Appointed Seasons

What happens, when it happens, where it happens and why it happens are all under God’s control for His purpose in fulfilling His plan.

Ecclesiastes​​ 3:1 There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—

…and a time to heal… (Ecclesiastes 3:3b)

It is the middle of September and the nights are staying cool even as the days remain warm. ​​ There is​​ expectation​​ of the​​ fall​​ season approaching​​ and​​ after the heat of summer, I am looking forward to wearing a sweater again. ​​ I totally​​ enjoy the changes in our weather in the high desert where we live. ​​ Each season has its pluses and minuses. ​​ For instance, with fall beckoning at the door, cooler days, leaves changing color, the approaching holiday season, and​​ the​​ warm spices that go along with pumpkin and maple are anticipated. ​​ I can almost smell the cinnamon and apples bubbling in a​​ latticed​​ pie! ​​  But, the change in temperature also brings piles of leaves that need attention, often strong winds, and a rise in colds and flu symptoms. ​​​​ And if you have empty fields around, the critters who are trying to find concealed nesting areas for the coming cold, have to be managed or you will find a family of rodents in the attic. ​​​​ 

The Bible says there is an appointed time for everything. ​​ What happens, when it happens, where it happens and why it happens are all under God’s​​ control for His purpose in fulfilling His plan. ​​​​ As I migrated to this section of scripture in Ecclesiastes, my eyes focused on a particular phrase in verse three. ​​ It reminded me there is an appointed time for all things including healing. ​​ In the context, this is healing for the nation of Israel. ​​ But, looking at the literal words, it is a time of physical healing or mending. ​​ As I​​ am ‘out of commission’ physically at this time, I am learning to appreciate once again what it means to be still. ​​ Stillness​​ is not idleness or laziness. ​​ It is remaining calm, cessation of action, trusting in God all the more in the season you find yourself. ​​ God has​​ intended​​ ‘seasons’​​ for each of us and allots to each of us the gift of time. ​​ What do we do with the season and time we are in? ​​ Do we fight against it or do we grow through it? ​​​​ Do we make use of what God gives us or give up because of our inability? ​​​​ Change, or seasons are inevitable and help​​ us to understand that our life on earth holds​​ no​​ permanence, it is constantly changing​​ – heaven is our​​ lasting, permanent​​ destination. ​​ 

We can hold our breath and wait for some seasons to pass yet we are then missing out on the blessings contained in calamity and adversity. ​​ Matthew Henry’s Commentary says that ‘the clearest sky will be clouded, and the most clouded sky will clear up’. ​​ My desire is to grasp each season as an opportunity to do every good work ordained to me for God. ​​ The season of healing may be spiritual or physical. ​​ God will​​ provide in either case. ​​ I love the truth in a familiar hymn –

“Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside. Great is Thy Faithfulness …”

​​  Lamentations​​ 3:21-23​​ says,​​ This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope.​​ The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. [They] are new every morning; Great is Thy faithfulness.

Time and seasons belong to God. ​​ In all things He is faithful. ​​ Let’s strive to be faithful in every season of our lives and in the time He gives.