
We are to choose to trust God, we are to find our delight in Him alone, and we are to commit to His perfect plan, having confidence that He is in control.

Ruth 3:16-18


Ruth 3:16​​ And when she came to her mother-in-law, she said, "How did it go, my daughter?"​​ ​​ And she told her all that the man had done for her.17​​ And she said, "These six [measures] of barley he gave to me, for he said, 'Do not go to your mother-in-law empty-handed.'“ ​​ 18​​ Then she said, "Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out; for the man will not rest until he has settled it today."

We have Ruth returning from the festivities at the end of harvest. ​​ She obediently followed Naomi’s instruction to attend the activities at the threshing floor where she secretly let Boaz know of her desire to have him fulfill his role as kinsman redeemer for her late husband’s name. ​​ Boaz reacted kindly toward her and sent her home with a gift of grain and a promise that he would indeed take care of the matter. ​​ Yet, only if the one who was next of kin was unable to​​ fulfill his obligation.

Naomi was likely anticipating the return of her daughter-in-law since she welcomed her with the question, ‘How did it go, my daughter’. ​​ This question may have been one of surprise. ​​ Remember, Ruth got up before the morning light as Boaz had told her, then he had sent her on her way before anyone had the opportunity to speak poorly of them. ​​ It was likely that Naomi had not expected Ruth to show up so early in the morning. ​​ Perhaps she wondered what had happened and maybe thought things did not go as well as she had hoped.

Considering this response, how often do we have expectations of something going a certain​​ way? ​​​​ When circumstances do not develop the way we think they should we are apt to think the worst or wonder what the problem may be. ​​ Sometimes, in fact often, we cannot see things clearly. ​​ God has a perfect plan. ​​ It is good for us to trust in His timing and His execution of the events of our lives.

Ruth then gave her account of Boaz’s response. ​​ She showed her mother-in-law the grain Boaz had sent with her. ​​ Naomi’s​​ reply​​ in verse 18 is​​ an​​ example for us to follow. ​​ She tells Ruth to sit still and wait until Boaz gives her an answer,​​ Ruth 3:18 Then she said, "Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out. ​​ Remember in​​ Ruth 3:12-13​​ what Boaz said to Ruth on the threshing floor,​​ “And now it is true I am a close​​  ​​​​ relative; however, there is a relative closer than i. ​​ Remain this night, and when morning comes, if he will redeem you, good; let him redeem you. ​​ But if he does not wish to redeem you, then I will redeem you, as the Lord lives. ​​ Lie down until morning”.

Boaz was going to make certain that neither of them acted too​​ quickly without paying attention to​​ facts. ​​ This may mean that decisions cannot be made right away. ​​ It may take time to sort things out to be certain all information is considered.

  • How​​ often might we think to ourselves that we need to do something to fix a situation or to figure out an answer NOW?

 Once we have taken care of our responsibility in a circumstance, we need to be okay with knowing it is not up to us to make everything right.​​ ​​ ​​ Instead, we are to have the attitude spelled out for us in the Psalms.

Psalm 37:3-5​​ Trust​​ in the LORD, and do good;​​ Dwell​​ in the land and cultivate faithfulness. ​​​​ Delight​​ yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. ​​​​ Commit​​ your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.

Trust​​ <batach>​​ to​​ hie​​ for​​ refuge, to be confident or sure, to put confidence, to (make to) hope.

 We are to​​ hie, or move fast,​​ to safety. ​​ A refuge is something or someone turned to for assistance or security. ​​ Our confidence is to be​​ in the Lord, Jehovah, the eternal God. ​​ We are to turn​​ quickly​​ to a heart that trusts that God is working.

  • Do you seek to act according to His will?

  • Do you believe God will not fail you?


 Sometimes, we can choose to change direction because we do not see results or we do not get answers fast.​​  ​​​​ We like to take matters into our own hands! ​​ Listen to this commentary, “To trust in the Lord, on his promises for support​​ … persevering in the path of duty, however … discouraging it may appear”​​ (Thomas Haweis).​​ ​​ 

We have a responsibility to place our trust in God even if circumstances are not what we think they ought to be. ​​ In fact, we are to be busy about doing the things God would have us do while we are trusting in His direction and care –​​ “do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness”.

Be at rest​​ right where God has you. ​​ Your security is in God, not in circumstances.


  • Are you able to find delight in the Lord?

Delight​​ <anag> to be soft or pliable. ​​ Think about this for a moment. ​​ Perhaps your answers will not be God’s answers. ​​ That is okay. ​​ Our own determination for what should be can derail us from seeing something with different possibilities. ​​ God is in charge!

  • Are​​ we open to a different direction than perhaps the one we​​ have entertained?

  • Do we allow ourselves to consider an alternative that we had not thought of?

  • Are we able to trust in God when His direction does not make sense in our mind?


Consider​​ anyone in authority. ​​ Their position means they make decisions for all those for which they are responsible. ​​ Parent/child, Teacher/student, Employer/employee, and Government/citizens, are all examples of these relationships. ​​ While these relationships are all subject to error because of human limits, we are still to move, even without understanding, in the direction we are told. ​​ 

God, who is perfect in all His ways, and understands all things, and desires to bless His children, tells us to trust in Him and be flexible to His plan.

When we seek our joy in the Lord, through His word and promises,​​ He will bestow upon us everything that is good. ​​ If our delight is in pleasing God, our desires will be for those things that glorify His name.


Psalm 43:4​​ Then I will go to the altar of God, To God my exceeding joy; and upon the lyre I shall praise Thee, O God, my God.


Psalm 104:34​​ Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; As for me, I shall be glad in the LORD.


“Think what he is, and what you are; and at once, both wonder and yield. ​​ And what else have you to delight in? ​​ What thing will you name that shall supply the place of GOD, or be to you in the stead of him? ​​ Moreover, who should delight in him but you -- his friends, his sons, those of his own house? ​​ Think what life and vigor it will infuse into you, and that "the joy of the Lord will be your strength,"​​ Treasury of David


The desires of God, and the desires of the righteous, agree in one; they are of one mind in their desires.​​ ​​ John Bunyan.


Commit​​ <galal> to roll (literally or figuratively); roll (away, down, together), run down, seek.​​ 


Roll thy way upon -- as one who lays upon the shoulder of one stronger than himself a burden which he is not able to bear.​​ ​​ William De Burgh, D.D., in "A Commentary on the Book of Psalms.​​ ​​ Dublin:" 1860.​​ 


Think about what happens when you commit to something. ​​ You devote yourself to someone or something. ​​ You put all your efforts confidence and trust into the​​ thing that​​ you have determined is important. ​​​​ Seek​​ God;​​ commit your way to follow Him. ​​ This is an active choice to​​ follow God in obedience​​ – even if you are unsure of the direction.

Psalm 22:8​​ "Commit [yourself] to the LORD; let Him deliver him; Let Him rescue him, because He delights in him."

Proverbs 16:3​​ Commit your works to the LORD, and your plans will be established.

Psalm 55:22​​ Cast your burden upon the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

Consider​​ how well you do following your own wisdom.​​ 

  • Where do you place your concerns?

  • Do you fully expect God to take care of your circumstances, to fulfill your desires, to accomplish what is needed to grow you into His likeness?


He will do it! ​​ God will certainly cause His will for you to be done. ​​ This is not​​ a maybe.

Luke 12:29​​ "And do not seek what you shall eat, and what you shall drink, and do not keep worrying.

Philippians 4:6​​ Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.​​ ​​ And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.​​ 


 “When thou hast any difficult business in hand, and art doubtful of the success; or when thou knowest not​​ what course to take, for the accomplishing of thy honest designs; leave all to the Lord, and trust to him in pious and upright courses, that he will direct and assist thee, and bring things to a good issue.” ​​ Patrick/Lowth/Whitby/Lowman Commentary


“Commit thy way unto the Lord. ​​ Roll the whole burden of life upon the Lord. ​​ Leave with Jehovah not thy present fretfulness merely, but all thy cares; in fact, submit the whole tenor of thy way to him. ​​ Cast away anxiety, resign thy will, submit thy judgment, leave all with the God of all. ​​ What a medicine is this for expelling envy! ​​ What a high attainment does this fourth precept indicate! ​​ How blessed must he be who lives every day in obedience to it!​​ ​​ Trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. ​​ Our destiny shall be joyfully accomplished if we confidently entrust all to our Lord. ​​ We may serenely sing --​​ 


"Thy way, not mine, O Lord, However dark it be; O lead me by thine own right hand, Choose out the path for me."​​ 


"Smooth let it be or rough, It will be still the best; Winding or straight, it matters not, It leads me to thy rest."​​ 


"I dare not choose my lot, I would not if I might; But choose Thou for me, O my God, So shall I walk aright."​​ 


"Take thou my cup, and it With joy or sorrow fill; As ever best to thee may seem, Choose thou my good and ill."​​ 


The ploughman sows and harrows, and then leaves the harvest to God.​​ ​​ What can he do else? ​​ He cannot cover the heavens with clouds, or command the rain, or bring forth the sun or create the dew. ​​ He does well to leave the whole matter with God; and so to all of us it is truest wisdom, having obediently trusted in God, to leave results in his hands, and expect a blessed issue.” ​​ Treasury of David

​​ We are to​​ choose to​​ trust​​ God, we are to find our​​ delight​​ in Him alone,​​ and we are to​​ commit​​ to His perfect plan, having​​ confidence that He is in control.​​ 

 After Naomi tells Ruth to wait, she gives more insight into the character of Boaz,​​ for the man will not rest until he has settled it today.

Determination. ​​ Follow-through. ​​​​ True to his word. ​​ Boaz can be counted on to take care of the matter as he said he would. ​​ He does not lay his responsibility aside for someone else to figure out. ​​ He is not idle, wasting time, hoping the matter will resolve itself. ​​ He does what is needed to follow through with his promise to Ruth. ​​ 

Boaz’s actions​​ remind us of his integrity and faithfulness. ​​ We see wisdom in waiting upon God’s answers and direction when we have done all that we could. ​​ We see wisdom in the necessity to be diligent to take care of the responsibility we have. ​​ Both of these things are necessary in our walk with God. ​​ 

  • What is your response?