revered

  • God’s word produces joy

When we contemplate the deep love our Psalmist has for God’s word, it is reasonable and even expected that he would​​ hate everything​​ that is opposite of the Truth. ​​ Strong adjectives are used in verse 163 as​​ David​​ describes his thoughts regarding​​ lies. ​​​​ He uses the word falsehood as a description of that which deviates or perverts the truth – which is the law, God’s law.

Ps 119:163​​ I​​ hate​​ and despise​​ falsehood, [But] I love Thy law.

Hate​​ <sane’> to hate​​ personally; enemy, foe,​​ odious, to hate utterly

The words above are intense and full of aversion towards sin. ​​ Sin is regarded as the enemy or the​​ foe, in direct opposition to truth. ​​ There is a personal element to this hatred. ​​ When what we love and consider beautiful and important is shattered and maligned, it causes a feeling of personal assault. ​​ The word odious is a bit more uncommon and strengthens the emotion of hate. ​​ It means unequivocally detestable according to WordWeb. ​​ The adjectives abominable and detestable are close synonyms.

 Rarely, do we use the word despise in accordance with our likes and dislikes. ​​ Here in Psalm 119:163, hate and despise are​​ used together to describe lying. ​​ Despising something is to loathe it, to morally detest it. ​​ These​​ emotions are extremely negative and paint for us a strong picture of David’s feelings. ​​​​ What can we gather from the first part of Psalm 119:163? ​​ How are we to respond to sin? ​​ Primarily, how are we to think of lies and attacks and misrepresentation of the Truth? ​​ 

It is often easier for us to focus on others behavior​​ rather than our own. Rather than initiating a pointed finger outward, we would do well to first look within.​​ David personally hates​​ his own​​ sin. ​​ This is​​ the​​ place for us to begin. ​​ The feelings our Psalmist has toward​​ sin​​ begins in​​ his own heart, with his own transgression. ​​ Earlier in this Psalm, David addresses the need for his own sin to be removed and replaced with Truth. ​​ He recognizes that unfaithfulness to God​​ is wrong and cannot be a part of life that honors the Word.

Ps 119:29​​ Remove the false way from me, and graciously grant me Thy law.

Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible​​ says David “had a rooted antipathy to sin; he could not endure to think of it … Hypocrisy is lying; false doctrine is lying; breach of faith is lying… Every man hates to have a lie told him; but we should more hate telling a lie because by the former we only receive an affront from men, by the latter we give an affront to God”.

The feelings we have toward deceit is directly proportional to the​​ sensitivity​​ we have for God’s Word. ​​ If we are​​ apathetic​​ towards the Word, we will not be careful about lying. ​​ If we love God’s Word, lying will cause​​ us deep personal feelings of grief because we offend God. ​​ As we grow in our love and knowledge of God, lying​​ will cease from our lives.

Deceit is not just apparent in words we might use but also in actions. ​​ When our actions do not line up with our words this is called​​ hypocrisy. ​​ Think of insincerity –​​ pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have; in other words,​​ falsehood. Especially in Psalm 119:163​​ sin​​ is related to​​ going against​​ what is believed and worshipped. ​​ 

Look again at the Psalmist’s personal struggle with sin and sorrow addressed in verses 25-29 of this same chapter. ​​ He recognized a need to ask God to clean up his own heart, to keep his soul from sin. ​​​​ Always, God is the one transforming us. ​​ I can desire to​​ separate from sin​​ but​​ I am unable to peel​​ away its​​ hold on me without God’s grace. ​​ 

Ps 119:25-29​​ ​​ My soul cleaves to the dust; Revive me according to Thy word.​​ 26​​ I have told of my ways, and Thou hast answered me; teach me Thy statutes.​​ 27​​ Make me understand the way of Thy precepts, so I will meditate on Thy wonders.​​ 28​​ My soul weeps because of grief; strengthen me according to Thy word.​​ 29​​ Remove the false way from me,​​ and​​ graciously grant me Thy law.

As we​​ learn to​​ focus more on​​ the truths in God’s word, our understanding​​ of God’s direction for us​​ will increase. ​​ As our understanding increases, our recognition of sin is magnified. ​​ And our hate of falsehood strengthens.

Ps 119:104 From Thy precepts I get understanding;​​ therefore I hate every false way.

Ps​​ 119:113 I​​ hate those who are double-minded,​​ but​​ I love Thy law.

 Think back several years ago to when God​​ first​​ opened your eyes to His Truth. ​​ It is likely that what you believed acceptable then is no longer seen as profitable in your life now. ​​ As I read and study God’s Word, He shows me areas of incorrect thinking. ​​ Sin is brought to the forefront of my mind and​​ He allows me to​​ recognize where I​​ am struggling. ​​ I hate sin because God hates sin. ​​ I desire to address it rather than accept it in my life. ​​ God is at work in each of His children. ​​ Do we recognize His care for us? ​​​​ Following are several more scriptures that address sin.

Pr 6:16-19​​ There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:​​ Haughty eyes,​​ a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood,​​ Pr 6:18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil,​​ A false witness [who] utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.

Ro 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy.​​ Abhor what is evil;​​ cling to what is good.

Ps 36:1-4 (For the choir director. [A Psalm] of David the servant of the LORD.)​​ Transgression speaks to the ungodly within his heart;​​ there is no fear of God before his eyes.​​ ​​ For it flatters him in his [own] eyes, concerning the discovery of his iniquity [and] the hatred [of it.]​​ The words of his mouth are wickedness and deceit; He has ceased to be wise [and] to do good.​​ He plans wickedness upon his bed; He sets himself on a path that is not good;​​ He does not despise evil.

Ps 97:10​​ ​​ Hate evil, you who love the LORD, Who preserves the souls of His godly ones; He delivers them from the hand of the wicked.

Zec 8:16 'These are the things which you should do:​​ speak the truth to one another; judge with truth and judgment for peace in your gates.

David loves God’s Word and hates man’s deceit. ​​ The Word and deceit do​​ not agree with​​ each​​ other; truth and lies,​​ and love and hate are not compatible. ​​ Look around. ​​ Is the world in harmony?

Falsehood in doctrine, in life, or in speech, falsehood in any form or shape, had become utterly detestable to the Psalmist….He does not, however, alone refer to falsehood in conversation; he evidently intends perversity in faith and teaching. He set down all opposition to the God of truth as lying, and then he turned his whole soul against​​ it in the most intense form of indignation. Godly men should detest false doctrine even as they abhor a lie.” ​​ Treasury of David

Ps 119:164​​ Seven​​ times a day I praise Thee, Because of Thy righteous ordinances.​​ 

The verse​​ above describes​​ action taken by our Psalmist and the affect God’s Word has on his life. ​​ David often and regularly offers praise to God because​​ He is righteous. ​​ Adam Clarke’s Commentary says that seven was a number expressing perfection and completion in the Hebrew culture. ​​ It was “often used to signify many, or an indefinite number”. ​​​​ The idea is we can never praise God enough! ​​ Every day and often during each day, our sights should be on God’s goodness – who He is, what He has done and what He will do.​​ The word praise in Psalm 119:164 means to boast, to celebrate,​​ or​​ to give glory to God.

Ps 119:47-48​​ And I shall delight in Thy commandments, which I love.​​ And I shall lift up my hands to Thy commandments, which I love; and I will meditate on Thy statutes.

Ps 34:1-2 ([A Psalm] of David when he feigned madness before Abimelech, who drove him) (away and he departed.) I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.​​ My soul shall make its boast in the LORD;​​ the​​ humble shall hear it​​ and​​ rejoice.

Consider the people or things​​ we​​ love. ​​​​ How often do we take notice of them?​​ Those we are especially affectionate toward permeate our thoughts. ​​ Do we frequent praise upon God as we should? ​​​​ This isn’t a ‘check-the-box’ seven times a day​​ exercise. ​​ It is a lifestyle of praise. ​​ 

Do we boast about God? ​​ Are we excited to speak of His promises? ​​ Do we share what He is doing in our life? ​​ 

A celebration is something filled with joy. ​​ Do we celebrate who we are in Christ? ​​ Do we celebrate the gift we have been given and the future promised?

How are we bringing glory to God this very moment? ​​ How can we give glory to God throughout our day?

Look again at​​ Psalm 119:164. Our Psalmist writes that he praises God “because of Thy righteous ordinances. God is naturally right, morally right and legally right in His very manner and in all His deeds. ​​ Even when circumstances are difficult or unclear, we should persevere in our gratitude and praise of God. ​​ Then, in the midst of hardship, we will find joy – just as David’s example reads. God often uses affliction to strengthen our trust in Him.

Moving on to the next verse in Psalm 119, we see that it is a privilege and honor to rest in the hands of a living God! ​​​​ In addition to the blessing of peace through all of life’s challenges, we are assured that nothing will​​ become a stumbling block to us, neither will we become a stumbling block to others.

Ps​​ 119:165 Those who love Thy law have great peace, And nothing causes them to stumble.

Consider this: ​​ when we lose your patience, get discouraged, or seem frazzled, it is always because we have allowed circumstances or individuals to become a larger focus than God’s truth. ​​ When our focus is re-centered where it belongs, our actions are appropriate and pleasing to God. ​​ We easily forget who is in control as we try on our own to make things happen or convince someone of the truth. ​​ 

Picture this: ​​ As our love for God’s word grows, we have peace available to us even as we walk down a path full of potholes. ​​ It is as if the dips in the road​​ have been​​ highlighted for us so that we don’t step in them and stumble. ​​ Fear is replaced by courage and sorrow turns into hope. ​​ When we do misstep and turn an ankle – as inevitably we will – God is always right there to carry us as we continue.

When a child is learning to ride a two-wheel bike, or roller-skates are put on for the first time, what scene do you picture? ​​ Typically, a parent or caring adult is by their side, giving them support and encouragement. ​​ A helmet and knee guards may afford extra protection. ​​ Take away this support, encouragement and protection and we are left exposed and in danger as fear paralyzes us. ​​ God’s word says nothing will cause those who love His law to stumble. ​​ Nothing! ​​ 

There will be no stumbling block for us and our actions will not become a stumbling block for others. ​​ But, we​​ do​​ fail. ​​ We do stumble. ​​ Is it because the truths in the Word are insufficient or intermittent?​​ ​​ No, we are. ​​ The solution is to love God’s Word; to look to Him for strength, to look to Him for comfort,​​ and​​ to trust in​​ His plan and protection. ​​ 

The Word says there is peace in pursuing righteousness. ​​ 

Isa 32:17 And the work of righteousness will be peace,​​ and​​ the service of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever.

Joh 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Php 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Stumbling blocks​​ can appear in different forms. ​​ Perhaps there are​​ outside​​ temptations that draw​​ our focus from God. ​​ When others​​ disapprove of​​ our beliefs we may feel attacked. We may be convicted of sin on the inside and choose to walk away from the truth. ​​ God’s love takes into consideration every stumbling block in our path and He will clear our course to honor Himself.

We cannot be perfect! ​​ Notice Psalm 119:165 does not address those who perfectly keep the law. ​​ Rather, it addresses those who love the law. ​​ We are to neither give offense to others​​ nor take offense from others. ​​ We are to take​​ care to not offend God’s law. ​​ We are to take delight in the peace afforded by God’s love.​​ 

Ps 119:163-165 I​​ hate​​ and despise​​ falsehood, [But] I love Thy law.​​ Seven times a day I praise Thee, Because of Thy righteous ordinances. Those who love Thy law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble.

How will you apply this section of scripture to your personal life?



It’s No Joke

I remember specifically when I first heard someone speak of man’s sin. I knew I blew it sometimes. But I rarely set out to be ‘bad’. Being controlled by sin was a concept I didn’t embrace.

The true​​ origins​​ of​​ April​​ Fools’​​ Day​​ are uncertain, but one theory is that it began in 1582, when France adopted the Gregorian calendar. Before then, New Year’s​​ Day​​ fell on March 25, not January 1. And those who continued to celebrate the old New Year (at the beginning of​​ April) were called “fools” by their early adopting peers. ​​ Bing.com

Tomorrow,​​ April​​ 1st, happens​​ to be Easter, the day Christians celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead.​​ In order to understand the significance of the resurrection, we need to​​ believe​​ that​​ God sent His son, Jesus​​ Christ,​​ to be born into the world.​​ We find an account of His genealogy in the book of Matthew.​​ ​​ 

Mt 1:16 and to Jacob was born Joseph the husband of Mary, by whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Jesus, God’s Son,​​ was the​​ perfect embodiment of righteousness.​​ ​​ Jesus​​ was born so He could die for our sins and thus save us from paying the penalty​​ of death that​​ we owe. ​​ 

2Co 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin [to be] sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

We all sin. ​​​​ Our thoughts, our actions, our words, the things we don’t do that we should and the things we do that we shouldn’t. ​​ We have effectively seared our consciousness to what sin is, and we​​ heartily​​ approve behavior that is against God. ​​ Here,​​ at this point, is where​​ you may decide to stop reading. ​​ I understand. ​​ But​​ please,​​ please,​​ hang in there with me. ​​ I remember specifically​​ when I first heard​​ someone speak​​ of man’s​​ sin.​​ ​​ I knew I blew it sometimes. ​​ But I rarely set out to be ‘bad’. ​​ Being controlled by sin​​ was a concept I didn’t embrace.​​ At least not on the level it was being addressed. ​​​​ 

1Jo 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

I had learned​​ Jesus was God’s Son and even that He died and suffered for sin. ​​ It’s good to believe in God. ​​ There’s a safety net in​​ agreeing with something that is good.​​ After all, America is largely still considered a Christian nation. ​​ ​​ I​​ personally​​ tried to do what was right and​​ I thought I​​ was actually pretty good in comparison to those around me. ​​ I had never killed anyone, I didn’t purposefully break the law or cheat or steal, I didn’t often use bad language, I was aware of morality and​​ respected others to an extent, being polite and acting in a way that would generally be considered upstanding.​​ I tried to follow through with my word, I worked hard,​​ and I was faithful to my marriage vows.​​ ​​ 

Then, sin’s full force hit me square across the face! ​​ It hurt, bad. ​​ It affected those I loved the most, my children. ​​ I was powerless to stop the consequences. ​​ This is when I first heard that people, in general,​​ suffered from being under sin’s control and​​ that​​ we​​ all​​ need​​ a Savior.​​ I heard someone say that men were wretched.​​ ​​ I immediately thought​​ it was pathetic that​​ those who were sitting around me agreed​​ with this statement. ​​ They​​ certainly​​ didn’t think very highly of themselves. ​​ How​​ sad it must be​​ to consider yourself to be so lowly. ​​ I was definitely not of the same mind! ​​ 

Boy, did God grab ahold of my heart. ​​ He took away the​​ things I had placed my​​ faith​​ in. ​​ The people I​​ trusted, the​​ possessions​​ that made me feel secure, even my own ability to​​ work hard and make things right again. God​​ did immediate spiritual surgery on me and transplanted​​ the​​ understanding I had​​ of who He was,​​ to​​ the Truth of who He said He was. ​​​​ Incredible! ​​ God showed me​​ that on my own, without the power of​​ Christ in my life,​​ I am nothing. ​​ I​​ am​​ wretched, prone to sin and even desiring sin, justifying it as ‘not that bad’. ​​​​ What I failed to understand previously is the extent of my sin.​​ Perhaps​​ the most important​​ benefit of​​ acknowledging sin for what it truly is, was the beginning of​​ being freed​​ from its grip. ​​ Sin is anything and everything that goes against what God says in His word. ​​ His commands. ​​ His testimony​​ to us. ​​ 

Consider. ​​​​ Be careful of getting​​ confused with what men say you are to do. ​​ You can find opinions for everything you have questions about. ​​ What is right and what is wrong. ​​ Problem is,​​ opinions​​ are just that –​​ opinions:​​ personal beliefs or judgments that are not based on proof or certainty. ​​ Right and wrong in the world is largely based on popular and changing concepts or strong persuasion. ​​ Several different organized religions have​​ their​​ list of​​ rules​​ to follow and tout they have the answers. ​​ Some traditions, set up by men,​​ have become​​ viewed​​ as necessary for acceptance into God’s​​ eternal kingdom, yet you won’t​​ find record of them in His word, the Bible. ​​​​ Man’s answers to ‘finding’ God or being ‘enlightened’ are based on man’s understanding,​​ which is flawed. ​​ And unfortunately, so often, personal gain is associated with following a certain organization​​ or group. ​​ Typically, someone benefits either through status, finances, or​​ increased​​ influence​​ upon others. ​​ Look carefully at who or what you choose to follow or not follow.

Isa 29:13 Then the Lord said, "Because this people draw near with their words And honor Me with their lip service,​​ but​​ they remove their hearts far from Me, And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned [by rote,]

Col 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

What God wants​​ is not a list of ‘what I have done’ or ‘what I haven’t done’. ​​ He wants my heart. ​​ My obedience. ​​ Doesn’t matter what I’ve done before, what I believed, how I’ve messed up or how I haven’t messed up at all.​​ God doesn’t care about my title, my education, my color, my language, where I live,​​ how I dress, or​​ what I have. ​​ Yet, it is so ‘normal’ for us to think this way. ​​​​ We might think we’re not good enough for God to even consider. ​​ That’s true, we aren’t! ​​​​ We may even think we don’t need God because we’re doing fine on our own. ​​ Eventually,​​ death will knock on the door.​​ Then what? ​​ Eternity is a long time to regret a decision.

Men are imperfect. ​​ Most everyone would agree with that.​​ Even the most educated, most inspiring, most righteous-looking person has flaws. ​​​​ God alone is perfect. ​​ He is the only One worthy of our devotion. ​​​​ It is His word that is true and right and profitable and shows us the way to live according to His standards.​​ Do you know of anyone else who claims to have given their only perfect Son to die and suffer for an undeserving mankind? ​​​​ When​​ was the last time​​ someone died a horrendous death for you knowing you​​ hated them and​​ would kick them to the curb​​ regardless of their sacrifice? ​​​​ The truth is,​​ Christ died for you. ​​​​ 

Isa 53:5 But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed​​ for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being [fell] upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed.

Whether​​ you choose to believe it or not, the​​ facts remain the same. ​​ Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, died for the sin of man​​ so​​ that we might be saved from the penalty of death. ​​​​ We’re talking spiritual death. ​​ Complete separation from anything good. ​​ Full wrath unleashed. ​​ HELL.

God’s standard is perfection. ​​ It has to be because His character​​ is perfect. He is unable to be in the presence of sin. In order to have a relationship with Him, we need to be perfect. ​​ Not close to the mark, not just in our intentions,​​ not in comparison to another, but in everything, an exact bull’s eye. ​​​​  ​​​​ Mt 5:48 "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Obviously, we fall short. ​​ Missing the mark is called sin. ​​​​ As stated earlier, sin’s consequence is death.​​ Spiritual separation from our Creator, God, for eternity. ​​ Alienation from God.

Eph 4:18 being darkened in their understanding,​​ excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart;

Consider. ​​​​ Anything in this world that is good is from God. ​​​​ The origin of all that is harmonious​​ or gives you true joy​​ is because of God’s blessing to this world. ​​ Spring is just beginning and the trees are starting to bloom, bulbs are poking up out of the earth, birds are dashing about looking for an area to build their nest. We could go on and on about all the newness of this season. ​​ Without God’s Son, the hope of new life would not be present. ​​ Death would reign forever, its effects would permeate all things,​​ and​​ there would be no hope, only despair.

Ps 104:24 O LORD, how many are Thy works! In wisdom Thou hast made them all; the earth is full of Thy possessions.

​​ Mt 19:17 And He said to him, "Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments."

​​ Ps 33:5 He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the lovingkindness of the​​ LORD.

Ps​​ 145:9 The LORD is good to all, and His​​ mercies are over all His works.

Even those who have not accepted the true story of God’s love, Jesus’ birth and life and death, and His resurrection from the dead, experience blessings. ​​ But, those blessings are temporary rather than eternal. ​​ Fun things happen, good things​​ are all around us, pleasant memories invade our photo albums,​​ and​​ smiles abound. ​​ But we all have a deficit. ​​ A hole in our​​ heart that only God can fill.

Sin is still present on this earth because man is imperfect with desires of selfishness. We are weak and unable to be victorious over sin by ourselves. ​​ But with the power of Christ in our lives, sin is conquered. ​​ Jesus’ death and resurrection gives us victory over sin. ​​ In fact,​​ a​​ believer is unable to live a life controlled by sin.​​ The struggle to obey is real, but those who are truly God’s children can triumph over sin’s grasp through His strength.

Ro 6:2b​​ How shall we who died to sin still live in it?​​ 

1Pe 2:24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.​​ 

When we trust in Jesus, believing that His death and resurrection conquered sin’s​​ power​​ and penalty, then we can live a​​ life victorious over sin. ​​ And we are given​​ the certain hope of​​ being in the​​ presence of God​​ forever. ​​ This is cause for celebration! ​​ Peace permeates​​ our lives even though struggles.​​ 

Ro 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace

1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

2Co 4:16-18​​ Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.​​ 17​​ For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,​​ 18​​ while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Christ’s death was necessary for the payment of man’s sin just as His resurrection was necessary to conquer the power of sin. ​​ 

Ac 2:24 "And God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.

Without the resurrection, there would be no reason to celebrate. The sorrow and suffering that Jesus endured for mankind has been turned to joy and hope for all who believe. ​​ Remembering His pain,​​ produces gratitude in the heart of a believer. ​​ This gratitude​​ inspires​​ us​​ to live a life pleasing to God. ​​ We all trust in something. ​​ Perhaps you trust in your wallet, in your best friend, in your occupation, in your physical strength, in your intelligence, in your residence,​​ or​​ even​​ in yourself, that with enough elbow grease you can conquer the world. ​​ Something or someone becomes the foundation of our security. ​​ But, there​​ truly​​ is only One who is certain, who is constant and reliable. ​​ Jesus Christ’s​​ resurrection is proof that He will fulfill all He has promised, in His perfect time. ​​ God said He would raise His Son from the dead and He did! ​​ There is only One who was and is able to conquer the power of sin in your life. ​​ It only takes​​ one small lapse​​ in judgment to have​​ cause enough to need a Savior. ​​ Consider where you​​ have​​ placed​​ your trust,​​ then consider​​ its eternal value. ​​​​ Only a relationship with God, who is eternal, has value beyond death. ​​ Everything else stays. ​​ You can’t bring a suitcase to heaven.

1Co 15:13-14​​ But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised;​​ 14​​ and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain.

Lu 24:45-46 Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and He said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and rise again from the dead the third day;

Jesus Christ’s resurrection is recognized on April 1st​​ this year which is commonly referred to as​​ April Fools​​ Day. ​​ But​​ the facts of Christ’s resurrection are certainly not a joke.​​ You​​ have been given a chance at new life if you accept God’s gift to you. ​​ Fools​​ will turn away from this gift. ​​ Don’t​​ let yourself be​​ fooled. ​​ Reach up to God and ask Him to show you His truths. ​​ You’ll be amazed at what He has done and what He will do in your heart! ​​​​ 

1Co 15:19 If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied.

Joh 17:3 "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.

Have a glorious Easter celebrating the reason we live – Jesus, Lord Over All, reigns forever!

Consider Jesus

Consider. ​​​​ It’s so much more than a baby being born. ​​ It’s about​​ love. ​​ God’s​​ love. ​​ From Heaven. ​​​​ God’s gift. ​​​​ For you.  ​​​​ God’s​​ answer ​​ ​​​​ to our sin. ​​ ​​​​ Jesus. ​​​​ Born in a place for animals. ​​ Laid in a manger. ​​ Humility. ​​​​ Meekness. ​​​​ The King. ​​​​ No royal palace. ​​ No guards. ​​ Accessible​​ to all. ​​ 

God’s perfect plan. ​​ Celebrate His birth!


Fort Jefferson or Jesus?

A fortress is not only a place of safety but a place of strength.

Ps 91:2 I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!"

My refuge - <machaceh>​​ a shelter​​ (literally or figuratively); hope, place of refuge, shelter,​​ trust.

A refuge is a safe place. ​​ Something or someone we turn to for assistance and security; a shelter from danger or hardship​​ (WordWeb). ​​ Think sanctuary or asylum. ​​ Places of protection and safety.

My fortress - <matsuwd> a net, or (abstractly) capture; also a fastness; castle,​​ defense, fortress,​​ stronghold, strong place.

A fortress is not only a place of safety but a place of strength. A stronghold keeps the enemy out. ​​ Fortresses were commonly built as defensive structures with weapons aimed and prepared to defend. ​​ Several years ago, I visited the ruins of Fort Jefferson. ​​ The picture below was taken while it was in active use.​​ 

Fort Jefferson is no longer in use as a military facility and is currently part of the Dry Tortugas National Park.

One of America’s​​ largest masonry-built buildings was designed in the mid-1800s to ward off pirates from the Gulf of Mexico shipping lanes. ​​ Located on Garden Key way out in the Florida Keys, past Key West, Fort Jefferson is made of more than 16 million bricks. ​​ It was a massive upgrade from the lighthouse that originally stood on this spot. ​​ The fort was in active use through the Civil War, mainly to house prisoners, but its thick walls weren’t as impressive by the late 1800s and it was abandoned as a fort. ​​ The structure was never fully finished, but the six-sided fort covers 11 of the 16 acres of land on the key and remains a tourist destination. ​​ Wikipedia.

Billions of dollars are spent in building structures for protection. ​​ Think military fortifications that are currently in use, secretive buildings that require the latest technology in identification for access. ​​ Is anything man-made immune from attack from an enemy?​​ ​​ Consider 9-11 and the Pentagon. ​​ No matter how much money is spent or what technology is used, human kind is not impervious to attack. ​​ 

But, where does the greatest source of infringement come from? ​​ From within. ​​ The same minds that work hard to think of ways to protect are the same minds that follow sin to the road of destruction and chaos. ​​ Intelligence​​ can be used for good;​​ it can also be used for evil. ​​ For attack. ​​ There are numerous weapons used for physical attack in war. ​​ Missiles, bombs, guns, grenades and, yes, even airplanes have been used as weapons. ​​ While many of us have been spared the experience of bodily harm from enemies, most of us can relate in one way or another to internal onslaught. ​​ Spiritual attack is often launched towards others from within. ​​ The use of spoken words, written words or stirring up hostility within a group are methods of attack commonly used by people. ​​ When this happens, where do you go? ​​​​ Who guards your heart, your thoughts, and your actions in response to attack? ​​ 

Think again about a physical place of refuge. ​​ For all our efforts to provide physical protection, it​​ eventually becomes outdated or wears out. ​​ No man made structure is completely impervious to attack. ​​ Buildings deteriorate, technology becomes old. ​​ What was once the best we have, now lays in ruins. ​​ Look at the pictures below of Fort Jefferson in July​​ of 2009.​​ 

2009 R&S Key West 168
2009 R&S Key West 177

We do have an answer! ​​ It is not all futility. ​​ This is not a story of ho-hum humdrum, nowhere to go, wearisome thoughts. ​​ Rather, it is reminder of the exciting benefit we can have in Christ as our strength and security. ​​ The onslaught towards Truth is weak when met by God, our perfect and permanent refuge and strength.

Click for more study on Psalm 91:2…

Broken Hearts

Back then, she would have proudly told you she could do anything.   With enough hard work, she would have the life she dreamed.  Dependence on others showed weakness.

Broken Hearts – Broken Dreams – Broken Trust

Consider​​ the following​​ phrases. ​​ Work hard. ​​ Laborious effort​​ means​​ success​​ and​​ then doors​​ to​​ dreams will​​ open. ​​ Others​​ respond​​ well​​ to​​ success. ​​ Hard work will get you where you want to go. ​​ Learn to live​​ up to expectations. ​​ Hard work​​ helps​​ make the sacrifices of those who love you​​ seem worthwhile. ​​ Be strong. ​​ Don’t disappoint.

She was not a beauty, and​​ average in just about everything.​​ She didn’t​​ really having a single, outstanding talent,​​ but​​ was​​ willing to spend hours​​ in​​ becoming a stellar student. ​​ She maintained​​ a GPA worthy of receiving awards and recognition. In her senior year, an offer of​​ full tuition​​ to a well-known university​​ was awarded. ​​ So it seemed,​​ she could excel, with no need to rely upon anyone else​​ but her own relentless drive​​ and hard work.​​ 

Back then, she would have proudly told you​​ she could do anything.  ​​​​ With​​ enough​​ hard work,​​ she would have​​ the life she​​ dreamed. ​​ Dependence on others showed​​ weakness. ​​ She was convinced that she was solely responsible for the direction of her life. In fact, it was​​ critical​​ to take​​ pride in yourself​​ and your accomplishments in order​​ to achieve goals. ​​​​ Help was​​ seldom​​ needed.​​ Confidence in​​ one’s​​ self was unquestionably the key.​​  ​​​​ 

Confidence that proved​​ she could do it all. ​​ Until that one day.  ​​​​ Suddenly​​ unable​​ to direct her future.​​ ​​ No matter how hard she tried,​​ something she could not fix​​ presented itself. ​​​​ For the first time, hard work and​​ self-assurance,​​ and doing the “right” things,​​ didn’t produce the​​ expected​​ outcome.​​ ​​ This was unimaginable. ​​ A​​ total failure.​​ It was at that​​ lowest​​ point​​ she​​ was forced to accept she​​ lacked the power​​ to determine​​ the direction of her life. ​​ The independence​​ and confidence that had always empowered, suddenly​​ felt empty. ​​ Just about everyone​​ around her​​ bailed out.​​ No one liked failure. ​​ It didn’t matter who was to blame.​​ ​​ What happened?

Human reality. ​​ Sin.​​ ​​ Self.​​ ​​ Actions​​ born out of pride, always looking for something more, something better. ​​ People tiring of imagined promises​​ of happiness. ​​ Decisions​​ made to end​​ relationships​​ that​​ required​​ more effort than​​ seemed​​ reasonable. ​​​​ Responsibilities seeming​​ overwhelming. ​​ Then, after the bomb dropped,​​ before the dust was even settled, came​​ the​​ realization that​​ the source of​​ her​​ identity,​​ fulfillment and hope wasn’t​​ to be​​ found​​ in the person she​​ originally thought was the answer to​​ her future.​​ The “I do’s”, the “I will’s”, the vows,​​ all​​ cast aside. ​​ Sin.​​ Man’s sin.​​ ​​ It​​ happens. ​​ All the time. ​​ I am guilty. ​​ You are guilty. ​​ The affects are strong. ​​ Often​​ pointed​​ to those​​ ignorant and​​ unsuspecting. ​​ Often to those who have learned to rely on self​​ because they are so engrossed at making things seem right​​ that they don’t see what’s going on around them. ​​​​ Often to those who have fooled themselves into thinking they​​ controlled​​ the direction of their life.​​ ​​ Most often to those who look to​​ themselves​​ for happiness and​​ success. ​​ Always to those who hold themselves in greater esteem than their Savior.​​ 

Broken hearts,​​ broken​​ dreams, broken​​ confidences​​ stem from confused hearts,​​ self-serving dreams, and​​ misplaced​​ trust.​​ 

Jeremiah​​ understood his need of God. ​​ He desired God’s direction. Instead of being proud, he humbly acknowledged his weakness. ​​​​ Jer 10:23 I know, O LORD, that​​ a man's way is not in himself; nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.​​ 

The​​ Bible​​ supports the truth of God being in control of all things. ​​​​ Read these verses from Proverbs.

Pr 16:9 The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.​​ 

Pr 19:21​​ Many are the plans in a man's heart, But the counsel of the LORD, it will stand.

No one wants to be dependent upon another. ​​​​ It seems weak.​​ It feels​​ disqualifying and restricting. ​​ Yet​​ our relationship with God​​ is​​ built on dependence. ​​ Total dependence. ​​ We are unable to bring anything to the table​​ of our​​ own accord. ​​ We need​​ His grace and mercy in all things. ​​ Complete dependence. ​​​​ Absolute reliance​​ upon God.

Because God loves us, His​​ grace is often shown through the​​ consequences He allows​​ in our lives.​​ The horrific consequences of sin. ​​ Then, we fall​​ to our knees, prostrate​​ before​​ Him. ​​ Crying to Him for help as our life support. ​​ 

Ps 116:6 The LORD preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.

Is this a sign of weakness or wisdom? ​​​​ Both!  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 

Recognizing our weakness bears the mark of wisdom.​​ Understanding our dependence​​ on God frees us from depending​​ upon ourselves and others to make life meaningful.


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I can’t imagine the nightmares that are being relived over and over in those who were present. I can’t imagine the fear of being in danger with nowhere to escape. I won’t pretend to understand what causes a mind to shatter and become someone who annihilates innocent people. I don’t know how to begin to comfort those who have experienced something so horrific.


ABC News: “live from the scene of the harrowing mass shooting in Las Vegas”
NBC News: “after gunman’s deadly spree, a lingering question: Why?”
FOX News: “Las Vegas shooter described as unstable”

Feelings and thoughts that are unsettling, fear-provoking, sorrow-filled, empty, perplexing, and doubting and threaten to give-up all hope, fill the mind.
How do we respond? How should we respond?

It’s difficult to know. I can’t imagine the nightmares that are being relived over and over in those who were present. I can’t imagine the fear of being in danger with nowhere to escape. I won’t pretend to understand what causes a mind to shatter and become someone who annihilates innocent people. I don’t know how to begin to comfort those who have experienced something so horrific. I am unable to explain how God allows such tremendous evil and pain in the world without just doing away with all of us.

This is what I do know.  God has perfect knowledge and understanding.
Job 34:21 For His eyes are upon the ways of a man, and He sees all his steps.
Heb 4:13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
I know that God hates sin.
Pr 15:9 The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, But He loves him who pursues righteousness.
He is all-powerful.
Job 42:2 “I know that Thou canst do all things, and that no purpose of Thine can be thwarted.
It doesn’t make sense to my limited mind. But I am convinced He has a plan. I’m convinced that plan is good. He never promised us all warmth and fuzzys on earth.
Mt 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

We want to hear God is love; we aren’t so excited to hear God is just.
De 32:4 “The Rock! His work is perfect, for all His ways are just; a God of faithfulness and without injustice, righteous and upright is He.
In fact, He promised His wrath on sin.
Eph 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.

I won’t begin to even try and understand how this all works. Is my thinking weak, is it a cop-out, a choice to not deal with something hard? No. I simply am unable to fully appreciate the ways of God.
Job 26:14 “Behold, these are the fringes of His ways; and how faint a word we hear of Him! But His mighty thunder, who can understand?”
Do I need a reality check? No. Is God a fairy tale? No. Sin is real, very real. Evil is real, painfully real. God is true, He is the Truth.
Joh 14:6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.

Consider: The God of the Bible cannot be a fairy tale. No man would write a story that would contain the events in the Bible. It would never be a best-seller. People don’t flock to theaters to be reminded of how much they are in need. God’s word does contain a story, but it is not trivial. It’s real. However, it is not written by human understanding.

In the beginning, God. Creation of the world and all it contains. Providing all perfection. For man. Whom He loves. Then, man’s sin, challenging his Creator. What Father would not discipline His child whom He loves? The consequence, death. But whose? The offering of His Son, Jesus Christ, the perfect atonement.
Heb 2:9 But we do see Him who has been made for a little while lower than the angels, [namely,] Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone.
Jesus willingly accepted our punishment.

God’s love for us is so far-reaching it is without human comprehension. He doesn’t ask for us to understand, just believe. Trust. Have faith.
Ac 16:31 And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household.”
Isa 43:10 “You are My witnesses,” declares the LORD, “And My servant whom I have chosen, in order that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me.

So where are we left with the recent massacre in our country? How do we help? Share what you know to be true. If you knew for certain that a massive destruction would occur, and that it would take out the people you work with, the people in your neighborhood, those in your family, your friends, acquaintances and all others in your path, would you warn them? Of course. If you truly loved them and you truly believed in the source of your information, you would.  So, are you?

Ro 10:8-9 But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART” –that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, 9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus [as] Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved;

Even in the wake of a harrowing mass shooting, we can have peace. Let’s concentrate on what we know rather than what we can’t understand. There is hope in the promises of God. We set our hope on His future return. He will make all things right.
Ps 39:7 “And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in Thee.
1Co 15:19 If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied.
Ro 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.